Gone back to Logic - thanks for everything everyone:)

This forum is for anything not Reason related, if you just want to talk about other stuff. Please keep it friendly!
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22 Aug 2015

Really felt the past few months that I was part of a great community. Guess what, THIS place is what I will miss most about leaving Reason! And I just wanted to let you all know THANK YOU for accepting me after the PUF debacle and giving me a chance to show i can be a good guy.
I appreciate each and every one of you, and wish you never ending prosperity and good health, as well as much awesome music making with Reason!

The only thing i am NOT looking forward to now is going back to KVR to discuss new AU plugins.. believe me that place, if it had a tenth of the awesome moderation this place has, would be so much better - but it's just a continual slugfest and going off topic and many specifically looking for a fight - it's really unpleasant.

Thankfully gearslutz is a lot better in that regard but KVR is the birthplace of internet plug in discussion and I been there since 2001! Many years.

I also might pop in to say a quick hello from time to time if that's OK, but I am also very busy moving house (right in the middle of it, i am glad the time has finally come though).

I am going to ask a few devs who i have bought refills from and will no longer use, if they are transferrable - in many (well, most) cases i didn't even get to download them or even try them once. .they have just collected virtual dust.. and if they are i will post a FS topic with very very cheap prices just so I can get some $$ flowing to get some AU's. I might even give some away for free if they are not allowed to be resold (well not might, i WILL if thats the case).

Cheers everyone, thanks again,


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22 Aug 2015

We don't know each others but...
Since you're weight is 2% of the post of this board, I'm pretty sure you'll be a big loss.
Good luck with that other hell-of-a-board.

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22 Aug 2015

I also do not "know" you, but I know that you must have a great experience and knowledge regarding Reason and Music-Production in general, so this is a great loss for the community.
It may sound odd to you, but I think that still something can be done regarding your conflict with PH:

Did you ever think of involving the press?
I'm not aware of the IT-Press in Australia, but they should have something like the Heise publishing house http://www.heise.de/mediadaten/english.shtml. In one of their magazines called CT they have an article-series where they deal with the kind of customer-problems that you have.
Involving IT-Press would also give you the chance that a professional explores and analyses your problem from a technical perspective.
And I think PH will also behave different if they are contacted by the press and not by an enduser.
I'm not saying that you should use the press against them, I'm more solution-oriented and I think there is still a chance to get this bug fixed.
Both you and PH deserve another chance!
Theo.M wrote: And I just wanted to let you all know THANK YOU for accepting me after the PUF debacle and giving me a chance to show i can be a good guy.
Sorry for asking, but this is not the first time that I read something like this from you, so what have you done that you say things like that?

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22 Aug 2015

Hi, i had problems getting along with many others at the PUF.. it doesn't really matter, it is history, but I wanted to prove i could be here for a period of time without a single fight, and I did that. I am glad I showed the people here my true side.

As far as what happened with propellerheads and me, absolutely and utterly, whatever I have said to them and vice versa, is completely confidential and between us and us only. What i will ask kindly is that no one pries and tries to get info out of me and respect me when I say that. It would set this off topic and will get anyone nowhere as I simply will not divulge absolutely anything. I am happy to move on and i know Reason is an amazing, powerful tool that equally amazing music can be made with and I wish you all the success in doing so. I think it's a wonderful program and always will :)

For me, the AU and logic just fits.. It fits my style of buy and sell (compulsion in other words), it fits my style of being able to use plugins with simple serial numbers only, and mostly it fits my style as it has full PDC. There's just things with Reason i couldn't work around and ultimately it was time to go.

to tell you the REAL reason why i went back? it was nothing more than realising that even though I was making non stop music in reason I as always mixing it down in logic. Every project somehow ended up there in the end.

But i will say this - i am already undoing things i didn't mean in logic (plug in parameters and fader movements do not make an undo point LOL) and hitting tab to try see the back of AU's. Now that's funny as I am doing it a lot!

I guarantee this topic was not for attention of making a statement against anyone or for anyone for that matter.. it was simply a genuine goodbye to my friends here :)

Thanks for the kind words :) Cheers

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22 Aug 2015

Hey Theo, don't be a stranger.

You are a big and unique character you will definitely be missed. I used to be a big time Sonar advocate but I don't use it much these days yet I still pop in there from time to time as it used to be a great community and I made many true friends there who still stay in touch, so yeah, pop back every once in awhile.

Wherever you go you will always make a big impression and I'm glad our relationship became more cordial in these surroundings than they were on the PUF but at the end of the day we're all just people trying to get through our days and my life has been a little richer for knowing you than it would have been if you never appeared in my vista.

So...keep on truckin' Theo!!! Rock on!

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22 Aug 2015

Best of luck with Logic! Sorry to see you go!


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22 Aug 2015

:( Sad to see you go. Hope you'll stick around somewhat - there's always discussions and techniques that are DAW-neutral :)

I do wonder though - what about the Authorizer issue? I assume that's the main reason for leaving. Have you just decided to take the loss, or have you heard back or reached a settlement, or are you still intending to undertake something?

On a sidenote, when it comes to Refills (and Ableton Packs etc.) with samples and DAW-neutral stuff... These locked formats suck from the perspective of a multi-software user. Always buy the .zip if available people :)

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22 Aug 2015

As far as what happened with propellerheads and me, absolutely and utterly, whatever I have said to them and vice versa, is completely confidential and between us and us only. What i will ask kindly is that no one pries and tries to get info out of me and respect me when I say that. It would set this off topic and will get anyone nowhere as I simply will not divulge absolutely anything. I am happy to move on and i know Reason is an amazing, powerful tool that equally amazing music can be made with and I wish you all the success in doing so. I think it's a wonderful program and always will :)
Just to be fair, I did read this. But I'm not going to comply and ask anyway: what about the Authorizer issue? This makes it seem, since you mention confidentiality, that you have been "bought off" - for the second time (?!) - which might be the most prudent way forward for you, and in some mysterious way for Propellerheads, but as a user I'll say again... I would rather see the issues fixed instead of swept away! That's in my interest.

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22 Aug 2015

Exowildebeest wrote:
As far as what happened with propellerheads and me, absolutely and utterly, whatever I have said to them and vice versa, is completely confidential and between us and us only. What i will ask kindly is that no one pries and tries to get info out of me and respect me when I say that. It would set this off topic and will get anyone nowhere as I simply will not divulge absolutely anything. I am happy to move on and i know Reason is an amazing, powerful tool that equally amazing music can be made with and I wish you all the success in doing so. I think it's a wonderful program and always will :)
Just to be fair, I did read this. But I'm not going to comply and ask anyway: what about the Authorizer issue? This makes it seem, since you mention confidentiality, that you have been "bought off" - for the second time (?!) - which might be the most prudent way forward for you, and in some mysterious way for Propellerheads, but as a user I'll say again... I would rather see the issues fixed instead of swept away! That's in my interest.
^^ This about sums up my thoughts too. It doesn't take a genious to work out you came to some kind of deal with the props... you weren't about to walk away with nothing. For those of us still suffering with the Authorizer failures to update I can't see that this bodes well.

All the best Theo :) Hope to still see you around.

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22 Aug 2015

i can't stop speculation, but that's all it is.

I have decided to just let it go :) I came here to say goodbye, nothing more, but it must be an impossible thing to avoid stuff you don't want to talk about in a self topic.

That said, the reason i created the topic was two fold.. first to say bye but second, i just *know* that if i disappeared (since the authoriser thread is still getting bumped without me) that someone would have said "where's theo, they must have done so and so as he's disappeared"..and conversation with wild speculation would have ensued. I can't control what you guys will talk about or think. And whoever here has any issues with Reason, I sincerely hope that those all get sorted for you and you don't need to end up starting topics out of frustration like I did.

it's all good, I just want to use Logic (and cubase). I don't have energy for arguments and the like.. I can tell you all now, that i don't let on the last year to really how bad my health is, but I am very, very sick and I just need to focus on positive energy and make finished music in one program at a time. Both Cubase and Logic can do that for me totally in the box. When i have a mix with lots of instruments, i use Logic. When it's an audio project with lots of fx and latency, I use cubase with it's superior pdc. But point is, both can get me from a-z for a single project and not needing to open anything else at all. No stem transferring, no rewire - it's just a decision i made to improve my life and enjoy what little enjoyment i DO have, by making music as stress free as possible. I hope that makes sense;)

Today I drove in my car for ten minutes to pick a bathroom shelf for the shower in the new house. I ended up being hunched and barely able to even move all day (on my back now writing this with a bottle as i can't even get up for number 1 - and i'm pumped with pain killers to, it's just not working).

When you are almost 43, have lost 50% of your hearing, and have struggled with other health issues for a decade, you eventually just get to the point where you realise what's important.. and for me, that's just leading as stress free a life as I can. I am positive if there is indeed something props can do from their end to improve license update speed for those affected, that they will do it at some point.

I know you guys have supported me through this and I will always appreciate it. It's simply a decision i made for myself to go "cold turkey", kind of like when i quit smoking :) All good, peace and hugs to all.

There is no greater value in the world than life, health, and love. Nothing. They are beyond all monetary value.

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22 Aug 2015

Sorry for making presumptions Theo. Also sorry to hear your back problems have got worse. I think you've made a wise decision in taking a less stressful course given your health. All the best and happy music making.

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22 Aug 2015

Alright Theo.

I wish you good luck and good health and many years of fun making music.

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22 Aug 2015

Good Luck Theo. u will be missed for sure. :thumbs_up:
"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than than that" - George Carlin

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22 Aug 2015

Good luck to you!

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22 Aug 2015

THEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What if that evil hippie woman comes back? How will I survive?

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22 Aug 2015

godspeed, Theo !

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25 Aug 2015

Good luck with everything man, and *clink* here's to getting back to making music!

Have fun mate!

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28 Aug 2015

Well Theo, You'll always have a place here! I think you know that Homeslice! It's heartbreaking to hear that you've been in pain for quite some time. I empathize Sir. I had to have a Hip replacement at 33 this last winter. I couldn't walk for like what seems an eternity. Competitive sports will do that to ya. Anyway, You have a wealth of knowledge and a good heart. I enjoy learning new things everyday, and you've contributed to that - so cheers to you!

P.S. - Somehow, I feel the Reason bug will infect you again in the near future - "I got 5 on it"

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28 Aug 2015

Theo.M wrote: Cheers everyone, thanks again,

Keep on rock'n, Theo! I'll probably see you around at KVR and Gearslutz, though I don't spend as much time there as I used to.

Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 12 | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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Fretless Fingers
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29 Aug 2015

Sorry to see you go Theo.
As I've always said though, use what works best for you. I've always enjoyed logic to an extent and hope your workflow can keep you on the happier side of things.

Keep in mind a larger number of users dabble in other DAWs too, so don't be a stranger
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29 Aug 2015

Do drop by every now and then, Theo, you are a fine feller.

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29 Aug 2015

ok, health first…. take care of yourself
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29 Aug 2015

If you still have your REs Theo, maybe try an update soon? My last one (after the server downtime) went thro' first time (no failures) ... it was a slow as ever but I can live with that (budget for it) if it doesn't fail.

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29 Aug 2015

Bye Felicia!

Bang out some tunes my man! Safe travels through life!

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