Do you listen to your own music?

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21 Mar 2017

adfielding wrote:Basically - listening to your own music is like masturbation.
LOL ... this did make me chuckle! :)

This is a great thread and fascinating to read everybody's thoughts.

Personally, I do enjoy listening to my own music but will only do this when the mood takes me (maybe a few times in a year) as I generally prefer to listen to my favourite other artist(s) at the time. Like many others have said, immediately after production, I will have listened to a track so much that I'm 'saturated' and it will be a long time before I have an appetite to listen to it again. When I do, I generally enjoy it although I do typically 'hear' things I would improve if I were to reproduce the track again ... but I take that as a good sign of my own development as a producer.

I am comfortable listening to my music with others if they've asked to hear it and I totally accept their comments and understand it won't be to everybody's taste. I rarely, if ever, force it down people's throats ... even when drunk! ;)

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21 Mar 2017

I listen to my own music many days a week, old(c64, amiga, fasttracker2, etc.) to new (reason and some new c64 and amiga stuff)

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31 Mar 2017

After I finish something (which doesn't happen too often these days :puf_unhappy: ) and upload to soundcloud and/or bandcamp I tend to listen once or twice on the player just to see if I'm still happy with it, then I leave it alone for a while. I keep my finished song files in a "Finished" folder for both Reason and Sonar. Once they're in there I very rarely go near them again.

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10 Apr 2017

Each song for me is an experiment, with the goal of having something to trip out on when its finished.
So I usually listen/view my stuff a crap load of times immediately after it is finished, then tire of it and am ready to make a new experiment.
It might seem empty to not find much value in stuff you have made in the past but I'm more interested in living art than living in the past.

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11 Apr 2017

Yes. I love listening to my music.

Even my crappy old beats, because I can feel and hear where I was going with it and what elements excited me at the time.

I've spent so long trying to sound like a hotshot producer that it's only when I listen to my really old tracks, the track I didn't want to sound like because people often said they sounded like video game music, are the songs that I can vibe with the most because they are true expressions of myself.

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11 Apr 2017

i listen to my music for review before getting the self stamp of approval upon completion.

edit: wow i must have been drunk when i typed that out the first time...
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13 Apr 2017

I make music that I feel no one esle is making so yeah, I def listen to my own music. I listen to it more during the process of making it than after it's released. While I'm making music I can't really listen to anything close to what I'm making. So I'll listen to my music or stuff totally unrelated. Bands and stuff.
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16 Apr 2017

Yeah I listen to my own music. Why else would we be doing this? I'm sure we were all inspired the same way...we heard some junk on the radio, and said to ourselves "Shit, I could have made that!" Then....down the rabbit hole we go! Also, I posted 3 new vids to youtube this week. check them out if you have 2 minutes to spare.

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16 Apr 2017

plaamook wrote:I make music that I feel no one esle is making so yeah, I def listen to my own music. I listen to it more during the process of making it than after it's released. While I'm making music I can't really listen to anything close to what I'm making. So I'll listen to my music or stuff totally unrelated. Bands and stuff.
now i want to listen to some of your music. i love listening to "unusual" music. where can i find it?
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17 Apr 2017

adfielding wrote: Basically - listening to your own music is like masturbation. If you're going to do it, great, have fun, enjoy yourself. Just don't do it in public, yeah.
Public masturbation is better than private though.

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18 Apr 2017

satyr32 wrote:
plaamook wrote:I make music that I feel no one esle is making so yeah, I def listen to my own music. I listen to it more during the process of making it than after it's released. While I'm making music I can't really listen to anything close to what I'm making. So I'll listen to my music or stuff totally unrelated. Bands and stuff.
now i want to listen to some of your music. i love listening to "unusual" music. where can i find it?
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18 Apr 2017

plaamook wrote:
satyr32 wrote:
plaamook wrote:I make music that I feel no one esle is making so yeah, I def listen to my own music. I listen to it more during the process of making it than after it's released. While I'm making music I can't really listen to anything close to what I'm making. So I'll listen to my music or stuff totally unrelated. Bands and stuff.
now i want to listen to some of your music. i love listening to "unusual" music. where can i find it?
wow i love it. it feels like floating underwater, peacfully feeling the sun above and on the other hand feeling the dark deep ocean underneath. i hope this does not sound too stupid but that is what i feel. it has similiar mood like Tetsu Inoue - Health Loop. Ulver's dark ambient recordings from the 2000s come to my mind too.
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19 Apr 2017

satyr32 wrote:
plaamook wrote:wow i love it. it feels like floating underwater, peacfully feeling the sun above and on the other hand feeling the dark deep ocean underneath. i hope this does not sound too stupid but that is what i feel. it has similiar mood like Tetsu Inoue - Health Loop. Ulver's dark ambient recordings from the 2000s come to my mind too.

I worked my ass off on it. Actually went diving in Norwegian fjords twice to get recording and video for it. Sold well but no bookings so far. Lots of people have contacted me about it though.
Whatever, I'm personally very happy with it.
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19 Apr 2017

plaamook wrote:
satyr32 wrote:
plaamook wrote:wow i love it. it feels like floating underwater, peacfully feeling the sun above and on the other hand feeling the dark deep ocean underneath. i hope this does not sound too stupid but that is what i feel. it has similiar mood like Tetsu Inoue - Health Loop. Ulver's dark ambient recordings from the 2000s come to my mind too.

I worked my ass off on it. Actually went diving in Norwegian fjords twice (one 4 month trip and on two week trip) to get recording and video for it. Sold well but no bookings so far. Lots of people have contacted me about it though.
Whatever, I'm personally very happy with it.
Perpetual Reason 12 Beta Tester :reason:

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24 Apr 2017

After I've fully finished a tune I'll give it a listen, then wil share it with some friends and family if I think it's pretty good. Within the first week or so it will be prayed quite abit... then for around anywhere for weeks to months will pass, then I'll revisit some of those songs... a lot of times what i initially think as good is crap, and vice versa, but for the most part, my evaluation holds. Then I try to add tracks to my Soundcloud every 6 months or so (with individual tracks here and there that I feel must get immediate notice for one reason or another)... been really bad with this as I still need to upload stuff from 2014-2016.

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04 May 2017

honestly, that was pretty scary and beautiful at the same time! Props

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04 May 2017

Now and again I do.

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07 May 2017

Someone's got to!

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07 May 2017

All the time. I'm a very talented lad. I should be a millionaire lol!


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07 May 2017

That is a very interesting question, as are the differing answers given by the participants of this thread.

My answer is this: I listen to my music, and I'm always amazed. I am amazed, because many times I wonder: "I did this? When did I do it? And what the hell have I thought doing it?" The relationship I have with my music is very similar to the one I have to texts I have written; be it a poem, a blog entry etc.: Sometimes I have not the slightest idea, when or how I wrote something.

It is, as if it's the work of somebody else.

When I think about it, a good way to explain it would be, if you think about a sleepwalker. A sleepwalker may do complex things. But he or she is rarely able to remember what he or she has done.

I don't really know why it is like this. Maybe it is, because mostly I am creative in the middle of the night, when I am half asleep.

Like right now :D

But it made me smile, when I heard Maynard James Keenan of TOOL say: We do not create our music. We are just the medium, the tool. The music is coming to us from somewhere else, we just pass it on."

And when I listen to my music, I get the impression, that sometimes I was driven by demons, more rarely by angels, and mostly by a bunch of crazy monkeys on cocaine. :D

Inspiration is a strange thing.

P.S.: I just realized, my music can be divided into two categories:

One part is not created conciously, or maybe better: Imagine someone sitting in front of radio, receiving a message barely audible because of the white noise on that frequency. Trying to get a glimpse of what the message is all about.

The other part is me trying to tell a story, and while I write it, I try to be the listener. Try to think what would blow me away if I listened to that story.

Yes, there are stories I'd like to tell.

Something comes to my mind: "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."

This monologue from Blade Runner suits my train of thoughts perfectly.

Because the plot of Blade Runner is the story of artificial humans that got memories implanted to make them think, they are real humans.

Are we creators, or are we just the tools of an allcompassing spirit, that is the world, the universe and everything therein?

Ain't it funny, that the universe was born with a Big Bang?

Maybe all our music is an echo of that moment, when countless worlds were born.

Someone once said, that maybe the Big Bang was not a singular event. That the universe is like the sea flowing out and contracting, and every time it does it makes a Bang, like a big cosmic heart.

Maybe there is no end, and the cosmic drum is beating forever.

What a fascinating thought: Eternal music, meandering through the aeons.

Won't that be a great song?

“To be is to do”—Socrates.
“To do is to be”—Jean-Paul Sartre.
“Do be do be do”—Frank Sinatra.

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08 May 2017

Sometimes I do and often times I experience what TVTropes calls "Creator Backlash."

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08 May 2017

adfielding wrote:Basically - listening to your own music is like masturbation. If you're going to do it, great, have fun, enjoy yourself. Just don't do it in public, yeah.
What's the purpose of being an artist, if you don't like your creation? Would you say hanging the images you shot or pictures you've been drawing is masturbation?

I'd say it's totally fine. Love to mastur ... ahmm listen to my music.
:PUF_figure: latest :reason: V12 on MacOS Ventura


17 May 2017

Na i dont , other people say im a good singer and i like the sound that i hear when im singing but when its recorded i cringe when i listen, ive heard adele and cris martin are like this so im not alone ,lol , with music i like it and think its amqzing then i get bored with it and think its crap lol, havent uploaded anything for a few years coz im not happy with anything yet lol, i only have this old badly recorded shit up lol

Waiting till i get better now then ill i'll ipload something else
Last edited by Bunja on 17 May 2017, edited 1 time in total.


17 May 2017

plaamook wrote:
plaamook wrote:
satyr32 wrote:
plaamook wrote:wow i love it. it feels like floating underwater, peacfully feeling the sun above and on the other hand feeling the dark deep ocean underneath. i hope this does not sound too stupid but that is what i feel. it has similiar mood like Tetsu Inoue - Health Loop. Ulver's dark ambient recordings from the 2000s come to my mind too.

I worked my ass off on it. Actually went diving in Norwegian fjords twice (one 4 month trip and on two week trip) to get recording and video for it. Sold well but no bookings so far. Lots of people have contacted me about it though.
Whatever, I'm personally very happy with it.
Yeah its chill bro ,

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17 May 2017

Bunja wrote:Na i dont , other people say im a good singer and i like the sound that i hear when im singing but when its recorded i cringe when i listen, ive heard adele and cris martin are like this so im not alone ,lol , with music i like it and think its amqzing then i get bored with it and think its crap lol, havent uploaded anything for a few years coz im not happy with anything yet lol, i only have this old badly recorded shit up lol

Waiting till i get better now then ill i'll ipload something else
There is nothing wrong with those vocals and thus no need to wait another 4 years to add something to soundcloud.
The reason you dont like your own voice might simply be the same reason people are insecure about being naked- it feels too personal.
Maybe if you approached it from an acting role point of view like being a character in a movie
you look at your own work like an outsider and thus have the ability to finally appreciate it with out feeling uncomfortable. I know beyonce and minaj like playing with that whole gettin into character thing.

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