I want to burn every gym to the ground

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05 Jul 2017

Aosta wrote:
01 Jul 2017

Seriously, I never understood why people congregated at gyms full of egotistical stinking sweaty people when humans have been getting fit using nature for millions of years, don't make sense.
Maybe because there's money to be made in the fitness industry and there are a lot of uninformed people. Mainstream fitness articles tend push a gym based routine to stay fit.

You're right, of course. You don't need any man-made contraptions to stay fit. Everything can be done in nature. Problem is when you live in a polluted concrete and steel labyrinth with no easy and fast access to the nature you're talking about, it's just easier to hit a gym.

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05 Jul 2017

stratatonic wrote:
05 Jul 2017
Aosta wrote:
01 Jul 2017

Seriously, I never understood why people congregated at gyms full of egotistical stinking sweaty people when humans have been getting fit using nature for millions of years, don't make sense.
Maybe because there's money to be made in the fitness industry and there are a lot of uninformed people. Mainstream fitness articles tend push a gym based routine to stay fit.

You're right, of course. You don't need any man-made contraptions to stay fit. Everything can be done in nature. Problem is when you live in a polluted concrete and steel labyrinth with no easy and fast access to the nature you're talking about, it's just easier to hit a gym.
I'm just going to stay fat and see what happens.
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05 Jul 2017

stratatonic wrote:
05 Jul 2017
Aosta wrote:
01 Jul 2017

Seriously, I never understood why people congregated at gyms full of egotistical stinking sweaty people when humans have been getting fit using nature for millions of years, don't make sense.
Maybe because there's money to be made in the fitness industry and there are a lot of uninformed people. Mainstream fitness articles tend push a gym based routine to stay fit.

You're right, of course. You don't need any man-made contraptions to stay fit. Everything can be done in nature. Problem is when you live in a polluted concrete and steel labyrinth with no easy and fast access to the nature you're talking about, it's just easier to hit a gym.

First off, there are those of us who have been trying to get "fit" for a lifetime and haven't come close. Second, the gyms I go to are VERY diverse. For old to young, from fat to thin, from muscular to weak.

And what "fit" stuff can people do? I've gone for 4000 walks since I've lived here (conservatively) that are an hour or more and at least half is hills. I look the same. But I can't just sit on my ass all day, I need to move around. It's FUCKING HOT here right now (usually not under 100 for the next 3 months and hot at night) so I can't just go "out" at any time.

My complaints are about the gyms I've gone too. Too much noisy music, too much bad TV (which I'd rather it not be there) and too many hoggy batch. Also, to add, many times they are too fucking cold.

In the end, different people are, different. "Fit" people usually have a better DNA (especially in my case)

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06 Jul 2017

The OP's suggestion is a bit revolutionary. As in everything, I think 'balance' is best. I understand that not everyone is able to walk around at work, spurn the elevator, spend half their lunch break taking some unassisted exercise, etc., but I think many people don't do it even if they could, because :Effort:

I've never been to a gym, nor desired to do so. When I feel like it, I go for a walk. For me, that's balance, because I do spend time sitting down at home, and I don't want to do that 24/7.

Some people (I know) go to the gym as much for social as for purely health reasons. It's probably better than going to the pub, which was a popular post-work activity when I was a young man (and may still be so).

For those folks who are gifted with natural good health it's unlikely that they'll need to do more than top it up, and you don't need a gym for that. For the others, by all means perspire along with the rest of the punters, but don't close yourself off to alternatives like swimming, nature walking/running, etc.

The London Marathon takes place every year. I live in London, but have never watched nor taken part in it. For many years, I worked in one of London's premier forensic post-mortem facilities. And every year, during the week following the Marathon, we received the remains of some of the people who had taken part the previous weekend. Every year. They don't tell you about that, do they? Pushing your body (whether ageing or not) to unreasonable lengths in pursuit of some unquantifiable goal of 'fitness', is rather odd .

TL;DR Balance in everything, is best.

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06 Jul 2017

Aosta wrote:What's wrong with something like this?

Without the KGB following you of course.

Seriously, I never understood why people congregated at gyms full of egotistical stinking sweaty people when humans have been getting fit using nature for millions of years, don't make sense.
City folk don't have much access to nature, so I'm guessing that's where it started. But also remember the folks who drive to the gym in their SUVs, the same SUVs that never leave pavement…

BTW, if the OP WERE to burn every gym down, it would be quite a workout. Imagine the calories burned! ;)

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Selig Audio, LLC

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06 Jul 2017

My fitness level has always comprised of a delicate balance between normal activity and self-neglect.

However I'm against burning every gym down becasue my wife is a regular attendee at one, resulting in a few hours a day of total ME time! The bigger advantage though is that SHE is in great shape!

She'd certainly be in total agreement with Gak about the music they play and the level of it though.

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06 Jul 2017

selig wrote:
06 Jul 2017
Aosta wrote:What's wrong with something like this?

Without the KGB following you of course.

Seriously, I never understood why people congregated at gyms full of egotistical stinking sweaty people when humans have been getting fit using nature for millions of years, don't make sense.
City folk don't have much access to nature, so I'm guessing that's where it started. But also remember the folks who drive to the gym in their SUVs, the same SUVs that never leave pavement…

BTW, if the OP WERE to burn every gym down, it would be quite a workout. Imagine the calories burned! ;)

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Good way of thinking about it!

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07 Jul 2017

gak wrote:
05 Jul 2017
stratatonic wrote:
05 Jul 2017

Maybe because there's money to be made in the fitness industry and there are a lot of uninformed people. Mainstream fitness articles tend push a gym based routine to stay fit.

You're right, of course. You don't need any man-made contraptions to stay fit. Everything can be done in nature. Problem is when you live in a polluted concrete and steel labyrinth with no easy and fast access to the nature you're talking about, it's just easier to hit a gym.

First off, there are those of us who have been trying to get "fit" for a lifetime and haven't come close. Second, the gyms I go to are VERY diverse. For old to young, from fat to thin, from muscular to weak.

And what "fit" stuff can people do? I've gone for 4000 walks since I've lived here (conservatively) that are an hour or more and at least half is hills. I look the same. But I can't just sit on my ass all day, I need to move around.

First off, if you lay off the fruitcake, that would be a huge step :) ...grainy sugary pastries don't do any body any good...

Secondly, with all those hikes, you are likely heart fit. Maybe you equate no fat with fit? I have seen a few mailmen/women that are a bit large - even though they walk a fair bit per day. Maybe they are ravenous at the end of the shift and overeat.

Thirdly, the body can get used to a steady movement - even your hills over time. Try running up a few of them for 10-15 seconds at a time...break up a steady type of exercise with bursts of intense stuff. HIIT. A bit of strength training helps too. You don't have to press 500 lbs. Smaller weights are good. Feel the muscles work.
gak wrote:
05 Jul 2017
It's FUCKING HOT here right now (usually not under 100 for the next 3 months and hot at night) so I can't just go "out" at any time.
...yeah, I hear you. Why kill yourself in the heat? Went to a zoo a few years back during a scorcher. All of the animals were just lying down in any shade they could find. Seems like the thing to do on land... :) Find some water and swim.
gak wrote:
05 Jul 2017
In the end, different people are, different. "Fit" people usually have a better DNA (especially in my case)
Well, sure, some people are naturally lucky physically. And a lot of really fit people have always been active all their lives and ate well. And didn't overeat. Or ate a lot of processed foods. The simpler and more natural foods, the better. No cheating, now, and sneak a chocolate bar from the kitchen...

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07 Jul 2017

I like working out. I just hate walking into "fux news" across 8 screens. And then you know if you change any of them, some batch will tattle on you, I'll get upset (cuz I have no respect for batch at the gym) and much anger will ensue. I have no room for a treadmill in my house)

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10 Jul 2017

Do it at home. You just need a bar, a floor, and a chair. Only attention whores need gyms.

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10 Jul 2017

Still stuck on recovery the next day tried most stuff
Reason 12 ,gear4 music sdp3 stage piano .nektar gxp 88,behringer umc1800 .line6 spider4 30
hear scince reason 2.5

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10 Jul 2017

Kov wrote:
10 Jul 2017
Do it at home. You just need a bar, a floor, and a chair. Only attention whores need gyms.
Yes I agree. Internal motivation would certainly deliver better results than being affected by superficial external factors. We can make this comparison with people stuck in prison vs gym bro culture.

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10 Jul 2017

Dawned on me the other day... in college, only athletes went to the gym.
I wasn't a college athlete, but I was used to strength training in a gym by then.

I only kept going after college because I was used to it.
Then, i came to my senses.
And lets not leave off the #1 reason for Gyms, Yoga classes -
People are LONELY.

As far as Gyms in the City... used to 'member' at NYSport's Club (86th/LEX spot)
- but then I got tired of the smell. Gross.
I would outside some days, and gym others - but then I never went back.

City moving is all the exercise one needs - unless you're eating pizza.
No errant smells along the East River (59th - 125th). Central Park to the Right.

Evervybody waah' slim down... Nobody waah' stop eating.

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11 Jul 2017

Kov wrote:
10 Jul 2017
Do it at home. You just need a bar, a floor, and a chair. Only attention whores need gyms.
Eh, it's way expensive than you think.

I have a room for it. But the shit at the gym is WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY OMG JC WAY better than I can afford.

Cripes, it's 10 bucks a month.

AGAIN, it's the stupid music volume (nobody gives a shit about) the lame-ass TV's (most people don't care about) and the batch that hog machines. I had to smack a batch today to get the fuck off a machine (batch, get the fuck off my machine, it's not your fucking hibernation chamber)

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11 Jul 2017

O1B wrote:
10 Jul 2017
Dawned on me the other day... in college, only athletes went to the gym.
I wasn't a college athlete, but I was used to strength training in a gym by then.

I only kept going after college because I was used to it.
Then, i came to my senses.
And lets not leave off the #1 reason for Gyms, Yoga classes -
People are LONELY.

As far as Gyms in the City... used to 'member' at NYSport's Club (86th/LEX spot)
- but then I got tired of the smell. Gross.
I would outside some days, and gym others - but then I never went back.

City moving is all the exercise one needs - unless you're eating pizza.
No errant smells along the East River (59th - 125th). Central Park to the Right.

Evervybody waah' slim down... Nobody waah' stop eating.
My gyms don't smell bad, they have batch that hog machines because they are too busy being the anti-christs wife. Then they watch fux news and leaves their p......y juice on the machines (which smells like old bay)

Damn, you're right. They stink.

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12 Jul 2017

Ah, another day at the gym, another fucking batch hogging one machine, ignoring me. The rules are to let someone work in with you, it's plastered all over the place.

This time I complained (first time ever) and of course, much nonsense ensued.

Anyways, once this fuckhead flunky goes home for the night, I'm canceling that membership and that's it. I'll give up all hope of getting in shape.

You can close this now mods if you'd like

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12 Jul 2017

Oh no! The Romulans have taken over Gak's training ship.
Scotty wrote: It's gym life, but not as we know it.

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13 Jul 2017

I'd rather have Romulans. They wouldn't put up with stupid fucking batch hogging the machine (especially ugly fat ones)

Plus, they wouldn't have fuckoffanddie news on the tvs. They'd have a much better brand of propaganda.

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13 Jul 2017

To do list for tomorrow:

Na, I'm serious peeps. Ima get him.......

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13 Jul 2017

Try this next time you feel a lady is spending too much time on a machine: walk up to her and calmly say, "ma'am, I don't know if you were aware of this, but the guy who was on this machine before you wet himself all over it and I don't think anyone actually cleaned it up."
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13 Jul 2017

There isn't going to be a next time :lol:

But, it's a good idea. The problem in this specific instance was that I tried very hard to get her attention, and she TOTALLY ignored me.

Anyways, I didn't lose a fucking pound in nearly a month at this place (and I went A LOT) so, it's a waste of time.

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14 Jul 2017

I got my 4th Kyu in Shotokan Karate today btw. Osu!
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