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Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 04 Jul 2022
by plaamook
I'm back in Curry mode. here in the sunny south of Spain.
Dear friend of mine is Sri Lankan so I got the proper transmission.
I spent a little over 3 years where I literally cooked almost nothing but curries.
Now my 13yr daughter has suddenly decided she wants curry and she wants em hot. So I'm back in the game.
So I started off with a chicken curry...moved on to pork steps and all. But I got her eating with her fingers. I never expected that to go down well but it did.

Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 04 Jul 2022
by plaamook
Thony wrote:
04 Jul 2022
I have a problem with the weight - I go to the gym, eat healthy food but my weight is the same. I think this is because the body is stressed with the lifestyle changing and tries to save fat. I eat twice a day (do not like breakfasts) and I do not know what else should I do to lose wight
It's not complicated. You just have to eat less than you burn on average.
I don't know what your diet or lifestyle is but there's only one fix no matter how fancy people try to dress it up.
Everyones a bit different I guess but the math is the same. You may like to eat a lot but have a slow metabolism or the other way around, but the math remains.

Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 04 Jul 2022
by bxbrkrz
plaamook wrote:
04 Jul 2022
bxbrkrz wrote:
04 Jul 2022
4 Nathan's and a 40 Oz Bud :puf_smile: :thumbs_up:
Chilli Dogs...
Grew up on the Jersey Shore.
Good idea for next year :thumbs_up:

Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 04 Jul 2022
by littlejam

my ex girlfriend is guyanese
she made all sorts of curries and rotis
and taught me how to eat with my hands
my family looks at me weird when i do that elsewhere

i wish i had paid more attention to her recipes and helped in the kitchen more to prep
(i mostly did the dishes)
(i wasn't much into cooking back then)

i call her often for how to cook oxtail / cook up / pepperpot / hot sauce / curry
i still can't 'clap' rotis of the tawa; they're too hot for my hands

cheers and happy 4th

how many sonoran hot dogs can you eat?


Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 17 Jul 2022
by littlejam

here is a crazysick beat for making donuts

donut recipes / types vary from country to country

you could probably call 'bake and salt fish' from the Caribbean a donut

i'm not really into sweet foods anymore
'savory' donuts are more my jam

the guys greek cookingchannel videos are mostly kinda short with just coolmusic

it's a fun playlist to go through
everything is recipes

cheers and eat well,


Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 18 Jul 2022
by demt
trouble is nothing shitty died to feed you all

Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 05 Aug 2022
by littlejam

making a 2nd round of home made soft pretzels
found this 'you suck at cooking' youtube video about chip dips

again, this guy's ability to deliver a solid kitchen recipe
with great video production value
story telling
and a fantastic sense of humor

towards the end of the video he makes so many puns
and then at the very end he does a 'chip dip' song
that is very savvy / creative
and the guy can write lyrics / he also plays the guitar
and does all his own music

gonna load the cooking video into reason10
and then just loop / edit the song at the end so i can listen to the song

cheers and dip well,


Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 07 Aug 2022
by griken
plaamook wrote:
31 Mar 2020
I'm eating like a king. I'm locked on a farm in mountains outside of Granada where my ex and daughter live. I ran out here last flight before lock down cause I was worried about em.
So yeah, picking fruit and veg out of the garden (oranges, avocados, celery, chard, broad beans, onions, wild salad stuff, etc, ettc all organic) and cooking like a storm. Pasta n beans, Pasta and anything else, paella, chicken and rice, potaje de whatever's around, monster salads, roast ribs of beef.
My daughter (11) has started baking and she's got a real flare for it so we've got all sorts of cakes too.
Need more booze. ometv jitter test
And I haven't had a scallop (or gone diving at all!) since Sept... But I can't really complain.
Just a toilet paper shortage and a zombie apocalypse. There is almost nothing to be afraid of.

Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 07 Aug 2022
by plaamook
griken wrote:
07 Aug 2022
Just a toilet paper shortage and a zombie apocalypse. There is almost nothing to be afraid of.
Well, you're quoting a 2 yr old reply. We've got all sorts of new and interesting problems now!

Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 08 Aug 2022
by littlejam

here are 2 'ysac' videos

one is popcorn and spoken word poetry
one is a breakfast egg burrito with a crime drama (hilarious)

cheers and eat well,


edit: had to add this candied walnut recipe
because it is the guy's best storytelling video about pimblocto
and the sound design is amazing
it's like a mini movie

i do like the idea of placing the burrito in a can to prevent the drippage / spillage

Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 08 Aug 2022
by Rising Night Wave
stones and bones :lol:

Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 14 Aug 2022
by littlejam

better than stones and bones is feast of the seven fishes

mark wiens in the north of spain: galacia

towards the end is 'gourmet canned seafood'

and matty matheson just made a goodgood chicken parm sandwich

cheers and eat well

i hope you have a goodgood dentist for those stones and bones
curious what rocks you're eating
bone broth is very healthy


Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 14 Aug 2022
by bxbrkrz

Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 28 Aug 2022
by littlejam

mark wiens in valencia, spain
doing the whole paella thing

it is so neat how he combines food with culture
and really gets to know the people he is hanging out with

i don't like watching 'simply dumpling' with mikey chen much anymore
all he does now is go to resorts and stuff
and everything is so delicious (according to him)
he has lost his authenticity to me

'best ever food review' is also a great youtubechannel
but some of the stuff they cook now is too much for my stomach
i can eat bugs and snails and crickets
no big deal
but the show really seems to be pushing the limits on what they can show on youtube
some of the stuff is pretty graphic

trying to save money
i eat a lot of canned seafood

eel, octopus, salmon, tuna, conch, oysters, clams

i get frozen fish
i get frozen calamari

i have japanese 'black forbidden rice'
also arborio rice (more like a risotto)

'spain on a fork' is another great youtubechannel for spanish dishes
lots of cod and potatoes and tomatoes

cheers and eat well,


Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 04 Sep 2022
by littlejam

here is a website showcasing eel unagi recipes

here is a video showcasing the electric eel !@#$%%$##@!! up some shit
(this is a different video than i had intended (the video is interesting (the voice not so pleasant compared to the first video)))

cheers and eat well,


Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 12 Sep 2022
by littlejam

here is matty matheson doing a pork roast
the recipe is sweet and savory

the video is a crazyass short story hour

the video does contain a lot of cursing
and a fly
and trimming hair bangs over the piece of meat he's cooking

the video comments are also very funny

there is still a lot of 'culinary skills' advice

the middle part is completely hysterical
please don't be drinking anything at the time of watching

classic matty matheson video

cheers and eat well


Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 29 Sep 2022
by littlejam

i am par boiling little potatoes now
to turn them into greek lemon smashed potatoes

when i took the lid off the stainless steel pot
it resonated, the sound
like a hang drum or a bone flute

would be great to get an impulse response thing sample

it sounded like when i was a kid in 2nd grade and the teacher would hit the triangle

and then teaching high school the meditation teacher would rub on the bowl

the whole 'om' thing
like the 'tao of pooh' or the 'te of piglet'

the frequencies

cheers and eat well,


Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 29 Sep 2022
by MrFigg
I would like to work in the factory where they stand all day and fold tortellini. I have experience of changing nappies.

Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 03 Oct 2022
by littlejam

my parents are in budapest, vienna, and prague

here is mark wiens in senegal africa
with chicken and rice and onions and a camel ride

the cool thing is the drumming towards the end of the video
i had a djembe drum from senegal
i bought it in barcelona, spain
and carried it all over greece
and back to new york

cheers and eat well,


Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 15 Oct 2022
by littlejam

found this footage of jimi hendrix on the youtube
playing an acoustic guitar

curious as to what a jimi hendrix curated menu would be like

any ideas?

cheers and eat well,


Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 15 Oct 2022
by Termigator
got really good at making authentic mexican food tortillas tacos and chillis very tasty

Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 16 Oct 2022
by dhruan
I stopped watching Mark Wiens's content a while back, he is just a bit too much in the wrong way, like, unlike Phil Rosenthal who is the same but in a good way. Namely, his "roll-eye foodgasms", ewwww...

What have I been cooking... great food? Like, I haven't gone all Heisenberg here... :D Mostly, trying to perfect a way of cooking thick ribeye steaks on a pan, I love those grilled but you can get pretty damn good results on just a frying pan also, esp. if you use the cold sear method and finish the steaks with a low-heat baste at the end with rosemary and garlic... I also came up with a recipe for this kick ass dairy-free potato, onion, rosemary, garlic & "cheese" casserole that takes like only ten minutes to prep (and an hour in a 200°C oven). It is fucking killer with the medium rare ribeye and homemade coleslaw.

Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 16 Oct 2022
by selig
My partner was in NYC yesterday for the morning and brought back some NY Bagels. Decided they were too good to wait for the next day’s breakfast, so we had bagels and lox for dinner last night (and it was fabulous). Breakfast for dinner has always been one of my favorite general food categories… ;)

Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 16 Oct 2022
by dhruan
selig wrote:
16 Oct 2022
Breakfast for dinner has always been one of my favorite general food categories… ;)
Can't argue with that ;) Breakfast, esp. continental style, is awesome. One thing that I miss here in Eurozone is American pancakes. And "McMuffin" style brekkie burgers. And steak and eggs for brekkie... Oh, Eggs Benedict, esp. Florentine with baby spinach... I need to get back to the US tout suite... was there a month back and while the price of everything was like... bad, there were plenty of good food experiences, this even in the fucking bro-land/culture desert that is Stamford, CT.

Re: What are you eating these days?

Posted: 16 Oct 2022
by littlejam

@Termigator: i grew up in abq, nm
we would go to the parking lot and guys would be roasting whole green chiles
we would buy pounds of the stuff
take it back home and glove up
peel and chop all the chiles
my brother was in the kitchen adding chopped garlic to the ziplock bags
it was an all day event
and then we'd freeze it

also, making your own tortillas (flour or corn) are wayway better than store bought

@dhruan: i still like mark wiens even with the 'oh, wow' even on a glass of water
the places he travels to and the cultures and families and food he presents is far more valuable

i think each cooking / travel show host has their own signature move or saying
sonny on 'best food review show ever' always does 'ahhhhhh peace' at the end

@selig: i bought cedar planks and cooking quality burlap to make my own bagel boards
a lot of people state the quality of a ny bagel is because of the water

go giants
go bills
go jets
go yankees

dinner is: potato salmon cakes with steamed broccoli

cheers and eat well,
