Rogue one was better than the force awakens. Agree? or bad taste in cinema?

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Isn't rogue one better than the force awakens?

No, because I have poor taste in cinema, init ;)
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11 Aug 2017

I enjoyed both. I maybe enjoyed Rogue One a little bit more when I saw it?
But for me, I feel that Force Awakens has better "rewatchability."

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12 Aug 2017

I find that hard to believe. TFA had .... nothing. It was "a new hope" with boring placid acting. And it wasn't believable, heroic, moving or even good visually.

I'm older than most of you. I was very very young when I had to beg "friends" to go with me to see "Star Wars" (see, ma and pa didn't like no movies theaters (through buck teeth) and all the little bastards had already seen it)

It was awe striking seeing that in the movies. It was in the theaters for years back then.

Still to this day, it has a truth. Something substantial.

TFA might as well be "meet the blacks" A dumbass movie made for the twitiots that infest current day earth.

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12 Aug 2017

I absolutely enjoyed the shit out of both TFA and Rogue One, but for very different reasons. I agree that TFA was, for the most part, A New Hope just re-packaged... but that's what was so great about it. It just "worked", and the chemistry and performances of everyone involved was much better than any of the prequels COMBINED (anyone who thinks that Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd, and later Hayden Christensen had *ANY* chemistry is being disingenuous, not to mention some of THE most wooden performances under the twin suns).

Hell, I even got teary-eyed over TFA's opening screen crawl - just to see the name "Skywalker" back in the crawl was awesome. That said, some things worked better than others: the opening 1/3 of TFA worked great; the last 2/3 was "eh". As soon as Rey and Fin made it off of Jakku, it started to suffer - but everything up to that point was damn near perfect. And Solo's death felt empty - as in - it felt like it had very little weight at the time. I don't have a problem with Solo being killed by his son to propel the story and characters; I just felt like the way it happened was "meh". And the final battle was "meh", IMHO. Still, I enjoyed the shit out of TFA and can watch it again. I absolutely love the fact that the main "hero" is a young women, and I was proud to take my (at the time) 8 year old daughter on opening weekend. The fact that a women was placed in the lead role was a good move, IMHO. And anyone taking issues with a black man being featured as a main character need to get over their pathetic racism and move on.

Rogue One, on the other hand, was just a fantastic movie in its own right. Though it dragged slightly in some parts, the overall flow was much better than TFA. And that final 1/3 act? Holy shit - just amazing. Even right up to plastic-face/uncanny valley Leia, I enjoyed the hell out of that whole thing. So nicely done! Rebels (normally the good guys) who knife innocent people in the back for "the mission"? Check. A not-so-happy ending where every lead character in the film is actually killed to propel a realistic story line? Check. Totally unexpected for a Disney-lead Star Wars film, IMHO. But, I admittedly enjoy Gareth Edwards as a film maker, so perhaps I'm a bit biased (Monsters was downright brilliant, and I thought his take on Godzilla was probably the best the film series has had since the 1950's original Japanese cut).

I've been a fan since the originals in the 1970's (and I was the target demographic for A New Hope back when it came out, right down to my parents spending hundreds - perhaps thousands - on Star Wars toys through the late 70's to early 80's), so I tend to have a lot vested in the mythology. I can't wait for this December, as I'm sure The Last Jedi won't disappoint. Not that excited about the young Han Solo movie, though. It's going to be hard for me to divorce myself from Harrison Ford as Solo.
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12 Aug 2017

I'd say they are about equal. It's a shame Rogue One won't have a sequel.

TFA is only the first film of a trilogy. It was basically introducing us to the new characters. The next two films could be even better.
Last edited by miscend on 12 Aug 2017, edited 1 time in total.

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12 Aug 2017

miscend wrote:
12 Aug 2017
I'd say they are about equal. It's a shame Rogue One won't have a sequel.
Noooooo!!!! Sssshhhh!!! I wouldn't be surprised if Disney made a remake of the original trilogy after we all die but please...not in our lifetime!

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