This world isn't how it used to be

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09 Feb 2017

And most definately it was better back then. Facebook seems to be used/hated at the same time - and lots of us don't fit together with loads of the nowday's phenomenas.


09 Feb 2017

I think most people feel alienated by this modern society...we ain't that special. :)

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09 Feb 2017

Peter wrote:I think most people feel alienated by this modern society...we ain't that special. :)
There's lots of special people, but the times are bad for everyone.

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09 Feb 2017

Information overload - good title for a song there. :-)

I know what you're saying, let's go back to a real rack mount and an anologue synth in a real studio. :lol:
Last edited by Creativemind on 09 Feb 2017, edited 1 time in total.

Reason Studio's 11.3 / Cockos Reaper 6.82 / Cakewalk By Bandlab / Orion 8.6 ... soul-mix-3

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09 Feb 2017

Last edited by SoulState on 14 Feb 2017, edited 1 time in total.

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09 Feb 2017

I didn't fit in with how it used to be either. I was crap at chasing Mammoths.

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13 Feb 2017

Ostermilk wrote:I didn't fit in with how it used to be either. I was crap at chasing Mammoths.
Too right! I was good with mammoths, it's venture capitalism I'm crap at!

Seriously though I think it may be more of a perception than anything. I think more people feel like they don't fit because the internet gives the impression everyone else is fitting. But really I think nothing has changed. The people that seem to be fitting in aren't, they're just doing the same thing as everyone else and feeling awkward about it like everyone else. Then there are others who look directly at the feeling of not fitting in, don't do what everyone else is doing, and go alternative feeling like the world has gone mad. It hasn't gone anywhere. It's always been mad. IMO.
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13 Feb 2017

Kenni Andruszkow

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13 Feb 2017

I don't really blame people (and specifically millenials) for not knowing who they are or what they want. Society sends out very mixed messages as to what we should aspire to. Work hard, but be interested in the lives of famous people who don't. Be patient, but also get everything right now because OMG it's the future! Study hard or you'll get a shit job...but don't turn your nose up at a shit job because all work is good. But don't ask for too much money for your shit job because sometimes some work is bad. Be selfless but idolise selfish people. Live within your means, but live fast and wild; go take out a loan. But don't get into debt.

Society and the media lauds footballers and reality TV stars over educated professionals and then wonders why the youth of today have unrealistic expectations?

Plus there's the technological aspect too; we have no idea what living like this - interconnected, always online - will do to us because it's never been done before. We are the guinea pig generation. There's this notion that previous generations knew how to behave and that being constantly distracted and impatient is a millenial problem. But drop a pocket full of limitless stimulation onto the kids of the 50s and I have no doubt they'd turn out just the same. And commenting specifically on that video, he kinda skips past the part where all this new tech and media that's ruining young minds is controlled and ran for profit by the generation that's supposed to know better.

I hope that things will normalise in the years to come. But when I see toddlers crying for their I dunno. It's hard not to be worried.


13 Feb 2017

Instant gratification as mentioned in that video! Yep yep! I was just talking to this younger artist the other day about how people these days don't really grasp the 10k hours to mastery rule of thumb. It's not concrete though of course. Maybe some people get lucky without experience or maybe others aren't meant for it but 10k hours should make anybody solid, amirite? And that's 10k hours in actually progressing...not 10k hours being full of yourself. I went through a full of myself phase when I started out in hip hop and I didn't know jack sh@t about anything. Fact of the matter is, the more you know = the more you realize you don't know! :lol: Sheeyit! Welcome to the rabbit hole.

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13 Feb 2017

One of the things older generations tend to forget is that young people are generally more narcissistic as a rule. I mean, if you were to judge the behavior of only toddlers, you could come to the conclusion that we live in a world of mostly sociopaths. As generations age they tend to get over themselves to an extent.

I remember when the 70s were being criticized for being the "Me Generation". Then in the 80s it was the Yuppies. And so on.

And each new step in technology has its detractors: Video games were going to rot our minds and take us away from TV, which was taking us away from movies and radio, which was taking us away from live performance and reading books, and we all know what Plato said about reading and writing, right?
Plato wrote:If men learn this, it will implant forgetfulness in their souls; they will cease to exercise memory because they rely on that which is written, calling things to remembrance no longer from within themselves, but by means of external marks.

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13 Feb 2017

Yeah well, except the science about what Simon Sinek talks about is real. I really advice people to watch that video. It's not just about a step in technology anymore, it's about "positive treatment" and overprotective tendencies being exaggerated to a point where the millennials, especially those from the 0's not actually learning all the valuable lessons in life that shape and form people. If all you know is socializing online, and being told you're special while getting everything you point at, you've been dealt a bad hand
Kenni Andruszkow

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13 Feb 2017

Kenni wrote:
That video is amazing. Also it explains in part why some people don't get Reason.

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13 Feb 2017

I watched the video and honestly I didn't see the described parenting or social environment when I was growing up. This may be because I was born in 88 and grew up in rural ohio though. "Country" life was nothing like the pampered situations he described for my friends and I. Maybe I'm blind to it because I am a millennial, but all of us were either helping on farms, working outside, fishing, hunting or being allowed to play nintendo for a bit in between the constant outside activity haha
"As I stare into the digital abyss, I will remember when the world was real."

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13 Feb 2017

I thought I was too old to be considered a millennial but after watching that video it kinda rings true to me.
Good food for thought, I think I'll be making some changes.
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Using Reason since version 3 and still never finished a song.

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14 Feb 2017

deepndark wrote:And most definately it was better back then
Back then when ?

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14 Feb 2017

Voyager wrote:
deepndark wrote:And most definately it was better back then
Back then when ?
For me back then in the 90's. Anyway, do you ever read the news tho?

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14 Feb 2017

deepndark wrote:
Voyager wrote:
deepndark wrote:And most definately it was better back then
Back then when ?
For me back then in the 90's. Anyway, do you ever read the news tho?
Nostalgia is subjective. When we look back tend to think about only the positive things that happend at this time and things we want to remember, those things that making us feeling good and safe while when we think about now, the present, we can mostly and inevitabely think about the problems we have and put the goods things aside.

Present is the closest form of reality and we see everything so close that we see narrow, just few things and those things are mostly the problems while for the past we see more widely, wisely and objectively.

Present will become past once again and you will remember the good and sweet things mostly "again".

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14 Feb 2017

Voyager wrote:
deepndark wrote:
Voyager wrote:
deepndark wrote:And most definately it was better back then
Back then when ?
For me back then in the 90's. Anyway, do you ever read the news tho?
Nostalgia is subjective. When we look back tend to think about only the positive things that happend at this time and things we want to remember, those things that making us feeling good and safe while when we think about now, the present, we can mostly and inevitabely think about the problems we have and put the goods things aside.

Present is the closest form of reality and we see everything so close that we see narrow, just few things and those things are mostly the problems while for the past we see more widely, wisely and objectively.

Present will become past once again and you will remember the good and sweet things mostly "again".
That is also true. But as an example; remember the ad-block era? Right now when you explore the net, you are stalked by all the ads you already saw. The right thing woulda be 100% spyfree net, but what happened?

Why does Putin hate the Romanian missle-defense system when Russians also have them their-fucking selves?

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14 Feb 2017

deepndark wrote:
Voyager wrote:
deepndark wrote:
Voyager wrote:
deepndark wrote:And most definately it was better back then
Back then when ?
For me back then in the 90's. Anyway, do you ever read the news tho?
Nostalgia is subjective. When we look back tend to think about only the positive things that happend at this time and things we want to remember, those things that making us feeling good and safe while when we think about now, the present, we can mostly and inevitabely think about the problems we have and put the goods things aside.

Present is the closest form of reality and we see everything so close that we see narrow, just few things and those things are mostly the problems while for the past we see more widely, wisely and objectively.

Present will become past once again and you will remember the good and sweet things mostly "again".
That is also true. But as an example; remember the ad-block era? Right now when you explore the net, you are stalked by all the ads you already saw. The right thing woulda be 100% spyfree net, but what happened?

Why does Putin hate the Romanian missle-defense system when Russians also have them their-fucking selves?
News and what we read here and there are mostly full or propaganda and made to generate hidden personnal profits.

If news had to say only goods and positive things nobody would follows the news, but instead while they talk about mostly negative and drama things that happend in the humanity everybody have this "temptation" to click on the "IMAGE AND VIDEO" and follow drama news. The media understood this long time ago and make their buisness based on it.

Its not their fault, it's because most people ask for it.

To personally feel good with yourself and enjoy your time in this humanity mess it's all about compromise, life is based around compromise. Outside the compromise lines you found too much things that aren't good for ourselves and the human being and it's not a good place to be for too long.

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14 Feb 2017

I hope all the cattle who wants bad news, would get kidnapped and tortured by ISIS AND TALIBAN.

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14 Feb 2017

deepndark wrote:I hope all the cattle who wants bad news, would get kidnapped and tortured by ISIS AND TALIBAN.
The aggrovated tone leads me to believe you're projecting something, Other than that, while I have strong opinions about human mankind, referring to your fellow people as "cattle" seems unnecessarily aggressive. As Simon Sinek also states in the above video, people are getting out of touch with the skillsets needing thousands and thousands of hours to be developed and refined. Mostly because people are starting to base their world view and concept of reality on spending most of their time gathering experience online.

Don't fall into that trap.
Kenni Andruszkow

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14 Feb 2017

Kenni, I don't say cattle to those who know the ethics. But what should I call those who get their drug-needs from bad news?


14 Feb 2017

deepndark wrote:Kenni, I don't say cattle to those who know the ethics. But what should I call those who get their drug-needs from bad news?
People don't want bad news. They are only attracted to it because it is a survival mechanism embedded in the human brain to be aware of threats to the self as well as loved ones.

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14 Feb 2017

deepndark wrote:Kenni, I don't say cattle to those who know the ethics. But what should I call those who get their drug-needs from bad news?
What about "people"?

Your view of "those" people are also loosely based on the assumption that they need this "fix". People read news for various reasons, but the common goal of reading the news is to be informed. You can talk about people's different abilities to distinct crap from cinnamon, but painting them with the same brush is the same as, to me at least, stating "My opinion is of more value and is more correct than other people's opinion" which by definition is nonsensical.

The problem as I see it that at least the western societies suffer from is how fast some people put themselves on a pedestal and point fingers at those who might not catch the essence of reality, for instance, with your whole news example. Instead of pointing fingers, you should strive to either educate your peers, or not care at all. Otherwise, what's the point with your critique? This is why I extend this to be a case of some form of projection.
Kenni Andruszkow

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