Props site down?

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15 Mar 2015

Is anyone else unable to connect to the Props site (, both via browser and Reason (for authorization)?

I've been up all night working and this must have just started about 20-30 minutes ago.
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15 Mar 2015

xRwu8 wrote:Is anyone else unable to connect to the Props site (, both via browser and Reason (for authorization)?

I've been up all night working and this must have just started about 20-30 minutes ago.
yeah same problem here.
it's up and running again!

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15 Mar 2015

Ok glad it's not just me. Hopefully they get it fixed soon, I'm using a RE trial and my hands are a bit tied without it 
:reason: :recycle: :refill: :re: :rt:

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15 Mar 2015

Back in business, thanks!
:reason: :recycle: :refill: :re: :rt:

The Intrancer
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15 Mar 2015

Is that an apple phone based website for teenagers ?

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15 Mar 2015

The Intrancer wrote:Is that an apple phone based website for teenagers ?
Good eye, that's exactly what it is! Why they have a 20-something on the home page is beyond me…

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15 Mar 2015

The Intrancer wrote:Is that an apple phone based website for teenagers ?
selig wrote:
Good eye, that's exactly what it is! Why they have a 20-something on the home page is beyond me…

It's because that particular generation are particularly gullible and are most likely to own a smart-phone before they own real studio equipment. I was hoping that the argument the propellerheads software isn't just for beginners would die but they seem to want to fan the flames with that one. It's nice to be inclusive but it's rather like an Ferrari coming out with a competitor for the fiat punto. Nobody would want to buy it because you know it's not a cool sports car, it's an economical run-around, those in the market for an economical run-around wouldn't want to be labelled as someone who can't afford a proper Ferrari. People in the market for a top end sports car would start to think, 'I'm not buying a Ferrari with all these jokes going round about them', so they'd stop being as cool. Exclusivity V's 'Inclusivity', it effects everything from the quality of eduction, product development, economical politics, soup flavours etc. And you know what, it's all bollocks.
We are always torn between what we want to do and what we have to do. Props have to expand their user base and give their programming team enough of a foundation for future products so that their skills can remain relevant in future markets. If this wasn't the case somebody would have put rebirth back into Reason by now. I can only assume this can't be done is because the person who coded it in the first place died in a fire that destroyed everything he ever coded and nobody who codes for props can backwards engineer his program unless they can do it in Unity for the ipad. But I digress.
Props abrupt arrival and departure from the hardware market indicates to me that they are a reactionary bunch despite what people may think when you consider how long the battle of midi out took. I think they're over-reacting to the smart-phone market at the moment but I suppose a small team has to be good at something, so maybe once they've finished dicking about with touchscreen interfaces and optimising their techniques for mobile platforms that can get back to making their core programs better.
It kinda feels like Ernst has decided he's getting on a bit, doesn't understand all this new technology and just said 'OK, go do the social media thingy that you were talking about,' then watched on confused as a bunch of kids played on ipads while they drank his espressos. No doubt they come up with something new and, from time to time, quite clever, but it doesn't feel very Propellerhead-y. Think back to when Record came out, think back to Music Making Month... now look at the template of a place-holder of a website they've given us. If this is the future I'm gonna stop upgrading.
When I got into Reason I was thinking 'I don't care if I don't know how to make music, these guys are explaining what to do'. Now the only reason anyone would get into Propellerheads is 'I don't care if I don't know how to make music, someone else has done all that shit for me'.
@pushedbutton on twitter, add me, send me a message, but don't try to sell me stuff cos I'm skint.
Using Reason since version 3 and still never finished a song.

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16 Mar 2015


Nah, just kidding.
pushedbutton wrote:We are always torn between what we want to do and what we have to do. Props have to expand their user base and give their programming team enough of a foundation for future products so that their skills can remain relevant in future markets. If this wasn't the case somebody would have put rebirth back into Reason by now. I can only assume this can't be done is because the person who coded it in the first place died in a fire that destroyed everything he ever coded and nobody who codes for props can backwards engineer his program unless they can do it in Unity for the ipad. But I digress.
Probably due to copyright issues with Roland, as has been noted several times on the old forum, which was destroyed by that selfish bunch of self-righteous idiot Swedes.
When I got into Reason I was thinking 'I don't care if I don't know how to make music, these guys are explaining what to do'. Now the only reason anyone would get into Propellerheads is 'I don't care if I don't know how to make music, someone else has done all that shit for me'.
It looks like they took McDeadlySeed as the norm for their new customer base. That also explains how they always went out of their way to try to explain everything to him. They must have been like 'if we can get THIS guy to make music, we can make ANYONE or ANYTHING to make music'. With this Discovery disaster (which it will be), they would be right, I suppose.

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16 Mar 2015

Black Sabbath stood around a tape recorder and played riffs they "stole" from their friends while sitting in their bedrooms and thinking "I can play that instrument too if he can" and they became idols for a whole generation.. Same for most of the bands of these generations, same for all the people who did the same thing and never got anywhere with it. Why enabling (young) people to do and share music with their smartphones would be a bad thing is completely beyond me..

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16 Mar 2015

Well, looks like we have all been dumped by props. They have changed their direction to try and get new users (with new disposable income) by simplifying and dumbing down their look.
They are a business I guess and they have to go where the money is, or at least where they think it is and hipsters with iphones seems to be where they think the cash is.
Discover offers a 'social media' aspect which is all the rage these days (or so I'm told), the only problem being ANYONE can upload their half assed figure loop, terrible guitar riff or badly recorded vocals with background noise as much as they want.
Hopefully props will see their folly by R9 and reign it in a bit. I love reason, I have disposable income but I'm not buying anything until props tempt long time users with some real updates to the core program not some 'workflow' browser fob off.
Sorry, went off on a rant there...yes the website sucks :)  
I have embraced Allihoopa. Come listen and play with my crap Figure loops here:

They really are crap.

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16 Mar 2015

pppffffftt. everything sux...... :s0403:
....and a whack of hardware synths and who knows what...

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16 Mar 2015

trimph1 wrote:pppffffftt. everything sux...... :s0403:
I have embraced Allihoopa. Come listen and play with my crap Figure loops here:

They really are crap.

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16 Mar 2015

zeebot wrote:Well, looks like we have all been dumped by props. They have changed their direction to try and get new users (with new disposable income) by simplifying and dumbing down their look.
They are a business I guess and they have to go where the money is, or at least where they think it is and hipsters with iphones seems to be where they think the cash is.
Discover offers a 'social media' aspect which is all the rage these days (or so I'm told), the only problem being ANYONE can upload their half assed figure loop, terrible guitar riff or badly recorded vocals with background noise as much as they want.
Hopefully props will see their folly by R9 and reign it in a bit. I love reason, I have disposable income but I'm not buying anything until props tempt long time users with some real updates to the core program not some 'workflow' browser fob off.
Sorry, went off on a rant there...yes the website sucks :)  
The same is true for soundcloud or for a simple web site for that matter..?

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16 Mar 2015

trimph1 wrote:pppffffftt. everything sux...... :s0403:
zeebot wrote:
zeebot wrote: 
....and a whack of hardware synths and who knows what...

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16 Mar 2015

Since these feelings are still running strong in long term customers and coverage of R8 and the forum closure have been so disapproving/confused, it's safe to say this isn't going to go well. Having a strong and healthy relationship with your customers is key in business. Perhaps most of the customer interaction takes place and money is made domestically in Sweden, then everything beyond that is surplus. Nice to have, but not essential.
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17 Mar 2015

All I have to say is could they possibly find a bigger poser-looking douchebag for me to have to look at every time I visit their website? I was highly considering giving Reason another chance, investing in a new quad-core laptop, updating to the latest OS, and picking up some new REs. Then, I visit their homepage and see that douchebag wearing Oakley sunglasses with his mouth hanging open. I can't help but imagine him saying "Duh" or "Derp." 

I decided to spend my money on a PRO 2, a Tempest, and a Dominion 1 instead. I'm just going to use Reason 7.5 as a glorified recorder. But my Ipad is really becoming an attractive option for that function as well. If Reason really thinks they want to compete with apps like Auria Pro, I feel they are quite misguided. My two cents.

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18 Mar 2015

(insert meme)

"I don't always choose hosts because of guys wearing oakleys and having his mouth open, but when I do, I choose reason"

Crazy world we live in.

BTW, mine is a cute Asian girl now. 

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