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13 Oct 2015

The beta kit just went out to the testers via PM.

The suspense is already building.
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17 Oct 2015

Major Update: 16/10/2015

TouchOSC support has been added.

Some major problems were encountered during testing that revealed it was nearly impossible for anyone without traditional MIDI gear (MPC, APC, etc) to use the surfaces. The solution? TouchOSC.

Now you can do the impossible, wirelessly. This is fantastic.

In order for this to work, you still need a secondary MIDI port. It can be a virtual or physical MIDI port, as long as it can be looped back (output attached to input).
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18 Oct 2015

Have been following along and have just subscribed. Would really love to use Reason in these ways. I am saving up to possibly buy Live at xmas, but if I could help it, id much rather stay with Reason. This is really exiting. Keep up the good work mate :)

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18 Oct 2015

RustyShakleforde wrote:I am saving up to possibly buy Live at xmas, but if I could help it, id much rather stay with Reason.
I'm not going to lie, if you're interested in Live this might not change your mind. Even once all of my designs are completed, Live is incredibly more powerful than Reason ever has been from a programming perspective.

But I am completely serious when I say that what I have built so far takes Reason as you know it and takes it to another level.

That's a bold claim, but I'll present my video proof once it's shot and edited. (Opinions may vary, as they always do.)
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18 Oct 2015

Raveshaper wrote:
RustyShakleforde wrote:I am saving up to possibly buy Live at xmas, but if I could help it, id much rather stay with Reason.
I'm not going to lie, if you're interested in Live this might not change your mind. Even once all of my designs are completed, Live is incredibly more powerful than Reason ever has been from a programming perspective.

But I am completely serious when I say that what I have built so far takes Reason as you know it and takes it to another level.

That's a bold claim, but I'll present my video proof once it's shot and edited. (Opinions may vary, as they always do.)
Raveshaper, cheers for the info. I have always been interested in running live and reason together, but I enjoy and feel at home so much with reason. I wish it had some of the same clip capabilities etc. I don't want to have to spend all that money though so always trying to get workarounds but never quite as smooth. I use the p4 and enjoy writing and building songs in arrangement mode, but would love to be able to do mixes and mashups of my tracks on the fly. I am so tempted by Ableton Push. Making tracks in reason, bouncing them to abelton and playing them in live. Push looks very cool. But expensive. So I dunno if I will take the plunge (I will have to save for a long time to get it lol) I am still really interested in your work though, and look forward to seeing how it works. Its inspiring to see someone with enough drive to take on such a project. Stay awesome ;)

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04 Nov 2015

Long Overdue Update:

My schedule has been completely chaotic lately, I apologize for not maintaining this thread in recent weeks.

Work is continuing on the user's manual for the beta release, there is a lot of information to cover and only so much time I can devote to writing it at any given time, which has been very little as of late.

I find myself in a bit of a delicate position, and I am placing the outcome of this project in the hands of those who have been following this closely.

Part 1 - Confusion

The biggest obstacle in these projects has been audience confusion. To put it simply, these designs are not intuitive despite every effort having been made to make them as painless to use as possible. Successful operation of these designs requires proper technical setup depending on the user's equipment and involves enough steps to risk the introduction of user error.

Since the confusion level is already very high, given that my surfaces are only expected to run within one song project, the level of confusion will only grow if I pursue supermodular designs that communicate between multiple song files. This makes me cautious about even attempting such designs, even though they would be successful.

Part 2 - Cleverly Limited

While I have overcome limitations in Reason by being clever, these designs are nonetheless cleverly limited in their capabilities.
Live 9.5, for example, allows you to auto-slice samples into Simpler and apply warp to each slice. My Vinyl design will allow you to preserve tempo information while pitching a sample, but it requires you to render the output in real time instead of pre-calculating it in the background without slowing your workflow down.

The market is becoming saturated with quick, intuitive, hassle-free features that dwarf anything I can create inside Reason, so the argument in support of using the features I have designed, have planned, and would still enjoy making is shrinking by the day.

Part 3 - Good Things Take Time

Ultimately, these tools I have designed provide incredible workflow enhancements.
You can use them to successfully offload cpu usage and improve song project performance.
You can use them to create sound designs that are more exploratory and expressive.
You can use them to perform live in ways that were previously not possible inside of Reason.

But with that comes the caveat that this is a job unto itself.
This is RTFM². It's not a simple template you can throw in and start using right away, it is a patch of the program in terms of its function and scope. It literally changes the way you work and opens the number of ways in which you can work.

It does not require specific hardware, but it can interface with most modern devices.
It does not "do" a specific or certain thing, it allows you to do more things and makes more possible.
It is not a matter of "why", but "why not".
It is the best thing to have happened to my workflow since I got Reason 7, but it takes time to grasp it.

Conclusion - Where Should We Go From Here

I'm putting this to you, the loyal followers of these updates and this general discussion.
Do you want to spend the time to learn something that is basically an added layer of complexity to the already densely populate Reason environment?
Are you likely to invest time into learning a system that can offload cpu and open up new horizons if you know in advance that the subject matter is a bit counter-intuitive to comprehend?
Are you generally underwhelmed by Reason's feature set to date and more interested in the speed and ease of use that Live 9+ can provide?

Ultimately, should this entire project be shelved?

I know that you would be able to answer this question more easily if I showed you what it can do.
I will finally be putting together a sneak peek montage video of the features in action to see if the premise is compelling enough.

I feel that at this point, the Reason platform is almost irreversibly behind the rest of the market in terms of feature set.
It may be a vain pursuit to try and adapt homebrew additions to strengthen it against its competitors.
All the same, this is the strongest addition I have seen so far.

All thoughts are welcome.
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05 Nov 2015

I have to be honest, I much prefer simple things. There are a lot of possible workarounds to Reason's shortcomings but I'm tired of workarounds, I want usable features.

Maybe others will feel differently? I'd say it would be a good idea to showcase what you are able to do in a video. If the features are compelling enough then the complexity of the workaround might be worth it.

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08 Nov 2015

I'm still going to put together videos, but I've been sick and life is consistently getting in the way. Here's a quick good bad ugly of it. The ugly is really bumming me out, but I am limited by the capabilities of the technology.

The Good: you can apply combinator behavior everywhere in the rack and mixer without the combinator device, you can offload cpu by using the surfaces instead of drawing in automation, you can control enormous amounts of adjustments from very few controls, you can automate entire processes by looping cv over EMI.

The Bad: setup is manual only and can take a while for elaborate setups, technical setup is prone to user error.

The Ugly: adjustments will be lost unless Reason is left running and all hardware and surfaces involved in the setup are left active, adjustments can not be saved as a patch within the song file and must be restored manually, surfaces must suspend data transmission while loading patches to avoid midi overflow warning, surfaces flood the list of undo states while in use so they must suspend data transmission when undoing is desired.
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11 Nov 2015

Wow. This thread has over 1200 reads.

Considering that's roughly a third of the reads on the social media sticky that has been here since the first week this forum existed, I consider that to be a big deal. The interest in this project is what has driven me to complete it and I thank all of you for that. Even if it's only a few eager fans of the concept refreshing the page in anticipation, I know there is an audience for this out there waiting to see some action.

To celebrate this milestone, let's go over the latest news.

1. Recent Illness

I have been battling a stomach virus recently, so I have had less energy to devote to the project.
I am on the mend now, but recovery has been a touch slower than expected.
Work has not halted, I'm just giving my health top priority.

2. Moving Pictures are Worth a Million Words

Yes, that action you have been wanting to see is now partially visible.
Here are some sneak peek animated GIF captures of RackNode in action.
First, we have a boring, standard mouse edit of a device control without RackNode.
2015-11-10_20-33-11.gif (213.6 KiB) Viewed 2062 times
Second, we have that same mouse edit with RackNode enabled.
All of that is happening in response to one mouse move. No automation lanes, no CV, no combinator, no compositing, no special effects or trickery. Granted, it isn't the most practical demonstration, but it definitely showcases how every setting on a device can be controlled from one place.
2015-11-10_20-33-53.gif (946.62 KiB) Viewed 2062 times
Lastly, we have the often coveted and much sought after Fader Groups from Logic, made possible through RackNode, although they can do more in Reason than they do in Logic. Rack devices can drive the levels instead of a disconnected Bus, as shown here, for example. Better yet, you can drive the levels using an envelope that is reacting to a sidechain source. Also, these fader groups can crossfade -- something Logic can't accomplish.
2015-11-10_20-49-02.gif (456.58 KiB) Viewed 2062 times
Remember, everything you see here is running on Reason 7.1.1 using stock technology included in the Reason install.

Everything you see here can be controlled live via hardware and TouchOSC.

The only addition was the text file containing my script, and a Maschine Mk2 with loopback cable to drive the data processing you see here.
If you had to choose between this and drag and drop, which upgrade would you choose? Obviously, you can have both if you have Reason 8, but still.

This is what I mean by "this changes everything".

Even though this doesn't fit inside of a nutshell very well, that is RackNode "in a nutshell".
It may not look like much, but it is incredibly powerful when put to use. This can be applied to other scenarios to accomplish more advanced behavior, but those GIFs will have to serve as a teaser until I can finish the next item on the news list.

3. Video Production

I am currently going through the stages of pre-production on a "hype" teaser video, as well as planning the proper "tutorial" videos for RackNode.
This has involved establishing branding for my identity, the main motivation behind the change in my avatar image.

I have already decided on a design motif and storyboard for the five second bumper that will lead into my videos, and the bulk of the heavy lifting is already done because of procedural graphics batch processes that I developed a couple years ago. I just need to execute the remaining design elements, animate it, render it, and create audio to match.
Then the real production can begin.

4. Beta Release and User's Manual

Due to my illness and other sources of competition for my attention, I have not been able to complete the in-depth user's manual or release a new version of the beta kit for this. Work will resume on finishing the manual and a new version will be released after the teaser video has been produced and the manual has been written.

I'm giving priority to video production because I feel that a lot can be explained in terms of a follow-along video series, rather than a strictly text-based manual. Also, the burden of proof is on me to show what nonsense I'm babbling about, so I get to explain what it is by showing it off. Making it possible for the audience at large to see what this stuff does also has more potential to drive interest than targeting a select few that have been approached for testing.

5. Monetizing

I have said in the past that I would like to pursue monetizing this project because of how much time and energy I have poured into it. While I have considered placing the material behind a pay wall, this makes little to no sense. For one thing, Remote scripts are unencrypted files of plain text that can be edited freely by the user. For another thing, I believe that visionaries should have free access to the tools that facilitate their ability to develop their voice and express themselves. However, I do plan on establishing some form of ability to receive donations that reflect what each user thinks my creation(s) are worth to them. If it helps you be more creative and want to give thanks, then give what you think is fair. Or don't, it's up to you.

6. Looking to the Future

The massively scalable, modular architecture of RackNode is just the beginning. There are more things in the pipeline as I have mentioned in the past. Triggerable cue points within the sequencer, advanced audio warping, the ability to treat multiple open Reason documents like external plugins; these are all concepts that have been researched and planned. A new way of working with audio in a nonlinear way has been put on the list of concepts to find proof of, and with any luck it will be added to the confirmed list of features that will eventually arrive.


I am just one man. My ambitions are large and my progress is slow.
Ideally, this will expand well beyond my own personal projects and become its own movement of people creating their own advanced features using Remote. A "Future of Us", rather than a future of one. Only time will decide.

Everything starts somewhere.
Thanks again.
Last edited by Raveshaper on 11 Nov 2015, edited 1 time in total.
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11 Nov 2015

Lastly, we have the often coveted and much sought after Fader Groups from Logic

So Proprllerheads hasn't hired you yet ?!!! I can't believe I just saw that gif image below :shock:
My opinion is that Propellerhead REASON needs a complete rewrite!
P.S: people should stop saying "No it won't happen" when referring to a complete rewrite of REASON. I have 3 letters for ya....VST
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:53 pm

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11 Nov 2015

pjeudy wrote:WOW...FANTASTIC !!!!!
Thanks, Pjeudy.

I guess you could say that if Reason 9 doesn't hurry up, we can build it ourselves. Sort of.
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11 Nov 2015

Raveshaper wrote:
pjeudy wrote:WOW...FANTASTIC !!!!!
Thanks, Pjeudy.

I guess you could say that if Reason 9 doesn't hurry up, we can build it ourselves. Sort of.
I read that you are working on a video are worth a thousand words...but can you shed some you simply click on a few faders....and drag anyone of the selected and they'll move in proportion?
And does Reason know to create automation lanes for all of them..if you are in record mode? I'm thinking yes to those easy questions ...but I just want it straight from the source ..if you can!
My opinion is that Propellerhead REASON needs a complete rewrite!
P.S: people should stop saying "No it won't happen" when referring to a complete rewrite of REASON. I have 3 letters for ya....VST
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:53 pm

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11 Nov 2015

pjeudy wrote:So Proprllerheads hasn't hired you yet ?!!! I can't believe I just saw that gif image below :shock:
No, not hired me yet. I don't think they understood what I was talking about either (can you blame them?).
I mean, this is some pretty complicated stuff. And yet, easier than you might think.

This was my first project in LUA and I had to teach myself from day one.
So, I'm not exactly a trained computer scientist or veteran programmer.

It would be nice to get paid to do this, considering this is the result of a year's worth of work from concept to completion.
But hey, that's why I'm looking into donations once it's available.
pjeudy you simply click on a few faders....and drag anyone of the selected and they'll move in proportion?
And does Reason know to create automation lanes for all of them..if you are in record mode? I'm thinking yes to those easy questions ...but I just want it straight from the source ..if you can!
Sadly, no. Not quite that easy. This is a network of Remote Overrides, which means you need to bind them individually as desired.
It also means that there is no patch support for saving any changes you make. Reason must stay open, midi hardware must stay operational, and control surface scripts must remain enabled and running in the background to preserve data. I'm brainstorming a way to overcome data loss, but it is very, very difficult.

Multi-track record of automation is possible, but it is clunky currently. Because Reason does not allow for any more than the selected sequencer track to record automation at any point in time, "dummy" surfaces must be loaded in and locked to the sequencer tracks you want to record automation for. The way around this is to lock RackNode surfaces to each device being manipulated so that automation recording becomes enabled in the sequencer.

However, if you capture the audio only and allow RackNode to do the work without automation lanes, you can save huge amounts of cpu. Reason itself doesn't have to calculate any of those adjustments. It gets offloaded into the scripts. Nifty, no?
Thanks again for the kind words.
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11 Nov 2015

Raveshaper wrote:This is a network of Remote Overrides, which means you need to bind them individually as desired.
It also means that there is no patch support for saving any changes you make. Reason must stay open, midi hardware must stay operational, and control surface scripts must remain enabled and running in the background to preserve data. I'm brainstorming a way to overcome data loss, but it is very, very difficult.

Multi-track record of automation is possible, but it is clunky currently. Because Reason does not allow for any more than the selected sequencer track to record automation at any point in time, "dummy" surfaces must be loaded in and locked to the sequencer tracks you want to record automation for. The way around this is to lock RackNode surfaces to each device being manipulated so that automation recording becomes enabled in the sequencer.

However, if you capture the audio only and allow RackNode to do the work without automation lanes, you can save huge amounts of cpu. Reason itself doesn't have to calculate any of those adjustments. It gets offloaded into the scripts. Nifty, no?
Thanks again for the kind words.
Got it ! Thanks.
Well it's late where I am, I'll say this before clocking out for the day...You sound like you would be a wicked Instrument/Device developer :ugeek:
I'm imagining what could you do if you had your mind set on an Instrument device like SERUM :o :shock: ...I think some heads would explode on the Rack Extension forum ! I'm definitely following your MetaPads Project...later :thumbs_up:
My opinion is that Propellerhead REASON needs a complete rewrite!
P.S: people should stop saying "No it won't happen" when referring to a complete rewrite of REASON. I have 3 letters for ya....VST
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:53 pm

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06 Jan 2016

The project is not dead, life is just a bit of a mess lately.

I am still working on things in the background but it is taking me way longer than I would like. Can't rush it.

The design of the project will eventually evolve to a new implementation when time permits.
Rather than relying strictly on remote override networks, the new design will use device-specific control surfaces that enable multi-track automation recording during basic use of the setup. Currently, locking blank surfaces to devices to enable multi-track automation recording is an extra step.
Also, there are more data sources available within the list of map items than can be accessed through right-clicks in the GUI. For instance, song position or loop markers in the transport.

More when I can.
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07 Jan 2016

Waiting patiently!!! Looking forward to getting my hands on this!!!!

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15 Jan 2016

MAL9000 wrote:Waiting patiently!!! Looking forward to getting my hands on this!!!!
Me too!
I think the new design will allow me to drastically improve the data transfer rate between devices by defining auto outputs for source controls.

The refactored design opens up a lot more possibility even if that doesn't prove to be true.

Mal, if you want a release of the setup in its current configuration, PM me and I can link you. Same goes for other people, but if I get a ton of responses I'll just post the link in the thread. Actually, I'll do that when I get home.
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16 Jan 2016

Excellent stuff. Your work is brilliant! :thumbs_up:
The best things happen after reading the manual. ;)
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16 Jan 2016

alex wrote:Excellent stuff. Your work is brilliant! :thumbs_up:
Thank you, I work hard at it.

I am currently building my extended libraries for Lua and beginning work on the new refactored design of RackNode.
The current design doesn't tap into any of the non-assignable data sources, such as Note On or Inserts Connected, plus there isn't any quick and easy support for automatic multitrack automation recording. This new design will focus on surface locking and standardized naming conventions for outputs to overcome those limitations and increase ease of use.

You can think of this new design as "invisible combinators" that wrap around each device type.

The biggest challenge will be to tackle the entire SSL, so I'll get that out of the way first.

More when I have more, things are going to be a bit off and on for a while but work continues.
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18 Jan 2016

The SSL contains a whopping 5,989 remotables capped at 64 channels. No doubt more channels could be added, but they only bothered to generate 64 entries.

I can auto generate the code to save time, but here's the dilemma: I want to have 16 virtual outputs per source control. That creates almost 100,000 outputs to scroll through and choose from.

The only way to program new and advanced behavior for each device type is to have one surface locked to it that can read all the data in one shot. So, packaging it into more manageable chunks of data across scripts targeted to certain sections of the SSL is not possible.

I guess what I'm saying is, get ready to buy a mouse with a free rolling scroll wheel. :P

I will try to program in some features I have wanted, but tell me some of your wish list items that you want for the SSL console.
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18 Jan 2016

Fantastic, as always!

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18 Jan 2016

avasopht wrote:Fantastic, as always!
Is "fantastic" your wish list item for the SSL? :D
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26 Jan 2016

I can't quite wrap my head around this project, but I've been following this for most of 2015. I want to encourage you to continue. I have a feeling you may eventually contribute something unique to Reason.

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28 Jan 2016

Here is a link to the folder containing the latest Beta Kit release (v1.0.5).
Link: ... zAyWkEweXM

On Mac:
Assign the "virtual" version of your looped midi port's in and out to the "Loopback Input" and "Loopback Output" ports on the control surface preferences window.

Assign the "virtual" version of TouchOSC Bridge Input to the "UI Input" port on the control surface preferences window. If you are not using TouchOSC, leave it unassigned.

On PC:
The same applies, but there is no option of selecting "virtual" ports. Just assign the ins and outs as they appear.

Happy testing!
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07 Mar 2016

I'm consolidating all of my project threads into one discussion, found here:

To stay current on developments, take the jump.
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