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27 Jun 2016

selig wrote:
samardac wrote:Thanks guys for your support, it helps me to understood what is going on.
I have some more things that I want to shard with you.
Remeber in 90s how it was, how hard was to program hardware sequencers, or program TB 303, or sample some stuff into sampler and than tweak it, how much hardware costs and how much skils you haveto have to handle all that stuff. And at that time we have really awaysome masterpices of electronic music, real icons. People created real stuff, Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Juno Reactor, Astral Projection and many, many others...
But what we have now? How much skills you have to have to produce electronic music now? I think even 13 years old kid can make electronic music now, just a couple of tutors etc... How mych money you have to spend on you equipment? Sometimes nothing...
How much true electronic gurus we have now? I do not know any new names that produce real stuff not that copy/past primitive music.
When electronic music just appears there was no genres in current sence and so much cool ideas was generated, so original. Now there is music genres and if you want to be smart ass you have to follow them, but they are so primitive and looks like one big song with little variations, some times you can not distinguish one track from another...
So much stuff that is make me finish my music career. This avatar I made 11 years ago and even at that time thing was much more better :)
hey, if it's any consolation to you, this is history repeating itself. Back in the 90s I could easily say "remember in the 70s when we had true rock music gurus"? Remember how hard it was to practice and practice until you could actually play those crazy parts, how much studio gear cost and how much skills you had to have to handle all that stuff? At that time we had really awesome masterpieces of music, real icons. People created real stuff, Bowie, Pink Floyd, Yes (RIP Chris Squire btw), Queen, and many more. But what have we now? How much skill do you have to have to produce music now - even 13 year old kids can make music now, just a couple of drum machines and a sequencer, and the gear is SO CHEAP!

This is not to disparage your comments in any way, just to say that for each generation there is an older generation that is nostalgic over the "good old days". You could even go back to the 70s and have folks talking about the golden age of rock and roll in the 50s, saying things like "we didn't have multitrack to overdub, we got it right the first time as a group, etc." And before that folks could say "back in the 30s you had to PLAY it LIVE for an audience, not splice it together in the studio, etc."

I felt the same way when my icons were no longer producing music - but I HAVE to remember that at that time YOUR icons were producing music. And so I suggest that you may want to consider that RIGHT NOW, someone's icons are ALSO producing great music - it's just not "great" to YOU. It's all relative - if you want to read about why the music of our youth will always hold a special place in our hearts (our brains, really), there are books such as "This is Your Brain on Music" that go a long way to explaining this phenomenon. Once you see it from that angle, you may even begin to appreciate the music of today - I KNOW it helped me not be "that old guy" who laments about "kids today".

Hay, I got your point of view, but it is just a trick to keep positive state of mind I do not use this tricks, because following your way of thinking I have to start to love all that shit that happens now :)
Look at things objectively and if you will find forces to accept all that shit and continue to follow your way than it is cool. I can not find that forces for now.

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27 Jun 2016

Loque wrote:
nooomy wrote:U need to do more drugs. All the greatest artists have been addicted to drugs or alcohol ;)
And the greatest died because of drugs...
Death is one of the greatest pr tricks u can pull off as a artist ;)

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27 Jun 2016

Getting old can sucks! A lot of things doesn't feel the same, a sign of the incoming ages is the feeling of nostalgia.... ask a youth how he or she feels about music, arts and entertainment and you might get an optimistic and enthusiastic answer or outlook similar to what one had at that same age.

Young people people know nothing about digging in a record crate..... but they don't need to, they use a USB drive and still have fun at there party's...... My generation will always feel like the best generation i.e the good old days.....and when the youth get older, they will say the same thing about this time.

It's the same song <---- see what I did there ?! :D
My opinion is that Propellerhead REASON needs a complete rewrite!
P.S: people should stop saying "No it won't happen" when referring to a complete rewrite of REASON. I have 3 letters for ya....VST
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:53 pm

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27 Jun 2016

Two guitarists are playing in the street, a young man and an old one. The young one is doing heaped solos with skill while the older one is just pulling two strings, E and A, one after another. People passing by ask the old man:

- How do you feel next to your fellow? Look, he's so young and already a master. And you've spent all your life and learnt nothing.

- Ha, he's still searching. And I have already found it.

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27 Jun 2016

nooomy wrote:
Loque wrote:
nooomy wrote:U need to do more drugs. All the greatest artists have been addicted to drugs or alcohol ;)
And the greatest died because of drugs...
Death is one of the greatest pr tricks u can pull off as a artist ;)
Elvis is still alive!
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27 Jun 2016

pjeudy wrote: but they don't need to, they use a USB drive and still have fun at there party's.....
You are old, noone uses USB anymore. They use cloud services like spotify.
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27 Jun 2016

Loque wrote:
pjeudy wrote: but they don't need to, they use a USB drive and still have fun at there party's.....
You are old, noone uses USB anymore. They use cloud services like spotify.
Wow...I'm really behind the times...are you saying they are now using cloud services on stage at party's or in DJ booth ?!
My opinion is that Propellerhead REASON needs a complete rewrite!
P.S: people should stop saying "No it won't happen" when referring to a complete rewrite of REASON. I have 3 letters for ya....VST
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:53 pm

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27 Jun 2016

try out some old program like a tracker with a few samples , its not that advanced and you need to use your brain to come up with cool stuff in other ways than just press of a button :) i myself are doing some c64 sids with Goattracker 3 channels :)

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electrochoc (PRX-A)
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27 Jun 2016

samardac wrote:
selig wrote:
samardac wrote:Thanks guys for your support, it helps me to understood what is going on.
I have some more things that I want to shard with you.
Remeber in 90s how it was, how hard was to program hardware sequencers, or program TB 303, or sample some stuff into sampler and than tweak it, how much hardware costs and how much skils you haveto have to handle all that stuff. And at that time we have really awaysome masterpices of electronic music, real icons. People created real stuff, Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Juno Reactor, Astral Projection and many, many others...
But what we have now? How much skills you have to have to produce electronic music now? I think even 13 years old kid can make electronic music now, just a couple of tutors etc... How mych money you have to spend on you equipment? Sometimes nothing...
How much true electronic gurus we have now? I do not know any new names that produce real stuff not that copy/past primitive music.
When electronic music just appears there was no genres in current sence and so much cool ideas was generated, so original. Now there is music genres and if you want to be smart ass you have to follow them, but they are so primitive and looks like one big song with little variations, some times you can not distinguish one track from another...
So much stuff that is make me finish my music career. This avatar I made 11 years ago and even at that time thing was much more better :)
hey, if it's any consolation to you, this is history repeating itself. Back in the 90s I could easily say "remember in the 70s when we had true rock music gurus"? Remember how hard it was to practice and practice until you could actually play those crazy parts, how much studio gear cost and how much skills you had to have to handle all that stuff? At that time we had really awesome masterpieces of music, real icons. People created real stuff, Bowie, Pink Floyd, Yes (RIP Chris Squire btw), Queen, and many more. But what have we now? How much skill do you have to have to produce music now - even 13 year old kids can make music now, just a couple of drum machines and a sequencer, and the gear is SO CHEAP!

This is not to disparage your comments in any way, just to say that for each generation there is an older generation that is nostalgic over the "good old days". You could even go back to the 70s and have folks talking about the golden age of rock and roll in the 50s, saying things like "we didn't have multitrack to overdub, we got it right the first time as a group, etc." And before that folks could say "back in the 30s you had to PLAY it LIVE for an audience, not splice it together in the studio, etc."

I felt the same way when my icons were no longer producing music - but I HAVE to remember that at that time YOUR icons were producing music. And so I suggest that you may want to consider that RIGHT NOW, someone's icons are ALSO producing great music - it's just not "great" to YOU. It's all relative - if you want to read about why the music of our youth will always hold a special place in our hearts (our brains, really), there are books such as "This is Your Brain on Music" that go a long way to explaining this phenomenon. Once you see it from that angle, you may even begin to appreciate the music of today - I KNOW it helped me not be "that old guy" who laments about "kids today".

Hay, I got your point of view, but it is just a trick to keep positive state of mind I do not use this tricks, because following your way of thinking I have to start to love all that shit that happens now :)
Look at things objectively and if you will find forces to accept all that shit and continue to follow your way than it is cool. I can not find that forces for now.
I may be a mistake of nature, but I am (musically) a guy from the early 90s (Nirvana, you know) who never really stopped looking for new icons, and I ind there are many great artists and potential icons right now! In fact, I tend to be creative when I'm bored with music made by others, and it hasn't really be the case in the last few years! Remember one thing: when some things get easier (DAWs are getting cheaper, plug-ins simplifying what was complex before, etc.), it allows more space to experiment elsewhere, and this is precisely what new icons are doing.

You like Chemical Brothers and Prodigy? Here's a few names you should explore, at first:

Death Grips: the best electronic band as of now in my opinion, they blend hip-hop with punk rock and industrial music using modern equipment. The result is perfectly unique and one of the most original stuff currently available. The perfect example of artists bored of what's going on in music!

Oneohtrix Point Never: electronic music with a classical structure, not always that good, but definitely refreshing.

Sophie: Just for fun, that guy explore what noises you can make with a FM synth, and renders it in the form of sarcastic danse music.

Venetian Snares: Like an Aphex Twin gone wild and mad, here's an artist who pushed the boundaries of drum'n'bass, even blending on one album dark classical music and drum'n'bass.

Animal Collective: less related to the previous ones, this band is what the Beach Boys would have been if they had been working in the 2000s. My definite iconic band of the 2000s, with unusual rhythms, complex vocals, catchy melodies. The band turned more and more electronic over the years, but their sound is perfectly unique.

Sufjan Stevens: a folk who made some of the most original instrumental electronic stuff! An icon overall!

And.... I'm going out of control.... There's really a lot of great stuff since the beginning of the 2000s, and there's so many other artists that would deserve to be mentionned! One just have to find it!

Edit: please note that this post has been written with the shaking hands of someone who tries to get rid of nicotine. If you find this post too long, too off-topic, etc., that's the explanation!
Last edited by electrochoc (PRX-A) on 27 Jun 2016, edited 2 times in total.
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27 Jun 2016

pjeudy wrote:
Loque wrote:
pjeudy wrote: but they don't need to, they use a USB drive and still have fun at there party's.....
You are old, noone uses USB anymore. They use cloud services like spotify.
Wow...I'm really behind the times...are you saying they are now using cloud services on stage at party's or in DJ booth ?!
Not sure, but its always the same music since 10 years in most clubs... I mean, realy the same in the same order. USB, CD, broken record or cloud?
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27 Jun 2016

There's so much music released in the last 30 years, so why write something new? You can just place it all in rotation for the next 100 years and collect money.

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27 Jun 2016

Many people want to listen to for free on top Allihoopa (/audiojungle), and copy under the net slightly changing some details.
I heard about it. Even there are paid master classes, how to create a disguised plagiarism. :?
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27 Jun 2016

I have an extra Reason 9 license for sale as well. Asking $325. Please PM if interested thanks.

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28 Jun 2016

I can relate. I often feel hopeless and not good enough because it's really hard to be original but I think all great artists feel or have felt that way, no matter if it's a musician or painter or poet. It seems like it's all been done so what can you do? And a true artist doesn't copy/paste what everyone else is doing. I respect that there's a lot of good music made from nothing but loops but it's not my style.
I want to change the world with my music but I feel like I'm running out of time or already too old even though I'm only 34. I need to be a better singer. I need to be a better writer. I need to get past my fears. I need to be more original but not so weird no one gets it. The kids only care about top pop junk..
So many things go thru my head when I do music but I try to delete those thoughts, wipe my mind clean, and just be myself and write for me and hope someone else digs my art. That's really all you can do. In my opinion selling all my music equipment and stuff would put a hole in my soul basically betraying myself. It's a gift. But we are all on our own path. Do what you feel is right.

What helps me is long walks, long showers, open-minded new situations, travel, and listening to all music genres including Classical, world, etc. everything "un-pop".
Last edited by Last Alternative on 30 Jun 2016, edited 3 times in total.
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28 Jun 2016

electrochoc (PRX-A),
Thanks for you music links, I listened them and unfortunatly I found it not original at all. Somebody listen to it? May be it is just case of taste...
Listen to the first Juno Reactor album or first album of Man With No Name or at least the Prodigy music for the gilted generation and comapere to that stuff that you posted here. I know It is absolutley different genres but it is not hard to notice that production was way much more original, there was more music and fresh ideas they still sounds fresh. But that tracks that you share looks like kids playing with software comapring to real gurus. Who will listen to these stuff after 20 years or at least remember about it?

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28 Jun 2016

samardac wrote:Hay guys, looks like some serious discussion is here :)
The thing is that I do not have inspiration to make music anymore, 10 years ago it was cool for me, now it looks like rutine, absolute total freedom you are free to make (repeat/emitate) whatever you can imagine no limitation at all, it's killing me, because this freedom kills creativity.
You watch video tutorials on youtube, you buy synths that you want, download loops, price is very low and then start to repeat any stuff you can imagine. And what you do? In 90% you repeat and emitate... All styles become very primitive like copy/past.
I love reason when it was 2.5 it was so inspired, 2 synths that you know as your five fingers, slow PC, no tutorials and you could be creative trying to create some cool stuff in this limitations. But what is now? Tons of stuff and no creativity at all, why you need it when everything is ready for you, even chords :)
No limits no creativity... you spend your time trying diffrent plugins and pressets without digging deep into it instead of creating something new and original...
So now I open any DAW and have no Idea what to do, no excitement like it was 10 year sago, when creating any new sound and studio quality was a real chalenge. Now it costs nothing :) When you can do anything you do nothing... So I am empty.

That is why I am selling all my stuff :)
i know the struggle but you can always limit yourself... ist not like you need someone else to limit you. maybe you should go back to hardware.

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28 Jun 2016

the final challenge should be to write a critically acclaimed record in your favorite genre, the tools might have made it easier then ever to make tunes, but making music that not only exceeds your own usual standards and retains its integrity, but is also widely embraced by fans (the harshest critics) of that genre is arguably the greatest challenge isnt it ? :)
then again , you might be one of those people who only makes music as a personal challenge and has no desire to be recognized for your personal achievements ?
i say sleep on the decision for a while.. maybe 6 months or longer ? even stop listening too music you like during that period and explore genres that are unfamiliar if you cant live without the pleasure of listening to music ? maybe after some time a new inspiration might manifest and give you a jolt of new inspiration ?

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28 Jun 2016

samardac wrote:Hay guys, looks like some serious discussion is here :)
The thing is that I do not have inspiration to make music anymore, 10 years ago it was cool for me, now it looks like rutine, absolute total freedom you are free to make (repeat/emitate) whatever you can imagine no limitation at all, it's killing me, because this freedom kills creativity.
You watch video tutorials on youtube, you buy synths that you want, download loops, price is very low and then start to repeat any stuff you can imagine. And what you do? In 90% you repeat and emitate... All styles become very primitive like copy/past.
I love reason when it was 2.5 it was so inspired, 2 synths that you know as your five fingers, slow PC, no tutorials and you could be creative trying to create some cool stuff in this limitations. But what is now? Tons of stuff and no creativity at all, why you need it when everything is ready for you, even chords :)
No limits no creativity... you spend your time trying diffrent plugins and pressets without digging deep into it instead of creating something new and original...
So now I open any DAW and have no Idea what to do, no excitement like it was 10 year sago, when creating any new sound and studio quality was a real chalenge. Now it costs nothing :) When you can do anything you do nothing... So I am empty.

That is why I am selling all my stuff :)
Totally hearing you! I have the same impression and 99% of the crappy, uninspiring music found online is confirming that.

But the thing is: the music styles I like and (try to) make are non-mainstream and everything but widely popular. They are associated with sounds that I typically don't find any tutorials for.

The biggest creativity burst I get isn't from Reason but from all the hardware in my studio. It's a wholly different method to approach making music. Far more organic and improvisational, unlike sitting in front of a computer screen and twiddling tiny pixels with a mouse.

I make music as a creative outlet rather than to be popular with it so I don't care to produce the latest EDM/Dubstep/whatnot crap that is currently popular. Occasionally some software is useful for archiving a particular effect but I try not to be lazy with it.

Point in case about software making you lazy and unoriginal: just made a short demo with the Zero RE which sounds great but I don't feel much that it's my own work because I used factory patches and put some reverb on it. Nobody will notice or care but I just can't be proud of it.

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28 Jun 2016

altron wrote: Totally hearing you! I have the same impression and 99% of the crappy, uninspiring music found online is confirming that.

But the thing is: the music styles I like and (try to) make are non-mainstream and everything but widely popular. They are associated with sounds that I typically don't find any tutorials for.

The biggest creativity burst I get isn't from Reason but from all the hardware in my studio. It's a wholly different method to approach making music. Far more organic and improvisational, unlike sitting in front of a computer screen and twiddling tiny pixels with a mouse.

I make music as a creative outlet rather than to be popular with it so I don't care to produce the latest EDM/Dubstep/whatnot crap that is currently popular. Occasionally some software is useful for archiving a particular effect but I try not to be lazy with it.

Point in case about software making you lazy and unoriginal: just made a short demo with the Zero RE which sounds great but I don't feel much that it's my own work because I used factory patches and put some reverb on it. Nobody will notice or care but I just can't be proud of it.
Hay man when I read your post I already know that I will like your music :)
And I listened to it and I liked it! I think there is something that unite people with this kind of Outlook. I think it is the Taste. We have taste that was not digradated by mainstream, PR, money or whatever. We can objectevly see things and make our conclusion despite the fact that somebody call us Old Men, but what you did young men for las 10 years except endless consuming of cheap virtual equipment?
The same thing happen in Modern Art where real oldscool art is not as cool as contemporary shit. Why you have to spend years to become Master if you can put toilet in the Gallery and become super famos and reach? I think David Getta and all others do the same thing.

Nice 80s vibes, some kind of new retro wave, I see you have MKS-70, I alwas wanted to have JX-8P in my opinion it is the best 80s sounding synth even cooler than DX7. There is free cool vst PG-8X it emulates JX-8P, sounds really cool!

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28 Jun 2016

samardac wrote:
altron wrote: Totally hearing you! I have the same impression and 99% of the crappy, uninspiring music found online is confirming that.

But the thing is: the music styles I like and (try to) make are non-mainstream and everything but widely popular. They are associated with sounds that I typically don't find any tutorials for.

The biggest creativity burst I get isn't from Reason but from all the hardware in my studio. It's a wholly different method to approach making music. Far more organic and improvisational, unlike sitting in front of a computer screen and twiddling tiny pixels with a mouse.

I make music as a creative outlet rather than to be popular with it so I don't care to produce the latest EDM/Dubstep/whatnot crap that is currently popular. Occasionally some software is useful for archiving a particular effect but I try not to be lazy with it.

Point in case about software making you lazy and unoriginal: just made a short demo with the Zero RE which sounds great but I don't feel much that it's my own work because I used factory patches and put some reverb on it. Nobody will notice or care but I just can't be proud of it.
Hay man when I read your post I already know that I will like your music :)
And I listened to it and I liked it! I think there is something that unite people with this kind of Outlook. I think it is the Taste. We have taste that was not digradated by mainstream, PR, money or whatever. We can objectevly see things and make our conclusion despite the fact that somebody call us Old Men, but what you did young men for las 10 years except endless consuming of cheap virtual equipment?
The same thing happen in Modern Art where real oldscool art is not as cool as contemporary shit. Why you have to spend years to become Master if you can put toilet in the Gallery and become super famos and reach? I think David Getta and all others do the same thing.

Nice 80s vibes, some kind of new retro wave, I see you have MKS-70, I alwas wanted to have JX-8P in my opinion it is the best 80s sounding synth even cooler than DX7. There is free cool vst PG-8X it emulates JX-8P, sounds really cool!
High-Five! It has always been true that real art not only requires passion but also skill. The best artists are driven by constantly experiment and try new things. But with music software today everything becomes very formulaic. I went through Allihoopa today trying to find some users I could follow but it was very difficult to find anything at all that I remotely found worthy listening to. Most of it sounded like crap. And I'm not even biased by saying that when it sounds as if you let a two year old child hammer on a keyboard with some bitcrushed lead sound on it (that's not a far-fetched description).

Thanks for the link to the PG-8X! Yes, the MKS-70 is probably my favourite. Such an underrated synth. Patch-management is a pain but the sound makes up for it! :)
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28 Jun 2016

Hey man...sorry to hear you are feeling that way. I've been there before. All I can say is that I think it's cyclical...there may be a period of inspiration that comes later on down the lane.
Cosmopolis, out now: :! Check out the first single, "City Lights:

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28 Jun 2016

Yeah, I agree things are cyclical. However, I think there's also the age thing. There have been very few artists that can maintain a high standard of creativity their entire career. Selig earlier mentioned Bowie, Pink Floyd, Yes, Queen...but even they had their golden classic moments and then mostly muddled after their peaks. (I'll somewhat excuse Bowie from that, as well as Prince who churned out mostly creative consistent offerings through out their lives). Out of all the bands/artists with longevity, they hit their peak early on and then had sporadic flashes of brilliance - and this with the input of additional band members and producers. Who knows, maybe it's a sex hormonal thing, lol.
Gotta agree withe the Allihoopa example as well. I have popped on the Discover/Allihoopa site about a dozen times since it started and have basically written it off after a half hour or so each time. It mostly seems like an extension of my hard drive - a lot of loopy crap that I just happened to try out one day, but haven't got around to deleting yet. :( There may be gems there on Allihoopa, but way too hard to find anything. That site needs a big ReThink, imo.

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28 Jun 2016

altron wrote:
High-Five! It has always been true that real art not only requires passion but also skill. The best artists are driven by constantly experiment and try new things. But with music software today everything becomes very formulaic. I went through Allihoopa today trying to find some users I could follow but it was very difficult to find anything at all that I remotely found worthy listening to. Most of it sounded like crap. And I'm not even biased by saying that when it sounds as if you let a two year old child hammer on a keyboard with some bitcrushed lead sound on it (that's not a far-fetched description).

Thanks for the link to the PG-8X! Yes, the MKS-70 is probably my favourite. Such an underrated synth. Patch-management is a pain but the sound makes up for it! :)
Hay man did you tried Wavestation? I think it will be the best synth for your atmospherical music.

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28 Jun 2016

I also feel that it is cyclical so may be it will return as it was before. And this emotional peak will be passed. I just do not want to to give up without a fight but feel empty. So lets wait, I think I have time since nobody want to buy my Reason :)

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28 Jun 2016

samardac wrote:I also feel that it is cyclical so may be it will return as it was before. And this emotional peak will be passed. I just do not want to to give up without a fight but feel empty. So lets wait, I think I have time since nobody want to buy my Reason :)
good to hear mate ;) just shut down the studio for a while and do something else for a while until inspiration comes calling again ;)

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