Using Reason Live

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24 Sep 2016


I would love to create some discussion about using Reason Live just to see what everybody else is doing and what Instruments and or Rack Extensions they are using.

I am working towards A Reason Only Live Set and have had some amazing results but there are things that I may have overlooked that some other Users have experience of.

My Set Up is pretty complex (IMO) but I will try to document it as simply as possible below.

This is for Triggering Samples, Patterns and or Loops with Time Delayed Starts.
1.png (541.44 KiB) Viewed 1453 times
2.png (886.48 KiB) Viewed 1453 times
3.png (600.42 KiB) Viewed 1453 times
Numark Orbit into Kong (1-12 for Triggering Redrum Patterns) (13-16 for 4 "On The Fly" / "Free Time" Pads)

Kong - CV's 1-12 into Volt

Volt (After Countdown) CV's into Pongsoft A/B12 Audio Router

12 Redrum Patterns (on 12 Seperate Redrums) with Audio Routed to the 12 Stereo Inputs on A/B12

Stereo Output from A/B12 to Line Mixer

Stereo Output from Kong Pads 13-16 into Line Mixer

Line Mixer into Morfin Crossfader

Repeat for as many Songs You have in Your Set Routing to Channel A then B then A then B and so on of The Morfin Crossfader.

There is a bit more to the routing but that is basically it.

Issues that I have come upon are 1: The Kong (instead of Redrums wont automatically stop when the Transport stops making it rudundant in "Loop Mode".
2:The Rex Players require Me delete all but Slice Marker 1 and the last Slice Marker meaning various functions behave the way they should.

If anyone requires any other information I would be happy to post here.

Thanks in advance



24 Sep 2016

Hi there, are you able to do Send FX alongside Headphone Cue, patching your instruments' audio to combinations of {Send FX + Speaker / Headphone}?

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24 Sep 2016

HepCat wrote:Hi there, are you able to do Send FX alongside Headphone Cue, patching your instruments' audio to combinations of {Send FX + Speaker / Headphone}?
Headphone Click Tracks are possible but You would loose 1 Channel Per Redrum so 9 instead of 10 Samples/Loops as this wuld contain the click track.

Send Effects Via The Mixer Channels are not in My Set Up because everything goes through 1 Mixer Channel with The Efects for The Morfin Crossfader "Inline". Although, it is possible to have Mixer Channels for every "Song".


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25 Sep 2016

Hi I use reason live with an mpc5000.

I use the mpc for all the drums, fxs and sequencing. The 10 mpc's output goes into reason and i use reason as a mixer, an effect generator and i also sequence some synth with the mpc so i can tweak some knobs : ))

With the synths i do like if i had a real hardware set up i choose 4 or 5 synth and put some effects in the insert chain. I never change the synth or the effect for the live. And i also have 8 combinators to each send effect.

For the przset of the synths i make a folder for each live with a folder for each synth with all the preset i made naming them 01 then 02... for easy access.

I control reason with a panorama p1 and a mpk mini (wich i'd like to change for a push 1) and i'm really happy like that.

I was doing almost the same before with an esx1 but it was not as good as with my beloved mpc.

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25 Sep 2016

There are a few methods I use to latch sequences on and off. Aside from that, drums are all Redrum triggered sounds and I basically open up one Reason song after the next and mix them like a DJ through a DJ mixer using EQs etc. Each song has several devices mapped to a controller so I can tweak sounds and change patterns. For me having Ableton Link is going to help a lot as it means I no longer have to manually beatmatch using headphone cue.

Here is the technique for sequence latching:

In the past I have used volume faders to slam certain parts in and out of the mix. You can run a bunch of channels into a Subgroup, move the fader to full +8db and then drop the Input gain to -8db so having the fader at maximum results in the perfect level. Typically the sound is bad when playing live so I can't trust my judgement when doing volume fades so better to get all levels right in the studio beforehand.

Here are a couple more techniques I have experimented with:

Recently I am using Volt SL-1 to do single button press volume and filter fades that last specific number of bars. Sometimes with electronic music you actually need to make narrow range, slow movements and in a live environment with nerves and a few beers you end up making sudden dramatic changes instead of slow adjustments. So doing some changes to the sound that are automatically triggered by a single button press are better than doing it manually.

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25 Sep 2016

Good topic by the way.

With the SL1 you can map several parameters to a single Combi control and morph between states. I've also experimented with using sequencer automation to do this - try the option to record all automation into a single clip so you can easily move and splice automation in one clip. I'd be interested to hear if anyone is using Blocks more for patch morphing and mixer automation? In theory you could have it morph between patches through a set and have the mixer set levels and send FX.

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