Are there any clues in the Reason 10 advert?

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27 Sep 2017

aeox wrote:
26 Sep 2017
jlgrimes wrote:
26 Sep 2017

No they are different.

Bounce in place is more of a way to quickly apply processing to selected clips/regions. Used mainly for editing audio or special effects. Even though it mutes your original clip it doesn't disable the device or make it unusable.

Freezing does a similar thing but it converts the whole track to audio but it also disable/lock your devices on the track from being manipulated. The main purpose is to save CPU so therefore if your PC could only handle one instance of DIVA, you could compose one track at a time freezing after each use ending up with making a whole song using how ever many instances of DIVA you need (dependent on Hard drive/Ram). This is how many users on other DAWS compose using only modest PCs.

You could technically do something similar with Bounce in Place but you would also have to delete each device on the track. The problem comes if you ever wanted to make adjustments to your track. Since you deleted the original track, could you recreate your whole device setup? Could you even remember what preset you used if you just used a preset? The beauty of Freeze is that it only disables/locks your devices so you could temporarily unfreeze, make adjustments then refreeze and be back in business. Bounce in Place also could create a track management issue since it creates additional tracks in your project you may/may not want.

Each DAW implements those functions slightly different.

Ableton only have freeze but also allows you to copy/paste frozen clips freely and still be able to Arrange and return to original state. It also have flatten which permanently convert frozen track to audio.

Unlike Reason, it doesn't have Bounce in Place. Also in Ableton you can't freeze any track that has side chaining (my guess Reason would have this limitation as well).

Studio One has both Track Freeze and Bounce in Place.
I think it supports freezing sidechained tracks. Studio One call Track Freeze "Track Transform".

Reaper at one time didn't have Track Freeze but since it has Macros, and hundreds of keybindable actions, users where actually able to implement Freezing before Reaper officially did.
Mmm, I see the problem now. Never really experienced it though, or any CPU issues when bouncing in place. Seems like the CPU drain is from the actual unbounced tracks being played, not sitting idle. Although it does consume some CPU.

I'm sure they will figure something out eventually. Icing on the cake.
put a heady on CPU load file and a blank one. Play an instrument in an empty project file. You will also hit performance issues. So even on a file without doing anything there is load :D
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19 Oct 2017

The weirdness of the main image for the 10 announcement all but convinces me that more will come in the point revisions.

There's no way that the addition of a few synths is enough for them to seriously be able to call it "the biggest update ever". They have got to be trolling us. Right? And there's no way the optical illusion of the black framed rack in the bottom of the window butting up to the fading drum stool is just there for no reason. Whys' the drum stool fading?


It's an optical illusion reminiscient of Image

The first release itself has got to be an illusion. I'm hoping anyway.

I'm coming from v8 so there's plenty of new content for me to justify the upgrade, but for a standalone release it seems rather unimpressive and definitely not the biggest update ever. Reason 6 was the biggest update ever, IMO.

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19 Oct 2017

sublunar wrote:
19 Oct 2017
Reason 6 was the biggest update ever, IMO.
Depends how you look at it. For me (someone who already had Record), Reason 6 was quite a small update. But now, as someone who didn't already buy Synchronous or Rad Piano, this update is pretty good value.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit disappointed there doesn't seem to be any real improvements/new features to the program itself though. And if I'm being honest, while I appreciate the 3 new sampled instruments, they don't really add much "real" value for me. But who knows maybe they'll end being used more than I expect once I start using them.

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21 Oct 2017

sublunar wrote:The weirdness of the main image for the 10 announcement all but convinces me that more will come in the point revisions.

There's no way that the addition of a few synths is enough for them to seriously be able to call it "the biggest update ever".
I want to believe you’re right. Someone pointed out that there was a third of the logo represented in the image, and a physical rack... and from what we’ve heard so far, all the improvements are ONLY items for the rack. It seems odd to me that not even one other feature has been added. That couldn’t be right, could it?

There are elements to this image that look like they’re missing a piece, and sections of the photo that are very densely packed with stuff, and sections that are all but empty. I can imagine a second set of items getting positioned in front of this, then a third set, then the whole mess being photographed at once to make one cohesive image. I wonder if there will be an update that shows improvements to the mixer, and another that shows stuff for the sequencer? Only then will we have a complete idea of what this update is. I agree too that ”Bobby is out for coffee” is so odd that I feel it must mean something. My only worry is that I’m wrong, because marketing wouldn’t let them deliberately obscure what they were selling.

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21 Oct 2017

...also, there has to be a reason that Reason (ha!) itself is not featured more prominently in this image.

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23 Oct 2017

The block is from IKEA...
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24 Oct 2017

Steedus wrote:
19 Oct 2017
sublunar wrote:
19 Oct 2017
Reason 6 was the biggest update ever, IMO.
Depends how you look at it. For me (someone who already had Record), Reason 6 was quite a small update. But now, as someone who didn't already buy Synchronous or Rad Piano, this update is pretty good value.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit disappointed there doesn't seem to be any real improvements/new features to the program itself though. And if I'm being honest, while I appreciate the 3 new sampled instruments, they don't really add much "real" value for me. But who knows maybe they'll end being used more than I expect once I start using them.
Agreed. As I owned Record, Reason 6 was the smallest update for me. I think going 64 bit was the only new thing (and the new effects).

The biggest two updates for me were:

Version 3

Combinators was a Reason game changer. While the Mclass effects aren't as popular anymore, they were a huge step up from the older half rack effects. Combinators are still used today and a few DAW manufacterers got their idea from Props (eg Ableton Live Racks, Logic Track Stacks). Before this update getting layered stacked sounds in Reason was a lot more difficult and this gave Reason a lot more cred in being able to do Live performances for playing samples and stacked sounds and splits. I think also when combinators were released, the Refill manufacterers caught on and created a lot of nice refills that really highlighted the benefits of Reason.

Version 4

Thor. When this was advertised people went crazy. To me this synth when it came out was a huge step up. It went places the Subtractor and Malstrom couldn't do. And its biggest downfall is that its oscillators aren't stereo. Other than that it sounds great and added a level of sophistication to Reason's synths with its modulation capabilities. Version 4 also was a pretty big sequencer upgrade. This made Reason a clip based sequencing system (which upset some folks). A vector based automation system (which was a nice improvement). Groove Mixer (huge step up). Also RPG8 was introduced. Every upgrade since then (with the exception of Blocks) only added relatively small improvements (But well needed) to the sequencer. I would say V4 was the biggest midi upgrade for Reason users.

Version 5 was probably the best well marketed upgrade where we had to guess every feature only by the Props showing a picture (I think they did this with V6 as well). Combined with Record it was a pretty big upgrade but IMO, I think alone it didn't seem that special (although they did add a good deal of stuff in V5). V5 is when Reason kind have started going in a different direction, putting a lot of emphasis on Record and audio.

V6 was barely an upgrade for Record users, but 6.5 (besides 9.5) was the biggest minor release with Rack Extensions.

For V7 and V8, I kind of went to Ableton but V7 added a lot of things users asked for (Bussing, In house chopping/quantizing audio, midi out). Probably the biggest upgrade as far as Props actually listening to their users. As all of the features added in that upgrade where heavy user requests.

V8 the only thing that kind have got me was drag and drop (another requested feature) and convolution in 8.5. Probably a small upgrade for many.

V9-V10 kind of seem more Props being unpredictable. The players while nice kind have threw me off guard being more of a traditional keyboard player, but that said the Players are powerful devices. VST was very unpredictable as I think most people thought the Props would stick to their guns. I don't think most people were thinking that V10 would be an instrument upgrade but they do seem to be great powerful devices that gives Reason some functionality (where we probably haven't figured out all of the tricks they can do yet).

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24 Oct 2017

Oquasec wrote:
24 Sep 2017
that would be a good opportunity to put the layers RE there too. Cuz that's a radical piano situation.
More a radical synth.

Reason Studio's 11.3 / Cockos Reaper 6.82 / Cakewalk By Bandlab / Orion 8.6 ... soul-mix-3

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24 Oct 2017

Steedus wrote:
19 Oct 2017
sublunar wrote:
19 Oct 2017
Reason 6 was the biggest update ever, IMO.
Depends how you look at it. For me (someone who already had Record), Reason 6 was quite a small update.
Ah, fair point.

As more of a traditional instrumentalist, my DAW's primary use needed to be audio recording. Therefore Reason, with its sexy rack gear and cables everywhere, always tempted me from afar. When Record came out, I was really desperate to get on board but wanted to wait until the next version to get the more mature implementation. So I bought in at Reason 6 and it was a HUGE deal for me at the time. But I guess I overestimated its value for people who had Record already.

While nothing else has been promised in Version 10, I see enough value coming from 8.3 with the players, UI color adjustment, VST, new content, etc, that I'm upgrading tomorrow and keeping my fingers crossed that we will see more in the point revisions. Even if nothing else comes, as version skipper (6, 8, 10), I'll be reasonably satisfied with the upgrade. I learned long ago not to chase every version of every piece of software anyway.

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25 Oct 2017

Emma is buying more cables
But Reason 10 has arrived!
Seriously, what are they up to?

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25 Oct 2017

They must be working on the point revisions right now, like they were working on 10 when 9.5 dropped. It’s maddening not knowing what they’re up to. [emoji28]

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25 Oct 2017

Tumble wrote:
25 Oct 2017
Emma is buying more cables
But Reason 10 has arrived!
Seriously, what are they up to?
Who is Emma?
If you ain't hip to the rare Housequake, shut up already.


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25 Oct 2017

Catblack wrote:
25 Oct 2017
Tumble wrote:
25 Oct 2017

Seriously, what are they up to?
Who is Emma?
Who cares, but what are the cables for!?
:?: The question is - Who cares :?:

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25 Oct 2017

The clues are SO obvious. The big tall triangle represents the dunce hat Ernst must be wearing right now. The drum stool represents the destruction of your lower back, and that "drummers" are the only people stupid enough to upgrade when there's no improvement to overall workflow. The tape machine represents that fact that no matter how hard you try to make your mix sound natural, there will never be a substitute for a tape transfer. The optical illusions represent the idea of convincing people to upgrade based on the superficial value, when we all know that, in fact, "less is more". The cube represents Minecraft which will soon be incorporated directly into Reason after the company is acquired by Microsoft. And what do they mean by biggest? Simple: they are being literal. This one has the most data.

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25 Oct 2017

Tumble wrote:
25 Oct 2017
Emma is buying more cables
But Reason 10 has arrived!
Seriously, what are they up to?
Bobby getting coffee with an image of the rack = more creativity for the rack
Emma buying more cables with image of external equipment = more/better connectivity with external equipment. I'm hoping that means better midi support and improved VST performance. It might also mean NKS integration with Native Instruments hardware.
mostly modular experiments:

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26 Oct 2017

When I saw the Bobbies gone for coffee thing, then the Emma's gone for cables, and the stylization of the images etc, I just thought their marketing team was doing an appropriation of the current trendiness of music production, creativity etc.

With the accessibility of technology these days it seems more popular than ever. And it seemed a while back that props were gearing towards a more eclectic range of users, than say, trance and edm. What with players, the addition of audio recording, etc etc.

I have enjoyed the direction they are moving in and the journey that it has taken us on. I upgraded to 10 to support them as fortunately I could afford to do so. The update was well worth it in my eyes, both for the content (I have made so much new material in the last 24 hours with the inspiration of Europa and grain) and for the longevity of Reason as a DAW going into the future.

I think the point updates will be decent, the train looks like its in full steam right now, what with VST integration etc.

Anyway, I dunno if there are many hidden messages in the marketing this time round. I think the vibes given from it are the real indication - that reason is "hip" or "trendy" - that with the new additions it is modern and it still retains its original modular, anything goes charm for the old heads. Just go look at the ableton imagery, the bitwig, studio one etc - reason has a very cool vibe right now. Its not even really my thing, but I see it, and I think they are smart for it.

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26 Oct 2017


I Think that everyone has missed something here. (Unless I have not seen this posted in this topic).

The New Relationship with Sample Magic is more interesting to Me. Just look at this new VST that they have created and released this month.

I am not a major VST Or Other Software User but I have not seen these Envelope Shaper Presets until this month!

Future Colabs with Sample Magic must be possible and A New Kong would be next on the list for Me.


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