Announcing Reason 11

This forum is for discussing Reason. Questions, answers, ideas, and opinions... all apply.
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26 Aug 2019

plasticfractal wrote:
26 Aug 2019
I have a lot of respect for the company formerly known as Propellerheads, but I'm confused about their strategy now. I will upgrade out of respect. and to show gratitidue for their amazing recent free updates. But a high res gui and big workflow improvements would have made me and many other people much more excited.
I am a little bit torn between understanding and disappointment here.
As an "Reason only" user like yourself, the new version does not seem to bring that much value to me.
On the other side - if it keeps the company afloat, they can develop future versions which add more value for me. If they go bancrupt because they cannot survive on selling updates only, then there is no chance at all to get the features I want...

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26 Aug 2019

antic604 wrote:
26 Aug 2019
So, what's your opinion about that? I don't really see much use for them either in Reason or in Rack VST, because I already have better alternatives for both use cases.

Also, hopefully those are not final designs, because the fonts are all over the place. Also, it would really be much better if Channel EQ was bigger and included the graphical display we have under F2 for the channel.

Seems like a rushed job, really :(
I might be niche with this, but one of my most important tools recently is the SSL gate. I'm looking forward to using it whereever I want in Reason 12.
:reason: Most recent track: resentment (synthwave) || Others: on my YouTube channel •ᴗ•

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26 Aug 2019

Luxuria wrote:
26 Aug 2019
I'm not sure what to say here....

A quote from Mattias from the Speculations about the new guy thread: " I don't believe music production is a completely one-platform, in-the-box activity though. I think people use plenty of tools in plenty of different ways and we'll continue to make software that fit in to that one way or the other."

This is the new direction Propellerhead aka Reason Studio is heading towards. The new CEO, Niklas, was brought in to rebrand the company and this is the result.

1.Reason Rack Plugin: RRP is a VST3, but the DAW itself doesn't support VST3? Has the company lost interest in being a full fledged DAW? Like I had predicted, Pheads doesn't want to compete in the DAW industry, they never did. So instead, they are slowly transition into a Kontakt but for synths/effects using their RE platform.

2. Reason Suite: "Here are all our Rack Extentions we've built over the years. We've maximized all the profits out of them in our shop so we are going to bundle them all up and sell them as a suite. Oh, and we don't do complete your bundle offers so you're going to have to pay full price $250 even if you have most of the devices."

3. 5 New Devices!: 3 of which were already present in the previous version's mixer. A new chorus and the new phaser which were much needed additions since the only previous stock devices were the half rack devices from Reason 2.5

4. 6 Workflow features: WOW! :roll: I guess 6 technically is 1 more than a "handful" so I have to eat my words /sarcasm. And the community sings their song "Just wait for the point updates, surely there will be more down the line." Really guys? How many times are they going to pull this before you snap out of it? Phead's is sitting on a mountain of workflow improvements! They would rather let the other DAW's add them for you. Reason sequencer isn't ever getting the revamp it deserves.

How is this even close to a full version upgrade? I can't justify upgrading for $129 and I'm still on V8! The Reason Rack Plugin didn't even get a HD GUI upgrade. And if they didn't fix the issue with high resolutions Mac devices running like crap this is toast.

I'm upset. Why do duel DAW owner's get such a big priority in a FULL version release while we who are 1 DAW users dedicated to Reason have to sit in the backseat?
I feel for you, man.

About 6 years ago I was in the same boat as you. I was angry again at another update that hadn't fulfilled much needed features for me.
I was so desperate that I was forced into buying a new DAW. Being on a MAC I went with Logic pro. It solved all my problems. I now use both apps and very happily.

My point is, don't wait for for Props, "Ahem", Reason Studios to give you what you need. They never will. It's always been this way.
Move on and do what it takes to get the features you need.

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26 Aug 2019

MattiasHG wrote:
26 Aug 2019
There are some things not noted on the What's New page, so in the interest of clarity here's a preview of the not-yet-published update notes for Reason 11. It's not published yet as we're still in beta:

Reason Rack Plugin
  • Reason 11 comes with Reason Rack Plugin, a plugin version of Reason's rack with all the devices included for use in any DAW. Fully compatible with your Rack Extensions and patch compatible with all devices and Combinators.
  • Sweeper Modulation Effect, an advanced phaser/flanger/filter with extensive modulation options for both classic and crazy modulation.
  • Quartet Chorus Ensemble, four flavors of chorus and ensemble effects from bread-and-butter widening to experimental effects.
  • Master Bus Compressor, the compressor from Reason's mixer available as a rack device. Perfect for a drum bus.
  • Channel Dynamics, the dynamics section from Reason's mixer. Add modeled compression, gating or expansion to any sound—try it in a Combinator.
  • Channel EQ, the EQ section from Reason's mixer. Combine with the Channel Dynamics for a complete channel strip you can use anywhere in your signal chain.
Workflow and technical improvements
  • Curved automation, simply drag the line between two automation points up or down to curve the line.
  • Crossfades, overlap two audio clips and either choose Crossfade from the context menu or press the X key to crossfade. Drag the crossfade to adjust.
  • Improved zoom, you can now drag the sequencer track dividers to adjust the vertical size of the track. Tracks can have individual sizes and the Zoom to Selection function can now zoom both horizontally and vertically.
  • Mute MIDI notes, use the Mute Tool or press M to mute selected MIDI notes.
  • New Pencil Tool mode, use the new multi-note Pencil to quickly draw a series of notes at the same resolution as your snap value. You can quickly toggle between the two modes by pressing Ctrl (Win) or Option (Mac) when using the Pencil tool.
  • Absolute Snap, a new setting in the inspector that always snaps what you're moving to the grid.
  • Key visualization, in Edit Mode you will now see both played and selected MIDI notes in the piano roll to easier see what's going on.
  • Octave shortcut, using cmd+shift+up/down (Mac) or ctrl+shift+up/down (Win) to quickly move selected MIDI notes up or down in octave increments.
  • Draw automation point at same level, hold Shift while drawing a new automation point to place it on the existing automation line
  • Bug fixes (to be detailed)
Absolute snap and shift+draw automation are good time savers. Also visual feedback on the piano roll is something I’ve been missing for a while.

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26 Aug 2019

Creativemind wrote:
26 Aug 2019

EDIT - and oh REMOVE THOSE ARROWS OFF THE NOTES IN THE MIDI EDITOR as they get in the way. Should only appear when you get a certain pixel length towards the beginning or end of notes when they're needed to either extend or shorten a note.
Yes, here it is: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=7509926

...and also that annoying browser auto defocus: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=7510597

...and annoying loging window: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7507992

They are simply ignoring these major issues...

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26 Aug 2019

I hope the workflow updates for the sequencer are minor because all their recources last year were eaten by the rewrite for vst perf.
The sequencer desperately needs some love. Curves is very cool. More of this please :)

On the other hand, i will try Ableton now. The step became smaller.

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26 Aug 2019

Luxuria wrote:
26 Aug 2019
I'm not sure what to say here....
I'm upset. Why do duel DAW owner's get such a big priority in a FULL version release while we who are 1 DAW users dedicated to Reason have to sit in the backseat?
Do we, though? I mean, I'm not exactly tempted to pay 130€ for a wrapper that allows me to use Reason Studios™ devices in my other DAWs.

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26 Aug 2019

guitfnky wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Vyckeil wrote:
26 Aug 2019

Before version 6, Reason was pretty much a plugin first (via ReWire) and DAW second. Now it's just coming back to its roots. They're still improving the DAW features, albeit slowly. The competition is fierce for DAWs. Props tried their hand at it, improved a lot of the features but it's never enough for some people. I personally love all the other features that Reason provide and don't limit myself, so I bought StudioOne to compensate for Reason's failings. Now that Reason is a VST, it fixes a lot of my problems, and I won't ever feel stuck with all those REs I purchased.

I understand that some people exclusively use Reason, so just don't buy this update. Reason version 1 never stopped people in making music. Whatever version you're on won't stop you making music. Just skip this one. I'll be upgrading from version 9. I didn't find version 10 interesting, so I skipped it.

I feel like this update is the best one yet. I mean, you can use a DAW in a DAW. And since Reason is now a VST, you can use a VST in a VST. That's crazy awesome!
yep, I understand that. but it’s undeniable that they’ve been focused on rounding Reason out as a DAW since version 5 (Record+Reason). they’ve tiptoed right up to the line of greatness, and in v11, decided to go another way. that’s what we’re upset about.

and of course, the old adage, ‘if you don’t like it, don’t buy it’ applies (hell, I’ve used it many times myself). I agree the new VST Rack feature is great, but it’s only great for certain people who don’t use/don’t want to use Reason as their core DAW. that’s sort of antithetical to what Props’ approach has been for the past 5 versions.
So how long do you think this way takes. When it is out as a VST then it is out and the road does already end. It had to happen at some point.

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26 Aug 2019

KrazyKat wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Props, "Ahem", Reason Studios
"Props" was always such a nice, affectionate shorthand to writing Propellerhead Software.

So props to Props! ;)






.... Studs


All those investment dollars and the best name they could come up with was tautological.
Last edited by JiggeryPokery on 26 Aug 2019, edited 1 time in total.

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26 Aug 2019

I'd just like to say that we're not all disappointed. I'm absolutely chuffed. :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:
This will make Reason so much more usable for me and I'm sure I am not alone.

For those of you who wanted track freeze. Stick the rack in another DAW and you've got "Rack Freeze". Absolutely top banana!

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26 Aug 2019

Creativemind wrote:
26 Aug 2019
miscend wrote:
26 Aug 2019

I will never get used to the rebranding. The old Reason logo was so cool. Propellerhead was a great name. Literally overnight the product has gone from "Propellerhead's Reason" to "Reason Studios Reason". It's doesn't quite flow off the tongue as well.
Propellerhead Reason and the new name is Reason Studio, that's it. To me I think they're copying Image-Line here?
Reason Studio is the new name of the company. The product is still just called Reason AFAIK. So Reason Studios Reason 11 Suite.
Last edited by miscend on 26 Aug 2019, edited 1 time in total.

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26 Aug 2019

miscend wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Creativemind wrote:
26 Aug 2019

Propellerhead Reason and the new name is Reason Studio, that's it. To me I think they're copying Image-Line here?
Reason Studio is the new name of the company. The product is still called Reason. So Reason Studios Reason 11 Suite.
Anybody already grabbed the domains?
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26 Aug 2019

electrofux wrote:
26 Aug 2019
guitfnky wrote:
26 Aug 2019

yep, I understand that. but it’s undeniable that they’ve been focused on rounding Reason out as a DAW since version 5 (Record+Reason). they’ve tiptoed right up to the line of greatness, and in v11, decided to go another way. that’s what we’re upset about.

and of course, the old adage, ‘if you don’t like it, don’t buy it’ applies (hell, I’ve used it many times myself). I agree the new VST Rack feature is great, but it’s only great for certain people who don’t use/don’t want to use Reason as their core DAW. that’s sort of antithetical to what Props’ approach has been for the past 5 versions.
So how long do you think this way takes. When it is out as a VST then it is out and the road does already end. It had to happen at some point.
that’s a good point. the downside now is, Reason users who use it as a VST primarily (not using Reason as their DAW), are going to have to be considered as far as future feature requests are concerned.

it’s not just a matter of opening Reason up for use as a VST, patting themselves on the back for a good job, then walking away—they’re going to have to contend with requests from two different sets of users, and I’m confident that what each user base will end up asking for will end up being very different.

they’ll have to figure out how to prioritize those requests, and if this release is any indication, I wouldn’t be surprised if Reason VST users get first crack at a lot of stuff.
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26 Aug 2019

Loque wrote:
26 Aug 2019
miscend wrote:
26 Aug 2019

Reason Studio is the new name of the company. The product is still called Reason. So Reason Studios Reason 11 Suite.
Anybody already grabbed the domains?
The domain is already registered under an anonymous identity

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26 Aug 2019

miscend wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Creativemind wrote:
26 Aug 2019

Propellerhead Reason and the new name is Reason Studio, that's it. To me I think they're copying Image-Line here?
Reason Studio is the new name of the company. The product is still just called Reason AFAIK. So Reason Studios Reason 11 Suite.
"Buy Reason Studios Reason 11 Intro today and receive 50% off on Reason Studios Reason 11 Suite with the discount code "ReasonStudiosReason11SuiteReasonStudiosReason11IntroUpgradeFromSuite"
:reason: Most recent track: resentment (synthwave) || Others: on my YouTube channel •ᴗ•

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26 Aug 2019

Belltunes wrote:
26 Aug 2019
stp2015 wrote:
26 Aug 2019

It really does not seem like that at all to me. All the Ableton kids :D will now consider Reason as an alternative to Reaktor or even Komplete.

I think this is a genius move really from a business perspective. Think of all the Rack Extensions that will now get sold. A bigger user base means the RE market will prosper again :D
Sure, all the Ableton kids will now buy a $ 349 licence of Reason to use it in their cracked Live Suite version. :o

I highly doubt that the Reason plugin will significantly increase the user base but for existing users it could be great if you unsatisfied with the sequencer. :?

Changing the name to Reason Studios, i don't know, seems like a stupid move to me. :roll:

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26 Aug 2019

miscend wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Loque wrote:
26 Aug 2019

Anybody already grabbed the domains?
The domain is already registered under an anonymous identity
A reverse look up of a similar registered ip: ...
2019-08-26 16_56_43- - Reverse IP Lookup - DomainTools.jpg
2019-08-26 16_56_43- - Reverse IP Lookup - DomainTools.jpg (16.41 KiB) Viewed 7416 times
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26 Aug 2019

That’s a nice piece of upgrade, even if there are some things missing that many users were and still are waiting for, e.g. Track Groups/Track Folders, Hide Mix Channel(s), an overhauled Combinator.

But based on what free dot-updates have brought in the past, I have hope that we’ll see the one or the other required feature in Reason 11.x, whereof x is not 0.

Simply put, I like that upgrade and will definitely get Reason 11 Suite. Thanks PPH/Reason Studios!

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26 Aug 2019

I'll need more time to ponder it, but I'm thinking what I might do now is buy one of Ableton/Bitwig/Cubase and then sell my R10 Licence and get R11 Intro.

From what I can tell if I primarily switch to using Reason in another DAW, I won't really miss much by downgrading to Intro??

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26 Aug 2019

Zac wrote:
26 Aug 2019
I'll need more time to ponder it, but I'm thinking what I might do now is buy one of Ableton/Bitwig/Cubase and then sell my R10 Licence and get R11 Intro.

From what I can tell if I primarily switch to using Reason in another DAW, I won't really miss much by downgrading to Intro??
Except you’ll lose all your REs.
🗲 2ॐ ᛉ

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26 Aug 2019

MrFigg wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Zac wrote:
26 Aug 2019
I'll need more time to ponder it, but I'm thinking what I might do now is buy one of Ableton/Bitwig/Cubase and then sell my R10 Licence and get R11 Intro.

From what I can tell if I primarily switch to using Reason in another DAW, I won't really miss much by downgrading to Intro??
Except you’ll lose all your REs.
I don't think so. REs work in Intro.

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26 Aug 2019

Zac wrote:
26 Aug 2019
MrFigg wrote:
26 Aug 2019

Except you’ll lose all your REs.
I don't think so. REs work in Intro.
Aha!! Interesting.
🗲 2ॐ ᛉ

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26 Aug 2019

anDre wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Sure, all the Ableton kids will now buy a $ 349 licence of Reason to use it in their cracked Live Suite version. :o

I highly doubt that the Reason plugin will significantly increase the user base but for existing users it could be great if you unsatisfied with the sequencer. :?

Changing the name to Reason Studios, i don't know, seems like a stupid move to me. :roll:
Or they could spend $99 (!) to get Reason 11 Intro with the Rack plugin, Europa, OctoRex, Kong, Thor, and the back of the Rack Cabling.
When they are ready at Black Friday, they can then add the Synapse Collection for another $99 (Antidote, Legend, GQ7 etc) or the Synth Rack for 199 (Expanse, Respire, ABL3, Parsec, Super Audio Cart, Antidote, Umpf, MonoPoly, ...)
Last edited by stp2015 on 26 Aug 2019, edited 1 time in total.

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26 Aug 2019

Vyckeil wrote:
26 Aug 2019
I really don't get people when they say that they'll sell Reason to buy another DAW. The whole point of this update is to use Reason in another DAW. Why are they selling Reason then? Just buy the other DAW, update Reason and use it inside the DAW you prefer.

Reason just became one of the most powerful plugins on the market, if not the most powerful. Why the hell would you sell it?

Some people are really weird and eternally unsatisfied. I, for one, am very happy with this update. I'm very existed at the idea of using Reason in StudioOne.
I don't get it either. Reason is the only DAW I use as well but I like what Bitwig is doing, no rewire support was a deal breaker. This upgrade is freaking awesome. Every Reason device and third party REs are now available everywhere. Just think about that.

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26 Aug 2019

PitW. wrote:
26 Aug 2019
I have a question about the new versions:

In the "Reason 11 Suite" version, there are some rack extensions mentioned which I already have with my version 10.x
(Radical Keys, Drum Sequencer).

If I decide to upgrade to Reason 11 "only" - do I lose access to these extensions?
Not at all, you keep everything. You can also buy the new Scenic separately from Suite if you wish.

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