What would make you consider Reason+ sub?

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What would make you consider Reason+ sub?

Exclusive DAW features
Inclusion of 3rd party REs
Inclusion of Refills
Partial rent-to-own (i.e. % of sub payments accrue as store credit)
Tiered price (e.g. 10 for just the DAW, 15 DAW+REs, 20 DAW+REs+sound packs)
Lower price altogether
Nothing. I would never use Reason+
Total votes: 306
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28 Jan 2021

Billy+ wrote:
28 Jan 2021
Loque wrote:
28 Jan 2021
Time is money :-P
I agree, and I've always used my time to help others new or old that come to this forum for support in the hope it strengthens this community.
Totally 👍
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28 Jan 2021

Today is a sad day, I have removed my tshirt with the Reason logo and replaced it with my anti + version.
If you could see the back it has a massive RT QR!

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28 Jan 2021

MrFigg wrote:
28 Jan 2021
froggo_gfx wrote:
28 Jan 2021
Those who voting for Nothing out of spite actually do harm those who would prefer to gain at least something substantial out of this mess. Vote Partial Rent-to-Own guys.
I’m maybe misunderstanding your post but who’s voting nothing “out of spite”? And even if people were then how would it harm anyone? RS aren’t going to stop doing what they want just because some people said they didn’t like something.
Yea, sorry, that was a bit too bait-ey. What I've meant is that option of rent-to-own - is objectively the most redeeming one, and it would benefit everybody, precisely because RS won't revert rolling out subscriptions.

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28 Jan 2021

froggo_gfx wrote:
28 Jan 2021
MrFigg wrote:
28 Jan 2021

I’m maybe misunderstanding your post but who’s voting nothing “out of spite”? And even if people were then how would it harm anyone? RS aren’t going to stop doing what they want just because some people said they didn’t like something.
Yea, sorry, that was a bit too bait-ey. What I've meant is that option of rent-to-own - is objectively the most redeeming one, and it would benefit everybody, precisely because RS won't revert rolling out subscriptions.
it would be an option I wouldn’t oppose, but not everyone would benefit from it. I’d always choose to buy it outright, up front, because I hate having unnecessary monthly payments.
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28 Jan 2021

I would consider it if there was a parallel option to my perpetual license to rent say a package deal of virtual instruments I would like to try before I buy one day. I see we could rent to own individual items, but if we had access to packages in categories like "Orchestra", "Hip Hop", "Synths" etc. I would spend money if I had extra one month to explore many devices I currently cannot afford. Then either when a sale comes around or I really want something I tried in my permanent stash, I will pull the trigger. At the end of the day, I would want the rent to be an option as try before I buy on a massive scale while at the same time giving those who are cool with renting the option to keep doing so. If this was the case, I can see myself exploring some packages probably twice a year as my curiosity grows. But renting the entire package including the core Reason program is a no go for me personally.

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28 Jan 2021

I'm not having a good time right now... sorta. I'm trying to stay positive because despite this shitstorm going over I still think highly about Reason. There's a good reason why it's in my signature on all the sound fora I frequent, because it truly is part of my personal "big trio".

But I'll never go Reason+... In the "other thread" Microsoft 365 got mentioned a few times and well, ironically enough I felt addressed (but didn't comment because IMO I said enough in there ("If you don't have something nice to say, maybe don't say anything at all?")). Simply because I have a Microsoft 365 subscription and honestly? I'm quite happy with it too! Yet despite that I'll never sign up for Photoshop or Reason+ or whatever other nonsense you can think off....

Being a vivid user of Microsoft Office (once you got your fingers behind VBA things get very appealing IMO) I'm enjoying the Office parts, but that's not why I got my subscription ;) I'm only in it for OneDrive's cloud storage. Because I've been a Microsoft 'member' for many years I got 5Gb worth of free storage there. But having 1Tb is even better. And since I use their extended storage services it makes sense that you have to pay for it. For me the Office parts are a nice extra (I use a perpetual license on my main PC).

Now, OneDrive is far from perfect. It can actually turn out to become quite a chore when you want to upload bigger files (like backups) but then again... I pay much less in comparison to other cloud storage services while I also got full access to Office. I'm not complaining.

The main problem with SaaS ("Software as a Service") is that you pay a lot of money for it and you'll end up with nothing. Sure, maybe some sound scores, possibly, but you'll have no means to use them for other projects anymore once your subscription runs out.

And yes, for the record, I'm not having a good time sharing such critical and negative comments. Time to focus on something else, and I think I already know what ;)
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28 Jan 2021

I'd like them to move the UK price inline with the US price.

US price $20 a month.

UK price £20 = $28 a month.

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28 Jan 2021

Nothing for me, I panicked when I saw it and paid for the upgrade from 10 to 11. I love reason, it just simplifies music making for me, and I've owned it from version 2, but no way will I do this. I do think rent to own is a great model though.

There are a few issues I have:
1. The big one being you don't own it....!!!

2. Price - The full price is around £300 to own it outright, they want £200 a year. Id suggest saving your money, buying outright, and then buying some great 3rd party stuff.

3. Content - the sound packs for me are poor - I am being kind here. The basic mixing tool plugins are poor in comparison to other DAWS, and should be upgraded -we do have the best sound creation (synths)of any DAW imo

4. Upgrades in general are not worth the price - every now and then they do bring features that are welcome, and needed.

The last two maybe subjective.

This may all blow over, but it does seem the way a few companies are heading, hopefully they will have the balance of cost and product corrected by then.

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28 Jan 2021

It’s a hard sell for me because I dislike the subscription model so much. But if I had to pick one thing it would be that Reason Studios deliver on the Reason platform going forward. So Reason 12, whatever that turns out to be! But it needs to mean DAW development, features etc. That’s what I want to see. There’s a lot of talk of what is happening in the future. Let’s see if they make good on this in order to make the Reason+ model more attractive.

Currently they’re selling Reason+ on the current version of Reason, all Reason Studios devices and sound packs. I feel that’s a mistake. I think it would have been better to wait for Reason 12. Then offer standard upgrade cost ($129) just for the upgrade or Reason+ subscription for upgrade and everything else. Would have felt like a better offer and have been less controversial because we’d be getting what we all want - Primarily Reason DAW upgrades. Everything else would be icing. What we’ve got now is the topping but no cake!!

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28 Jan 2021

A subscription model might interest me if their output of paid upgrades or "sold separately" devices increases in future. Having bought Suite, at the moment there's not a lot to gain, but I don't have an issue with it as a concept. I can certainly see it being appealing to have all new upgrades and devices included as soon as they are released. I confess to being vainly hopeful that Friktion would automatically pop into my Suite bundle at no extra charge when it was announced.

So to big it up, despite not being interested currently, I'm interested to see how it evolves.

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28 Jan 2021

I voted for 'nothing', but actually if they paid me to use it i might consider it.

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28 Jan 2021

I might consider it if they had a feature to save the projects in an older format so whatever I created using the sub. service "and its not for me" I would still be able to open in whatever perpetual license copy I owned currently 10. Was holding out for 12 suite :x Minus any devices and sound packs of course" they would show up as placeholders as they do now" with the option to buy. Or perhaps offered a utility that would allow me to do the same thing that I could then purchase.

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28 Jan 2021

I took a looong break from making music, from Reason 4 to Reason 9. I can't imagine continuing to rent for all that time, obviously. But I could open my years-old projects in Reason 9 and pick up where I left off. So not owning is a non-starter for me. Voting "nothing". That said, a subscription plan for sound packs only at 5 bucks a month might tempt me for a month or two, if the packs were any good, which sounds like they are not... So yeah, "nothing".

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29 Jan 2021

Hell freezing over.

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29 Jan 2021

Billy+ wrote:
28 Jan 2021
Partial rent to own is confusing.

I would use the subscription service if I owned my license at the end of a cycle, I don't want store credits.
It's simple. You get a % of what you pay back and can use it for anything in the shop - Reason upgrade, REs, refills, etc.

If RS wanted to do rent-to-own for everything you are getting in Reason+, then probably the monthly sub would have to be higher, as the cost of Reason + all the REs totals to 3+ years of annual sub.

I think this "partial rent-to-own" is the most elegant middle ground.
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29 Jan 2021

froggo_gfx wrote:
28 Jan 2021
Those who voting for Nothing out of spite actually do harm those who would prefer to gain at least something substantial out of this mess. Vote Partial Rent-to-Own guys.
Just because you don't agree with the poll options doesn't mean people are necessarily voting out of spite. People are most likely voting how they really feel. The poll results are pretty much in sync with yesterday's feedback on the Reason + livestream reveal.

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30 Jan 2021

I can barely stand renting Photoshop and Lightroom, but I hold my nose and grimace on that one because I have no other choice. As long as Reason Studios offers both purchase options, I'm fine with the existence of Reason+. It isn't without merits and some may like it, but it certainly isn't for me. Maybe I'm just getting old.
Music is nothing else but wild sounds civilized into time and tune.

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30 Jan 2021

Kuranes2021 wrote:
29 Jan 2021
Hell freezing over.
HAHAHAHA Midi out!!! :lol:
      Reason 11 Suite, perpetual license :reason:

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30 Jan 2021

Its not an option in the practical or financial sense. Having looked at it in more detail.. i even feel thats its a bigger scam than i originally thought.
The day i'm not allowed to upgrade without having to pay the company monthlly installments i feel is creeping up and its time to start transitioning from this company to another that deal exusivley with licences.
I was without my computer for 5 months last year with an issue that should have taken half an hour to fix . I cant imagine havng to pay reason montly installments for that time without even having access to the daw itself.. also , i regularly miss montly payments and that with just 2 subsctriptions. Settling back payments that were missed while your sevice is supended is beyond depressing as some ..i assume already know.
The Livestream yesterday , the blantent and terribly misguided bullcrap (for better word) that was pedalled was nausiating ..as is this marketing campaign . It reminded me of the old saying ..'shine shit and call it gold'... speaking of,, i see the same thing happening in the Reason+ thread ..the conjecture , spin and and nonsense being passed off as truth there is just too much ..really .. and there's also someting fisshy going on there .. are some of these people hoping to be involved in the 'soundpack' are they already involved in it and on some kind of commission payment scheme? Maybe they're misguided enough to think that reason will thank them for their effeorts by offering them some kind of bit employment. Theres always a reason for that amount of spin in my experience and no ..i dont expect to find out whats actually going on there. Guys serioulsly at least throw in some facts with all the conjecture ..it might actually help with the 'fooling' part.
Ive spent 3 hours today using logic , i'm really rusty at it but i maybe thats the good i can take from all this in the end i guess.

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30 Jan 2021

I voted for not going to subscribe, in what form whatsoever. I buy my software and own it - otherwhise keep it, I'm going to look elsewhere.....

Especially for the price asked.... what are they thinking? Come on release version 12 as an upgrade from suite with all in it what was in suite, and then some and we are fine I guess.
Greetings from Miyaru.
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30 Jan 2021

I'm not among those who would leave if Reason goes subscription only, unfortunately. Reason is just too essential for me. But if they have a killer feature for me in an upcoming version and it won't be possible to get it without a subscription or if something breaks and I can't continue to use Reason 10, I would subscribe.
I would seriously hate for that to happen though, because I do not want to be a captive audience, and also, I'm not interested in everything they put out (not every upgrade and not every RE). As far as the RE's go, I'm generally in the less-is-more camp, and am far more picky about what I buy.

Those are (almost) worst case scenarios though (the worst case would be no way to use modern Reason versions at all.)

If they stand up to their word and perpetual licenses will remain an option, my first condition for subscribing would be that it become a rent-to-own model (which is what I voted), but it'd have to constantly be bringing in killer features for me to choose it over direct perpetual ownership (which for me is more on the RE side, since I'm happy with the DAW as is.) In other words, it is very very unlikely.
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30 Jan 2021

I have a hard time seeing myself becoming a Reason+ subscriber. I just don't feel like going down that route. Unless RS somehow manage to offer something overwhelmingly amazing that I can't even come up with right now it's not likely to happen.
What I suspect will happen in my case is that I'll continue to upgrade as long as perpetual lincenses is still a thing. If they at some point stop with that, I'll most likely use the latest version of Reason I bought and stick to that for a number of years. Honestly with all the stuff I've have now, R11 Suite together with all the REs I've bought there's already enough stuff to make music with for years. Unlike many other Reason users I don't have long lists of features I need implemented. Whenever there's an upgrade it's more of a bonus for me. Something fun to enjoy, a couple of new toys, maybe some new practical features I hadn't thought about.

Like with most people I was bummed out by the whole subscription news. But now once I look at the bigger picture and realize I'm pretty content with what I have already, I feel way more relaxed about the whole thing. If R12 would be the last Reason version ever I would still be happy to produce music with it for at least 5 years without needing anything more.

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31 Jan 2021

I'd vote for the tiered option (my own version) because I'd pay £7 a month (the approx cost of 18mo updates) for the DAW only but it would be dependent on 1) comp authorisation for offline use and 2) them keeping the upgrade from any version option so I can pay a final fee, get the latest desired version, and get out where I'm at.
But what's the point to that? I already buy whatever updates they release (for some reason...R8...R11...) and if you want dependible income from me just don't piss around with stupid releases while the todo list is so glaringly obvious.

As it stands, I voted no thanks...
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31 Jan 2021

:D I be as positive as I can be, I am 100% positive there is no way I will ever subscribe

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01 Feb 2021

Maybe if they had different tiers of subscriptions... Maybe Plan A could include the DAW, Sound Packs and REs. And maybe Plan B could include Sound Packs and REs. Plan C just the sounds packs.

And this would definitely have to be rent-to-own. I need to know that I can access my files if/when I ever cancel the subscription.

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