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16 Jul 2021

fullforce wrote:
16 Jul 2021
You must not be familiar with the saying about leaving a good first impression.
Your type of response is exactly mentality which is hurting on this board. Really snarky, hurting and marginalizing.

Like how do you know what I am familiar with? By years I may be your dad? Or I may be your age but living entirely different life.

You should ask yourself why exactly it provides you with a good and "cool" emotions, why does it make you feel smarter when you are downplaying people or their efforts while being hidden behind screen.

It tells a story or two about your real character isn't it?

edit: know what? I am outta here, I have really better time to use then to feel bad about internet bullies.

Good luck to everyone.

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16 Jul 2021

It's a flounce


Well flounced, sir. And see you in a couple of weeks

Meanwhile, early reviews of R12 are in and let me tell you my friends, the critics are raving
JiggeryPokery wrote:
15 Jul 2021
It's the programming equivalent of crapping on the floor and sweeping it under a rug with your slippers.

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16 Jul 2021

fullforce wrote:
15 Jul 2021
lowtom wrote:
15 Jul 2021
cached during istallation.
You don't "cache during installation". That defeats the whole purpose of caching.
Whatever. Preloaded, preinstalled then.
Devices should load quick as in previous versions. If I do not use and go above 100% there is no need for me to download or store high resolution graphic assets.
:reason: :refill: :re:

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16 Jul 2021

fullforce wrote:
16 Jul 2021
There's not even freaking hotkeys for increasing/decreasing the zoom level.
The current implementation of zoom is not a setting meant to be changed around on the fly, but rather set to whatever looks best on your monitor and then left alone so the scaling can do it's thing. Those hires images gets saved so that every time you open up Reason at the same zoom level it looks good and does so instantly.
Having hotkeys to switch around this setting in its current form would defeat this purpose and give out the wrong idea about its usage.
I know that basically everyone wanted a dynamic zoom but I think it's important to get your head wrapped around how it is CURRENTLY working and intended to be used.

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16 Jul 2021

kbard wrote:
16 Jul 2021
Carpainter wrote:
15 Jul 2021
Reason is now auto-scaling devices based on your resolution and DPI settings. VST plugins don't do that. It also has to load a high enough resolution version of each device to look good when zoomed in as high as 200% on a 4k display. Other than giving people the option to switch to a legacy display mode with the old low-rez devices, I'm not sure what they can do for people who don't want to deal with the load times.
FYI it is not automatic (at least not in my case). You have to select it by hand. Like you need to go into options and then you have to select zoom.

And all other VSTs which has "zoom" feature works exactly the same way. You have to select it. And then they scale.

I also seen VST devices which scaled up based on DPI settings in windows. On the other hand on my Mac, UAD plugins are enlarged if you use Retina.

Note: I am not whining or complain about splash screens etc. To me Reason 12 is fantastic. I don't mind waiting for hires device to load for the first time after which they load in second.

I just wanted to comment your "automatic" thing.

On the other hand I am really saddened seeing response here. People complain about splash screens or hi res loading time. Both of which are really no practical issues. Because you don't make music with splash screens nor do you have problems with the hires screens once they load completely. After that loading is instant in the future.

It must be hard being developer in the audio industry. People complain about unbelievable stuff. I know developers cannot predict every angle out there. It is impossible to please every person that is fine. I understand older user being disappointed by not having something they requested for a long time since. But this is not it.

When you see people complaining and downplaying (instead of being constructive) on a product about splash screens, or a loading time which is only caused for a first time, or the shades of colors covering knobs, or angle of shadows, or 3 pixels - whatever - in the music making app - you know you are dealing with people not being grateful for what they have. And this is all wrapped under the standard "we just want perfect product". Or "I paid you therefore I can piss on you"

It must be disheartening being developer in DAW or plugin industry.
Well said! :clap:
Modus Null

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16 Jul 2021

For me it's very simple , no matter how it is intended, if I don't like it I don't use it ...

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16 Jul 2021

JiggeryPokery wrote:
15 Jul 2021
selig wrote:
15 Jul 2021

These are two different features, rack/device zooming and application zoom. Application zooming was done first (has been requested for YEARS!), hopefully device zooming will be relatively quick to follow.
With respect, and you're not incorrect, as such, but that sure sounds dangerously close to a revisionism of the types of requests I've seen over the years, in order to attempt to justify to yourself the way it's been implemented now, when there's a very strong argument that's not what a majority of people have wanted the past six years at least, even just in a cursory search of this very forum. Now, I'm not party to whatever user stats and direct emails RS have, of course. But I can be pretty sure of one thing.

No-one, but no-one, including yourself, asked for enlarged, blurry text, and a comically, farcically engorged transport bar.

Serious, genuine question.

In what way is this


better than this?

not vaseline.png

Because that is so obviously wrong it should not have even made it to a beta, let alone to paying users beta testers Reason+ Subscribers. You say "Application zooming has been done first", but it demonstrably hasn't! They've done part of it. Come on, Giles.

Every time someone on the forum says — or as you're doing, even inadvently, implies, especially given your status a respectable tech expert — language like "This is great!" or in "has been done" enables RS to get away with not fixing or finishing work in a product that most of us do actually pay for.

The fact is when you defend the indefensible, the indefensible eventually becomes acceptable.

Fantastic, the bitmaps are bigger, and sharper for people who need them bigger. I love it. That's good, for sure. However, making the fonts shit is not good. So the net benefit to what they've released is, by and large, zero. It is no better: they've merely shifted the rendering issues into a different place. It's the programming equivalent of crapping on the floor and sweeping it under a rug with your slippers.

If this display render issue is fixed before Reason 12.1 gets released, brilliant, my cynicism will have been entirely misplaced, I'll take it all back and apologise right here in this thread: it just was a bug, and it took a little while longer to work through than they expected. However, I guarantee it's been known about for some time maybe months, probably including yourself as I believe you're a Test Pilot who gets these Upgrades for Free. But if it's not fixed by September, and remember, it's already actually live in a paid environment to Paying Beta Tester Reason+ Subscribers, it's intentional. That is, they had no intention of ensuring it looks correct for launch.

And at that point, the marketing should read "Reason HD: It's like staring at a Vaseline-smeared monitor through cataracts."
There must be something wrong with your setup as mine looks waaay better than this.
Modus Null

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16 Jul 2021

JiggeryPokery wrote:
15 Jul 2021
selig wrote:
15 Jul 2021

These are two different features, rack/device zooming and application zoom. Application zooming was done first (has been requested for YEARS!), hopefully device zooming will be relatively quick to follow.
With respect, and you're not incorrect, as such, but that sure sounds dangerously close to a revisionism of the types of requests I've seen over the years, in order to attempt to justify to yourself the way it's been implemented now, when there's a very strong argument that's not what a majority of people have wanted the past six years at least, even just in a cursory search of this very forum. Now, I'm not party to whatever user stats and direct emails RS have, of course. But I can be pretty sure of one thing.

No-one, but no-one, including yourself, asked for enlarged, blurry text, and a comically, farcically engorged transport bar.

Serious, genuine question.

In what way is this


better than this?

not vaseline.png

Because that is so obviously wrong it should not have even made it to a beta, let alone to paying users beta testers Reason+ Subscribers. You say "Application zooming has been done first", but it demonstrably hasn't! They've done part of it. Come on, Giles.

Every time someone on the forum says — or as you're doing, even inadvently, implies, especially given your status a respectable tech expert — language like "This is great!" or in "has been done" enables RS to get away with not fixing or finishing work in a product that most of us do actually pay for.

The fact is when you defend the indefensible, the indefensible eventually becomes acceptable.

Fantastic, the bitmaps are bigger, and sharper for people who need them bigger. I love it. That's good, for sure. However, making the fonts shit is not good. So the net benefit to what they've released is, by and large, zero. It is no better: they've merely shifted the rendering issues into a different place. It's the programming equivalent of crapping on the floor and sweeping it under a rug with your slippers.

If this display render issue is fixed before Reason 12.1 gets released, brilliant, my cynicism will have been entirely misplaced, I'll take it all back and apologise right here in this thread: it just was a bug, and it took a little while longer to work through than they expected. However, I guarantee it's been known about for some time maybe months, probably including yourself as I believe you're a Test Pilot who gets these Upgrades for Free. But if it's not fixed by September, and remember, it's already actually live in a paid environment to Paying Beta Tester Reason+ Subscribers, it's intentional. That is, they had no intention of ensuring it looks correct for launch.

And at that point, the marketing should read "Reason HD: It's like staring at a Vaseline-smeared monitor through cataracts."

Very well said ! :clap:

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16 Jul 2021

Is the 'loading times are only for the first time you set application zoom' thing holding up? After R12 has zoomed and set the right size bitmaps and you save the session and come back into it does it load up as quick as previous versions? How is the RRP holding up in R12?

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16 Jul 2021

RoryM0 wrote:
16 Jul 2021
Is the 'loading times are only for the first time you set application zoom' thing holding up? After R12 has zoomed and set the right size bitmaps and you save the session and come back into it does it load up as quick as previous versions? How is the RRP holding up in R12?
For the RRP it works like described, after the first time the hires is preloaded, so to speak, it pop up right away. You have to do it for every possible zoom factor and every single device/RE. Now the but : the loading time of the RRP itself is way longer (even the deleting time) than it was with R11, very annoying with bigger combinator patches . Everything outside the rack (the browser etc.) is blurred if you're not staying with 100% zoom factor, very ugly and cheap ...

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16 Jul 2021

helmutson wrote:
16 Jul 2021
RoryM0 wrote:
16 Jul 2021
Is the 'loading times are only for the first time you set application zoom' thing holding up? After R12 has zoomed and set the right size bitmaps and you save the session and come back into it does it load up as quick as previous versions? How is the RRP holding up in R12?
For the RRP it works like described, after the first time the hires is preloaded, so to speak, it pop up right away. You have to do it for every possible zoom factor and every single device/RE. Now the but : the loading time of the RRP itself is way longer (even the deleting time) than it was with R11, very annoying with bigger combinator patches . Everything outside the rack (the browser etc.) is blurred if you're not staying with 100% zoom factor, very ugly and cheap ...
I'm beginning to get the impression a smarter v1.0 implementation of this would have been a simple checkbox toggle in the Reason Preferences: Load High Resolution Graphics (Requires restart)

Then Reason only need load a single set of assets at startup, either the original bitmaps, or the new @2x ones.

Leave zoom at 100% as has been the case for the last 11 versions of Reason. The above will ensure Reason can look nice on all monitors, including retina Macs etc. Later on, once they've refined the technology a bit - then start adding in zoom features and the ability to select certain elements that display in double size for accessibility etc.

The current implementation is whack imho.

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16 Jul 2021

Yeah I mean the new bitmaps do look way nicer even at 100%. At least to me. There were some labels on controls of REs that if you zoomed in were literally just a bundle of pixels but you know what the word is from the shape :lol:. For the most part that's not the case any more. So without zooming it's still a better experience for me. With zooming, the rest of the interface is simply too large and so I probably won't be using it.

Of course I would've loved dynamic zoom, or per-device pop-out zoom, but I'll be happy to switch over provided RAM usage and load times are addressed. I had one device (JP's Harmonic Synth) take 3m50s at 140%. That was pretty wild, but kind of an outlier. Other devices were in the 5-10 second range, some were upwards of a minute. Huge spread of results. Currently there's also an issue reported by several users of RAM fluctuating based on scrolling, not being released properly when deleting devices, etc, improper caching on hidden panels, etc. So there's still some work to be done before September, but RS are very aware of that. I won't pretend to know the rationale behind dropping early access before a long holiday but it'll certainly give them a lot of data and user feedback to pour over when they return right?

It is kind of funny though; when they don't do things fast/openly enough, they get criticised. When they put a WIP in the hands of all paying subscribers they get told not to rush haha. If they push for release in September, people will be unhappy if it's broken. If they delay to get it right, people will be unhappy it's late. Glad I'm just a user tbh :D

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16 Jul 2021

kbard wrote:
16 Jul 2021
Your type of response is exactly mentality which is hurting on this board. Really snarky, hurting and marginalizing.
It's true though, and well, I guess you can't handle the truth (thank you Jack Nicholson). The splash screen is the first thing you see from the new application. It used to be nice and polished and it actually contained some information. This one looks like it was whipped up in 2 minutes by a 5 year old using Microsoft Paint 3D.
You should ask yourself why exactly it provides you with a good and "cool" emotions, why does it make you feel smarter when you are downplaying people or their efforts while being hidden behind screen.
Where exactly am I "downplaying people". I am criticising a product that I've supported for over 10 years and paid good money for. You're a complete tool for trying to stretch this all the way to your own age (as if that matters) or the fact that I may or may not feel smarter. It's batshit crazy if you ask me.

Stick to the subject. I know I did.
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16 Jul 2021

complaining about splash screens is about the biggest waste of time ever. especially for audio software.

prove me wrong. 😂
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16 Jul 2021

guitfnky wrote:
16 Jul 2021
complaining about splash screens is about the biggest waste of time ever. especially for audio software.

prove me wrong. 😂
I second that, it's a splash screen who cares. :o
It's not like you're waiting for it to rescale, I'm more interested in the relationship between graphics vs DSP,
I'm usually grabbing a drink when the splash screen is loading ;) and the delay between low to hi resolution graphics is only distracting because normally I wouldn't even be paying attention to the device normally but now I watching just to see the changes.

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16 Jul 2021

Anyone seen this issue?

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16 Jul 2021

Faastwalker wrote:
16 Jul 2021
Anyone seen this issue?
Have now, thanks :thumbs_up:

Good to see some kind of explanation

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16 Jul 2021

kbard wrote:
16 Jul 2021
Carpainter wrote:
15 Jul 2021
Reason is now auto-scaling devices based on your resolution and DPI settings. VST plugins don't do that. It also has to load a high enough resolution version of each device to look good when zoomed in as high as 200% on a 4k display. Other than giving people the option to switch to a legacy display mode with the old low-rez devices, I'm not sure what they can do for people who don't want to deal with the load times.
FYI it is not automatic (at least not in my case). You have to select it by hand. Like you need to go into options and then you have to select zoom.

And all other VSTs which has "zoom" feature works exactly the same way. You have to select it. And then they scale.

I also seen VST devices which scaled up based on DPI settings in windows. On the other hand on my Mac, UAD plugins are enlarged if you use Retina.

Note: I am not whining or complain about splash screens etc. To me Reason 12 is fantastic. I don't mind waiting for hires device to load for the first time after which they load in second.

I just wanted to comment your "automatic" thing.
The HD update does two things: scales the devices to suit your resolution and DPI settings and allows you to zoom the Rack. Before the HD update, people who ran with a DPI setting over 100% had blurry graphics. Now they don't.

Propellerhead has done a terrible job explaining exactly what the HD update actually does.

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16 Jul 2021

Carpainter wrote:
16 Jul 2021
kbard wrote:
16 Jul 2021

FYI it is not automatic (at least not in my case). You have to select it by hand. Like you need to go into options and then you have to select zoom.

And all other VSTs which has "zoom" feature works exactly the same way. You have to select it. And then they scale.

I also seen VST devices which scaled up based on DPI settings in windows. On the other hand on my Mac, UAD plugins are enlarged if you use Retina.

Note: I am not whining or complain about splash screens etc. To me Reason 12 is fantastic. I don't mind waiting for hires device to load for the first time after which they load in second.

I just wanted to comment your "automatic" thing.
The HD update does two things: scales the devices to suit your resolution and DPI settings and allows you to zoom the Rack. Before the HD update, people who ran with a DPI setting over 100% had blurry graphics. Now they don't.

Propellerhead has done a terrible job explaining exactly what the HD update actually does.
I agree that they have done a bad job explaining this. The scaling works prettty well. I run a 4k monitor scaled to 200% in the OS display settings and everything now looks fantastic, once the graphics algorithm has done its job. It looked bad before, but now I can work without eye strain. This is a definite bonus, but RS have not explained it well enough.
Modus Null

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16 Jul 2021

As a 1080p user I don't really stand to gain anything from the revamped graphics engine. If anything, my experience has been kind of worsened with increased RAM usage and cache delays, and that sort of sucks. BUT! I don't want to be a Debbie Downer here - I think it's a great step in the right direction in terms of making Reason as useable as possible for people with setups that aren't... well... mine! With that in mind, I think there are a couple of things that would help greatly in readying this for the full R12 launch.

First, I think there should be a dedicated "pre-cache" option for people who want to have their graphics pre-cached and ready to roll. I love the thinking behind graphics caching being a background process so as to not get in the way of writing music, but it gives Reason a super unfinished feel while it's happening and I think it should be avoided wherever possible. I would love the option to hit a button and leave my computer churning away for 15 minutes so everything's ready to roll when I get back. I'd even go so far as to suggest making it a default part of RE installation so people don't complain about the weird chunky graphics while everything's caching. If it's a process that needs doing to improve the UX then let the user know that it needs to be done!

Secondly, I think common resolution assets should be included with downloads. Give me those ready-to-use 1080p/1440p/4K assets. Disk storage is cheap, time isn't. Have those assets ready to roll out of the box, and maybe include an option to delete higher res assets if the user doesn't need them. Right now I think there needs to be a pre-use solution ready to go that doesn't involve the user staring at weirdly scaled assets until they're ready, and I think both this and the aforementioned "pre-cache at download/at the user's whim" idea would go a big way toward solving that.

Ultimately, for a lot of people I think the initial experience is what counts and complicating that with "well, you need to download these assets and then wait a bit while trying to be creative" is not conducive to a good user experience. Obviously with the way REs work it's a necessary step, but it shouldn't be something that happens while you're trying to write music.

Also - while I'm here: track folders/proper VST MIDI support/VST3/plug-in organisation. Also, yes, the splash screen is rubbish. Sorry.
Last edited by adfielding on 16 Jul 2021, edited 1 time in total.

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16 Jul 2021

The problem with including the graphics for multiple settings is that the download/install is going to get real big real quick and ultimately will still require the images to be rescaled at some point, so I definitely understand why it's the way it is but they really should have explained it better.

And know we know why some devices are having problems with divisions by 5 for assets that have been mistakenly not made divisible by 5 it's all starting to make more sense.

I guess it's definitely future proof doing this way, but us mere mortals could have done with a better explanation..

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16 Jul 2021

adfielding wrote:
16 Jul 2021
As a 1080p user I don't really stand to gain anything from the revamped graphics engine. If anything, my experience has been kind of worsened with increased RAM usage and cache delays, and that sort of sucks. BUT! I don't want to be a Debbie Downer here - I think it's a great step in the right direction in terms of making Reason as usable as possible for people with setups that aren't... well... mine! With that in mind, I think there are a couple of things that would help greatly in readying this for the full R12 launch.

First, I think there should be a dedicated "pre-cache" option for people who want to have their graphics pre-cached and ready to roll. I love the thinking behind graphics caching being a background process so as to not get in the way of writing music, but it gives Reason a super unfinished feel while it's happening and I think it should be avoided wherever possible. I would love the option to hit a button and leave my computer churning away for 15 minutes so everything's ready to roll when I get back. I'd even go so far as to suggest making it a default part of RE installation so people don't complain about the weird chunky graphics while everything's caching. If it's a process that needs doing to improve the UX then let the user know that it needs to be done!

Secondly, I think common resolution assets should be included with downloads. Give me those ready-to-use 1080p/1440p/4K assets. Disk storage is cheap, time isn't. Have those assets ready to roll out of the box, and maybe include an option to delete higher res assets if the user doesn't need them. Right now I think there needs to be a pre-use solution ready to go that doesn't involve the user staring at weirdly scaled assets until they're ready, and I think both this and the aforemened "pre-cache at download/at the user's whim" idea would go a big way toward solving that.

Ultimately, for a lot of people I think the initial experience is what counts and complicating that with "well, you need to download these assets and then wait a bit while trying to be creative" is not conducive to a good user experience. Obviously with the way REs work it's a necessary step, but it shouldn't be something that happens while you're trying to write music.

Also - while I'm here: track folders/proper VST MIDI support/VST3/plug-in organisation. Also, yes, the splash screen is rubbish. Sorry.
Yeah big +1111 for a manual/user triggered precache of *all* installed devices at the current zoom. Hell, if we had user definable content locations and could set the precache folder to somewhere with bags of room, just do all the zoom levels and then we can zoom in and out of devices at will. As it is I'm worried it'd take up far too much of my OS drive.

As I understand it from comments that Mattias and others have made, this was a necessary (and overdue) update to graphics handling that will pave the way for more functionality later on. So definitely willing to take it a step at a time. But yeah they definitely have to consider the experience of brand new users who don't have to wait for any of their other plugins to render properly. Bang on there Adam, first impressions count. It's really good to see more people talking about (and using) Reason, whether as a DAW or plugin. Just keen for them to have the best possible experience of it so they're more likely to tell their producer buddies "hey, this is good!".

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16 Jul 2021

adfielding wrote:
16 Jul 2021
As a 1080p user I don't really stand to gain anything from the revamped graphics engine. If anything, my experience has been kind of worsened with increased RAM usage and cache delays, and that sort of sucks. BUT! I don't want to be a Debbie Downer here - I think it's a great step in the right direction in terms of making Reason as usable as possible for people with setups that aren't... well... mine! With that in mind, I think there are a couple of things that would help greatly in readying this for the full R12 launch.

First, I think there should be a dedicated "pre-cache" option for people who want to have their graphics pre-cached and ready to roll. I love the thinking behind graphics caching being a background process so as to not get in the way of writing music, but it gives Reason a super unfinished feel while it's happening and I think it should be avoided wherever possible. I would love the option to hit a button and leave my computer churning away for 15 minutes so everything's ready to roll when I get back. I'd even go so far as to suggest making it a default part of RE installation so people don't complain about the weird chunky graphics while everything's caching. If it's a process that needs doing to improve the UX then let the user know that it needs to be done!

Secondly, I think common resolution assets should be included with downloads. Give me those ready-to-use 1080p/1440p/4K assets. Disk storage is cheap, time isn't. Have those assets ready to roll out of the box, and maybe include an option to delete higher res assets if the user doesn't need them. Right now I think there needs to be a pre-use solution ready to go that doesn't involve the user staring at weirdly scaled assets until they're ready, and I think both this and the aforemened "pre-cache at download/at the user's whim" idea would go a big way toward solving that.

Ultimately, for a lot of people I think the initial experience is what counts and complicating that with "well, you need to download these assets and then wait a bit while trying to be creative" is not conducive to a good user experience. Obviously with the way REs work it's a necessary step, but it shouldn't be something that happens while you're trying to write music.

Also - while I'm here: track folders/proper VST MIDI support/VST3/plug-in organisation. Also, yes, the splash screen is rubbish. Sorry.
I had the same thoughts about solving this issues. While I understand why they made this decision it is a bit hard to explain to end users that have less technical understanding who just think it´s a buggy behaviour.

It might be easier to understand for a user if she gets at least a dialog (or better: progress indicator bar) telling her that the graphics are now prerendered for the given zoom factor and then cached.

Obviously, this could be avoided by at least providing prerendered bitmaps with the downloaded file for the most common zoom factor but has the downside of increasing the download time and file size.
Last edited by artotaku on 16 Jul 2021, edited 2 times in total.

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16 Jul 2021

the idea of pre-caching should’ve been a no-brainer for RS. for those of us who like to download and install big upgrades late in the evening with the idea of actually using it the next day, it would be great to be able to click a button and go to bed knowing that everything is going to look great and load fast in the morning.
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16 Jul 2021

kbard wrote:
16 Jul 2021
On the other hand I am really saddened seeing response here. People complain about splash screens or hi res loading time. Both of which are really no practical issues. Because you don't make music with splash screens nor do you have problems with the hires screens once they load completely. After that loading is instant in the future.

It must be hard being developer in the audio industry. People complain about unbelievable stuff. I know developers cannot predict every angle out there. It is impossible to please every person that is fine. I understand older user being disappointed by not having something they requested for a long time since. But this is not it.

When you see people complaining and downplaying (instead of being constructive) on a product about splash screens, or a loading time which is only caused for a first time, or the shades of colors covering knobs, or angle of shadows, or 3 pixels - whatever - in the music making app - you know you are dealing with people not being grateful for what they have. And this is all wrapped under the standard "we just want perfect product". Or "I paid you therefore I can piss on you"

It must be disheartening being developer in DAW or plugin industry.
Problem is it needs to be clearly communicated what is about to happen because for an R11 user at 1080p uprading to R12 it looks like a degradation or defective behaviour at first impression.
A blog entry explaining the reasons is just not enough. This can go so far to build it into the application as dialog or async progress bar indicator (less intrusive) informing the user what goes on.

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