Drum Sequencer Remote Override missing Mute 1 to 4???

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04 Feb 2022

Strange thing I wonder if anyone else has noticed...When changing Remote overrides for Drum Sequencer it seems to be missing Mute 1 to 4?!?

2022-02-04_14h27_10.png (115.22 KiB) Viewed 660 times

Solo's 1 to 8 are there fine, and Mutes 5 to 8 are ok...but no mutes 1 to 4???

Video here paints a thousand words https://www.dropbox.com/s/sjrb9vkscxbdm ... s.mp4?dl=0

They are accessible via the combinator for mapping, but not thru the Player itself...Anyone know of anyway to map out those mutes to a device? I'm really reliant on them for performances.

Hope someone can help!

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04 Feb 2022

They are definitely remotable as the Export Remote Info shows but in Remote Override Edit Mode they are not visible. In this mode custom displays that are used in Rack Extensions have sometimes an unfortunate behaviour showing up the arrows of remotable items, possibly the arrows are outside of the custom display since it quite narrow and not shown.
I don´t know if there is another way to access them but best bet is to put the player into a combinator and assign combinator buttons to the mute buttons and remote override the combinator buttons.
Mute 1 - 8 are mappable in remotemaps, though.

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04 Feb 2022

Thanks for reply.

That's unfortunate not visible on the display...I had seen they were available via the combinator and was actually trying the technique you suggested
2022-02-04_15h44_54.png (156.12 KiB) Viewed 638 times
and in the past I had to do this with Umpf as there are NO remote overrides at all for Mute n Solo in the device
2022-02-04_15h49_17.png (483.95 KiB) Viewed 638 times
But for my needs direct mapping would have been best. How would I go about setting a mapping thru remotemaps and not do the combinator route?

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04 Feb 2022

You´d have to edit the remotemap file of the remote codec of your MIDI controller (if it is shipped) with Reason and add a scope for the Drum Sequencer with mappings. See viewtopic.php?f=4&t=7514631&hilit=C%3A% ... 2%5CRemote where these are located in your file system.

To find out about the remotable items of the Drum Sequencer you can export the Remote info (select Drum Sequencer, File -> Export Remote Device Info). This is how I checked that Mute 1 - 4 are actually available for remote mappings.

There is some information about editing remotemap files here in the forum or in the internetz, see article in SOS magazine https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques ... les-reason

If you have added a mapping for the drum sequencer it has the following effect when you are in Reason:
- if there is a MIDI track for Drum Sequencer it will automatically map your controller´s buttons, rotaries to the Drum Sequencer as specified in the remotemap
- you can lock your MIDI controller to the Drum Sequencer (see Reason docs). Then, the remote mapping is also applied but tied to just this instance of the Drum Sequencer and you don´t need a MIDI track for it.

This is how a mapping would look like ("Your Controller Button ... is just an example, depends on your MIDI controller codec)

Code: Select all

Scope	Propellerhead Software	se.propellerheads.DrumSeq
Map Your Controller Button 1		Mute1
Map Your Controller Button 2		Mute2
Map Your Controller Button 3		Mute3
Map Your Controller Button 4		Mute4
Map Your Controller Button 5		Mute5
Map Your Controller Button 6		Mute6
Map Your Controller Button 7		Mute7
Map Your Controller Button 8		Mute8

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07 Feb 2022

Thanks for the reply!

Tho darn that sounds like pretty complicated stuff. I had a try and SO close bet yet so far. It is a supported device it's the Korg NanoKontrol2

As it is it's a supported device it has it's own codec & map so I added this to nanoKONTROL2.remotemap in folder

C:\Program Files\Propellerhead\Reason 12\Remote\DefaultMaps\Korg

Code: Select all

Scope	Propellerhead Software	se.propellerheads.DrumSeq
//	Control	Surface Item	Key	Remotable Item	Scale	Mode
Map	Button M1		Mute1
Map	Button M2		Mute2
Map	Button M3		Mute3
Map	Button M4		Mute4
Map	Button M5		Mute5
Map	Button M6		Mute6
Map	Button M7		Mute7
Map	Button M8		Mute8
Map	Button S1		Solo1
Map	Button S2		Solo2
Map	Button S3		Solo3
Map	Button S4		Solo4
Map	Button S5		Solo5
Map	Button S6		Solo6
Map	Button S7		Solo7
Map	Button S8		Solo8
Protip; don't use Notepad++ for editing remotemaps...it doesn't carry over tabs as expected

...and it "works" but the problem is making it "fit" with my custom setup, for example

Buttons S1 to S8 are controlling the Redrum Solos
Buttons M1 to M8 are controlling the Redrum Mutes
Buttons R1 to R8 are controlling the Redrum Plays
Sliders 1 to 8 are controlling the Redrum Level
Knob 1 to 8 are controlling the Redrum pitch

However what I want to do is

Buttons S1 to S8 are controlling the Drum Sequencer Solos
Buttons M1 to M8 are controlling the Drum Sequencer Mutes
Buttons R1 to R8 are controlling the Redrum Plays
Sliders 1 to 8 are controlling the Redrum Level
Knob 1 to 8 are controlling the Redrum pitch

sound convoluted? here's a pic for 1000 words
2022-02-07_23h50_23.png (493.26 KiB) Viewed 573 times
and because the remote map can't be split over two devices and (and has to be locked to the Drum Sequencer surface) I don't think I'm going to win this battle...unless you have any wild ideas?

Ideally if the Drum Sequencer Mutes 1 to 4 were visible on screen then I could just use remote override edit, and split between the Redrum & Drum Sequencer and I'd be able to achieve this...but they ain't visible =(

Maybe ask Reason fro a support ticket...but I'm sure they have many things to fix, this is a triviality

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08 Feb 2022

You can duplicate your remote control surface in Reason Preferences dialog (just add it a second time and give it a different name). It is totally possible to have copies of the same control surface. I do this all the time if a control surface should be shared to more than one device at the same time. It will show with a warning icon since the duplicates use the same MIDI port but that should not be a problem.
This does not duplicate it in file system, it is just another instance of the control surface in Reason program.

Then, you can lock one of the surfaces to Kong and the other to Drum Sequencer.

That said, I fully agree - the root of all evil here is that Mute 1 - 4 are not shown in Remote Edit Mode which they should. This is a bug IMHO.

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09 Feb 2022

Wow, I didn't know you could add multiple instance of the same surface and tie the duplicate to one device and the original to the other! (tho I have to be careful with my surfaces because I have 14 of them setup and it can be precarious at the best of times!)

I raised the bug with Reason and it is on the fix list so fingers crossed.

Thanks for the advice and assist

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