Reason 8.5

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23 Jan 2015

In your honest opinion, the next update thing will be:

1. Discover with user image background and audio stems?
2. Reason core features expanded ( Sequencer, RE SDK, workflow)
3. It won't be a 8.X update.
4. All of the above.
5. Other

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23 Jan 2015

I'd like more audio editing features + Audio to MIDI with Melodyne like editing possibilities. 

SDK improvements (obviously) just so developers can do more with it. The more comprehensive it is the more developers will potentially be interested ..... providing Propellerhead don't miss the boat on this.

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23 Jan 2015

It is going to include no new sounds what so ever.   They are going to redesign Kong and redrum.  Kongdrum.   Reason 8.5.   15 new amps for guitar users.


23 Jan 2015

update stock devices. I have a list somewhere from 2008 here somewhere.

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23 Jan 2015

I am not expecting much at all, the last upgrade was extremely mediocre and unless you have been living under a rock - Props resources are focused on other things, what an awful situation. Probably going to be lackluster and very expensive.                 
elizzle wrote:15 new amps for guitar users.
lolololololol :t2018:

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23 Jan 2015

I bet they closed the forum because they dont plan on making R9 anytime soon LOL

no I am jocking because of the comments that keep saying Props are not focusing on REASON anymore haha ,

everybody is sounding like they got Master in Multimedia and Owning a million dollars company , Props may have drop the forum but why in hell would they stop feeding the chicken ?
It does not die , it multiplies !

 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

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23 Jan 2015

CharlyCharlzz wrote:I bet they closed the forum because they dont plan on making R9 anytime soon LOL

no I am jocking because of the comments that keep saying Props are not focusing on REASON anymore haha ,

everybody is sounding like they got Master in Multimedia and Owning a million dollars company , Props may have drop the forum but why in hell would they stop feeding the chicken ?
this. i also think implementing drag and drop was an awful lot of work. why would they have done that if they planned to abandon reason?
Goan doesn't do Goa, he likes samples, weirdness, beats
Tools of choice: Reason, iPad, MicroBrute
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23 Jan 2015

Goan wrote:i also think implementing drag and drop was an awful lot of work. why would they have done that if they planned to abandon reason?
So.  It should have been done along time ago.   FLstudio has being doing it for years and years and years.   :s0221:
Reason 8 came with the drag and drop system and 2 amps. ($135 upgrade)
All the other Reason features they have been working on are released as RE's ($$$$)

Why can't they just come wit' it if we have to pay the 135 dollars?
I mean its cool and everything that I don't have to look for VST plugins all over the interwebs.  But the RE's are rather expensive and I can't afford them all.

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24 Jan 2015

elizzle wrote:All the other Reason features they have been working on are released as RE's
True, Synchronous is a good example. Been waiting years and years for curved automation in the sequencer then they put out Synchronous. I have a feeling lots of features will be implemented in this way without touching the Reason platform itself, while making us pay separately for them.

I agree REs are expensive I have slowed down with my spending. Things seem a little shaky at the moment too.

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24 Jan 2015

I`ll be very happy if the browser gets detached and if we get the ability to organize
tools in a floating window too. I really hope they will fix the Bypass/On/Off-button
on all their devices too, as they have said they will fix them for more than a year! 

Cheers :)

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24 Jan 2015

While I used to go on a bit about people feeling like they're 'owed' something from the Props' and being cheap bastards, I do think they should be adding more native devices (or updated devices) in each upgrade. I try not to be too pessimistic, and from here on in I'll be waiting for true incentives to upgrade (I'm still on R7).

I find it really hard to predict what might happen in future updates, since basic things like a single unit HPF haven't eventuated yet. I hope the overhaul that was R8 will free them up to radically add new devices to Reason upgrades.

 I really don't know if I'm hopeful or dreading what comes next for Reason. I'm just gonna keep using the version I have and keep on enjoying it. 

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24 Jan 2015

I have been wondering what the tone of other DAW communities are like in regards to upgrades..

Are they generally excited to see what their developers will unleash next, or are they like us desperately wanting improvements in many different areas?

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24 Jan 2015

Probably obvious to those of you who follow these things, but to me, a casual user, PH looks like they are trending toward all things mobile.

My impression is they want to drop the image of the basement studio DYI types and become the be all - end all app for the guy/girl on the go.

And I actually like that. Being tied to a PC in a dank basement can suck, when compared to a person "in the world" and connected to it all. That is sexy. It's almost like being Jane Bond.

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24 Jan 2015

I haven't ever checked out other forums of other DAWS so can't respond intelligently. 

I'm sure Ableton users were constantly batch about lack of dual monitor support forever, but Live is a unique DAW and I think that users' needs grew as the product did.

Personally I felt ripped off when I had bought Logic Studio 9 for just under $1000 and found out there was no upgrade path to X. I could buy the whole app for $200.
 Why complain?  It's great value for new users, I lucked out.

Reason has found itself in the middle I think.  It was never a traditional DAW, but when Audio and Midi came more and more people see it as competing with other DAWS. Expecting things as standard that in the beginning where never planned for. I do understand why so many people get so heated about this shit though, personally for me Reason is ALMOST perfect, which makes it's so gutting when that extra stuff isn't added/included. If I felt Reason was rubbish I wouldn't complain, I'd just move on.

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24 Jan 2015

Jagwah wrote: I agree REs are expensive I have slowed down with my spending.
RE are only "expensive" to me if they don't do what I want. Price is relative! If a product does something no other available product does, I'll consider it at any price (but may not purchase at any price). 

In other words, price is only a part of the equation when making a purchase decision IMO, but strangely it's the only part most ever mention! 

A $10 RE costs less than a $20 RE, but if the $10 RE does nothing for me it's a terrible value. The $20 RE, in comparison, only has to do "something" useful to make it a better value IMO.

For me, "Value" is far more important than "Price" alone. Maybe it's "value" that folks are really speaking to when they say "expensive"?
Selig Audio, LLC

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24 Jan 2015

selig wrote:
A $10 RE costs less than a $20 RE, but if the $10 RE does nothing for me it's a terrible value. The $20 RE, in comparison, only has to do "something" useful to make it a better value IMO.

For me, "Value" is far more important than "Price" alone. Maybe it's "value" that folks are really speaking to when they say "expensive"?
I'm scared of how much I'd spend for certain RE's that'd do exactly what I want/need :)

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24 Jan 2015

Hard to say what they are cooking up since it almost never is what we think it will be...

Maybe it will have something to do with the new design on R8 for future support like with the RE's and alligator etc. that we never thought was RE before they announced them :)

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24 Jan 2015

RE's are expensive, but so is an ashtray for a 2001 Honda Civic if you don't need one.
What I'd like to see is a new platform that is somewhere between RE's and RF's. You would be able to use a template to import sounds into and set parameters then do a little bit to customise the layout and appearance then it could go through automated verification process before you can upload it for sale for a maximum price of €1. The devices would just be one instrument with a standard set of user controllable parameters. Props take 20% of the sale, people know exactly what they're getting, Refill sellers don't suddenly feel like their world has imploded beneath them and the bar is lowered to accommodate good musicians with less good computer skills. Everyone can make a buck that way.
@pushedbutton on twitter, add me, send me a message, but don't try to sell me stuff cos I'm skint.
Using Reason since version 3 and still never finished a song.

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24 Jan 2015

elizzle wrote: So.  It should have been done along time ago.   FLstudio has being doing it for years and years and years.   :s0221:
Reason 8 came with the drag and drop system and 2 amps. ($135 upgrade)
All the other Reason features they have been working on are released as RE's ($$$$)

Why can't they just come wit' it if we have to pay the 135 dollars?
I mean its cool and everything that I don't have to look for VST plugins all over the interwebs.  But the RE's are rather expensive and I can't afford them all.
well do you need them all or you just can't help it ?

that is the all thing ! I am limited to the free RE's because I have no credit cards and never will have one and also my bank detail got nothing to do in data base at paypal along with my name and address !

so I just get the free stuff , same wwith vst's I get the free stuff native give away once a year , same with wave audio and same will all the others .
I order Box's upgrades only as well and from physical shops .
I am starting to want big names to buy Props so I can buy RE's with a prepayed card .
It does not die , it multiplies !

 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

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24 Jan 2015

Yes of course, something is not expensive if it is valuable.

I never used to think REs were expensive and I own a ton and I love owning them.

However, recently I decided that I have poured a lot of money into REs and of course this platform, and while things seem a little shaky to say the least I have curbed my spending.

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