Reason 10 announced!

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22 Sep 2017

davidvilla wrote:
22 Sep 2017
Jesus christ, Enochlight....there's just something suspiciously funny about you. Are you on Propellerhead's payroll or something?? Do you even make music? Can I hear it?
I can assure you I'm not on Propellerhead's payroll - I'm in real estate. ;) I do make music, though. Released an EP on iTunes/etc many years ago, and still receive regular royalty payments from SoundExchange for Pandora. Haven't released anything lately, though (family and just "life"). :puf_bigsmile: Last track I posted was THIS . May not be your bag, though. :lol:

Suspiciously funny, though? That's a new one! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 12 | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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22 Sep 2017

On a sidenote, Super Mario Odyssey will also be released in October :D Good times.

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22 Sep 2017

Loque wrote:
22 Sep 2017
Heater wrote:
22 Sep 2017
I upgraded this year. I should have waited.
I bought a TV a few years ago. Should have waited for 8k.
It's just that I was on 7 until this year. If I had waiting just a little bit longer I would have upgraded to 10 for the same amount.

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22 Sep 2017

Goodbye wrote:
22 Sep 2017
So how is this even a release? It's just an RE bundle and a refill. This should just be sold in the shop.
Because they're now a part of the base application? I didn't hear anyone saying it wasn't a release when they added Thor and Kong...or maybe they did and it was too long ago to remember haha. To new users, this is pretty much as big. To existing users with massive RE collections, maybe not so much. In which case, you could always just pass on this! Fact is I've spanked 1-200 on a single RE before. So if I'm feeling saucy and fancy some new sounds, I can get two new synths and some sampled instruments for 129, plus I'll get 10.5 whenever it comes out.

To put this into context, the last Cubase Pro 9 update gave me "zones" (basically just copying Reason with split mixer/arranger views but not as nice) and a built in single-zone sampler with awful time stretching and no velocity layers. By comparison, this is definitely a better update. Even if it is exclusively a content based one.

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22 Sep 2017

For the record I'm shocked and surprised with all the negativity. Pretty disgusting actually.

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22 Sep 2017

Exowildebeest wrote:
22 Sep 2017
I'm wondering though: why a public beta?

Why is that needed if it's just these instruments? Haven't instruments usually been released without public beta's?

Is it just because it's R10 and the beta is for the looks of it, or is it because there's something special to test?
The only reason for the public beta would be if they are some under the hood changes in Reason 10 that haven't been announced yet and that necessitate wider testing on different hardware. My guess is that they have made some changes in the underlying code in preparation for future point updates that introduce new features.

In the last few Reason betas, the new rack devices had their own closed beta testing groups running concurrently to the public beta.

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22 Sep 2017

CaliforniaBurrito wrote:
22 Sep 2017
For the record I'm shocked and surprised with all the negativity. Pretty disgusting actually.
Why? Have you also not checked out our feature request board?

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22 Sep 2017

There are 2 things you can do with a DAW:

#1 make music
#2 create soundsets

ah, and there's #3 request more features :lol:

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22 Sep 2017

I think it was around a few months before sample loading was released and I was in a thread discussing whatever the latest thing it was that PH had put in Reason - and Matthias had stated that it was one of the top-requested things, from PH's perspective. I, of course, had wanted sample loading in REs for some time, and it wasn't all that long after when that, too, was announced and eventually released. But the exchange with Matthias was a reminder that ReasonTalk isn't necessarily an accurate representation of "the users", that the things that get bandied about here aren't necessarily what comes into PH's inbox on a regular basis.

Times like these are good times to point out that humans have a tendency to treat their personal concerns as being representative of the concerns of a larger group of people, when sometimes that isn't the case. The fact that one user, 10 users, maybe even 100 users might all be clamoring for one feature does not mean that is what the majority of Reason users want. It might be, but the only ones who could possibly know for sure are the ones who get all of the feedback - i.e., Props.

I wonder if this kind of thing goes on for, say, Ableton users.

"Hey guys! Ableton just came out with a new version!"

"OH NO! It's going to suck! Ableton hates its users! The company is about to die!"

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22 Sep 2017

Exowildebeest wrote:
22 Sep 2017
Goodbye wrote:
22 Sep 2017
So how is this even a release? It's just an RE bundle and a refill. This should just be sold in the shop.
I think this is aimed at the people who would be annoyed if stuff like this is only released through the shop. This update is easily skippable if you're not interested in the new additions, of course, and that's not that different from a shop release.

For me, I can't wait to play with Europa :) Seems like a synth that's (almost) as good as Expanse - worth the price for me.
I def wont be getting R10 if it's almost as good. Europa has to be a Serum/Expanse killer to justify the price. Remember Thor in R4 was a killer synth at the time.

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22 Sep 2017

Personally, I think the core program should have an acoustic drum module similar to an A-list - since Propellerhead is using the organic word a lot and offering a piano and the three acoustic sampler players in this upgrade.

Maybe there are some really nice Rex acoustic drums in the new content.

Not particularly fond of the three sample players - Klang, Pang and Sang. Did they just separate the content, so the upgrade would seem more - more? The interfaces are exactly the same, just a different skin for each subset of sounds.

That said, the video clearly says:

"The biggest instrument and sample content upgrade for Reason. Ever."

Yes. It. Is.

If you're looking for new instruments and content, you should be pretty happy.
Last edited by stratatonic on 22 Sep 2017, edited 1 time in total.

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22 Sep 2017

MattiasHG wrote:
22 Sep 2017
etyrnal wrote:
22 Sep 2017

Keep in mind they not too long ago got a huge investor putting Capital into their company, so they are less worried about making users happy, and more worried about making money now. But they forget that the way they originally made their customers happy was by giving their customers what they wanted. Now they're just trying to make investors happy and they don't care so much about what their users need, because there's a bottom line called money now. The instant a company like this takes outside money they lose control over processes like this. The investing company doesn't have a direct control necessarily, but the musical company has an obligation to fulfill that overrides any of their creative inspirations.

Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
The most important part about making money as a company is making users happy. That's product 101. This hasn't changed for us and I as product manager personally strive toward that goal. Many users did want better stock devices in Reason. :)
Dear, dear Mattias... Please don't feed the pigeons. They lack the ability to comprehend "product 101" let alone "Economics 101".

With that said... can you roll back the "New version for free" date to around Febuary 10th of this year? :)

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22 Sep 2017

CaliforniaBurrito wrote:
22 Sep 2017
For the record I'm shocked and surprised with all the negativity. Pretty disgusting actually.
davidvilla wrote:
22 Sep 2017
Why? Have you also not checked out our feature request board?
I remember seeing plenty of complaints about the lack of new instruments. Santa comes to town and people whine like spoiled children about how they didn't get what they wanted. :lol: It ain't the end of the rabbit hole and I was actually thinking the other day about how they will eventually implement such requested features. Are people not making music here or are they just software fanatics?

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22 Sep 2017

CaliforniaBurrito wrote:
22 Sep 2017
For the record I'm shocked and surprised with all the negativity. Pretty disgusting actually.
You're confusing negativity with disappointment! Thought you were more open minded than that.

Any update after VST's being added would be hard to follow granted. It is tough to please everyone at the same time but there is also a fine balance with it where everyone can have the chance to be happy with some part of an update not just one sided new devices. **You can all put your hands down**
It is not too much of an ask for people or things to be the best version of itself!

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22 Sep 2017

9.5.2 :Made plugin window open button remotable, "Proxy Open Plugin Window"

This actually is gold for me as would be any addition to remote of which there are only teeny tiny additions now and then.
Remote stuff is pure workflow enhancing, so more on this is very welcome.

And as to the perception of negativity. I dont think it is that bad if you compare it to the forum rage of previous updates when people didnt get what they wanted. :twisted:
As far as i can see most people acknowledge the amount of stuff we will be getting. And i myself have to admit i was at first a bit disappointed when i got to the end of the list because i have my very own top list of features in my head and there is nothing of it in there. But the stuff in there seems to be solid and well rounded and i am looking forward to the new synths. It is a content update and not feature update in the end.
And this update came VERY QUICK after the last update which makes it look alot better than in older times.

I figure if i would get my dream update which would consist of a clip launcher and alot more additional remote items there would be alot of people pissed off too.
Last edited by electrofux on 22 Sep 2017, edited 1 time in total.

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22 Sep 2017

I do gotta say though, the GUI of Grain and Europa is pretty slick. Although they do look like they started off as one synth and then they decided it was better to split them up. Wonder if this was a functional decision or a ""let's give them MORE cuz they want MORE" decision. The lower sections of the synths are identical.

EDIT: the 3 IDTs are also identical. And they were split up for what reason??? ;) To fake us out and make us believe they actually gave us MORE, perhaps???? :?:

EDIT #2: WOW. This probably started off as ONE new rack extension and one new IDT device, they just split them up.
Last edited by davidvilla on 22 Sep 2017, edited 2 times in total.

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22 Sep 2017

CaliforniaBurrito wrote:
22 Sep 2017
For the record I'm shocked and surprised with all the negativity. Pretty disgusting actually.
That's because you are a prolific maker of music, you don't spend enough time comparing like for like feature lists.

If you spent less time using Reason for creative purposes and spent more time in a state of anxiety about where your DAW fits into a mythical pecking order perhaps you would be more understanding of the negativity.

Me, the upgrade price is likely what I'd pay for those two RE's alone anyway anything else is a bonus, including the full-release cycle of updates, until v11. I must say though some of the reponses, had they come from my kids when they were little, I'd have pulled them out of the ice-cream queue straight away.

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22 Sep 2017

Loque wrote:
22 Sep 2017
theshoemaker wrote:
22 Sep 2017
F*** i just upgraded a monthe ago :/
I read, the cut is 1.Sept. So if you bought after that, you have a chance for a free update.
Nah ... unfortunately it has been the Very end of July oder the 01.08. If I where a professional, I wouldn't mind. But its just a hobby I'm doing now and then. I upgraded because I wanted to have the PSQ and the upcoming Nostromo V2 Updates... I feel a bit frustrated about that, since I used Reason maybe 3 days since then ... lets see.
:PUF_figure: latest :reason: V12 on MacOS Ventura

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22 Sep 2017

So is the Karplus Strong thing just a WT or an actual synth mode? Would like some more in-depth Europa information.

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22 Sep 2017

The entitlement is strong on these here boards.

Please moderate yourself, before we have to.

Other than that, this update looks pretty cool to me.
Kenni Andruszkow

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22 Sep 2017

stratatonic wrote:
22 Sep 2017
Personally, I think the core program should have an acoustic drum module similar to an A-list - since Propellerhead is using the organic word a lot and offering a piano and the three acoustic sampler players in this upgrade. ...
(slightly off-topic)
Funny you should say that...
I found myself agreeing with chimp_spanner's request for a new drum synth in a thread on here somewhere. Then I realised I hadn't used Kong's drum synth methods (physical modelling or drum synth) since REs were introduced. I've mainly concentrated on kick drum sounds but I find using layers and newly available envelopes make me much less in need. Kong is pretty solid for this IMO.

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22 Sep 2017

Kenni wrote:
22 Sep 2017
The entitlement is strong on these here boards.

Please moderate yourself, before we have to.
Can you please explain? I don't see "perceived entitlement" on the list in the forum guidelines.

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22 Sep 2017

electrofux wrote:
22 Sep 2017
9.5.2 :Made plugin window open button remotable, "Proxy Open Plugin Window"

This actually is gold for me as would be any addition to remote of which there are only teeny tiny additions now and then.
Remote stuff is pure workflow enhancing, so more on this is very welcome.
Yeah most definitely. Its not a straight forward process setting it up from project to project though which is borked. I think its because of the UI VST devices use you have to the override from the options menu can't just right click it like with any other remotable sadly.

Kenni wrote:
22 Sep 2017
The entitlement is strong on these here boards.

Please moderate yourself, before we have to.

Other than that, this update looks pretty cool to me.
Last edited by AttenuationHz on 22 Sep 2017, edited 1 time in total.
It is not too much of an ask for people or things to be the best version of itself!

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22 Sep 2017

So.. whens Reason 11 coming out?

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22 Sep 2017

Two new flagship synths plus 3 boutique romplers plus a couple of older REs in case you don't have them is a pretty sweet upgrade!

However, I do wonder if the reaction would be a little less mixed if one of the flagship synths were replaced with, say, an overhaul of Blocks, or a clip launcher. Reason just swung so far from the direction of the past few versions that I think it's giving people whiplash. 7 improved mixing and integration, 8 was all about infrastructural improvements and workflow, and then 9 was all about inspiration and efficiency... and now 10 is suddenly all about new instruments like the old days!

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