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Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by zumBeispiel
Does anyone already know how much the new Scenic Hybrid Instrument will cost?

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by diminished
zumBeispiel wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Does anyone already know how much the new Scenic Hybrid Instrument will cost?
Probably more than Iris2 right now.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by halfnhalf
Just sayin...

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by estuary
NekujaK wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Nice idea, but I didn't realize using the Reason rack in another DAW was high on anyone's priority list. But if that's how they're going to play it, it definitely doesn't seem worthy of the "Reason 11" label. Just "Reason Rack VST" would've been fine. Save the "Reason 11" label for an update that actually puts meaningful improvements into Reason itself.

Oh well...

That's it

I am still confused by the announcement title :
"Reason 11 is coming – as a plugin."

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by guitfnky
selig wrote:
26 Aug 2019
dusan.cani wrote:
26 Aug 2019
So the new Sweeper modulation effect has the same filters as the Europa...why they didn't introduce the completely new fresh inspiring filter algorhitms ?
Since you were't able to run audio through the Europa filters, these are "new" (at least to my way of thinking). And even in Europa, it would be a stretch to call those classic old-school filter types "new" and/or "Fresh" IMO.
it's great to get some of these excellent tools directly in the rack, instead of embedded (unusable for routing audio through) in an instrument, or only available in the channel strip, but it seems like precious little actual work has been done outside of the new VST implementation.

the code that runs the SSL components could presumably just be thrown behind a new GUI for the new REs--tie in some CV ins/outs, and you're good to go--and it sounds like the same for at least portions of the two truly original devices. of course, there could be other things that complicated those efforts, but I have to imagine it was fairly straightforward.

it sounds like the biggest chunk of work they've actually done to the main DAW experience was to add a tiny smattering of new workflow features.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Ad0
One downer is that you can't use VST in the reason VST. VSTs are a natural part of my fx chains now. I have to break them up like reason instance - VST - reason instance, lol.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by diminished
Will the things you do in Reason VST be backwards compatible with Reason 10? As long as you use REs available to both of course?

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by tronam
People have been requesting the ability to run the Reason rack within other DAWs for nearly 20 years. Rewire was always a little kludgey with its own set of drawbacks, so I'm quite happy to see this. I'm a little disappointed by the lack of AU support at launch, so I'll probably delay my upgrade until that is released. Hopefully the whole concept will be even more robust and stable by then as well.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Re8et
My first thought?
If it can be packed as VSTi, now it could be possible to pack it into an IoT-Raindeer-Mindwhatever device.

There's clearly a mindset, so good news, if Props can expand their user base to more ipad users, which I'm not, but that's another story :)

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Luxuria
16161d wrote:
26 Aug 2019
People are not thinking too much about the possibilities now of the SSL units being in the rack, where you will now likely have some CV patch points, and be able to place these devices anywhere now in your gain stage (and as many of them as you want), so this isn't a minor addition, to the doomsayers who are saying that they already have these features in the mix view.

And to the incredibly petty people talking about having their loyalty offended by owning a few of the RE's included in Reason Suite...

Reason Suite contains £1200 worth of RE's - Reason Suite is just £120 more expensive than a standard upgrade.

For £120 you're getting over £1200 worth of RE's. Essentially, you're paying 10% of what it would cost you separately.

I didn't include Scenic because I don't know how much that will cost yet but will probably follow the standard pricing of £89 that most of Props RE's cost, increasing the value of the bundle.

Most of the devices included in the bundle cost nearly that much. You would have to own 12-14 out of the included devices for it to be anywhere close to not being worth it, in which case if you own the majority of the devices in Reason Suite why are you complaining? All you're getting is additional devices that are still available to buy from the store if you want them, and you may not even want all of them, if you do then, even if you have 14 of them it may still end up being cheaper just buying Reason Suite.

The amount of money you would save buying Reason Suite is absolutely insane in terms of value, even if Props were to consider that you own a few of the devices, the reduction would be minimal in price. If you start applying discounts, there's pretty much nothing left for Props, who are already being incredibly generous in this offer. I don't think this update is aimed at anyone who has the majority of RE's already (but even so this offer might still benefit you), but it's embarrassing to go around saying that this offer is disloyal. You buying Rack Extensions funds development, that development has resulted in an update that will make Reason even more accessible than ever before, and provide this amazing deal to existing and new users, that is what your loyalty buys.

I hate the brand change though, absolutely terrible, Props was already such a strong brand and I wouldn't be surprised if the brand change hurts Props more than any feature of this update...
The SSL devices might not even get the CV inputs we'd expect Pheads to provide. Their new devices show that. The EQ isn't even SSL modeled, it's got the same character (sterile) as the MClass EQ. The compressor isn't great compared to other RE's and the gate is nowhere near as good as G8 dynamic gate by unfiltered audio.

The Suite is a sales pitch directed at new customers. The individual prices and total savings are arbitrary at this point because they bundled $1200 "worth" of devices in a $120 dollar price tag. They devalued all the devices by doing this.

I don't buy Phead's external devices because they don't have the same quality as other 3rd party players so I'm not petty or butthurt. I'm just saying, for the loyal customers this isn't anything new. It's a bargain bin deal for those people who waited patiently to buy what everyone paid top price to use upon release. It's a last ditch effort to many any money off the entire catalog of devices. Yeah it saves people a lot of money, but it doesn't offer anything new. It just dumps all lot of devices on you when you might buy it just to use 1 or 2 of them.

If you really cared about funding development and future updates you would have bought the devices standalone at full price. What your "loyalty buys" statement is full of BS. The Suite is a clearance sale.

If the brand name change is the thing you hate most, I hope you didn't swell up in rage when Fruity Loops Studio had to rebrand to FL Studio.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by stp2015
Btw, unsurprisingly, reception seems to be much more positive over at KVR. Some people there seem VERY excited about returning to Reason.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Last Alternative
Gotta say I’m excited for the cross fade and curve automation. That’s about all. I don’t use any other DAWs so I’m SOL on this one since I’m not gonna pay another $130 for 2 simple things I wanted that have always been basic features of every other music software. I was hyped this morning when I saw the R11 announcement but the feeling soon faded.
Not trying to be negative, just my 2 cents. I honestly haven’t been super excited about Reason since R5 made Reason a DAW so I was hopeful for the future; never bought another DAW; stayed true to PH after all the money I’ve spent to them.. and practically 10 years later, it’s as if PH has been fighting hard not to become a fully modern DAW even though they initiated it.
And now it feels like they’re telling us to use Reason with other DAWs to be truly happy. I understand how much work they put into this update but for us who only use Reason to make music.... we’re not getting much with 11.

Also, maybe someday we’ll get better quality presets for synth and bass, like Serum quality where everything sounds amazing and inspiring. I don’t know.. probably 90% of Reason’s presets are just silly for me.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Alkua
halfnhalf wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Just sayin...
I asked that long time ago in this forum, and some users were explaining why open reason as VST was impossible (bla bla bla..).
Now, we have it ;)

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by VIVIsect
boingy wrote:
26 Aug 2019
ShelLuser wrote:
26 Aug 2019
This has the potential to completely change the way I work with all this, and I can't wait to have native support for the RPG8 within Live! Or any other midi control for that matter. Reason's scales & chords natively in Live? Or better: Note echo?!
I'm not sure there will be MIDI out of the Reason Rack but it would sure be sweet if there was!
I think this will be make or break for me. I'm not terribly interested in using most of Reason's devices in other DAWs. I barely use them in Reason itself (I have my VST collection), but I'd love to be able to use Reason's MIDI devices/Players in Ableton Live.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by estuary
Last Alternative wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Gotta say I’m excited for the cross fade and curve automation. That’s about all. I don’t use any other DAWs so I’m SOL on this one since I’m not gonna pay another $130 for 2 simple things I wanted that have always been basic features of every other music software. I was hyped this morning when I saw the R11 announcement but the feeling soon faded.
Not trying to be negative, just my 2 cents. I honestly haven’t been super excited about Reason since R5 made Reason a DAW so I was hopeful for the future; never bought another DAW; stayed true to PH after all the money I’ve spent to them.. and practically 10 years later, it’s as if PH has been fighting hard not to become a fully modern DAW even though they initiated it.
And now it feels like they’re telling us to use Reason with other DAWs to be truly happy. I understand how much work they put into this update but for us who only use Reason to make music.... we’re not getting much with 11.
same feeling

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by halfnhalf
This a genius idea with several upsides:

1) Reason has great instruments. Grain, Redrum and Thor are highly regarded virtual instruments. Hardcore users of other DAW's are bound to buy reason for access to these and other instruments. With this new customer base comes an extended stream of revenue which can, and probably will, be reinvested into hiring more staff to make Reason a better product and thus selling more licenses for Reason.

2) This is the future of DAW's and creation based software in general. There will come a day when you can open Ableton inside of Adobe Premiere or Cubase inside of Photoshop (for some unknown reason) and so on and so forth. It makes these products more attractive to more people. It's a win/win for everyone involved especially the customer.

3) Grain inside of Bitwig... Who could possibly be against this?

4) At least they didn't go to a subscription model. That's coming in the future, trust me.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by RamonRivera
Does anyone know hot to upgrade directly to suite? I cant seem to find a way to make the purchase

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by VIVIsect
halfnhalf wrote:
26 Aug 2019
At least they didn't go to a subscription model. That's coming in the future, trust me.
It'll be the death knell for the company.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by halfnhalf
One last thing... I feel like this is the business equivalent of seeing your ex with a new guy and being happy that she's happy.

I feel like this is PH putting the musician and the music first and I think it's commendable. I don't feel like this is them raising the white flag and surrendering.

This is a good thing.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by fieldframe
tronam wrote:
26 Aug 2019
People have been requesting the ability to run the Reason rack within other DAWs for nearly 20 years. Rewire was always a little kludgey with its own set of drawbacks, so I'm quite happy to see this.
Indeed, though I disagree that Rewire was a little kludgey. It was super kludgey. 😛

It made sense in the Reason 1-2 era, when Reason's sequencer was more of a bolt-on so you could use Reason by itself. MClass in Reason 3 established the idea of Reason as the master signal path, though, and Reason 4's sequencer reinforced the idea that Reason was intended as a standalone environment. It became increasingly awkward to have two separate sequencers and mixers between Reason and the Rewire master.

By Reason 6, it was more or less completely absurd to have an entire DAW loaded just to host instruments for another DAW. I can't imagine it was a particularly popular workflow from Reason 7 on.

Anyway, all this is to say that Rewire was long overdue for retiring, and building a VST version of the rack was exactly the right call. Splitting out the SSL modules as rack devices fits into this as well – this means not only can you use everything from the rack in another DAW, but you can even bring the SSL over. Hopefully the rack VST is lightweight enough that it's not a lot of overhead to just use instances of it as channel strips in the host.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by chaosroyale
Congrats on the new release, you must be overloaded right now.

Wet/Dry knobs on the Comps, PLEEEEASE.

Also for a future update..if the channel EQ is gonna be the standard 'Low / 2x sweepable mid / High' type, the MClass should be upated to a proper 7 band 'surgical' EQ. Right now they have almost exactly the same feature set.
MattiasHG wrote:
26 Aug 2019
miscend wrote:
26 Aug 2019

Are the GUIs for the channel strips finalised? They look like temporary placeholder GUIs.
They are indeed placeholder GUIs, we're currently doing the final polish on the real deal.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by lowpryo
kind of a nuanced question, but favorites lists linked between Reason and the Reason Rack plugin? or will I have to do some re-organizing

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by fullforce
Ixus wrote:
26 Aug 2019
I've been wanting to use Studio 1 more since I bought it a while back. Will be nice to be able to take Reason with me :)

Overall not bad think
Agreed. Now you can have the good stuff of the rack, without the whole rewire hassle, in your favorite sequencer(s). Not bad at all.

Funny how they now implemented multiple note input, something I've been asking for since the beginning of time. And now you don't need it anymore because you'll just use another sequencer to host the rack in. :twisted:

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by two shoes
no hi-res scalable gui, not even fullscreen for rack columns, no vst midi or vst 3 support (when their own "Reason is a VST now!" is VST3). no SSL mixer mk2, no mk2 updates for aging native devices, and the token sequencer improvements are pathetic - congrats you caught up to ever other daw in 2012. yup, looks like a big middle finger to this forum and to Reason's existing userbase in general. of the small remaining group of hardcore users that use Reason as their primary and only DAW I suspect more than half will have left before the next major update. i feel sorry for Mattias who has to show up here and try to pretend like they haven't abandoned everyone who doesn't want to use Reason on their phone or competing DAW. what a joke.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by WillyOD

Will the workflow improvements be backported to Reason 10?

Shouldn't be too hard to do code-wise, and would be a nice little thank you to those sticking with 10...