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Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by pquenin
I'm disappointed too. As PH open Reason to other providers of devices (REs) and gave us VST support, I was thinking they will focus on the main app to bring it to the actual standards. I was waiting for graphical improvments, such as a scalable GUI because everything is so tiny in Reason, you have to buy a very large screen to feel comfortable. Or a way to "zoom" on a device to have it displayed with a bigger size.
I also thought that there will be an extended Combinator (it's an excellent device but suffer to have only a few knobs and buttons), extended versions of the halt-rack effects, with preset support.
And I was sure that there would be curved automation this time.
I can understand their decision however because when a new version of Reason come out with no new device (players have never been considered as "serious" devices), everybody protest ("what ? no new synth again ? They have to be kidding"). The reverse occurs this time : it's only about devices and sounds.
But I appreciate that Reason, alone without additionnal REs and VSTs, has been substantially enriched : the core soul of reason is to be an all-in-one product.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by Oquasec
I'm just gonna keep upgrading reason because the cost of an upgrade is small.
Plus I'm gonna be digging more into CV so this is the natural way to go for me.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by Tumble
fieldframe wrote:
22 Sep 2017
So, maybe this is because UI design is my day job, but I'm just a little bit disappointed with the UI design on Europa and Grain.

There's a lot of detail on both that seems kind of arbitrary compared to the studied detail of classics like Malström or REs like PX7. Look at Malström: Every section of the panel has a consistent background, and the pattern is only broken for another pattern: envelopes all have the same knocked-out background. On PX7, everything follows a set of rules: Sensitivity knobs are all the same. Operator level knobs get a halo to differentiate them..

Meanwhile, Europa is all over the map. Some sections have light backgrounds, some have dark backgrounds, there's a thick border around what appears to be the generator section but nothing else has borders, the filter section has no less than four styles of knob in four sizes... It's a free-for-all!

It's almost as if a product manager said "make it look more like Thor!" without understanding that the reason Thor has lots of different colored panels is to reinforce the fact that those panels are interchangeable, not just to look flashy.

I could also get into spacing, scale, and density, but... maybe later.
No, that's just element separation (done right). Makes it easy for your eyes to zone in on the individual modules and functions.

That's what good design is.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by Bobby
I'm losing my mind.

I used Reason from 2-4 (including a paid .5 upgrade in there), and when the Record thing came about I got pretty confused by their product lineup and switched exclusively to Logic.

Recently my Macbook Pro died, so I decided to learn Windows and Linux, and when considering what software I should get that works on several OS's, I remembered that I still owned a Reason license. I had to check as many sources as possible to confirm that I could actually upgrade from Reason 4 all the way to 9.5! When I looked at how far the feature set has come...I was like wow, I can actually have a full software modular suite on Windows right now for only $129. Crazy.

Downloaded the demo...instantly remembered how much I loved Reason. Then on Weds I ordered the boxed upgrade just to celebrate the feeling of reconnecting to something 10 years ago from your past that fits your life perfectly today...the upgrade arrives today...I go to bed like a kid waiting for Christmas...and then I wake up to this news!

Heeeeellllllllllllll YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by CephaloPod
I watched the video thinking that there was a lot of useful stuff added for a very reasonable (ahem) price. I'm really looking forward to it. Then I came here and everyone is miserable. I don't get it.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by Exowildebeest
Bobby wrote:
22 Sep 2017
I'm losing my mind.

I used Reason from 2-4 (including a paid .5 upgrade in there), and when the Record thing came about I got pretty confused by their product lineup and switched exclusively to Logic.

Recently my Macbook Pro died, so I decided to learn Windows and Linux, and when considering what software I should get that works on several OS's, I remembered that I still owned a Reason license. I had to check as many sources as possible to confirm that I could actually upgrade from Reason 4 all the way to 9.5! When I looked at how far the feature set has come...I was like wow, I can actually have a full software modular suite on Windows right now for only $129. Crazy.

Downloaded the demo...instantly remembered how much I loved Reason. Then on Weds I ordered the boxed upgrade just to celebrate the feeling of reconnecting to something 10 years ago from your past that fits your life perfectly today...the upgrade arrives today...I go to bed like a kid waiting for Christmas...and then I wake up to this news!

Heeeeellllllllllllll YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH.
That upgrade policy is definitely an awesome thing. Hopefully, they'll keep it. It generates a lot of happiness.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by robgs
Sheesh! I only just paid 129 euros in April for 9.5 now I'm expected to fork out another 129 six month later?.. Are they running out of cash or something???

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by ltbrunt00
One way to look at this is your getting five Rack Extensions for $129.99.

There has to be some other changes in there which would not have looked all that interesting being in the video.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by CephaloPod
robgs wrote:
22 Sep 2017
Sheesh! I only just paid 129 euros in April for 9.5 now I'm expected to fork out another 129 six month later?.. Are they running out of cash or something???
What version did you upgrade from?

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by joeyluck
robgs wrote:
22 Sep 2017
Sheesh! I only just paid 129 euros in April for 9.5 now I'm expected to fork out another 129 six month later?.. Are they running out of cash or something???
Reason 9.5 was a free update. Reason 9 was released in May 2016. So almost a year after it's release, you paid to upgrade to Reason 9. You can also wait to upgrade to Reason 10. You don't have to upgrade on day 1.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by Re8et
:D :D Sooooo... Is there the remote possibility to trial Europa while having a song contest with a free upgrade to win
R10 as first prize :D :D ?

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by JoshuaPhilgarlic
What are the new synths: REs or built-in (like Subtractor, Thor etc.)? I would prefer the latter ones 'cause these run a lot better on my pretty old MB pro ;) !

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by electrofux
JoshuaPhilgarlic wrote:
22 Sep 2017
What are the new synths: REs or built-in (like Subtractor, Thor etc.)? I would prefer the latter ones 'cause these run a lot better on my pretty old MB pro ;) !
PX7 and Parsec are very efficient too.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by joeyluck
Re8et wrote:
22 Sep 2017
:D :D Sooooo... Is there the remote possibility to trial Europa while having a song contest with a free upgrade to win 10 as first prize :D :D ?
I don't know about competitions, but you'll be able to try them if you get into the beta and then you can use them in the demo mode of Reason when it's released.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by arqui
the biggest update ever is 9.5, but...... Reason 10, not bad !!!
only my opinion


Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by JoshuaPhilgarlic
electrofux wrote:
22 Sep 2017
JoshuaPhilgarlic wrote:
22 Sep 2017
What are the new synths: REs or built-in (like Subtractor, Thor etc.)? I would prefer the latter ones 'cause these run a lot better on my pretty old MB pro ;) !
PX7 and Parsec are very efficient too.
Maybe, but as my laptop gets old I prefer to use the most CPU efficient instruments possible. I use PX7 and Parsec just for a few signature sounds and FX (in case of Parsec I even sampled the sounds for NN-19 :lol: ). In fact I get the most out of stock devices, and I would be extremely happy to see that the new synths would be hard-coded too instead of REs.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by LuxB
Well, longtime lurker here, since the old PUF to be more precise.

Never posted before as I'm still a newbie even if I use Propellerhead products since Rebirth (unofficially (student, no monhey, blah blah), and officially since Reason 6).

Felt like I had to say something at this point: I've read pages and pages of posts of people complaining "no VST support", "no new instruments", "outdated soundbanks"... And within the last 5 months or something, it all happened! I just feel its unfair towards the people at Props. I'm working myself in the computing industry even if not music oriented (sigh), and I would just like to say: look at this like a todo list. VST support: done! New instruments: done! Soundbanks updated: done! So, once all these are done, what do you think will be next? A 2020 update? Don't think so. But things have to be addressed regarding the customer impact.

I've spent thousands dollas (literally : /) since VST introduction. Still, I'm happy with this announcement, and will keep investing in a company I do love.

BTW and off topic, but as I didn't noticed anything about it here: Iglooghost's first album will be out in 7 days on Flying Lotus's Brainfeeder label. Produced in Reason. Check it out and tell me that's not something undoubtly unheard:

Peace, LuxB.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by pushedbutton
I love Reason, I'd call myself a Reason User before I call myself a musician.
Making Reason do stuff is how I get my kicks.
Adding a bunch of RE's and calling it the next version of the software hasn't got me convinced though.
There are so many other features and refinements that could have been implemented since Reason 9 that this feels a bit like a lazy cash-in.
For example...
If I'm using pitch tuner, why can't I use a midi channel to refer to the notes I'm aiming for?
Why do I have to click out of an audio clip before I select another one as soon as I use the razor tool?
Why can't I Scale the GUI?
Why no video integration?
Why can't blocks be just a bit more flexible?
Why no high contrast colour options?
Why can't I easily focus on everything leading up one mix channel?
Where's the coffee button?

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by per-anders
I'll be upgrading for sure. As I see it it's a couple of synths for $129, they're throwing in some novelty sample instruments and a whole heap of samples as well for free, so it's like buying a bundle from the Prop Shop, and that price looks like a good enough deal to me. On top of that I want to support continued development of the Reason platform, this may not be the update I'm looking for but the next one may be.

The only trouble is, I can't see myself buying any of the Prop's own RE's from now on, because based on this I just kinda expect them to one day be bundled into Reason itself. It's possible they come out with an RE that is so vital and necessary that I just have to get it, but I only make music for myself so it's not like any of this stuff is going to pay for itself in my house, which makes that a pretty unlikely scenario.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by NekujaK
With the vast world of VSTs available to us, I don't understand why the Props would focus their next major update on stuffing more instruments into Reason. Between REs, VSTs, and Reason's existing native instruments, I'm already drowning in a seemingly infinite palette of sounds, patches, and samples. Do the Props really think they can go head-to-head with VST makers and make a device so special that people will jump ship from their current DAWs and come over to Reason? Please... give me a break :roll:

Reason's big advantage over other music-making technologies has always been clarity and simplicity in its workflow. IMHO some of that elegant workflow took a hit when VSTs entered the picture - things like not being able to organize my hundreds of devices into custom folder groupings, missing features in the VST window, the need for an expanded Combinator to handle more VST controls, plus various audio-related editing features that we've wanted for years... just to name a few random examples.

I truly hope Reason 10 actually addresses some of these important workflow issues and all this hoopla over new devices is just misguided marketing noise. Reason has always been about streamlining the creative musical process. Piling on more devices without fixing underlying workflow issues doesn't streamline anything and completely misses the point. :cry:

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by raccoonboy
I'm wondering if Mattias can tell me if all these new instruments will be permanent in Reason and not just for this version?

i.e. if I wait till Reason 11 to upgrade, will these instruments still be included?


Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by O1B
Change current DAW? What fantasy land is this coming from?
Why so Drastic a Bar for a Win..?
NekujaK wrote:
22 Sep 2017
Do the Props really think they can go head-to-head with VST makers and make a device so special that people will jump ship from their current DAWs and come over to Reason?
For you, maybe.
Piling on more devices without fixing underlying workflow issues doesn't streamline anything and completely misses the point. :cry:
For me, Reason's Devices have Stellar Sound capabilities. Now, with new ways of achieving Choir - without Maelstrom tediness, or World Drum Grooves - without Dr O-menu browsing, or Orchestral sections, or Sample Tweaking... And, a new THOROPA....

Great update, if sound in Reason is what you're after. Horrible, if you wanted interior decorating.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by 22ndCenturyStudio
gdm41 wrote:
22 Sep 2017
Quite disappointing for me. With the VST support i dont need more instruments and sounds. I´d hoped for a complete gui/seq overhaul. I´m not into synths and thor and subtractor ist enough for me and i already own radical piano (do i get a cashback? :)). If the price ist below 100€ ill buy it anyway.
I don't need more instruments & sounds...but I still want more,as I am always seeking new sources of inspiration.Besides...even though there is VST support now,you may find that Reason's upcoming synths,may have a certain sound & functionality you could use and these new R10 synths are exclusive to Reason(i.e. not available in the VST realm.)

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by QVprod
per-anders wrote:
22 Sep 2017
The only trouble is, I can't see myself buying any of the Prop's own RE's from now on, because based on this I just kinda expect them to one day be bundled into Reason itself.
Since I've seen this a few times (can't remember if it was in this thread or not). So far there has only been 1 instrument RE that has been added to Reason natively; Radical Piano. All the other added Propellerhead and even Softube amp REs , Audiomatic, Pulsar, and now Synchronous, were all free for all users of a certain version at some point so I'd wager a huge percentage of the users who own them didn't pay for them anyway. Following that pattern, if you see something you want, you might as well grab it.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 22 Sep 2017
by Hydrosonic
raccoonboy wrote:
22 Sep 2017
I'm wondering if Mattias can tell me if all these new instruments will be permanent in Reason and not just for this version?

i.e. if I wait till Reason 11 to upgrade, will these instruments still be included?

They have to be, as they are not offered as an incentive to upgrade, IE upgrade before XX date and recieve xx RE. They are offered as the upgrade.
It would be like upgrading from version 3 to version 10 and not getting the SSL mixer ;)
At least that is my understanding