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Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by ClassickHitz
esselfortium wrote:
ClassickHitz wrote:What's not fine is you assuming I'm refreshing Propellerhead's site everyday expecting an announcement. It's a real chicken shit response at best. But it's what I've come to expect from some of you who hurry to the defense of Props no matter the subject content of objectivity.
ClassickHitz wrote:But there are those sheep who still purchased R8 with a mouth full of dumb excuses on why they bought a subpar product. :?
It's really silly to accuse other people of not being objective and then turn around and call people who disagree with your opinion "sheep" who have been somehow fooled into mistakenly liking something you don't like.

Isn't it far more plausible that people who say they're satisfied with a product are in all likelihood actually satisfied with the product, instead of assuming that people who disagree with you have decided that getting some sort of forum cred would somehow be more valuable than conveying their actual experience?

It's more plausible that people will lie in order to save face as it pertains to making an error in judgement i.e upgrading to R8 a product when it first came out was straight meh at best. And that's being kind.

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by ClassickHitz
gak wrote:Well, I know I post too much, and that people don't like the truth, but at this point in time......use it or lose it.

Don't get me wrong. 10 and 1/2 months is WAY TOO LONG for an update considering.....but it doesn't crash, it's not a POS and these threads are getting tiresome.

Nothing against the OP, just saying.
These threads are getting tiresome...

Funny how people chime in when they don't have to. Yet they are supposedly tired of seeing certain threads. Interesting?!?!

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by RandomSkratch
Whenever I started chomping at the bit for a software update it was mostly driven due to the fact that I'd hit a wall with the current release and became stagnant with my creations. Sure I would still be tinkering and making odd things here and there but I would feel like my workflow or inspiration was hindered some way...

Lucky for me I haven't touched Reason since v4 back in 2006 and just recently bought 8 and I know I'm still scratching the surface at the possibilities (and somewhat drowning along the way!). It's only natural to want to experience that mind = blown feeling. Some people need it more than others though.

Since the internet took off, the ease of obtaining new software (and communicating with the developers) has definitely increased these feelings. I mean before you needed to read about stuff in a magazine or just all of a sudden see it on the shelf at your local computer software store! 2-3 years between releases weren't unheard of (if there even WAS going to be a new release)... Ah well, times will change...

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by ClassickHitz
guitfnky wrote:Would you rather wait a bit for a solid product, or have your impatience rewarded with an unfinished one?
You mean how R8 was unfinished when it first released?

Remind me again how long it took Props to correct that blunder? Or, are you one of those who cheered to the high heavens of how awesome R8 was just to admit it wasn't that great at all once the improved updates came out?

What I want is to see what they've got so I can make an informed decision on whether or not I should take my time and money elsewhere.

And I'd appreciate finding out now rather than later.

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by esselfortium
ClassickHitz wrote:
esselfortium wrote:
ClassickHitz wrote:What's not fine is you assuming I'm refreshing Propellerhead's site everyday expecting an announcement. It's a real chicken shit response at best. But it's what I've come to expect from some of you who hurry to the defense of Props no matter the subject content of objectivity.
ClassickHitz wrote:But there are those sheep who still purchased R8 with a mouth full of dumb excuses on why they bought a subpar product. :?
It's really silly to accuse other people of not being objective and then turn around and call people who disagree with your opinion "sheep" who have been somehow fooled into mistakenly liking something you don't like.

Isn't it far more plausible that people who say they're satisfied with a product are in all likelihood actually satisfied with the product, instead of assuming that people who disagree with you have decided that getting some sort of forum cred would somehow be more valuable than conveying their actual experience?

It's more plausible that people will lie in order to save face as it pertains to making an error in judgement i.e upgrading to R8 a product when it first came out was straight meh at best. And that's being kind.
This conversation will lead nowhere good if you're just going to keep telling people that their opinions are wrong and declaring that they must be lying to you. I think it takes a certain level of overinflated self-importance to think that a group of anonymous strangers on the internet would try this hard to prove themselves to you in order to somehow magically justify a purchase. People can like something you dislike, it doesn't make them deluded and ignorant.

I like Reason 8. I would not want to go back to Reason 7. You're happy with Reason 7, that's great for you. The shitflinging and insistence that no one else could truthfully see any value in it that you can't see, though? There's just no reason for that. The only thing it accomplishes is raising the stress levels on the forum. There's a place for anticipation and for discussing your workflow and preferences and priorities, or discussing other DAWs that do things you like, but endlessly harping on the developers (who don't even read these forums) and anyone else who doesn't see things your way is just wasting your time and energy to actively make the forum a worse place. Count me in as definitely tired of nasty threads like this one.

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by jappe
I too get upset for medium or even minor reasons sometimes.
When I'm in a negative mood spiral, things like this can catch me:

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by Goan
ClassickHitz wrote:
Goan wrote:
ClassickHitz wrote:I think in your hurry to reply you assumed I was sitting around waiting with baited breath. Let me be clear. Just because Props is taking a long time to release R9 doesn't mean I'm sitting waiting hanging on every date and time that goes by.
No offense, didn't mean to be the smartass here. It's just that the decision to stop waiting for Props and distance myself from Reason was a good step for me...

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by chk071
guitfnky wrote:They better release Reason 10 a week after 9 comes out, or I'ma be pissed. :x
Just what i was thinking earlier. :D What a nightmare, when version 9 comes out, people will have to wait over 2 years for version 10!

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by guitfnky
ClassickHitz wrote:It's more plausible that people will lie in order to save face as it pertains to making an error in judgement i.e upgrading to R8 a product when it first came out was straight meh at best. And that's being kind.

If I had the choice to upgrade to make all over again, I'd spend the $130 and do so. If I had to pay full price (what is it now, $400?) in order to upgrade to 8, I gladly would.

you don't have a monopoly on opinions, and that's being kind.

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by platzangst
Propellerhead has never, in my memory, announced ANYTHING about upcoming versions of Reason until they are ready for beta testing. That's how you know a version of Reason is close to dropping, when they start asking for beta testers. Sometimes they don't even do that. Everything else, every discussion about Reason 9 and what it might have, is all speculation fueled by the notion that it's been X number of months since the last update, and there "should" be another one soon. No update schedule has ever been announced or promised, and anyone getting indignant about not having R9 yet is wallowing in entitlement issues.

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by chk071
platzangst wrote:Propellerhead has never, in my memory, announced ANYTHING about upcoming versions of Reason until they are ready for beta testing. That's how you know a version of Reason is close to dropping, when they start asking for beta testers.
That's actually a brilliant approach. People are way too impatient, and waiting as if their life depended on it these days anyway. And the "new thing" is always more important than if it really brings something new to the table. That's also why internet browser are almost at version 50 now, because everyone slobbers about the new version shortly after the last version was released. Horrible.

Also, unboxing videos FTW. :P

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by Stranger.
Some people don't even know what they have,but want the next best thing, which is proven in many cases not to be 'better'.
I've played with softwares that are years old-still use them today,because of the usefull and unique-ness of them programmes,still un-available in modern wares.
Some of these old tools are just as worthy of attention as any new product-as much i see things.

+ LOL @ the villagers from the video- art of zen is a practice well worth the venture and expenditures.

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by Goriila Texas
Goan wrote:
ClassickHitz wrote:Newsflash Props (Ernst), the longer the wait, the bigger the disappointment :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :evil:
Here's an easy workaround: STOP WAITING!

I was getting super disappointed about missing features and no updates. Then I bought Push 2 and Ableton Suite. Now I'm super happy with all those wonderful features, and Reason is just used as a ReWire Synth and Mixing/Mastering Workstation. Still I feel kind of betrayed by Props as I was exitedly looking forward to Sample loading in REs. Anyway, the wait is over! Bye bye Reason, you could have been my one and only DAW, but :? .
I think they're a lot of people who feels this way because music gear is an investment,a expensive one at that. That's the biggest reason I haven't upgraded. I just don't like the way PH does business,they look confused,have a lack of focus and are in the dark on what users really want. For me to keep investing my money I need to see a clear plan and strategy for the future. With PH you don't know and it's unclear if they're focusing on the mobile route,Allihoopla or Reason. Then you see devs who started on board bowing out and stop making new RE's that's making me more nervous about putting any more of my hard earned money in this platform. Then there's the popular devs who never jumped on board. It has nothing to do as far as I'm concerned with hitting writers block because I never get it as you can see my newest songs on my IG,I'm in a zone making music now. It also has nothing to do with money because I just bought maschine studio.

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by chimp_spanner
I'm kind of in two minds about this. On the one hand, Reason 8 does what I need it to and, setting aside a number of small workflow improvements, it is "finished". There are certainly no show-stopping bugs or things missing that stop it from functioning as PH intended it to (which is different to how WE would like it to). And so ya know, I'm managing to work with it. A lot actually. 50% of my work now is done in Reason, the other 50% in Cubase. So it's a tool, for a particular job and if this is where it stopped, it'd still be good at what it does.

On the other hand I understand why people are maybe a bit twitchy/impatient, especially with the advent of REs. I can't speak for anyone else here but I've sunk a fair amount of money into the platform and while I acknowledge that that's a risk I took willingly/'d be nice to know that it was a sensible investment. Of course, any investment is sensible if it pays for itself which, thankfully, most of mine have been. But still.

Obviously I know they're not obligated to tell us anything. And maybe their approach isn't *that* unremarkable. I mean looking at Steinberg's social media feed they certainly don't tease at anything new until it's right around the corner. BUT...they do eventually come. With Reason it feels like we've been waiting an especially long time. And the longer they draw it out, the greater the expectation.

They need to start hyping!

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by joeyluck
ClassickHitz wrote:
joeyluck wrote:
ClassickHitz wrote:
joeyluck wrote:"Purchased Reason 7. Happy with 7. Staying on 7. Where is Reason 9?!" :lol:

Purchased Reason 7. Happy with R7. Beta tested Reason 8. Passed on Reason 8. Still happy with R7. Curious to know what R9 has to offer.
Still think wait time is bullshit. Your point?!
My point being is you paid for Reason 7 and have Reason 7.

I had Reason 7. I purchased Reason 8 when 8.3 was released. I now have Reason 8.3.

I have not paid for Reason 9 and neither have you.

I am anxiously waiting as well, but without all the 'annoyance, irritation, and disappointment' you express that you feel. Because I have what I have paid for. I'm not refreshing the Propellerhead page everyday expecting an announcement.
It's perfectly okay for you not to be annoyed and or irritated...

However, I am and that's fine as well. What's not fine is you assuming I'm refreshing Propellerhead's site everyday expecting an announcement. It's a real chicken shit response at best. But it's what I've come to expect from some of you who hurry to the defense of Props no matter the subject content of objectivity.
Sorry. I only said what I was doing/not doing. Clearly you are anticipating something so greatly that you made a thread about how upset you are as you wait for announcement.

I don't hurry to the defense. I just told you I didn't upgrade to Reason 8 until 8.3. There were plenty of things I was vocal about that I didn't like about Reason 8 at launch. But people don't seem to notice because I don't make a giant fuss and explode. I join the conversation in threads and I contact Propellerhead directly with my criticisms with thoughtful messages. Many of those things that didn't work for me at the initial launch (browser only being attached to the Sequencer, an option to revert patches) had been addressed. Plus with the addition of RV7000 MkII, I was all about it.

I'm just trying to set things in perspective in a way that might help you see things differently is all. I wasn't angry when Reason 8 first came out and I didn't feel like it was for me. I had Reason 7 that I paid for. What if Reason 7 was the last version ever? It's not like I preordered Reason 8 or Reason 9. That's all I'm trying to say.

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by platzangst
Goriila Texas wrote:I just don't like the way PH does business,they look confused,have a lack of focus and are in the dark on what users really want. For me to keep investing my money I need to see a clear plan and strategy for the future. With PH you don't know and it's unclear if they're focusing on the mobile route,Allihoopla or Reason.
With all due respect, I can see no good reason to adopt this attitude. For one thing, your impression of PH is conjecture at best. As close-mouthed as PH is, the only ones who can know whether PH is in fact "confused" about anything are the ones who actually work there. Plus, as I've mentioned before, people who talk about what "the users" want are usually talking about what they personally want, and making the mistake of assuming that they, personally, are an accurate representation of "the users". One might not be. For all anyone really knows, PH may be getting floods of emails begging them to do the exact opposite of anything wished for here on Reasontalk. And that's leaving aside the fact that PH may have their own vision and strategy that suits their own needs, and not so much some amorphous, ill-defined group of 'the users". They'd have become a second Ableton if chasing "the users" was their first, primary goal.

If PH's business plan upsets you, it upsets you, I guess, but in the end I think it's the product that should matter, not whether a company lives up to my expectations of progress or growth or anything that is not directly relatable to the function of the product. You judge what they release and then decide whether to invest in it, not make a sweeping decision whether or not to support them based on speculation of the unforeseeable future.

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by dana
They not only have to work on Reason 9 but also the next revision of the SDK and rack extension support, so have a bit of patience its not like what you have at the moment is useless.

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by Rook
I love Reason, so it's always exciting to get updates. I'm eager to see what's next. Hoping that the long-ish wait is a sign that they're working on some big features/additions/improvements :puf_bigsmile:

They are still producing tutorial tips/tricks videos for Reason pretty regularly. That seems to indicate that it's still a big part of their focus, even with the iOS stuff. Also, I'm sure the RE shop has been generating some good money for them. They would be crazy not to be working hard on improving the core technology to potentially attract more devs to make more REs so they can make even more money from the shop.

But who knows? Maybe we've already seen the last Reason update ever...

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by plaamook
Ok I'll chime in here.
I didn't get R8 because I think it's shit and dosen't address a load of more important issues Reason has. Fine. It fixed the browser which made a laod of people happy. I'm happy for them.
I'm axious about R9 because if it is as useless to me as R8 I'm gonna hit the PT road. I want better editing, sample loading, more power, and it's due to how I'm now working. I've put a lot of money into Reason over the years (and htat's pre RE) so I'm a bit concerned. All the allihoopla crap and so on... I fuckin make music for money. I don't share that shit online with my 19th century beard flapping in the wind behind me becaue I like the look of my trainers.
So I want to know where am I going next? I've been waiting for PH to pull it out but I'm not gonna wait for ever. Its all a bit like playing chicken. New RE comes out, I buy it, but I don't know if it's gonna be useable in a year because as someone else has said, where the hell is PH going? So yeah, I'm in the "where the hell is R9" camp. If I had more money to burn I'd jump now and just see whrere it goes from afar but I don't. So it goes...

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by ClassickHitz
Goriila Texas wrote:
Goan wrote:
ClassickHitz wrote:Newsflash Props (Ernst), the longer the wait, the bigger the disappointment :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :evil:
Here's an easy workaround: STOP WAITING!

I was getting super disappointed about missing features and no updates. Then I bought Push 2 and Ableton Suite. Now I'm super happy with all those wonderful features, and Reason is just used as a ReWire Synth and Mixing/Mastering Workstation. Still I feel kind of betrayed by Props as I was exitedly looking forward to Sample loading in REs. Anyway, the wait is over! Bye bye Reason, you could have been my one and only DAW, but :? .
I think they're a lot of people who feels this way because music gear is an investment,a expensive one at that. That's the biggest reason I haven't upgraded. I just don't like the way PH does business,they look confused,have a lack of focus and are in the dark on what users really want. For me to keep investing my money I need to see a clear plan and strategy for the future. With PH you don't know and it's unclear if they're focusing on the mobile route,Allihoopla or Reason. Then you see devs who started on board bowing out and stop making new RE's that's making me more nervous about putting any more of my hard earned money in this platform. Then there's the popular devs who never jumped on board. It has nothing to do as far as I'm concerned with hitting writers block because I never get it as you can see my newest songs on my IG,I'm in a zone making music now. It also has nothing to do with money because I just bought maschine studio.
Please be very careful when speaking the truth as it will get you attacked from all directions and summations will be made about you even if you didn't right the actual views that have been assessed by these attackers.

They will even go so far as to attack your opinion and in turn say it is you who is doing the attacking of opinions. All in the name of keeping everyone in the forum liked minded, Props zombies.

How dare you have an opinion about how long it takes for company to provide you with a product they are selling.

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by ClassickHitz
plaamook wrote:Ok I'll chime in here.
I didn't get R8 because I think it's shit and dosen't address a load of more important issues Reason has. Fine. It fixed the browser which made a laod of people happy. I'm happy for them.
I'm axious about R9 because if it is as useless to me as R8 I'm gonna hit the PT road. I want better editing, sample loading, more power, and it's due to how I'm now working. I've put a lot of money into Reason over the years (and htat's pre RE) so I'm a bit concerned. All the allihoopla crap and so on... I fuckin make music for money. I don't share that shit online with my 19th century beard flapping in the wind behind me becaue I like the look of my trainers.
So I want to know where am I going next? I've been waiting for PH to pull it out but I'm not gonna wait for ever. Its all a bit like playing chicken. New RE comes out, I buy it, but I don't know if it's gonna be useable in a year because as someone else has said, where the hell is PH going? So yeah, I'm in the "where the hell is R9" camp. If I had more money to burn I'd jump now and just see whrere it goes from afar but I don't. So it goes...
Here here and hallelujah!! Another person who gets it and understands that drawing out a release is business stupid. Especially after you just finished a mark down sale. We know it's coming just get it over with already so we can decide if this version is as garbage as the previous, giving up on the Reason slow faucet of features business model and move on.

Thank you for getting it!!

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by chk071
I don't know if you have a job, but if you act like that on your job, say, rushing out your work, because you believe that your boss, or your company's customers like it when something is finished yesterday, no matter if it it's finished, or half broken, then i'd be surprised. What's so damn important about the release of the new version anyway, especially as you have no idea what they're coming up with anyway? Don't get it. Or are you waiting for something specific? But even then, you won't know if they even implemented it anyway. And i think PH is doing good not to announce anything, ever. This thread shows pretty well what happens when you float people's boat too much (or even, when you're not doing so).

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by plaamook

That said, I just made a hit record on R7 so perhaps I shouldn't complain, but still. Where's it going ?....

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by tibah
Now, for the benefit of all - this thread is a huge waste of time. No one will make PH change features or their vision by mentioning that they didn't like R8 or they want to switch to a new DAW. The tools you want are out there NOW, because you know you "want" these features, because you've seen them somewhere else.

What I didn't like about this, was to act like PH would tease, mention, play cat and mouse and dogs and horses. Now it seems it's all about fanboyism vs. realness and defending yourself for which version of our beloved music software we use, when we all know Reason 5 was the best thing ever and we should all get back to that on a crappy laptop with headphones and sit in the sun all day making weird noises.

Re: REASON 9: The Wait Is Getting Ridiculous

Posted: 12 May 2016
by chk071
tibah wrote: What I didn't like about this, was to act like PH would tease, mention, play cat and mouse and dogs and horses. Now it seems it's all about fanboyism vs. realness and defending yourself for which version of our beloved music software we use, when we all know Reason 5 was the best thing ever and we should all get back to that on a crappy laptop with headphones and sit in the sun all day making weird noises.

On the other hand, i kinda understand why some people argue that 5 was a very good version, because i felt like it wasn't as bloated as what came after the Record/Reason unification. But that's just my personal opinion.