A New Computer Spec Minumim For Reason 9.5

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Posts: 331
Joined: 12 Jun 2016

30 May 2017

Was wondering if there will be, or is some form of "Unofficial" minimum specs for running 9.5 smoothly. I've seen a lot of issues come up for a lot of people. Some seem to wonder if it's computer power/strenth, some Windows, some Reason itself.

It would be great if someone had a stress test sheet or analysis and recommendation.

As in:

1) how many GHZ would be MINIMUM for the Processor. 2.8? 3.0? 3.2?
2) Absolute minimum RAM.
3) Dual Core. Quad Core?
4) i5, i7?
5) RPMS. 5000? 6000?

I personally KNOW it's time for a new computer. But it really would help to know what new minimums should be achieved. Going from 9.0 to 9.5 feels like a CPU leap that just won't cut it for Medium grade systems. So it would be great to have an idea.
Yamaha DGX-650 (Controller) - Komplete Audio Interface - Asus GR8 2 - Intel Core i7-7700 3.60 GHz - 16GB RAM - Audio Technica ATH M50x - Yamaha HS 80Ms - Reason 10 - Izotope - Cubase - Pro Tools - Ableton - Epiphones - Taylors - SH*TLOAD of Plug-Ins

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30 May 2017

Below is the answer to your question taken directly for Propellerhead site: https://www.propellerheads.se/support/u ... -reason-9/

What are the recommended system specifications for Reason 9?

Below are the recommended system specifications to get a decent performance out of Reason 9.

Note that the optional Rack Extension plug-ins vary in how much CPU power they use, so this is worth keeping in mind when you are considering a new computer.

If you’re about to get a new computer for music production with Reason, a great resource for comparing CPU power is cpubenchmark, which provides performance test results for most CPUs on the market. Aim for the highest possible CPU Benchmark points for your budget. In any situation, aim for a minimum of 4000 CPU Benchmark points.

Generally, the more physical cores and the higher the CPU clock speed, the better.

Regarding hard disks, SSD (solid state) drives are generally the best choice as they allow you write and read data faster, for example when recording audio. If you decide to go for a traditional (mechanical) hard disk, 7200 rpm drives are recommended.

Note that it may also be possible to run Reason on a lower speced system but for bigger projects you might not get the performance you want.


Fast, stable internet connection for installation and registration required!
Intel i3/i5/i7/Xeon dual-core CPU or equivalent AMD processor with dual cores and at least 4000 CPU Benchmark points (see cpubenchmark). More physical cores highly recommended!
8 GB RAM or more
30 GB free hard disk space or more on the system drive. (The Reason installation requires a minimum of 4 GB free hard disk space. Any additional external Rack Extension devices and/or external ReFills of course demand a larger hard disk)
Windows 10 (64-bit)
Monitor with at least 1280 x 768 resolution
Audio Interface with ASIO driver
MIDI interface and a MIDI keyboard

Posts: 452
Joined: 22 Jan 2015

30 May 2017

different VSTs will have different system requirements, but if you aren't using VSTs or delay compensation, I don't see any reason why R9.5 would require new specs versus R9.0. am I wrong?

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Joined: 05 Mar 2017

30 May 2017

Seeing as how alotta amd processors got a score above 5 thousand on the cpu benchmark, I think I'll passs on upgrading my 3 year old desktop for another few years. [5500+ score] The top of the line intel procs got a score of 9000+ though.
Reason, FLS and Cubase NFR user.

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