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Sending MIDI to device on channel other than 1!

Posted: 18 Jul 2023
by Faastwalker
Not sure if I’m missing something painfully obvious here. But it’s not something I ever remember doing before in Reason. Is it possible to chose which MIDI channel you send to a track or device in Reason? Using a VST that responds to all channels (1-16). Been playing around with Ableton Live Lite, which I had a copy of it. It’s very flexible for this sort of thing. But I’m totally lost in Live. I’d rather be using Reason but not sure if it’s possible to do this with it.

Re: Sending MIDI to device on channel other than 1!

Posted: 18 Jul 2023
by DJMaytag
My understanding is that it is not possible to send multiple MIDI channels to a multi-timbral VSTi like Kontakt. I don’t have any instruments like that, so I cannot say for certain, but that’s what I believe I read in the past.

Re: Sending MIDI to device on channel other than 1!

Posted: 18 Jul 2023
by DaveyG
Short answer: no.

Long answer:
Inside Reason it's mostly a case of you can have any MIDI channel as long as it's channel 1.

The hardware interface at the top of the rack lets you direct any incoming channel to a particular device but that device will not know which channel - it just process all MIDI it receives. Likewise the MIDI output device lets you specify which output channel it should send out.
Any VSTs in the rack will see all MIDI as if it is channel 1, even multichannel VSTs like Kontakt.

Re: Sending MIDI to device on channel other than 1!

Posted: 18 Jul 2023
by huggermugger
One workaround is to run Kontakt in standalone mode alongside Reason...

But Props really need to get it together. Their implementation of MIDI, a reliable and still-valid protocol that is over 40 years old, is pathetic.