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ScuzzyEye YouTube Channel

Posted: 17 Jan 2015
by ScuzzyEye
I've recently started a YouTube channel: ScuzzyEye.

Part of the content will be instructional videos demonstrating how things work, or how perform particular tasks. The first two (and many to follow) feature Reason.

The first one is about how to keep audio at the highest bit depth possible when working in Reason.

The second one compliments that and shows how a higher sampling rate avoids aliasing artifacts.

ScuzzyEye YouTube Channel

Posted: 17 Jan 2015
by -008'
Sub a dub dub! ;)

ScuzzyEye YouTube Channel

Posted: 25 Jan 2015
by ScuzzyEye
Since there were a couple questions about making files with multiple tracks of digital audio smaller, I've made a video showing the process, and giving a bit more insight into how it works.