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Selig Audio February Live Stream Thursday Feb 9, 2023, 20:00 UTC

Posted: 09 Feb 2023
by selig
Is it the second Thursday of the month already?
Time flies when you're having fun, so let's try to have some fun. Today I'll be covering my 'reverse engineering' of the Ren & Stimpy song (which also appeared in Sponge Bob) from 1962 "Happy Go Lively" by Laurie Johnson. While the song was originally done to educate myself as well as show off the Reason factory sound bank, the idea of reverse engineering a song to learn about arrangement/production goes way back. I'll take you through my process and hopefully you'll be able to glean some useful tricks and techniques.
I'll also cover a track I'm working on for a collaboration plus a few random tips and techniques I've learned along the way, plus any other random stuff that pops in my head (it happens).

20:00 (8pm) UTC
3pm EST (New York City, US Time)

Hope to see you there today, or catch it and all of my monthly livestreams on my YouTube channel:

Re: Selig Audio February Live Stream Thursday Feb 9, 2023, 20:00 UTC

Posted: 09 Feb 2023
by selig
Going live in five, a few minutes late today!

Youtube isn't letting me stream today, please stand by…
OK, switched computers and up and running now!

Re: Selig Audio February Live Stream Thursday Feb 9, 2023, 20:00 UTC

Posted: 10 Feb 2023
by crimsonwarlock
I missed the live stream yesterday, for several reasons. One being that I was working on the internet connection for the new studio :puf_smile:

Watched it today, very nice breakdown of the recreation process. I have a few tracks that I would like to recreate, so your advice on the specifics was very welcome :thumbup:

Re: Selig Audio February Live Stream Thursday Feb 9, 2023, 20:00 UTC

Posted: 11 Feb 2023
by Ahornberg
I really enjoyed your version of "Happy Go Lively".