My main R9 wants:

Have any feature requests? No promise they'll get to Reason Studios, but you can still discuss them here.
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19 Jun 2015

Alkua wrote: @Gala

The video that you post is about group faders, and Reason already do it by routing to a mix bus. VCA fader is a little different. With one fader you can increase or decrease the volume of multiple channels. in group fader you increase or decrease the sum of the volume, with VCA fader increase or decrease each one.
A few things - using a mix bus is technically adjusting the sum of the volume, but the group faders example in the video is like VCA groups (one fader sending values to all other faders without moving the fader). 

The problem with the CV approach in Reason is that it is NOT linear. Lowering a group of faders by the same CV amount only works if all faders are at the SAME level (not likely!). So when using this approach, the critical balance between channels (the "mix") will change.

This is why I included the VCA Group feature in Selig Gain, which AFAIK is the only way to accomplish VCA style groups in Reason and the only case where the  "slave" channels will accurately track the "master" down to 0.1 dB. 

Otherwise, using a sub-mix (group) accomplishes the exact same end result as moving all the individual faders down or as using the Selig Gain VCA approach. The only solution that doesn't retain the balances is when using the Level CV input on the channel, sadly! :)
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20 Jun 2015

These are my main wants for R9:

Matrix 2.0 - the sequel (This time its in tune) -  scales and polyphonic mode with painting chords!!

Integration of chord and scales to the rack and sequencer!

Not sure of the best way to do this (Matrix was the first thing to enter my head)
There are quite a few possibilities  (ideally it would be in the rack and the sequencer).

I know there are some Rack extensions for this kind of thing - but i'm not really a fan as you can't print to track or edit easily, personally i feel that they are overly complicated.


Malstrom 2.0 - The sampling

Either a New Fangled Granular Wave-Table Jobber .

Or - updating malstrom with ability to load sample wave-tables and more granular madness options  (such as grain space/size) 

Not really many Granular options out there at mo.


Combi 2.0 - Major Nobbage

More nobs - combis inside combis (is this even possible? )


Also  maybe they could have some vending machines in the rack for snacks and drinks while your producing?

just a thought.


"He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."• Dr  Samuel Johnson

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23 Jun 2015

Audio-in while in rewire mode = instant buy for me.
And then, over time, I'd even get some rack extensions.

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27 Jun 2015

BV512 pop up values on each bands or knobs under bands for better control and sensitivity while staying in rack view, still love to use it as an equ !!!

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13 Jul 2015

How about New Chanel EQ like Logic Pro X. nothing wrong with current EQ but since 5 years we using the same without any improvements. which like 24/48/96/192 Opdb Hi - Low Cuts, 5 or 7 bands...

need to redesign Whole M-Class thing like they did to Reverb.

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15 Jul 2015

1. Combinator MKII
2. M Class EQ MKII
3. M Class Comp MKII
4. Step Notes to track on any/all sequencer, re patches etc
5. Adjust Meter Points in Visualizer "VU" +2 more epoi ts
6. Detach Browser, Attach to floating visualizer.
7. I'm tired of having to change color on all my automation lanes, every track, every lane. "remember what my HPF, Pan, Drum Channel 3 are track to track"
8. Android Apps
9. Bring back Rebirth.
10. Dr. Synchronstein with 16 outs
11. Exciter
12. Master Volume EQ.
13. Transient Rack.
14. Revise Automation Options, Reverse.
15. Reverse anything in sequencer, Audio, Midi, Rex.
16. Freeze or record Audio/Midi of RE on channel so friend can collaborate easier.
17. Multi band Dynamic/FX rack.
18. Drag/Drop in and out of multi screen anything, as if we were "Duplicating Tracks.
19. Adding "favorite Reason Tutuorials/Rack Tutorials in our "Browser favorites"
20. Make browser 360 adjustable width/height.
21. Better curve in Automation.

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23 Jul 2015

freeQlow wrote: 12. Master Volume EQ.

15. Reverse anything in sequencer, Audio, Midi, Rex.

16. Freeze or record Audio/Midi of RE on channel so friend can collaborate easier.

21. Better curve in Automation.
12) I don't know if I'm being captain obvious or not, but you can put any eq you'd like the master. Maybe you mean an SSL version? You'd still want it in the master section imho. If that's not what you mean, maybe you can do something with control room? (I haven't really used it yet)

15) Sounds good to me.

16) You can work around that. You can bounce and have it save to track. It's not as easy, but it's doable.

21) Please god this. Ironically I waited and waited and waited for this in my previous host (studio one) and now it's there as I'm 100% invested in reason :evil:

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23 Jul 2015

21) Plan on doing an upgrade ASAP or as soon as I'm around more often. Too busy lately. I miss at least 50% of my racks when trying them.

16) I do a lot of bouncing. I've had a weird issue with this on a few occasions. Importing the audio, we barely see an audio wav. It's occasionally a flat line, literally.
I'm still learning reason in general after missing 5,6 and 7.
But I plan on digging into the multiple resample options in the sequencer and some of the instruments.
Bouncing is the only option to him buying the tack or signing into my account. Sure that's always been a big gripe. Glad I'm back in reason regardless much improved.

Reason isn't short on options nowadays, that's a good thing but it's almost where it should be. Little nuances for the most part. Lots to learn

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24 Jul 2015

I would welcome another tab in the toolwindow where there is a scrollable list of undo steps where i can jump to.
I've never felt that the need for multi level undo, but i guess that would make some people very happy.
freeQlow wrote: 7. I'm tired of having to change color on all my automation lanes, every track, every lane. "remember what my HPF, Pan, Drum Channel 3 are track to track"
What do you mean exactly ? I'm on R8 and i feel color changing is quite userfriendly especially with auto-color tracks and channels. :)
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24 Jul 2015

I'm not sure either, but what I'd like to add (uber whaaaa/me me moment :lol: ) is how to color buses and particular tracks in preferences. Critical? No. But it would be cool. (For example, I really want ALL my buses to be graphite :D )

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24 Jul 2015

All features of Cubase8 Pro for Reason, that´s all :)

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24 Jul 2015

Render in place. (Or bounce midi track instrument to disk )

The only 2 functions I miss from Cubase now.

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24 Jul 2015

Dante wrote:Render in place. (Or bounce midi track instrument to disk )
Don't we have this via "Bounce Mixer Channels", or is that somhow different ? :)
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24 Jul 2015

My main want for R9 is more gratitude and less entitled complaining from the Reason community.
Either get it or don't, but enough with the "aaaaargh this sucks!" tantrums.

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24 Jul 2015

It's works fine here. It's a few extra steps. You have make SURE the clip is selected, then go to the menu, then select the track/tracks you want, then remember to select to "bounce to song" and then hope you did all of that or you'll get a blank wav.

Key use of this for me is not to save cpu, it's to bounce something for "low fi" or to manipulate independent of the original track. So yes, you can do that, but it would be nice if there was a right-click for the midi/audio file (automatically printing fx) that was a simple "bounce to new track"

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24 Jul 2015

Emerton wrote:My main want for R9 is more gratitude and less entitled complaining from the Reason community.
Either get it or don't, but enough with the "aaaaargh this sucks!" tantrums.
I think the people who haven't tried reason in 8+ years are in for a shock.

Also, I'm not one to be locked into 1 DAW. I have friends who swear by several DAW, their opinions in general are dated but the consensus from non users is "No Vsts??!!"

I'm most comfortable in Ableton but falling back in love after I passed on 4,5,6,7,8. I was in 4 when introduced and tutored in Ab

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30 Jul 2015

michal22 wrote: 10. Improved search algorithm and using tags. For example: You enter in the search box the word "comp" and you get the answer from all RE's with the compresion option. You enter "limit" and you get all devices with the limiter option. You do not need to press the "ENTER" button to Reason began to search. Of course, the device and developer names are also considered in the search. Added tags with description of the functions performed.
I really want this.

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23 Aug 2015

More than 32 Blocks. Since I've starting using Blocks, I've used this function more and more and it really helps me stay organinzed. Is there a limit of only 32? I would like double that at least, or more.

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23 Aug 2015

So after much internal debate I got BFD core/jazzfunk and man, am I glad!

But why that is important here is OMG PLEASE FIX TEH MIDI DRAG DROP eleventy!!!!!11111111

Thank you.

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07 Sep 2015

Last Alternative wrote:I also wish the mixer's spectrum analyzer wasn't so delayed to respond. It's hard to get a true representation in real time. And I wish it had more frequency points.

- automatic latency compensation (i know thats a complete complicated to do one…)
- sdk 3 (with notes to track, interchangeable panels, faster maths)
Damn how could I forget about those!

- the ssl with additional choseable more send effects busses (maybe one click for doubling the send effects to 16?)
I think I only used all 8 once but in the end I got rid of one. Now I'm getting more into using fx on the inserts and adjusting the dry/wet if it's just gonna be something on one instrument. Same thing as a send effect, right?
Yeah. more frequency points are needed. You can't even go down as low as 20hz on it I noticed the other day. The only thing is, the Spectrum EQ is related to the SSL, so the 4 currents points / bands relate to the 4 bands on the SSL. They work in conjunction. I have heard though that the SSL should have 7 bands, that 4 is substandard, and perhaps 7 on the M-Class EQ too?

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07 Sep 2015

freeQlow wrote:1. Combinator MKII
2. M Class EQ MKII
3. M Class Comp MKII
4. Step Notes to track on any/all sequencer, re patches etc
5. Adjust Meter Points in Visualizer "VU" +2 more epoi ts
6. Detach Browser, Attach to floating visualizer.
7. I'm tired of having to change color on all my automation lanes, every track, every lane. "remember what my HPF, Pan, Drum Channel 3 are track to track"
8. Android Apps
9. Bring back Rebirth.
10. Dr. Synchronstein with 16 outs
11. Exciter
12. Master Volume EQ.
13. Transient Rack.
14. Revise Automation Options, Reverse.
15. Reverse anything in sequencer, Audio, Midi, Rex.
16. Freeze or record Audio/Midi of RE on channel so friend can collaborate easier.
17. Multi band Dynamic/FX rack.
18. Drag/Drop in and out of multi screen anything, as if we were "Duplicating Tracks.
19. Adding "favorite Reason Tutuorials/Rack Tutorials in our "Browser favorites"
20. Make browser 360 adjustable width/height.
21. Better curve in Automation.
Now Dr Synchronstein has got me intrigued. What is this?

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07 Sep 2015

I believe I was imagining a Synchronous Rex sequencer of sorts.

Good observation!

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08 Sep 2015

freeQlow wrote:I believe I was imagining a Synchronous Rex sequencer of sorts.

Good observation!
That sounds phenomenal!

Reason Studio's 11.3 / Cockos Reaper 6.82 / Cakewalk By Bandlab / Orion 8.6 ... soul-mix-3

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13 Oct 2015

My Current wish list:

1 ) Favorite Racks
2 ) Last Used Racks

racks.jpg (86.68 KiB) Viewed 2226 times
I know many musicians around here are not very enthusiastic about blocks, but for structuring is a nice tool, but is only missing the "blocks organizer!!"

3) Blocks organizer
Sometimes I struggle a bit when moving blocks around, I've got to make room for them, why not sort them out with a nice "block sorting" tool ?
Also.. by default you have 32 empty blocks. Why can I just have the option to create blocks as needed, no need to clutter!
BLOCKS.jpg (124.35 KiB) Viewed 2226 times
Albums: BandCamp | Youtubz: Noise Channel
Projects: P1 Easy Remote Mapping | Personal Refill Sale Store: | Title Generator!

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15 Oct 2015

Noise wrote:My Current wish list:

1 ) Favorite Racks
2 ) Last Used Racks

I know many musicians around here are not very enthusiastic about blocks, but for structuring is a nice tool, but is only missing the "blocks organizer!!"

3) Blocks organizer
Sometimes I struggle a bit when moving blocks around, I've got to make room for them, why not sort them out with a nice "block sorting" tool ?
Also.. by default you have 32 empty blocks. Why can I just have the option to create blocks as needed, no need to clutter!
I think the favourites list might beibetter on the top of each device category, although then one has to be aware of the categorybof the device (one has to as of today too).

I really like your block panel looks really nice. I think you should send the idea to PH through their support page!
Budapest, Hungary
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