The Further Combinator Suggestions

Have any feature requests? No promise they'll get to Reason Studios, but you can still discuss them here.
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02 Sep 2021

Control assets from stock synths.

Example: Europa, Grain, Subtractor................... multiple sizes of knobs, switches, buttons, sliders, etc.

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02 Sep 2021

Good idea, so the Combinator will look like the multiple stock synths you are using.
It would be nice to have some values for CV, dB, instead of 0-127 for everything, on little screens.

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02 Sep 2021

in-built automation and envelopes

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02 Sep 2021

helmutson wrote:
01 Sep 2021
Comb2 in the RRP under Live doesn't let me map controls with right click ... is this intended ?
The same for me both in Live and Bitwig Studio 4. Any mapping has to be pre-done in Reason first, saved as a combinator and then you can play it in other programs.
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02 Sep 2021

More audio ins/outs. Seems like a no-brainer to me.

Also, it would be nice to have some output/display components.

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02 Sep 2021

I mentioned this in the Reason Studios beta test forum, and I've mentioned it on a facebook thread on one of the Reason groups. There is only one feature missing from the new (and yes, the old too) that I care about with any passion.

There is no Remoteable for the labels.

Load up a combinator, go to File>export device remote window. You get a text file, it looks like this:

Code: Select all

Manufacturer	Model
Propellerheads	Combinator

Remotable	Min	Max	Input type	Output type
Mod Wheel	0	127	Value	ValueOutput
Note On Indicator	0	1	-	ValueOutput
Rotary 1	0	127	Value	ValueOutput
Rotary 2	0	127	Value	ValueOutput
Button 31	0	1	Toggle	ValueOutput
Button 32	0	1	Toggle	ValueOutput
Enabled	0	2	Value	ValueOutput
Audio In Indicator	0	20	-	ValueOutput
Audio Out Indicator	0	20	-	ValueOutput
Sample Loading Progress	-1	127	-	ValueOutput
Mixer Level	0	127	Value	ValueOutput
Mixer In Left 1	0	20	-	ValueOutput
Mixer In Right 8	0	20	-	ValueOutput
Pitch Bend	-8192	8191	Value	ValueOutput
Device Name	0	0	-	TextOutput
Patch Name	0	0	-	TextOutput
Select Patch Delta	0	0	Delta	TextOutput
Select Previous Patch	0	0	Trig	TextOutput
Select Next Patch	0	0	Trig	TextOutput
Run Pattern Devices	0	1	Toggle	ValueOutput
Bypass All FX	0	1	Toggle	ValueOutput

I've edited that down, but you may note that there's no TextOutput for each of the knobs and buttons.

So here we are, about to have this "refill renaissance" yet this important bit of futureproofing is missing. I know I'm not the only one who feels it's a troublesome exclusion. Yes, I'm aware no controllers would be able to use it currently. It's literally a case where if these labels are included in the Remote info, they will be written into codecs going forward.

And the combinator is the most important device in Reason, so why shouldn't the text of the labels be available to midi controllers?

One argument for their inclusion is that creators of the new combinator can move the knobs to wherever they want to on the device. So no longer is labeling the knobs 1-4 (as the Nektar series does,) going to be acceptable. In the future you are going to see more and more controllers with screens. This label data needs to be available to them.

So please include label TextOutput remoteables to your wishlists.

Reason Studios -- and I know you read this forum -- just include them. They will be used.
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03 Sep 2021

stratatonic wrote:
01 Sep 2021
Momentary Buttons
Yes! Just been playing around with the new Combinator. Be good to have buttons act this way as well as on/of switches :thumbs_up:

And of course more control designs or even some flexibility over size. Then copy paste current control to make it easier to build up banks of custom controls.

Have to say though, the step up from the original Combinator already makes Combinator 2 immensely more powerful and useful. It's very, very cool :cool:

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03 Sep 2021

Faastwalker wrote:
03 Sep 2021
stratatonic wrote:
01 Sep 2021
Momentary Buttons
Yes! Just been playing around with the new Combinator. Be good to have buttons act this way as well as on/of switches :thumbs_up:

And of course more control designs or even some flexibility over size. Then copy paste current control to make it easier to build up banks of custom controls.

Have to say though, the step up from the original Combinator already makes Combinator 2 immensely more powerful and useful. It's very, very cool :cool:
What does the automation of a momentary button look like?
Get more Combinators at the deeplink website

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03 Sep 2021

deeplink wrote:
03 Sep 2021
Faastwalker wrote:
03 Sep 2021

Yes! Just been playing around with the new Combinator. Be good to have buttons act this way as well as on/of switches :thumbs_up:

And of course more control designs or even some flexibility over size. Then copy paste current control to make it easier to build up banks of custom controls.

Have to say though, the step up from the original Combinator already makes Combinator 2 immensely more powerful and useful. It's very, very cool :cool:
What does the automation of a momentary button look like?
A trigger

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04 Sep 2021

My mains hopes:

1: More CV's in's for the Rotaries. 4 is really limiting. Why not 32 to match the actual number of available Rotaries?

2: Nested, AKA Combis within Combis. Seems only natural since people are basically making completely new instruments with Combi 2 already, that we would then want to combine them and use a Combinator to modulate it. If we could do this, it would mitigate point 1 some.

3: Right click and map to generic CV input. Must have been an oversight? The new mapping method is a gamechanger for sure, but that makes it even more grating when you have to go back to the old method of finding you parameter in the matrix if you want to assign it to a generic CV input.

4: Some variations on the the Control and Switch Rotaries. ie stepped knobs and button variations , eg momentary and toggle switch modes.

5: 32 Rotaries + 32 Switches is limiting. Either have more of each, or 64 total of both types, whatever ratio you want though. ie not 50/50.

6: Some kind of shading or or obvious graphical indicator that you're in Configure mode. I keep on adding knobs, then forgetting I'm in Config mode, then I go to test the new knob and I drag it halfway across the Combi!

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04 Sep 2021

I was playing about with CMBv2 stuff today and there is ONE feature I think is essential.

When you select combine now in R12 there is absolutely no reason why the controls and programming isn't combined.

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05 Sep 2021

can we get a combine option that creates a combinator that includes all the controls and programming ?
combine.gif (262.88 KiB) Viewed 3283 times


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05 Sep 2021

Faastwalker wrote:
03 Sep 2021
deeplink wrote:
03 Sep 2021

What does the automation of a momentary button look like?
A trigger
Wait, wouldn't the signal be a gate, held "on" only as long as the button is held? The difference is you don't have to press it twice to turn it on off, but you DO have to continuously hold it down to keep it "on". Horses for courses, both are needed IMO.
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06 Sep 2021

Well, silly me, for not reading the manual. When trying to build a 2U C2 for the VST plugin Organteq, I ran out of buttons. This is how far I got:
OutOfButtons2.png (263.81 KiB) Viewed 3224 times
The above is missing another eleven stops (the Musette 8' for the Positif and all stops for the Pédale), and, maybe, four tremulant switches, so I'm fifteen or so switches short. Thus I must second the request for being able to handle a greater number of controls in total. (Mall is the Swedish word for template btw.)

This is maybe not the best way to control a plugin, as there's no feedback to the C2, meaning the mapped button in the C2 won't turn on, should I use the GUI of the plugin or send MIDI to it, to activate a stop. I just couldn't come up with a better way.

Would I be able to group buttons, such that pressing one, turns off the others, I could maybe use that to change between a set of combinations (a kind of presets) in the plugin, except the buttons for the combinations doesn't appear to be visible to C2. If buttons on the C2 front panel could send MIDI notes, program change messages or similar to the plug-in, I could do some mapping inside the plugin.

More colors for the buttons would be nice too. I understand we can't have every color in the world, but a basic set of red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow and white would seem reasonable. Maybe separate dropdowns for style (classic, large, small etc) and color would make handling more color options easier.

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06 Sep 2021

deeplink wrote:
03 Sep 2021
Faastwalker wrote:
03 Sep 2021

Yes! Just been playing around with the new Combinator. Be good to have buttons act this way as well as on/of switches :thumbs_up:

And of course more control designs or even some flexibility over size. Then copy paste current control to make it easier to build up banks of custom controls.

Have to say though, the step up from the original Combinator already makes Combinator 2 immensely more powerful and useful. It's very, very cool :cool:
What does the automation of a momentary button look like?
Pitch bend is a momentary control too so it just snaps back to its off state when released. Drawing it in is different though as it is when drawing in pitch bend automation.

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06 Sep 2021

wikholm wrote:
06 Sep 2021

Would I be able to group buttons, such that pressing one, turns off the others, I could maybe use that to change between a set of combinations (a kind of presets) in the plugin, except the buttons for the combinations doesn't appear to be visible to C2. If buttons on the C2 front panel could send MIDI notes, program change messages or similar to the plug-in, I could do some mapping inside the plugin.
Yes that would be great. It could be like having choke groups for switches.

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13 Sep 2021

wikholm wrote:
06 Sep 2021

More colors for the buttons would be nice too. I understand we can't have every color in the world, but a basic set of red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow and white would seem reasonable. Maybe separate dropdowns for style (classic, large, small etc) and color would make handling more color options easier.
Yes, and could the “red” buttons actually be red? Presently they are pink!

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13 Sep 2021

wikholm wrote:
06 Sep 2021
This is maybe not the best way to control a plugin, as there's no feedback to the C2, meaning the mapped button in the C2 won't turn on, should I use the GUI of the plugin or send MIDI to it, to activate a stop. I just couldn't come up with a better way.
It is possible to create Remote Overrides so that device's that also send midi cc can be allocated to the relevant control. There does seem to be a bit of a midi loopback though (Edit: the loopback may not be that bad after all..)

What would be an interesting solution is the ability to save a remote override mapping with the combinator. This way you could create recallable bi-directional control setup on a device basis.

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16 Sep 2021

Catblack wrote:
02 Sep 2021
I mentioned this in the Reason Studios beta test forum, and I've mentioned it on a facebook thread on one of the Reason groups. There is only one feature missing from the new (and yes, the old too) that I care about with any passion.

There is no Remoteable for the labels.

Load up a combinator, go to File>export device remote window. You get a text file, it looks like this:

Code: Select all

Manufacturer	Model
Propellerheads	Combinator

Remotable	Min	Max	Input type	Output type
Mod Wheel	0	127	Value	ValueOutput
Note On Indicator	0	1	-	ValueOutput
Rotary 1	0	127	Value	ValueOutput
Rotary 2	0	127	Value	ValueOutput
Button 31	0	1	Toggle	ValueOutput
Button 32	0	1	Toggle	ValueOutput
Enabled	0	2	Value	ValueOutput
Audio In Indicator	0	20	-	ValueOutput
Audio Out Indicator	0	20	-	ValueOutput
Sample Loading Progress	-1	127	-	ValueOutput
Mixer Level	0	127	Value	ValueOutput
Mixer In Left 1	0	20	-	ValueOutput
Mixer In Right 8	0	20	-	ValueOutput
Pitch Bend	-8192	8191	Value	ValueOutput
Device Name	0	0	-	TextOutput
Patch Name	0	0	-	TextOutput
Select Patch Delta	0	0	Delta	TextOutput
Select Previous Patch	0	0	Trig	TextOutput
Select Next Patch	0	0	Trig	TextOutput
Run Pattern Devices	0	1	Toggle	ValueOutput
Bypass All FX	0	1	Toggle	ValueOutput

I've edited that down, but you may note that there's no TextOutput for each of the knobs and buttons.

So here we are, about to have this "refill renaissance" yet this important bit of futureproofing is missing. I know I'm not the only one who feels it's a troublesome exclusion. Yes, I'm aware no controllers would be able to use it currently. It's literally a case where if these labels are included in the Remote info, they will be written into codecs going forward.

And the combinator is the most important device in Reason, so why shouldn't the text of the labels be available to midi controllers?

One argument for their inclusion is that creators of the new combinator can move the knobs to wherever they want to on the device. So no longer is labeling the knobs 1-4 (as the Nektar series does,) going to be acceptable. In the future you are going to see more and more controllers with screens. This label data needs to be available to them.

So please include label TextOutput remoteables to your wishlists.

Reason Studios -- and I know you read this forum -- just include them. They will be used.
just quoted so it can be seen again as I totally agree on this

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17 Sep 2021

Would be nice if you add a device in the combi2 it will unlock every single knob, fader, button on all devices to be routed to whatever you want.
Not like now when not everything is automatable.

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18 Sep 2021

Since we have so much possibilities to build FX and Instruments with the new Combinator I think it would be awesome if there was any possibility to give a combinator device some sort of presets. This preset would just control the parameters of the combinator. Maybe there could be an UI element for selecting presets.

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25 Sep 2021

Heigen5 wrote:
01 Sep 2021
[...] 1) Even bigger knobs than xxl.[...]
Like this at least:
Combinator 2 knobs.jpg
Combinator 2 knobs.jpg (146.67 KiB) Viewed 3034 times

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25 Sep 2021

In addition more font colours, types and also sizes.

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25 Sep 2021

Addable textfields for improved labeling.

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25 Sep 2021

+ value responsive displays :-)

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