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Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 03 Jul 2023
by huggermugger
more images...

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 03 Jul 2023
by huggermugger
and three more images...

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 03 Jul 2023
by DJMaytag
Excellent visualizations!

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 04 Jul 2023
by Mattvank
Ah okay, thx.

That means that the min,max,AVG etc. functions just work with the modpoints on the back and not with the Knobs on the panel. That was it,what i wonder.

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 04 Jul 2023
by huggermugger
Mattvank wrote:
04 Jul 2023
That means that the min,max,AVG etc. functions just work with the modpoints on the back and not with the Knobs on the panel. That was it,what i wonder.
Yes, that's correct. The knobs on the front apply to the Boolean Logic settings. They determine the Threshold for A or B to open the gate (typically at 0% which means the zero crossing); and the value of True and False (typically at 100% for True and -100% for False).

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 06 Jul 2023
by Mattvank
Okay, its working as i aspect but i wonder why i need 2% treshold(A) and why relay is jumping from 1 to 3 456 7-8.
So its fantastic I can setup triggers in Sync to the arrangement up to 4 minutes. Now i want to change patterns easily but CV Switch is not working.
Untitled.jpg (330.32 KiB) Viewed 2186 times

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 12 Jul 2023
by Mattvank
Another question. How can i realize a self reliance? Is CV Freeze neccessary for this?

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 14 Jul 2023
by Vil
Mattvank wrote:
06 Jul 2023
Okay, its working as i aspect but i wonder why i need 2% treshold(A) and why relay is jumping from 1 to 3 456 7-8.
So its fantastic I can setup triggers in Sync to the arrangement up to 4 minutes. Now i want to change patterns easily but CV Switch is not working.
Sorry I missed this...

I dont understand exatly your problem, I dont see the back sides of your rack.. but maybe you are using the unipolar outputs of Piston, and your waveform has ultra short time in the bottom position, and you also using a low pass filter on the signal... so maybe the signel never reached the 0. (Theoretically a CV Piston's lowpass filtered signals reach the target value just after infinite time (If the resonance is 0) ) (... and if i remembered correctly)

CV Relay's Step and Home are triggered when the incoming signal is going from 0 or less to a positive value ( if i remembered correctly) :) . CV Freez has a Threshold knob for adjusting this, but CV Relay hasn't. Maybe this feature will be nice in CV Relay also. ;)

If I misuderstood something, please make a combi patch and send it to me.

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 14 Jul 2023
by PhillipOrdonez
I wish someone would make a "explain me like I'm 5" video about these awesome tools.

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 14 Jul 2023
by moneykube
PhillipOrdonez wrote:
14 Jul 2023
I wish someone would make a "explain me like I'm 5" video about these awesome tools.
me too

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 14 Jul 2023
by jam-s
moneykube wrote:
14 Jul 2023
PhillipOrdonez wrote:
14 Jul 2023
I wish someone would make a "explain me like I'm 5" video about these awesome tools.
me too
Well, you simply put the C in the V and have some fun... and that's how babies are made or something like this... *SCNR*

But in general you just use some CV display/analysers to see what's going on/in/out and then you experiment with the different knobs and see the results.

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 14 Jul 2023
by DJMaytag
CV Pistons is a LFO with 8 outputs. The outputs can be set up to a “quadrature mode” such that each of the 8 LFO’s is 45 degrees offset (out of phase) from the next one. That allows for some pretty cool modulation effects. It’s based off the OCHD a module in Eurorack format.

CV Ranger is handy for when you have an CV output that’s bipolar, and you want to limit its range to unipolar (+1 to 0) and don’t have a way to switch it on the back like most modern Reason devices do (ie a LFO out of Malstrom into a CV input of Subtractor). You can also limit it to whatever range you want to dial in (eg -0.5 to -1).

CV Shades is a CV mixer like Reason’s Spider CV merger, but far more advanced (automatable and has mod inputs to control the attenuation).

CV Response is an envelope generator. Handy for adding an extra ADSR to some of the old Reason devices or whatever else you need envelope control over. I used to create extra instances if Subtractor to get an extra ADSR CV.

CV Origami is to CV what a waveshaper and/or filter is to audio. You can take a white noise LFO output and filter it to crate different “colors” of noise, like pink noise, blue noise, red noise, etc. You can take a triangle LFO and wave shape it into something that looks like the waveform of a hard synced oscillator.

These are the ones I use the most, so.. I’ll let someone else handle simply describing the rest.

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 15 Jul 2023
by Mattvank
Vil wrote:
14 Jul 2023

If I misuderstood something, please make a combi patch and send it to me.
THX, i think this point is clear :-)
my another question is how could i realize that i can use 1 Knob to control different parametres. I try to use it with a switch but it is allways jumping.
It needs a kind of memory and i thought do realize it with your freeze modul. My question is, is it possible or is that something with deeper programming?

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 15 Jul 2023
by Vil
Mattvank wrote:
15 Jul 2023
my another question is how could i realize that i can use 1 Knob to control different parametres. I try to use it with a switch but it is allways jumping.
It needs a kind of memory and i thought do realize it with your freeze modul. My question is, is it possible or is that something with deeper programming?
This case also not 100% clear for me by the video, But here is an example, how you can switch by CV Witch.

In this example we have a signal by CV Piston, and depending by a the value on channel (knob) 1 of CV Shades we would like to modulate two different thing with the CV Piston's signal.
See how the devices routed on the 3rd image.

As you see in this example, if the channel 1 on CV Shades is greater than the threshold A then the CV Witch 1st output will be a sine wave and the 2nd output is a 0 signal,
but if the channel 1 on CV Shades is less than the threshold A then the CV Witch 2st output will be a sine wave and the 1nd output is a 0 signal.

The primary job of CV Witch is performing boolean operations. And boolean operations operates on True/False values and the results are also True/False values.
For the input side the CV translased to a True/False value by the threshold. If the input CV value is greater, then the threshold, the value will be True, otherwise False.
But of course the outputs of CV Witch have to be CV values too, so we have to translate the True/False values back to a CV value. This is what the TRUE and FALSE knobs do in CV Witch.
So in this example I set the TRUE knob to 1 and the FALSE knob to 0.
In this example we are using two CV output of CV Witch.
For the first we are using the A [bool] operation. Which is actually meaning the output will be true if the A signal is true.
For the second we are using the NOT A [bool] operation. Which is actually meaning the output will be false if the A signal is true, but will be true, if the input is false. (So actually the opposit of the previous case)

But here are another trick, we can scale the true and false output values of CV Witch. This is why we connected the Piston's output for the Witch's Mod T input.

switch_by_witch_01.jpg (347.42 KiB) Viewed 1913 times
switch_by_witch_02.jpg (347.71 KiB) Viewed 1913 times
switch_by_witch_03.jpg (125.06 KiB) Viewed 1913 times

(input means user input on these images)

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 15 Jul 2023
by Vil
But here is another example, just with a little bit difference. The True output of Witch is not scaled by an external CV here. The CV Witch output is just purely 0 or 1, and we are using CV Shades to utilize this 0 and 1 to scale the signal by the CV Pistons:

switch_by_witch_04.jpg (317.3 KiB) Viewed 1912 times
switch_by_witch_05.jpg (145.38 KiB) Viewed 1912 times

(and in this case, with the knob 2 and 3 on the CV Shades you can adjust the level of the signal individually for the two output)

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 15 Jul 2023
by Mattvank
Maybe i´m wrong but in theory i want to press a switch which allows me to move thru a ADSR for exsample but i use one knob or fader only.

At the moment by pressing the switch the parametre did not save or hold the position.

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 15 Jul 2023
by Vil
Sorry, I dont understand.

Have you a button on the Combinator, and want you to achieve something with toggling this button? But what would you like to achieve? How would you like to switching the behavior of the signal (or signals) by the button of the combi?


I know this is not the answer for your question, but you can take an experiment with CV Response also.

In the following example, with the knob 1 of CV Shades you can trigger an ADSR envelope. If the knob 1 is greater than the threshold of knob A of CV Witch, then the envelope is fired and the sustain part is sustained :) until the knob 1 is greater than the trhreshold.

adsr_trig_by_knob_01.jpg (253.96 KiB) Viewed 1890 times
adsr_trig_by_knob_02.jpg (104.7 KiB) Viewed 1890 times

In the topic of switching signals, PoohBear made a nice video:

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 15 Jul 2023
by Vil
In this simple example you can switch with by the Switch on the Combinator between two different signal for two different target device or parameter.

If the switch is on, then the 1st signal is going out from the CV Shades's first channel, if it is off, then the 2nd signal is going out from the CV Shades's second channel.

combi_02.jpg (328.04 KiB) Viewed 1887 times

combi_01.jpg (318.86 KiB) Viewed 1887 times
combi_03.jpg (110 KiB) Viewed 1887 times

(CV Piston is just for providing two different signal in this example)

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 17 Jul 2023
by Mattvank
That switch is clear but i want to use a knob for controlling all parametres.
So 2 switches to to toggle between Filter and Resonance and one knob to control.

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 17 Jul 2023
by Vil
Mattvank wrote:
17 Jul 2023
That switch is clear but i want to use a knob for controlling all parametres.
So 2 switches to to toggle between Filter and Resonance and one knob to control.
Maybe this helps: ... dulations/

you can find few downloadable examples here in a zip file.

swicthing_15.jpg (342.25 KiB) Viewed 1785 times

Dont give up, if any of them isnt for what are you looking for. It just means I dont understand what you want to achieve.
Keep experimenting and Im sure you will find out..

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 17 Jul 2023
by DJMaytag
Mattvank wrote:
17 Jul 2023
That switch is clear but i want to use a knob for controlling all parametres.
So 2 switches to to toggle between Filter and Resonance and one knob to control.
Do you mean in knob on a MIDI controller, and having a way to switch what that knob does (either resonance or cutoff)?

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 17 Jul 2023
by Bes
no i think the reason you would have 1 switch for each parameter is so they are state independent. in this case something like 2x D-flipflop

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 18 Jul 2023
by Mattvank
Yes. Exactly. I hope this video explains the problem better. As you can see everything is working like i want but the value does not safe in the end.
Of course if i connect the hold parametres with a kind of ,,flank AND´´ this would work but the parametres get not pick up and jump again.

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 18 Jul 2023
by DJMaytag
Why do you want to do this with just one knob? I don’t think it’s possible to do what you want, but if it is… it would be incredibly difficult to accomplish compared to just using two Combinator knobs.

Re: Tonicmint CV Tool Bundle?

Posted: 21 Jul 2023
by Mattvank
I like to map the AKAI APC KEY MK2 or the APC Mini. All Buttons should be used to select one function of a synthesizer.