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What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 12 Oct 2015
by DNA Apocalypse
I was thinking about a nice all in one mastering tool with: a multi band compressor or master bus compressor, surgical equalizer, and mid side imaging in one RE. There is an abundance of nice synths out so were not really lacking there but I always welcome unique synths! I've lately been thinking that if there was an RE with multiple effects sort of how the alligator has phaser, delay, and gating,.... it would be really cool also.....

What do you guys crave in the Reason Rack?
And don't say nexus or spire, give me some unique ideas that are not out yet!

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 12 Oct 2015
by JNeffLind
Don't know if it'd be possible, but something that handled pitch correction better would be great for me. Or maybe something that allowed exporting songs or tracks as musical staff notation.

Another idea I've had is something that worked kind of like carve except on a whole track. Maybe where you could prioritize what you wanted to stand out over what, and then it'd do a big master EQ for you. Like you could say, I want the this to dominate in the bass range, with this peeking through when appropriate, this particular thing to split equally with this other thing in the treble, with this third thing cutting through when it appears, and then I want this lead to cut through it all, etc. Or maybe just something that pinpointed points of muddiness so that one could have a sort of headstart on the eqing mixing process. Again, don't know if such a thing is possible.

Now the question is, will some smart-ass use this thread to ask for nexus/spire or tell me to learn to mix first?

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 12 Oct 2015
by JNeffLind
Another thing I'd been thinking about is a sort of utility that would track how many hours have been spent working on a song. It could have some sort of function where if you leave a file open after an hour of no activity it'll shut off the timer and cut an hour off your work time, etc. so that you have an accurate measure. I know a lot of people seem interested in how many hours they've put in on a particular song. If you wanted to make it a bit fancy you could even potentially make it track where you had spent the time, whether it be in the sequencer, writing parts for particular instruments, mixing, doing sound design, etc. There could be modes with countdown buzzers for example if you want to hold yourself to a rough mix and keep from fidgeting too much with any particular section there could be a setting for that, like you need to do an hour of writing for every hour you do of sound design, etc. Could make it kind of fun/funny with hash marks carved into a stone wall (like a cartoon character uses to track days in prison) for every hour spent or could use hourglasses, ticking time bombs etc. Could be as involved and fun or as low key and utilitarian as you wanted. Obviously I have a ton of ideas for this type of thing so if you were interested in it I'd be glad to give any ideas I have or help you brainstorm (for free of course).

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by pjeudy
DNA Apocalypse wrote:I was thinking about a nice all in one mastering tool with
All in one..
Multiband compression: with More then 3 bands and ARC (Automatic Release Compensation)

Really just shoot for this :

More specificly the:
1. EQ with Mid side * Like the one from Synapse GQ-7 with all and more features!
2. Multiband stereo Imager ***
3. Multiband compressor with more then 3 bands and ARC ****
4. Limiter
5. Exiter Multiband

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by Gaja
I must say I'd probably buy a phase correlation meter on the spot.

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by ScuzzyEye
Gaja wrote:I must say I'd probably buy a phase correlation meter on the spot.
There are already two devices in the shop that have correlation meters in them. ... -inverter/

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by Olivier
Talking about phase, something like voxengo pha-979 phase shifter. Or maybe just an all pass filter to do phase corrections like with Norman Hansen's VMG-01, but not by delaying but by changing phase relationships..

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by Goan
Things i miss when working in Reason:

Ableton Grain Delay
Ableton Beat Repeat
Sugar Bytes Effectrix

Sure these can all be replicated with existing REs but not as user friendly...

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by Gaja
ScuzzyEye wrote:
Gaja wrote:I must say I'd probably buy a phase correlation meter on the spot.
There are already two devices in the shop that have correlation meters in them. ... -inverter/
Ah thanks! I thought there were none, but I'm glad to be proven wrong. I'll just buy one of them, 9€ is a steal :)

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by dana
How about a simple RE with some toggle buttons on the front with cv outputs on the back?

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by avasopht
A compressor that works by adjusting filters and EQ gain, with each parameter having a mod matrix to a filtered detector (LP / BPF / NOTCH / HP) or an EQ curve. Oh, and on top of that you can also send GR output a distortion / saturation effect.

But then with this being Reason, it will output the GR as audio like Pulveriser so that the GR could power a different effect as well as provide auxiliary functions such as a dB diff between signals with a knob for a limits (e.g. -80dB to +80dB).

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by chimp_spanner
A Propellerheads modular system would be great, using oscillators from their stock devices, making use of the half-rack format where possible. What'd be *really* cool (although very unlikely to ever happen) would be a new type of Combinator for Eurorack style modules. Much in the same way as the Reason Rack extends horizontally as you drag new devices, this would be able to create new rows of rack as you need them. Maybe there'd be a way to do it without completely changing the nature of Reason, much in the way that Thor and Kong emulate the swappable modular thing, but really it'd be nice if the CV outputs on the back could change accordingly.

Anyway that's what I'd really like to see :)

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by sdst
a folder RE where you can put everything, to clean the rack view

a mixer 14 2 with the ssl mixer features

modeled instruments like SaxLab, pianoteq, arturia , etc

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by Exowildebeest
Granular sampler/synth.

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by Viscor
  • a linear phase EQ/linear phase frequency splitter with keyfollowing for the frequency bands and 96dB/octave slopes
  • an all-pass filter or phase shifter like eauhm already said
  • a phase rotation RE
  • a vectorscope
  • ( an "ultra filter" with z-plane morphing, customizable filter shapes, filter drive and the ability to FM any parameter :D )
Yeah, but basically I am all about that phase about that phase [...].

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by superpop
Something like Reatune :D

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by pjeudy
Well, if creating an Ozone type all in one device is too much...then focus on a kick ass Multiband compressor like U-He did :

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by raymondh
I think a good RE would be... a VST container :)

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015
by GushingDizzy
I've always been a fan of the way the Sonitus compressor has a graphical display of what's going on. It would be great to have something like that in Reason:

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 14 Oct 2015
by xxASMxx
[quote="DNA Apocalypse"]I was thinking about a nice all in one mastering tool with: a multi band compressor or master bus compressor, surgical equalizer, and mid side imaging in one RE.

That would be a great idea and you will probably sell a bunch. It surprises me to this day that the mastering side of Reason continues to be overlooked and by that I mean an all-in-one tool similar to Ozone 6 that provides professional features. Ozone 6 (or 7 for that matter) is so far ahead of the curve that it would be impossible to replicate but having something even in the ballpark would be awesome. Including features like Adaptive Release mode, dynamic EQ, and a Harmonic Exciter would be a nice start.

I would definitely like to see what you can do.

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 14 Oct 2015
by xxASMxx
pjeudy wrote:Well, if creating an Ozone type all in one device is too much...then focus on a kick ass Multiband compressor like U-He did :

Agreed. I really like the MS Program Compressor they demo'd at the end.

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 14 Oct 2015
by gak
(broken reco.....broken reco.....broken reco.......)

I'm so happy with what I have I dunno. Amp sim still takes the cake because the one real option we have is kuassa and we've now confirmed the weird phase/aliasing bug. But we need more than that anyways.

I've moved on to the line 6. I wish I could afford an AxeFX but 2500 bucks is just too much. Kemper went way way up too. In a week or so, alegedly the "helix" is coming out but I doubt it will be 1000 bucks better than what I have :roll:

So yeah, I think I'll write every single amp sim maker and beg them to do RE.

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 14 Oct 2015
by Alkua

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 15 Oct 2015
by manisnotabird
Something I didn't know I wanted. Something that uses the mighty processing power of modern computers for something other than painstakingly emulating every one of the tiniest particularities of vintage hardware.

Re: What kind of new RE would you guys like to see developed?

Posted: 15 Oct 2015
by nooomy


or diss!


There is nothing within reason that can even remotely match these two