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Curiosity regarding A-List Acoustic & A-List Power Chords

Posted: 27 May 2016
by snowcattt
I've noticed when perusing the sale items that there are two types of views:
a) if I haven't bought the RE, I see the pink "Try/Buy" buttons
b) if I already own it, I see the pink "Download" button

You all see this.

But on A-List Acoustic and A-List Electric Power Chords...nothing appears below the photo icon. (I already own them both)
Could this become a throw-in gift for Reason 9 buyers, just like we wouldn't ever download Thor ??

...just curious...

Re: Curiosity regarding A-List Acoustic & A-List Power Chords

Posted: 27 May 2016
by snowcattt
It must just be a glitch...same type of view on the Synapse Ninety Vintage Phaser.