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(Electronic) - Germanium 74

Posted: 18 Oct 2020
by plesio
Made with the strange stuff: ReSpire, Argonaut, Re-Strings, ST-1, Rytmik, Thermal, Trust Cypher & Malström

Re: (Electronic) - Germanium 74

Posted: 18 Oct 2020
by Auryn
I like the overall composition and arrangement. In terms of choice of sounds and mix, everything's kind of stuck in the mid. The track could do with some bassy element(s).

Re: (Electronic) - Germanium 74

Posted: 21 Oct 2020
by Pete B
Sounds good. Interestingly busy. I'd like to be able to hear what the voice is saying more clearly though. It seems a bit of a waste to have spoken words if you can't understand what they're saying. Or is it just me who can't make the words out?
I try not to be influenced by other comments but I made the mistake of reading the previous comment while I was listening, and I agree: there does seem to be an empty space where more bass could be. That wouldn't matter to people listening on a phone speaker of course, but I don't think too many people listen that way.

Re: (Electronic) - Germanium 74

Posted: 21 Oct 2020
by plesio
Hi Pete, thx 4 listening...

The ST-1 speech synth just repeats the name of the track, which is a certain isotope of that chemical element. There is of course some distortion applied.
For reasons I cannot understand (AI?) at the end of the track the ST-1 says what can be figured out as "mixing noob"... :shock:

btw: I listen to this with a big subwoofer, maybe that´s the reason for the lack of bass when listened to with headphones...and see above...
and...its all 4 fun... :lol: