POLL: How much would you pay for Mobile Reason? (and what would you like to see/or not see implemented?

This forum is for discussing Reason. Questions, answers, ideas, and opinions... all apply.

How much for mobile Reason?

1 - up to 19.99
2 --20 - 24.99
3 - 25 -29.99
4 - 30 - 39.99
5 - 40 - 49.99
6 - over 50
7 - not remotely interested
Total votes: 167
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11 Sep 2019

way2cool wrote:
11 Sep 2019
I dont want making musics in my telephone, it is to small I need a big screen to view an good strong machine for handle such job
This is the way I am. The tech is cool but even though I have ok eyesight, it's just too small.

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12 Sep 2019

As a supplement to Reason (a sort of sketch book perhaps), sure I might use that. Full DAW on iPad - No thanks.
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12 Sep 2019

Raveshaper wrote:
11 Sep 2019
I would like to see them implement more customer driven planning, market research, and a focused road map toward well defined goals.

A lot less of throwing darts everywhere hoping to hit a board and a lot more of locating the board first followed by practiced throwing.
How would we know whether or not they are doing this unless we did our own market research and found it to be different from theirs?

I can't imagine any company not doing this - there's no way they could have been in business for over 20 years by throwing darts… ;)
Selig Audio, LLC

two shoes
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12 Sep 2019

Throwing darts is an extremely generous characterization of the product development decisions made at Propellerhead over the last decade. "Throwing darts" implies that you are at least aiming in the general direction of a dartboard.

Knowing your customer base has been requesting certain features for years and is now demanding those feature become an immediate and top priority with virtual unanimity, features ALL of the competition has had for at least five years, and then making a deliberate decision not only to ignore those customer demands, but to very publicly announce you have instead been squandering your apparently very limited development resources on something that not only do those same customers have zero interest in (see above poll) but is actually going to piss a bunch of them the f#!@ off and create real animus towards your brand while driving others directly into the arms of your competition... Props has done this exact thing twice now in the less than two years since I started using Reason. Indulge me in a little speculative historical fiction if you will.

Their customers were telling them the modern GUI and sequencer they'd been begging for for 2+ years were now no longer optional development priorities. Props leadership looked at the situation and said, "Ok we're anywhere from 5-10 years behind the competition in a hundred different ways and those annoying customers that we managed to shut up for a couple years by taking the forum down are starting to make noise again on third party sites, this could get ugly quick. I think what we need to do is start a mobile app from scratch and go after some of the mobile market share thats even more fiercly contested that the desktop market and we're even further behind on. Also, for good measure, let's release our app months before it's ready as a broken knock off of one synth that can't record or export anything and charge three times as much for it as established, well-thought out apps like Auxy, Caustic, and Korg Gadgets that make our app look like an intro to coding project made by a high school student who got a C.

After all, here at Propellerhead we don't settle for just embarassing ourselves, we won't rest until we're a thoroughly humiliated industry laughingstock that people would feel actual pity towards if anyone remembered we exist. Also, if we're doing it right our customers should be at the gates with pitchforks and torches by v11.5 or so, but I gotta plan to rebrand us at v11 and throw em off the scent. Plus we'll make Mattias walk the plank and go do his best impression of a Trump press secretary in the forums, those suckers think the archangel Michael has descended from heaven to anoint them with holy oil every time he bothers to post...

Then, unbelievably, a year later... "Alright team, the mobile app is a turd we've been polishin hard but the shine ain't took yet, and the new kids in town, Bitwig and S1, have done more in the past 18 months than we've managed in 20 years. Our customers are good and mad at us too so we're in our comfort zone now and it's time to do what we do best - double down on our arrogant refusal to listen to the people who put food on our families' tables and make sure an embarassing but easily fixable oversight becomes an existential threat to the company by ignoring it years longer than anyone thinks we possibly can. Then, when the company is hanging on by it's fingernails, we'll just sell ourselves again to some other private equity firm and use the money to make a big hoopla about how we're doing the thing everyone else did ten years ago that we said we'd never do and it's our new killer feature you gotta pay us again to get. It will take those idiots at least a year or two to realize we didn't really finish doing it. We successfully employed this strategy with audio, we did it with VSTs, and we're goin to the mat again this time. Our sequencer and GUI brought us this far, is it any time to abandon them now? Who's with me?"

New employee timidly raises hand... "Uh Sir, what are we going to do for v11 if we aren't going to update the GUI, sequencer, mixer, devices, or rack? I thought that's what I was hired to work on."

"Good question kid, I've got a genius plan no one will see coming that's going to take the industry by storm. See, unless we increase our development staff tenfold, we're at least 2 more years of hard, focused work on the core DAW project behind the competition than we were two years ago when we were 3-5 years behind. But our current desktop development budget only allowed us to hire you, and even if you're Justin Frankel in disguise it's probably already too late for Reason as a real DAW. Anyways I've got my marching orders from ownership that don't include paying all you layabouts overtime to do stuff you were supposed to do 12 years ago, capeesh?"

"But Ernst always said...."

"Ernst said? Ernst said!?#! They keep Ernst sedated and comfortable in his adjustable bed at the luxury nursing home these days until it's time to wake him up for a board meeting that they put on his tv for him. I'm your Mama, your Daddy, and your Ernst now so shut yer smart mouth and listen. Here's the plan, we're going to turn Reason into a plugin that works in other DAWs and that's going to be v11..." Waits for applause with a satisfied smirk...

Only confused silence and nervous whispering from assembled employees...

"Don't you fools get it? We're going to be the first DAW in the world to support BST3 organs. They tell me thats the future..."

A man no one recognizes in a suit and expensive looking shoes that everyone just noticed has been standing behind Niklas in the shadows this whole time leans forward to whisper something in his ear.

"Aha, even better! We're going to be the first and only DAW that can TURN INTO a BST3..."

New employee raises hand again amid confused silence and awkward glances, "Umm Sir, won't it make us look kind of silly to turn Reason into a VST3 when Reason itself doesn't support VST3 after its been the standard for years, or even fully support VST2.4? And how is the Reason VST going to interact with other hosts midi based modulation systems when we don't support midi io even for devices IN the rack? Is it just going to be like every instance of the whole rack is just going to behave like a single instrument and wouldn't that just crush everyone's CPU before it got useful? And won't making Reason-as-a-VST our primary selling point for v11 at a time when our customers are already starting to abandon the platform because it's becoming obsolete send the signal that we've given up on any long term plans for our only real product? Is that really a wise move at a time when everyone is already questioning our commitment to the product, our understanding of our customer's needs, and our ability to execute the changes we'd be trying to make if we DID understand those needs?"

New guy realizes he's standing up now and has been delivering like a southern babtist preacher, gulps, and sits down as the assembled employees break into a spontaneous applause and wild cheering except for the Reason mobile team, about 40-50 recent college grads plus a couple more expensive suits who supervise them - they're all looking back and forth from the new guy to Niklas with a kind of predatory anticipation.

Shadowy suit again whispers in Niklas' ear.

"Listen son, we've been lookin increasingly silly since you were in diapers, really really silly. I mean, they named the company after a funny hat with a propeller on top, whaddya want? Reason is going to be the world's first host turned into a plugin that can itself be hosted, and that's final.

I know a few of you engineer types were worried about breakin reality and gettin trapped in some kind of host-plugin-host recursive pdc loop. Well I watched that reception movie and it don't make a lick o sense to me, plus our crack desktop dev team over there just managed crossfades and they're still workin on markers in 2019 so I ain't too too worried about 'em creatin no wormholes in time or nuthin like that. Mr. V here tells me we're gonna make the Reason plugin a kind o plugin that don't run in Reason though just to be safe, so no worries on that front. Also, you're fired kid. Any other questions.

Alright lets get to work! Marketing get me a press release about how we're the first DAW in the world to support this newfangled BST3 thing. Reason desktop dev team (two gaunt, haunted looking individuals trying to slip quietly out of the room stop and turn towards him looking like cornered animals) chop up the mixer so it can go in the rack. Also I want some new special effects thingys that go in the rack too, let's go with a blue one and an orange one and I want them to have little screens on them where stuff moves around too, musicians love that s&#! Marketing, I also want a video about the mixer pieces that go in the rack that Reason desktop is going to make on my desk at 6am. Reason compact, do you think we can a 2-3 of the 8,000 verified bugs squashed and get patch export working by late 2022? One of the suits replies, "Thanks for the suggestion Nicky, might be doable but of course we're going to need another big budget bump."

Niklas turns back to the two Reason desktop devs, "Didn't I tell you to turn every last sample you fools ever recorded into a separate REs? What have you lazy idiots been doing for the past two years? One of you is fired. Other guy, I want three more $100 REs in the store in 48 hours - make a 90s versions of UMPF and Layers and a clone of Lectric Panda's new wind chimes RE for all I care, just get it done. Turns back to Reason compact supervisor wiping sweat from brow and says nervously, "Ok Sir, you got your budget increase, don't forget to let the bosses know I'm takin real good care of you guys just like they said..." Reason compact suit exchanges unknowable glance with shadowy suit and turns on his heel as an uncontrollable shiver runs down Niklas' spine... The end.

Everything about the reason compact's existence is asinine and we don't need to see the "market research" your so sure they've been doing to know this. The people who voted in this poll or participate in this forum in any way are going to skew heavily towards Props longest term, most profitable, most heavily invested users and you see how they feel and how much it mattered to Reason Studios if they bothered to check which I do not share your confidence in. Yes, most companies wouldn't survive 20 years without it but Props have been a very strange company in a strange industry since day one and in some ways they've just been failing very slowly for about 15 years now. I'd contend a closer look at their history suggests they either aren't doing market research at all, doing it very very poorly, doing it well and using it as a contrarian indicator of actual user sentiment, or are going to google search "market research" when they see this thread because they have no idea what we're talking about.

If we're sticking with the darts analogy, props new leadership probably thought that sounded like a great way to make business decisions. But on their first throw they tripped, knocked over two tables, broke their leg, and accidentally stabbed themself in the eyeball with the dart. I'm sure Mattias will be along anytime now to tell us they did it on purpose because Reason Studios believes throwing darts is all about doing things THE WAY YOU WANT TO DO THEM... There are no rules for Reason users or Reason Studios folks, there ain't even a dartboard. Careful with that decision making stuff now, it can be dangerous

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soroc sosta
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12 Sep 2019

What a Roast...Yikes!
I feel your pain though.
They have actually squashed and further contemplation or expectations from me.
I found within the past year, that if you look at Reason more as a music production suite, than as a "DAW", the moves/upgrade are a lot more pallatable.
Use it for how it best suits your music making purposes :thumbs_up:

PS Very entertaining rant, lmao!
two shoes wrote:
12 Sep 2019
Throwing darts is an extremely generous characterization of the product development decisions made at Propellerhead over the last decade. "Throwing darts" implies that you are at least aiming in the general direction of a dartboard.
If we're sticking with the darts analogy, props new leadership probably thought that sounded like a great way to make business decisions. But on their first throw they tripped, knocked over two tables, broke their leg, and accidentally stabbed themself in the eyeball with the dart. I'm sure Mattias will be along anytime now to tell us they did it on purpose because Reason Studios believes throwing darts is all about doing things THE WAY YOU WANT TO DO THEM... There are no rules for Reason users or Reason Studios folks, there ain't even a dartboard. Careful with that decision making stuff now, it can be dangerous

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12 Sep 2019

two shoes wrote:
12 Sep 2019
Throwing darts is an extremely generous characterization of the product development decisions made at Propellerhead over the last decade. "Throwing darts" implies that you are at least aiming in the general direction of a dartboard.
two shoes, you put me to shame. Well done, I'm proud.

You have a point. I was indicating that the effort was void of any targeting at all, just random directions all over the place, but you've made me come up with a better analogy:

It sucks.

That's it. That's the whole analogy.

No wait, specifically, it sucks in the way that it's pretty lousy to wake up to a small child having taken all the flour, eggs, and other things in the kitchen and mushed them into a gloppy pile on the floor before proudly announcing "I made you a cake!" You try to be gentle and say "thank you sweety", but in your head you're thinking "this was expensive, i'm out all the cost of all that stuff".

The slogan reads: Make music the way you want.

Problem is the reality of that is only making music the way Reason lets you. Any way you want is fine, so long as it's the only way you can.

In a way I hope this company never fails so it can serve as an example of what not to do. As long as you don't do this, your company will prosper. But, I have never seen such a unified and all encompassing rejection as I have with this release.
:reason: :ignition: :re: :refillpacker: Enhanced by DataBridge v5

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12 Sep 2019

Man, I can't believe anyone would get that upset over this :lol:

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12 Sep 2019

Reason user since v1 here. I was recently stuck on a plane for 11 hours with an iPad. After I'd finished doing other work I found the copy of Reason Mobile on my iPad that I hasn't opened since it was released, so I thought I'd open it up and see what I could do. I opened it up, browsed through a few of the songs and played some of the keys over the beats, switched the Chords and Arp players on and off and messed around with the filter cutoff. Then I closed it, utterly uninspired. That took a whole 10 minutes of my time. I have no plans to check it out further. I think that says it all really.

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12 Sep 2019

reggie1979 wrote:
12 Sep 2019
Man, I can't believe anyone would get that upset over this :lol:
I've been waiting for better pattern sequencing or clip triggering for over 15 years. What I never ever needed was cut down spin offs of Reason's desktop instruments. Guess which we got?

two shoes
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13 Sep 2019

i'm not really as upset as my last couple of posts might lead you to believe, it's just been a slow week at work. i do care a lot about reason though - it kinda got me back into making music a couple of years ago and for a minute i'd never been so excited about a creative tool. in my initial enthusiam i didn't peer too deeply into Props recent history and sorta naively took the reversal on VST support as an indication that they'd finally got their head on straight after years of swimming upstream - i remembered thinking to myself years ago when I read that they said they'd never support VST, "imagine thinking you're going to make it as an DAW or even DAWish application without supporting VSTs? maybe the market is a lot different in europe or something but that seems crazy to me." and that was basically my last thought about Reason till a buddy gave me a project to do a mix of that was done in 9.5.

learning that they'd reversed on the VST thing made me curious what else had changed - i knew Record was part of Reason now and that was about it. to my surprise i really liked mixing on the SSL mixer, like really liked it - but then what hooked me was when I started playing in the rack - i just found it so much more inspiring and fun than the more hardcore modular stuff that i had used up to that point which was max, puredata, usine, an few others not cherry, vcv and the newer crop of modular software. i still have more fun with the rack as a creative playground than anything else i've used and some of the RE instruments are amongst my favorite software instruments period. having stuff the calibre of nostromo, grain, viking 2, expanse, ES01, JPS Harmonic, ESDS06s, the G-Force stuff, Resonans, Spectra, Revival (and the JP Organs, I love organ sounds!), Antidote, The Legend, Oberon, whatever I'm forgetting, etc - and it can all interact with all the weird CV stuff and now players too to make stuff you'd never think to do intentionally - i really don't think i'd get tired of playing in the rack if i lived to be 200 years old. i was having such a time i never even stopped to consider that the VST support didn't mean what it seemed to and that Props were just as obstinate and backwards a company as they'd always been - i knew they'd shut down their own users forums in response to negative feedback and i remember thinking that was an incredibly bad decision, but i was too in love with the rack so i just overlooked it.

my enthusiam started to wane pretty quickly though, i knew the sequencer and editing were sort of primitive but as i started to spend more time with it i started to realize just how bad it really was - it wasn't just that so much was missing, a lot of the design just seemed like it was made by someone who'd never actually spent any time working with audio and even the midi was pretty basic compared to cubase and especially logic, which surprised me since that's all Reason did for so long. i'm convinced to this day that the microscopic magnifying glass zoom icons were made by a disgruntled employee trolling Props on his last day of work and no one there ever got the joke so they left it - that guy probably had a good belly laugh when he saw it in the release version. i can't remember how many times in the first six months i'd spend a half hour going back and forth between the program and the manual convinced i was just missing how to do something because it just seemed impossible that it wasn't there. i bought v10 because grain and europa are sick, even while thinking it was really weird that they would spend time making niche stuff like klang and humana and not address the gui and sequencer, and really the first gen devices seemed pretty long in the tooth too - i love kong and redrum, subtractor, i use most of the older stuff at times, but it seemed kinda obvious that all the early stuff was getting overdue for a refresh. i figured the VST thing had just been a really big project that had to take priority and it seemed 100% obvious to me that the v10 point updates and especially v11 would be all about getting the rest of the program up to date (i had a fast computer i'd made for games so i wasn't too clued in to the magnitude of the performance issue at first) - it seemed like a painfully obvious necesssity, after all Props have to be aware of what other DAWs are doing these days right? that they would try to do the v11 update without addressing the stuff that was embarassing when it wasn't done for v8 seemed crazy. after all that was the point of taking on new ownership right? to gain access to the financial and human resources they needed to do all the stuff they were so behind on?

i figured the smart Verdane money guys had found some smart music people and got the skinny - the rack is f'ing amazing and if they're doing VST they could be relevant again. Record is pretty skeletal and the SSL is gonna get old quick the way component modeling is advancing, but if you really leaned into it and married a great new sequencer built around the best ideas from the other stuff out there to an SSL mk2 and kept pushing the rack concept it could be something really special. a modern daw with something no one else quite has or can even copy in the rack? once we're caught up a little we could even push the hardware/software cv thing so all the eurorack and synth guys could fully integrate their hardware with the rack and vis-versa. modular's in vogue and the people who were laughing at skeuomorphism ten years ago are probably just as sick of looking at Live's gui as everyone else by now - if we get this right it could be a home run. once we're the new hotness everyone will even forgive us for the semi-closed ecosystem and no resale on REs, third party devs will come back en masse, we'll be printing money and our users will shower us with goodwill and affection and send us christmas cards and random fruitbaskets of gratitude, let's make a deal!

see, i was so infatuated with Reason i convinced myself being owned by a hedge fund was a good thing for a quirky piece of creative software that needed lots and lots of hard work and decision makers who really got it to have even a chance at going where i just knew it was going - totally irrational.

what really took me from the most enthusiastic Reason user on the planet 18 months ago to a bitter critic though is seeing all the myriad little ways that Props are just kind of a sh&^%! company when it comes to their business practices and they way they treat their customers. I slowly came to realize that shutting down the forum was something i should have paid more heed to - taking a platform offline that was designed to allow your customers to communicate with each other and offer feedback on your product because you don't like the feedback you're getting or the culture of the online community that's developed around your company (pro-tip here Props, that culture has as much to do with how well you listen to and communicate with your customers as anything else)? turned out that wasn't an isolated bad decision or an unfortunate necessity, it was a real indication of the attitude that Propellerhead takes towards their customers and perfectly in sync with the overall pattern of behavior that I've observed the last couple of years. and besides any of that, taking a forum down where people have spent years building a community and contributing knowledge about something like making music without a REALLY good reason just kind of rubs me the wrong way on principle. no it's not burning the library at Alexandria, but if i were running Props and someone had brought that idea to me as a solution to increasingly negative feedback from our users, or whatever problem they thought they were solving, i think i would have fired that person on the spot - if you don't intuitively grasp why that's a really terrible idea i don't trust your judgement about much else either. having observed them for awhile now though it makes perfect sense.

more than once i asked myself why ima even waste my time worryin that Props don't know how to act - i already explained how i feel about the rack as-is, my main music computer is offline, I can make a half dozen disk images and never update again and have fun with the Reason I have right now till the day i die. i think i even made a thread at one point not too long ago sayin ima be more positive, after all Props are just normal people doin a job - it's not personal and they ain't listening anyways so what's they point in thinking so negative, online or in my head. but every time i'd try to give myself an attitude adjustment there'd be some fresh obscenity outta Stockholm - by now i'd spent enough on REs that i every time they did something aggressively stupid i felt a little more taken hostage and I was not falling for my captors. while i kept reminding myself i'd been having the time of my life just a few months ago squinting at controls and sequencing like it was 2005, the signs coming from Propellerhead with regards to the future of Reason seemed to just keep getting worse and i couldn't make myself ignore it. yeah i love the Reason i have, but i'd already started dreaming about the Reason i was gonna have five years from now - the Reason I KNEW they were gonna make because how could they not? the v11 announcement kinda broke my heart.

someone said in a recent thread here that all the complaints on this forum boil down to one thing, "they don't listen to us" - as if that were some petty thing that only whiny or immature users would spend time complaining about on a forum. my opinion is that once you get off the ground with a piece of software like Reason it's maybe the most important factor in sustaining long term success. if you think revenue is the only form of customer feedback a real business pays attention to then there's only two messages your customers can send and one of them is usually, "it's too late." bitwig exists because Ableton got too big and slow and stopped listening well enough to their users and some of their employees and half the live users i know have moved to it including some that used live since the beginning of time. Reaper came out of nowhere and 1-3 people developed it so fast and were so responsive to their users the first few years it looked for a minute like they might go all the way to the top of the non-pro tools non-live part of the daw market, but they got stubborn about some things people really needed and didn't want to grow, at least not fast enough to keep up with the wants and needs of a rapidly growing userbase and Reaper kinda seemed to plateau in popularity as they got worse at listening to their users between v2 and v4 which was what brought them so much early success along with the progressive licensing and pricing model (at least that was my impression i don't actually know if or when if Reaper's market share leveled off). it's not that it can't be done on a large scale though - don't be surprised if S1 displaces pro tools as the industry default for big studios and/or cubase and logic for the hobbyist/prosumer crowd over the next decade or so (live and bitwig are going after a bit of a different market and aren't going anywhere imo, DP trying to jump to that side now too but maybe too late). why, because they're much better at listening to their users and using high quality "market research" to inform their development priorities than their competition. does that mean the inmates are running the asylum and everyone gets everything they want for the asking right away? far from it, and i'm sure if you go find the S1 forums there will be plenty of folks batch there too. but there's a reason, ahem, that market share and general interest in Presonus and Props products are on opposite trajectories and have been for a while now (software products, i'm not a fan of presonus hardware for the most part and have no idea how that side of their business is doing, the successful daw can't hurt though).

whoever distilled all the frustration and negativity on this forum earlier put their finger on it. listen to your users - if you give them what they want they will line up to give you their money and keep giving it to you as long as you keep delivering and they will love you for it too - it really is as simple as that. if nothing else try it as a last resort so we don't end up with some hybrid monstrosity of Reason and band-in-a-box (shudders) after you get sold to the DAW industry's buyer of last resort, PG Music.

yeah it looks really bad right now for people who were excited to use Reason as their only DAW in perpetuity, but maybe it isn't too late. maybe no one updates and Props see the light, repent and really mean it this time. maybe the rack as a VST was really a backhanded gift to the customers they know they're about to really disappoint over the coming months and years. if so we'll all live and i might even make my peace with using the rack in some other daw - for a few months i tried making stuff in the rack, exporting all the stems to cubase to edit, then moving it all back to Reason to mix (it sucked). i'm not optimistic to say the least, but despite my sky is falling post in the announcement thread and my little story where Niklas is played by a drill sergeant then a good ole boy (the particular kind of idiot that tends to wind up in charge of things in my neck of the woods) i haven't given up all hope. that's why i've been posting my little heart out saying the same thing in several increasingly stupid ways - if there's any chance Props really didn't understand the kind of reaction the v11 announcement was going to elicit from people who are invested in the future of Reason, emotionally and otherwise, or that they're currently paying any attention whatsoever to that reaction - i'm afraid these posts aren't going to help in the least, but i got it off my chest right? happy trails folks, i'll try not to do this again tomorrow. if it turns out i'm super wrong and the sunshine of a bright future shines once again on Reason (desktop) I promise i'll come back and be the first to apologize to them.

two shoes
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13 Sep 2019

to make it an even 250 posts i wish everyone well including the people who think v11 is awesome and whoever's making decisions at Reason Studios - don't blow it, but you're alright with me even if you do. btw, Caustic by singlecellsoftware is an awesome mobile app that not enough people know about for you regressive cretins who want to make music on your phones so badly.

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13 Sep 2019

two shoes wrote:
12 Sep 2019
Indulge me in a little speculative historical fiction if you will.
Being somebody who has become more and more disillusioned with Props as the years go by, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, so thanks for sharing.

Made me wonder if you might enjoy making story boards. It can be a lot of fun, and it can also be somewhat sad to come up with and play around with a fun idea in your head that never gets out. Just take a piece of paper and make some big boxes 'comic book' style and draw little scenes with text or speech bubbles in them. It's easy, you should give it a whirl some time. :)

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28 Sep 2019

Easywork wrote:
11 Sep 2019
I make almost all my initial ideas in Figure or Compact (sometimes GarageBand but rarely). Then import over to Reason desktop for the full treatment. This was always a pain until Reason 10 allowed for transfer from Compact. Figure is still a pain. PH/RS need to simplify and join up their mobile and desktop strategies. They have to be compatible, and shouldn’t be mutually exclusive. Ignoring mobile altogether wouldn’t be smart, IMHO.
If this company could have as good integration between mobile and desktop like iOS Garageband/Logic has, I'd definitely be starting way more projects in an iPad version of Reason and would be paying decent money for that.
But Reason Compact is simply dreadful, and not a good reflection at all about how cool Reason is. It is so limited right now, and so uninspiring, and every little bit of added devices/functionality is going to come at a stupid cost. Already this sad minor app costs 30 dollars USD. ($45+ Canadian Dollars)

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