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by NoiseCrime
22 Dec 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Assuming there's going be one, what you think is coming in Reason 13?
Replies: 196
Views: 1296363

Re: Assuming there's going be one, what you think is coming in Reason 13?

That is why I said they should hire someone with knowledge and interest in the specific area that needs fixing, as I would assume most existing devs would be audio focused. @Reason Studios - NoiseCrime says he'll do it! @NoiseCrime - I hope you don't mind me trying to get you a job at Reason Studio...
by NoiseCrime
19 Dec 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Assuming there's going be one, what you think is coming in Reason 13?
Replies: 196
Views: 1296363

Re: Assuming there's going be one, what you think is coming in Reason 13?

In most companies, the devs don't decide what they work on, they get their marching orders from management. You can do what you like to do as a dev, when contributing to an Open Source project, or doing development in your own start-up, but that's about it. If your paycheck is signed by someone els...
by NoiseCrime
19 Dec 2023
Forum: VST Plugins
Topic: Rhodes V-Pan free until end of January
Replies: 14
Views: 5806

Re: Rhodes V-Pan free until end of January

Strange. I can't help but wonder if it uses CodeMeter and Reason recently removed it, if there is some conflict going on. Maybe Reason explicitly prevents calls to CodeMeter from within it due to the assumption that the DAW shouldn't need to anymore? Alternatively have you updated CodeMeter recently...
by NoiseCrime
18 Dec 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Assuming there's going be one, what you think is coming in Reason 13?
Replies: 196
Views: 1296363

Re: Assuming there's going be one, what you think is coming in Reason 13?

While adding sequencer features definitely wouldn't hurt, it would be delusional for any Reason user to expect that there will be some kind of "catch-up" to other DAWs. Not happening. Reason Studios has already surrendered the DAW war when version 11 was released. Their solution to appease the whin...
by NoiseCrime
15 Dec 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Reason Plugin (VST) Database Parser
Replies: 8
Views: 5204

Re: Reason Plugin (VST) Database Parser

It was a program that could play your Reason songs without opening Reason. That sounds cool and actually something that could be of use to me as i've been wondering about utilising Reason as the backend for some midi interactive installation. Being able to have a 'restricted' player that could stil...
by NoiseCrime
14 Dec 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Reason Plugin (VST) Database Parser
Replies: 8
Views: 5204

Re: Reason Plugin (VST) Database Parser

Am I correct that the 'edit post' feature has a time limit? The option appears to disappear from older posts so I can't add this to the original post. 1.1.0 Update I made a few quick updates Added support for device status - Invalid, Enabled, Disabled. Updated the help page - include additional tips...
by NoiseCrime
14 Dec 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Reason Plugin (VST) Database Parser
Replies: 8
Views: 5204

Re: Reason Plugin (VST) Database Parser

Brilliant job. It's been a long time since we had an unofficial tool created. Back in the day, Propellerhead used to host a bunch of unofficial tools, like the Reason player. Thanks. I have plans for a few other as I mentioned once I get the time to invest in them. What was the 'Reason Player'? Its...
by NoiseCrime
14 Dec 2023
Forum: Tutorials and Techniques
Topic: FatBoySlim/Norman Cook Track Deconstructions
Replies: 3
Views: 8589

FatBoySlim/Norman Cook Track Deconstructions

Hi, Recently stumbled across the youtube channel of Karl Boltz who does deconstructions of classic tracks. In one of his live streams about 'Praise You', Norman Cook himself turned up in the chat. Later on they did a live stream together deconstruction of 'Right-Here..'. If you are at all interested...
by NoiseCrime
14 Dec 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Reason Plugin (VST) Database Parser
Replies: 8
Views: 5204

Re: Reason Plugin (VST) Database Parser

Nice work! I especially like being able to see and reference all the different version numbers in one place. Since this is all done in JS and parsed on the user side, one feature suggestion I have is the ability to toggle displayed columns, especially if you add more parsed information over time (i...
by NoiseCrime
13 Dec 2023
Forum: Reason Feature Requests
Topic: Export list of plug-ins from Manage Plugins -window
Replies: 3
Views: 4623

Re: Export list of plug-ins from Manage Plugins -window

Enable exporting the list of plug-ins from Manage Plugins -window. For knowing what to reinstall when reinstalling Windows and Reason (9.5). I recently created a webpage that can parse Reasons PluginDatabase.dat file that stores all the plugin data that the 'Manage Plugins' window uses. The results...
by NoiseCrime
13 Dec 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Reason Plugin (VST) Database Parser
Replies: 8
Views: 5204

Reason Plugin (VST) Database Parser

Hi, Recently I was browsing through the 'Reason Feature Request' sub-forum and saw a post which caught my interest, that wanted to be able to export a list of plugins from the 'Manage Plugins' window. This seemed to fit in with a number of other 'Quality of Life' features I wanted to see, such as a ...
by NoiseCrime
01 Dec 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Assuming there's going be one, what you think is coming in Reason 13?
Replies: 196
Views: 1296363

Re: Assuming there's going be one, what you think is coming in Reason 13?

What I think they will do Minimal UI/functionality updates for sequencer. A new Synth and maybe some Players. Add some dumb AI shit. What I think they should do Complete UI/functionality overhaul of sequencer to be on par with competitors. Address the well stated issues with existing synths and Play...
by NoiseCrime
28 Nov 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Reason updated and won't load previous VST
Replies: 14
Views: 11335

Re: Reason updated and won't load previous VST

I hope you solve your problem. I often name tracks after the patch for this very reason. It has saved my a** more than once. I'd love to see Reason add the capability to append meta data to a track, so we can avoid polluting the track name with other data. Add in some additional QoL features to add...
by NoiseCrime
28 Nov 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Missing Instrument from Rack
Replies: 33
Views: 71659

Re: Missing Instrument from Rack

AFAIK, you cannot authorize your purchased RE without Companion. So i recommend to update to 12.7, install Companion, update licenses and long term authorize your computer. That's not true, at least at the moment. I'm still on 12.6.1 and within the last two weeks have been using the Reason Authoriz...
by NoiseCrime
28 Nov 2023
Forum: Tutorials and Techniques
Topic: How to load old Reason5 Rewire saved presets in the new Reason 12 Rack version?
Replies: 4
Views: 2280

Re: How to load old Reason5 Rewire saved presets in the new Reason 12 Rack version?

Unsure if I'm surprised or not that Reason doesn't offer this ability. While it may not be very beneficial to them, it would be nice to support their customers and offer QoL solutions. While it appears you can't simply open the configuration, it does look like there is an avenue to simplify transfer...
by NoiseCrime
27 Nov 2023
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: What are your plans RE-wise for Black Friday?
Replies: 117
Views: 456692

Re: What are your plans RE-wise for Black Friday?

Well then a bit of an expensive week for me. Actually not really that expensive just unplanned purchases of a number of RE's, though that was offset having earned some reward points from upgrading Reason 8 to 12 this year. The frequent mentions of the 'good deal' that the Blamsoft synths are in vari...
by NoiseCrime
20 Nov 2023
Forum: VST Plugins
Topic: Cherry Audio - Surrealistic MG-1 Plus Synthesizer for free
Replies: 2
Views: 668

Cherry Audio - Surrealistic MG-1 Plus Synthesizer for free

Just noticed this is now free from Cherry Audio's site, though also saw it on Acoustica, but I guess you'd still need a Cheery Audio account anyway. Looks like an intersting little synth, perfect to add to all the other interes...
by NoiseCrime
14 Nov 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: When & where to look for the best deals?
Replies: 13
Views: 4415

Re: When & where to look for the best deals?

Regarding TB303 emulators, I've already got Arturia's Acid V and pretty happy with it. I would have picked up ABL3 if the RE also gave you the VST (or vice versa). Ultimately i'm not too bothered which 303 is more accurate, as I spent way too long watching video's and reading reviews and realised th...
by NoiseCrime
11 Nov 2023
Forum: Tutorials and Techniques
Topic: Creating the Underworld Rez sound guide
Replies: 3
Views: 4168

Re: Creating the Underworld Rez sound guide

Going to use this second post for updates. I grabbed Arturia's ARP2600 V demo to try the same process out there and well, the results were very disappointing. Its a 20 min at a time limited demo, which due to the added complexity of it having the sequencer and some changes from the Behringer interfa...
by NoiseCrime
10 Nov 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: When & where to look for the best deals?
Replies: 13
Views: 4415

Re: When & where to look for the best deals?

Thanks for the further replies. Been down a few rabbit holes today looking into apparent 'black friday sales' - seems a bit early for them, but I guess that explains the various deals I'd been seeing pop up this week. In regards to 'where' then this page from bedroomproducersblog seems pretty good w...
by NoiseCrime
10 Nov 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: When & where to look for the best deals?
Replies: 13
Views: 4415

Re: When & where to look for the best deals?

I dont get the question about RE, since they can only be bought in the Reason Studios shop. True, but even with Reason I feel they might have yearly sales for big events or maybe just when a new version of studio comes out? Thanks for the list of shops I'll add them to my favourites to try and keep...
by NoiseCrime
10 Nov 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Using Oxygen 49 keyboard with Reason Remote - odd warning
Replies: 4
Views: 2872

Re: Using Oxygen 49 keyboard with Reason Remote - odd warning

I had Axiom keyboard, and also got the warning about this preset "thingy". Basically if your keyboard has keys bellow LCD screen, then in that screen choose the correct preset mode in order for Reason to map stuff correctly. But it was 10 years ago if not more, so can not remember exactly what I us...
by NoiseCrime
10 Nov 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: When & where to look for the best deals?
Replies: 13
Views: 4415

When & where to look for the best deals?

Hi, Simple question, for those who've been around a while, broadly speaking when and where to look for best deals for Reason Rack Extensions, VST's and anything else related? Specifically are any sale/deals better at certain times of the year than others? I've noticed a high frequency of shops/manuf...
by NoiseCrime
09 Nov 2023
Forum: Tutorials and Techniques
Topic: Creating the Underworld Rez sound guide
Replies: 3
Views: 4168

Creating the Underworld Rez sound guide

Came across this cool video describing how to recreate the unique synth sound from the track 'Rez' by Underworld using a Behringer 2600. Having always loved the track and that sound I figured it would be useful to learn how to do it in Reason. I figured th...
by NoiseCrime
04 Nov 2023
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Using Oxygen 49 keyboard with Reason Remote - odd warning
Replies: 4
Views: 2872

Re: Using Oxygen 49 keyboard with Reason Remote - odd warning

Most MIDI keyboards have multiple built-in CC mappings (for different DAWs). Have a look into the manual of yours (or rather the Radium49) on how to select the right one. Thanks. I was finally able to track down a manual for the Radium 49, I'm sure in the past I had tried searching for the Oxygen o...