Ever made an unused plugins list?

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01 Nov 2023

Ever made a list of plugins you’ve bought and never used? Is it too scary? :)
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01 Nov 2023

The only thing I have bought and had zero use or utility out of is VK2. And I knew as soon as I bought it that I didn’t need it , and I didn’t need any more soft synths ever.

Pattern mutator was nearly on this list, I got it with reward points. But I just found an incredible use for it as a practice tool. Just type in scale or mode that I’m working on and quickly make a bunch of variations to practice to.

Enso Looper by Audio Damage was going to be the backbone of a project but it was a total crash fest for years until a recent update so I lost my mojo for it. I will revisit it though so don’t count it as a total write off.

Not many regrets. I make sure to demo software before buying and only buy hardware to experiment with because it is easy to sell .

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01 Nov 2023

Cool thread topic.
I did a farily thorough check through my Reason account.
I've only counted REs that I've actually purchased here. Stuff I've downloaded for free or received from competitions are not included here. Not counting new instruments from upgrades or Suite instruments either.

Number of REs that I've used enough that I can confidently say the purchase was justified (in my own opinion of course).

Number of REs I've used on rare occasions, maybe just 1-3 times.

Number of REs I haven't included in any finished song at all. Personally I don't consider just messing around with a RE without it being included in a song count as being used. But that's just me.

Overall I must say I'm pretty ok with the result. Even many of the less used REs have ended up in my music, sometimes affecting the songs in pretty major ways.

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01 Nov 2023

I think I have virtually used all of my rack extensions in a song at some point but some have only had minor use.

Only re I have not used in a song is hydroxenius, there is something about it I really do not like and have always trialled stuff from the day I bought it.

If you could gift re's to people I would give that to someone for free.

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01 Nov 2023

Hmm. For the most part I’ve bought a lot of seriously discounted VSTs with the “good to have” mentality. I do this for the most part when there’s a free plugin with any purchase but also very often never get around to using the free plugin either. Hahahaha. Usch.
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01 Nov 2023

I used to make a point of going through my plugins and using the ones that I hadn't used for a while. That approach came unstuck when Mac switched to the new processor and a lot of my sessions were stuck with small-developer plugins that hadn't been (and it's looking like they never will be) upgraded for M1 compatibility. Same with plugins that have since become abandonware

So now I stick with the classics, at least as far as VST is concerned. I still drag out an old unloved RE from time to time, e.g. one of those horrible Aeon instruments, and see if I can get some use out of them. The only RE I can never bring myself to touch is Rob Papen's guitar synth, which just sucks too hard

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02 Nov 2023

I haven't bought anything since RS shift from Authorizer. I'm still on R11 and I want to keep my computer authorization.
In a way it's kind of liberating. I know I'm not gonna buy anything at all for a while, so the problem of GAS is completely removed for the moment. It really makes it easier to just focus on what you have and get on with making music rather than looking for new toys.

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