Mac M1 GPU Overload - Screen disconnections

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Posts: 1516
Joined: 14 Nov 2016

04 May 2023

I have just downloaded the last Reason 12 update as of 5th of May and updated all possible RE with the new Apple Silicon tag.
My Mac Mini M1 8gb memory has an HDMI connection to a 32'' LG 4K Monitor. Sometimes it disconnects for a few seconds,
audio plays in background, but screen is completely black. It seems Reason is overloading the GPU of the M1 somehow. Or it's a HDMI-Thunderbolt power-data problem. Not sure. It also seems that this issue affects all kinds of M1, M2, M1 Pro, but the more powerful suffer less. Some suggestion were based on changing the cable connections and so on. Just not very useful but in some cases might be true. My Firewire might play a part in this bc of data bus overflow, idk.
This disconnection issue happens also with other apps, so it's not just a Reason related problem. However, it is the first time that this happen whilst playing RSN.

M1 MacBook Pro Hangs with External Monitor(s) connected - reddit link dont work ... 279/page-5 - M1 black screen ... 4194738021 - M1 screen flickering

I have a diag in the error logs of my mac. Maybe someone can see something wrong with my config, or it can help others with the same problem. DSP is about 5, but does not goes red and stutter. Audio plays fluid.
Disconnection was happening when I was using the External FW Motu. Using the internal Audio Engine, I could not replicate the
disconnection error yet, but this diag came up anyway.

Code: Select all

Date/Time:        2023-05-05 05:30:01.485 +0200
End time:         2023-05-05 05:32:07.145 +0200
OS Version:       macOS 13.0 (Build 22A380)
Architecture:     arm64e
Report Version:   40
Incident Identifier: 7BFB585D-1ECD-4E4A-9447-4A4E8E92F719

Data Source:      Microstackshots
Shared Cache:     5667EB2D-1398-3B38-AFFF-A929572D4B88 slid base address 0x1a01ac000, slide 0x201ac000

Command:          Reason
Path:             /Applications/Reason
Identifier:       se.propellerheads.reason
Version:          12.6d52 build 15025 (12.6d52)
Team ID:          F5JV2QEVE9
Is First Party:   No
Resource Coalition ID: 1002
Architecture:     arm64
PID:              841

Event:            cpu usage
Action taken:     none
CPU:              90 seconds cpu time over 126 seconds (72% cpu average), exceeding limit of 50% cpu over 180 seconds
CPU limit:        90s
Limit duration:   180s
CPU used:         90s
CPU duration:     126s
Duration:         125.66s
Duration Sampled: 124.49s
Steps:            127

Hardware model:   Macmini9,1
Active cpus:      8
HW page size:     16384
VM page size:     16384

Fan speed:        1694 rpm
OS Cryptex File Extents: 1773

Heaviest stack for the target process:
  103  thread_start + 8 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7724) [0x1a0574e2c]
  103  _pthread_start + 148 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 28780) [0x1a057a06c]
  74   ??? (Reason + 26184124) [0x10475c9bc]
  74   ??? (Reason + 14624412) [0x103c5669c]
  74   ??? (Reason + 8168216) [0x10362e318]
  31   ??? (Reason + 8168616) [0x10362e4a8]
  26   ??? (Reason + 23805584) [0x104517e90]
  24   ??? (Reason + 3436880) [0x1031ab150]
  5    ??? (Reason + 27780824) [0x1048e26d8]
  2    ??? (MClipper-arm64.dylib + 22448) [0x144f7d7b0]
  1    ??? (MClipper-arm64.dylib + 31024) [0x144f7f930]
  1    ??? (MClipper-arm64.dylib + 37768) [0x144f81388]

Powerstats for:   Reason [841]
UUID:             898D20CE-5918-32DA-8C70-A21E9493C05E
Path:             /Applications/Reason
Identifier:       se.propellerheads.reason
Version:          12.6d52 build 15025 (12.6d52)
Team ID:          F5JV2QEVE9
Is First Party:   No
Resource Coalition ID: 1002
Architecture:     arm64
Footprint:        3994.34 MB
Pageins:          290 pages
Start time:       2023-05-05 05:30:01.940 +0200
End time:         2023-05-05 05:32:06.425 +0200
Num samples:      127 (100%)
Primary state:    95 samples Non-Frontmost App, Non-Suppressed, User mode, Effective Thread QoS Unspecified, Requested Thread QoS Unspecified, Override Thread QoS Unspecified
User Activity:    0 samples Idle, 127 samples Active
Power Source:     0 samples on Battery, 127 samples on AC
  103  thread_start + 8 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7724) [0x1a0574e2c]
    103  _pthread_start + 148 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 28780) [0x1a057a06c]
      74   ??? (Reason + 26184124) [0x10475c9bc]
        74   ??? (Reason + 14624412) [0x103c5669c]
          74   ??? (Reason + 8168216) [0x10362e318]
            31   ??? (Reason + 8168616) [0x10362e4a8]
              26   ??? (Reason + 23805584) [0x104517e90]
                24   ??? (Reason + 3436880) [0x1031ab150]
                  5    ??? (Reason + 27780824) [0x1048e26d8]
                    2    ??? (MClipper-arm64.dylib + 22448) [0x144f7d7b0]
                      1    ??? (MClipper-arm64.dylib + 31024) [0x144f7f930]
                        1    ??? (MClipper-arm64.dylib + 37768) [0x144f81388]
                      1    ??? (MClipper-arm64.dylib + 29280) [0x144f7f260]
                        1    ??? (MClipper-arm64.dylib + 20484) [0x144f7d004]
                          1    ??? (MClipper-arm64.dylib + 42496) [0x144f82600]
                            1    ??? (MClipper-arm64.dylib + 43528) [0x144f82a08]
                              1    ??? (MClipper-arm64.dylib + 42712) [0x144f826d8]
                    1    ??? (C1L1-arm64.dylib + 4008) [0x1446fcfa8]
                      1    ??? (C1L1-arm64.dylib + 6076) [0x1446fd7bc]
                        1    ??? (C1L1-arm64.dylib + 6724) [0x1446fda44]
                          1    ??? (C1L1-arm64.dylib + 9976) [0x1446fe6f8]
                            1    ??? (C1L1-arm64.dylib + 12944) [0x1446ff290]
                              1    ??? (C1L1-arm64.dylib + 17784) [0x144700578]
                                1    ??? (C1L1-arm64.dylib + 24912) [0x144702150]
                    1    CPlugInstance::RenderBatch(TJBox_PropertyDiff const*, unsigned int) + 1888 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 218252) [0x1423b948c]
                      1    CMeterModule::RenderCV(int) + 32 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 24728) [0x14238a098]
                        1    CEnvFollower::RenderCV(int) + 188 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 225432) [0x1423bb098]
                          1    CAbsModule::RenderCV(int) + 32 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 218808) [0x1423b96b8]
                            1    COutputRenderer::RenderCV(int) + 28 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 21772) [0x14238950c]
                              1    CAdderAudioAudio::RenderAudio(int) + 84 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 160252) [0x1423ab1fc]
                    1    CPlugInstance::RenderBatch(TJBox_PropertyDiff const*, unsigned int) + 1636 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 218000) [0x1423b9390]
                      1    CAudioOutJack::RenderAudio(int) + 112 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 19244) [0x142388b2c]
                        1    CXFade4::RenderAudio(int) + 200 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 232656) [0x1423bccd0]
                          1    CKnobGain::RenderAudio(int) + 64 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 23968) [0x142389da0]
                            1    CAdderAudioAudioAudio::RenderAudio(int) + 88 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 160376) [0x1423ab278]
                              1    CAdderAudioAudioAudio::RenderAudio(int) + 88 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 160376) [0x1423ab278]
                                1    CJunctionModule::RenderAudio(int) + 56 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 233696) [0x1423bd0e0]
                                  1    CPhaser::RenderAudio(int) + 652 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 22768) [0x1423898f0]
                  1    ??? (ReSpire-arm64.dylib + 260132) [0x29db4b824]
                  1    ??? (ReSpire-arm64.dylib + 260052) [0x29db4b7d4]
                  1    ??? (ReSpire-arm64.dylib + 260020) [0x29db4b7b4]
                    1    <Frontmost App>
                  1    ??? (ReSpire-arm64.dylib + 259956) [0x29db4b774]
                  1    ??? (ReSpire-arm64.dylib + 224168) [0x29db42ba8]
                  1    ??? (ReSpire-arm64.dylib + 143868) [0x29db2f1fc]
                  1    ??? (ReSpire-arm64.dylib + 120820) [0x29db297f4]
                  1    ??? (ReSpire-arm64.dylib + 120564) [0x29db296f4]
                  1    ??? (Animus-arm64.dylib + 130188) [0x146657c8c]
                  1    ??? (Animus-arm64.dylib + 12140) [0x14663af6c]
                  1    ??? (VO1-arm64.dylib + 14556) [0x1463e38dc]
                  1    ??? (Devastor2-arm64.dylib + 26244) [0x1462ce684]
                  1    ??? (Fritz-arm64.dylib + 30032) [0x14629f550]
                    1    sinf + 36 (libsystem_m.dylib + 15268) [0x1abaf0ba4]
                  1    ??? (DCAMEnvShaper-arm64.dylib + 45084) [0x144f0f01c]
                  1    ??? (MBL-arm64.dylib + 56088) [0x144eb9b18]
                  1    ??? (MBL-arm64.dylib + 56020) [0x144eb9ad4]
                  1    ??? (MBL-arm64.dylib + 41128) [0x144eb60a8]
                  1    ??? (MBL-arm64.dylib + 37356) [0x144eb51ec]
                  1    ??? (Audiomatic-arm64.dylib + 533948) [0x1426525bc]
                1    ??? (Reason + 17423604) [0x103f01cf4]
                  1    ??? (Reason + 17424908) [0x103f0220c]
                    1    ??? (Reason + 1769408) [0x103013fc0]
                1    ??? (Reason + 3436128) [0x1031aae60]
                  1    ??? (Reason + 27781320) [0x1048e28c8]
              4    ??? (Reason + 23805472) [0x104517e20]
                3    ??? (Reason + 3436880) [0x1031ab150]
                  2    ??? (Reason + 27780824) [0x1048e26d8]
                    1    CPlugInstance::RenderBatch(TJBox_PropertyDiff const*, unsigned int) + 1888 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 218252) [0x1423b948c]
                      1    CMeterModule::RenderCV(int) + 32 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 24728) [0x14238a098]
                        1    CEnvFollower::RenderCV(int) + 188 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 225432) [0x1423bb098]
                          1    CAbsModule::RenderCV(int) + 32 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 218808) [0x1423b96b8]
                            1    COutputRenderer::RenderCV(int) + 28 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 21772) [0x14238950c]
                              1    CAdderAudioAudio::RenderAudio(int) + 84 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 160252) [0x1423ab1fc]
                                1    <Frontmost App>
                    1    CPlugInstance::RenderBatch(TJBox_PropertyDiff const*, unsigned int) + 1636 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 218000) [0x1423b9390]
                      1    CAudioOutJack::RenderAudio(int) + 112 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 19244) [0x142388b2c]
                        1    CXFade4::RenderAudio(int) + 200 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 232656) [0x1423bccd0]
                          1    CKnobGain::RenderAudio(int) + 64 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 23968) [0x142389da0]
                            1    CAdderAudioAudioAudio::RenderAudio(int) + 88 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 160376) [0x1423ab278]
                              1    CAdderAudioAudioAudio::RenderAudio(int) + 40 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 160328) [0x1423ab248]
                                1    CJunctionModule::RenderAudio(int) + 56 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 233696) [0x1423bd0e0]
                                  1    CPhaser::RenderAudio(int) + 604 (Alligator-arm64.dylib + 22720) [0x1423898c0]
                  1    ??? (MBL-arm64.dylib + 56020) [0x144eb9ad4]
                1    ??? (Reason + 16897068) [0x103e8142c]
                  1    ??? (Reason + 16841692) [0x103e73bdc]
              1    ??? (Reason + 23805432) [0x104517df8]
                1    mach_absolute_time + 108 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 4788) [0x1a053b2b4]
            11   ??? (Reason + 8168508) [0x10362e43c]
            10   ??? (Reason + 8168520) [0x10362e448]
            5    ??? (Reason + 8168492) [0x10362e42c]
            4    ??? (Reason + 8168568) [0x10362e478]
            4    ??? (Reason + 8168504) [0x10362e438]
              1    <Frontmost App>
            2    ??? (Reason + 8168528) [0x10362e450]
              1    <Frontmost App>
            1    mach_absolute_time + 112 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 4792) [0x1a053b2b8]
            1    ??? (Reason + 8168992) [0x10362e620]
            1    ??? (Reason + 8168984) [0x10362e618]
            1    ??? (Reason + 8168576) [0x10362e480]
            1    ??? (Reason + 8168552) [0x10362e468]
            1    ??? (Reason + 8168516) [0x10362e444]
            1    ??? (Reason + 8168496) [0x10362e430]
      29   HALB_IOThread::Entry(void*) + 88 (CoreAudio + 3519356) [0x1a29cd37c]
        29   invocation function for block in HALC_ProxyIOContext::HALC_ProxyIOContext(unsigned int, unsigned int) + 100 (CoreAudio + 1938316) [0x1a284b38c]
          29   HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOWorkLoop() + 6256 (CoreAudio + 1946116) [0x1a284d204]
            29   ??? (Reason + 15244916) [0x103cede74]
              29   ??? (Reason + 15224164) [0x103ce8d64]
                29   ??? (Reason + 15152672) [0x103cd7620]
                  29   ??? (Reason + 27990064) [0x104915830]
                    29   ??? (Reason + 17683356) [0x103f4139c]
                      29   ??? (Reason + 5834012) [0x1033f451c]
                        29   ??? (Reason + 25138912) [0x10465d6e0]
                          29   ??? (Reason + 24795192) [0x104609838]
                            29   ??? (Reason + 25144960) [0x10465ee80]
                              29   ??? (Reason + 24846060) [0x104615eec]
                                29   ??? (Reason + 24845656) [0x104615d58]
                                  29   ??? (Reason + 8168216) [0x10362e318]
                                    12   ??? (Reason + 8168616) [0x10362e4a8]
                                      12   ??? (Reason + 23805584) [0x104517e90]
                                        11   ??? (Reason + 3436880) [0x1031ab150]
                                          1    ??? (ReSpire-arm64.dylib + 260052) [0x29db4b7d4]
                                          1    ??? (ReSpire-arm64.dylib + 259916) [0x29db4b74c]
                                          1    ??? (ReSpire-arm64.dylib + 259900) [0x29db4b73c]
                                            1    <Frontmost App>
                                          1    ??? (ReSpire-arm64.dylib + 102332) [0x29db24fbc]
                                            1    <Frontmost App>
                                          1    ??? (VO1-arm64.dylib + 73252) [0x1463f1e24]
                                          1    ??? (VO1-arm64.dylib + 15096) [0x1463e3af8]
                                          1    ??? (Devastor2-arm64.dylib + 26732) [0x1462ce86c]
                                          1    ??? (UmpfRetroBeats-arm64.dylib + 157440) [0x146226700]
                                          1    ??? (MBL-arm64.dylib + 50896) [0x144eb86d0]
                                          1    ??? (PMS20-arm64.dylib + 12328) [0x1428c7028]
                                          1    ??? (Audiomatic-arm64.dylib + 7092) [0x1425d1bb4]
                                            1    <Frontmost App>
                                        1    ??? (Reason + 16896348) [0x103e8115c]
                                          1    ??? (Reason + 16845268) [0x103e749d4]
                                            1    ??? (Reason + 16749532) [0x103e5d3dc]
                                              1    ??? (Reason + 16904560) [0x103e83170]
                                                1    ??? (Reason + 16771792) [0x103e62ad0]
                                                  1    ??? (Reason + 16759676) [0x103e5fb7c]
                                    4    ??? (Reason + 8168508) [0x10362e43c]
                                    3    ??? (Reason + 8168568) [0x10362e478]
                                    3    ??? (Reason + 8168504) [0x10362e438]
                                    3    ??? (Reason + 8168492) [0x10362e42c]
                                      1    <Frontmost App>
                                    2    ??? (Reason + 8168528) [0x10362e450]
                                    2    ??? (Reason + 8168520) [0x10362e448]
  22   start + 2544 (dyld + 24144) [0x1a024fe50]
    22   ??? (Reason + 22362584) [0x1043b79d8]
      22   ??? (Reason + 22356412) [0x1043b61bc]
        22   ??? (Reason + 27247148) [0x10486022c]
          22   -[NSApplication run] + 464 (AppKit + 183280) [0x1a38a3bf0]
            22   -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 728 (AppKit + 231360) [0x1a38af7c0]
              22   _DPSNextEvent + 632 (AppKit + 235056) [0x1a38b0630]
                22   _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 72 (HIToolbox + 204616) [0x1a9ccaf48]
                  22   ReceiveNextEventCommon + 672 (HIToolbox + 205312) [0x1a9ccb200]
                    22   RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292 (HIToolbox + 205756) [0x1a9ccb3bc]
                      22   CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 612 (CoreFoundation + 522404) [0x1a06578a4]
                        19   __CFRunLoopRun + 784 (CoreFoundation + 525064) [0x1a0658308]
                          19   __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 532 (CoreFoundation + 527568) [0x1a0658cd0]
                            19   __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 36 (CoreFoundation + 527844) [0x1a0658de4]
                              19   ___NSRunLoopObserverCreateWithHandler_block_invoke + 64 (AppKit + 8644420) [0x1a40b5744]
                                19   __62+[CATransaction(NSCATransaction) NS_setFlushesWithDisplayLink]_block_invoke + 272 (AppKit + 1448848) [0x1a39d8b90]
                                  18   CA::Transaction::commit() + 652 (QuartzCore + 12264) [0x1a7c9cfe8]
                                    18   CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*, double, double*) + 468 (QuartzCore + 1588720) [0x1a7e1ddf0]
                                      18   CA::Layer::display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 788 (QuartzCore + 133244) [0x1a7cba87c]
                                        18   -[_NSOpenGLViewBackingLayer display] + 716 (AppKit + 6577592) [0x1a3ebcdb8]
                                          18   ??? (Reason + 27328528) [0x104874010]
                                            10   ??? (Reason + 27315564) [0x104870d6c]
                                              10   ??? (Reason + 15026876) [0x103cb8abc]
                                                9    ??? (Reason + 15026128) [0x103cb87d0]
                                                  9    -[NSOpenGLContext flushBuffer] + 28 (AppKit + 3081656) [0x1a3b675b8]
                                                    9    CGLFlushDrawable + 64 (OpenGL + 58300) [0x1ee8cf3bc]
                                                      8    glSwap_Exec + 132 (GLEngine + 103672) [0x1eeadf4f8]
                                                        8    gldPresentFramebufferData + 1232 (AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer + 246656) [0x10c73c380]
                                                          8    GLDContextRec::flushContext(bool) + 496 (AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer + 334776) [0x10c751bb8]
                                                            8    -[_MTLCommandQueue submitCommandBuffer:] + 140 (Metal + 153360) [0x1a982c710]
                                                              8    _dispatch_lane_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete + 56 (libdispatch.dylib + 80540) [0x1a0402a9c]
                                                                8    _dispatch_client_callout + 20 (libdispatch.dylib + 17668) [0x1a03f3504]
                                                                  8    __40-[_MTLCommandQueue submitCommandBuffer:]_block_invoke + 28 (Metal + 153428) [0x1a982c754]
                                                                    8    -[_MTLCommandQueue _submitAvailableCommandBuffers] + 516 (Metal + 124256) [0x1a9825560]
                                                                      8    -[IOGPUMetalCommandQueue submitCommandBuffers:count:] + 72 (IOGPU + 24532) [0x1bbd2cfd4]
                                                                        8    -[IOGPUMetalCommandQueue _submitCommandBuffers:count:] + 352 (IOGPU + 24924) [0x1bbd2d15c]
                                                                          8    IOGPUCommandQueueSubmitCommandBuffers + 184 (IOGPU + 89564) [0x1bbd3cddc]
                                                                            8    IOConnectCallMethod + 176 (IOKit + 12952) [0x1a373d298]
                                                                              8    io_connect_method + 520 (IOKit + 13576) [0x1a373d508]
                                                                                8    mach_msg2_trap + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 3568) [0x1a053adf0]
                                                                                  6    <Kernel mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
                                                                                  2    <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
                                                      1    glSwap_Exec + 244 (GLEngine + 103784) [0x1eeadf568]
                                                        1    NSCGLSurfaceFlush + 132 (AppKit + 10204264) [0x1a4232468]
                                                          1    -[NSCGLSurface flushRect:] + 80 (AppKit + 10204528) [0x1a4232570]
                                                            1    CAImageQueueCollect_ + 1116 (QuartzCore + 61928) [0x1a7ca91e8]
                                                              1    release_images(_CAImageQueue*, CAImageQueueReleased*) + 452 (QuartzCore + 251288) [0x1a7cd7598]
                                                                1    invoke_and_release_block + 36 (AppKit + 10206180) [0x1a4232be4]
                                                                  1    objc_msgSend$removeItem: + 0 (Foundation + 10683072) [0x1a1f332c0]
                                                                    1    <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
                                                1    ??? (Reason + 15026184) [0x103cb8808]
                                                  1    ??? (Reason + 15024204) [0x103cb804c]
                                                    1    -[NSOpenGLContext setView:] + 160 (AppKit + 3061764) [0x1a3b62804]
                                                      1    NSPerformVisuallyAtomicChange + 108 (AppKit + 509644) [0x1a38f36cc]
                                                        1    __27-[NSOpenGLContext setView:]_block_invoke + 100 (AppKit + 6314532) [0x1a3e7ca24]
                                                          1    NSOpenGLContextDetachOffScreenViewSurface + 92 (AppKit + 3285016) [0x1a3b99018]
                                                            1    CGLClearDrawable + 124 (OpenGL + 31552) [0x1ee8c8b40]
                                                              1    gliAttachDrawableWithOptions + 252 (GLEngine + 78572) [0x1eead92ec]
                                                                1    gldAttachDrawable + 688 (AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer + 233956) [0x10c7391e4]
                                                                  1    GLRDrawable::dealloc() + 96 (AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer + 222352) [0x10c736490]
                                                                    1    GLRDeviceDrawable::dealloc() + 40 (AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer + 221072) [0x10c735f90]
                                                                      1    -[IOGPUMetalGLDrawable dealloc] + 36 (IOGPU + 48668) [0x1bbd32e1c]
                                                                        1    _CFRelease + 316 (CoreFoundation + 1402088) [0x1a072e4e8]
                                                                          1    ioGPUGLDrawableFinalize + 28 (IOGPU + 93980) [0x1bbd3df1c]
                                                                            1    _kernelrpc_mach_port_mod_refs_trap + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 3244) [0x1a053acac]
                                                                              1    <Kernel mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
                                            5    ??? (Reason + 27315388) [0x104870cbc]
                                              5    ??? (Reason + 24180504) [0x104573718]
                                                5    ??? (Reason + 24180504) [0x104573718]
                                                  5    ??? (Reason + 24180504) [0x104573718]
                                                    5    ??? (Reason + 24180504) [0x104573718]
                                                      5    ??? (Reason + 24180504) [0x104573718]
                                                        4    ??? (Reason + 24180504) [0x104573718]
                                                          2    ??? (Reason + 24180504) [0x104573718]
                                                            2    ??? (Reason + 24180504) [0x104573718]
                                                              2    ??? (Reason + 24180504) [0x104573718]
                                                                2    ??? (Reason + 24180504) [0x104573718]
                                                                  2    ??? (Reason + 24180416) [0x1045736c0]
                                                                    2    ??? (Reason + 719936) [0x102f13c40]
                                                                      1    ??? (Reason + 4788516) [0x1032f5124]
                                                                        1    ??? (Reason + 7674860) [0x1035b5bec]
                                                                          1    ??? (Reason + 17813672) [0x103f610a8]
                                                                            1    ??? (Reason + 10476452) [0x103861ba4]
                                                                              1    CFNumberFormatterCreateStringWithValue + 656 (CoreFoundation + 721844) [0x1a06883b4]
                                                                                1    __cficu_unum_formatDecimal + 68 (CoreFoundation + 722960) [0x1a0688810]
                                                                                  1    unum_formatDecimal + 372 (libicucore.A.dylib + 2287780) [0x1a33238a4]
                                                                                    1    icu::NumberFormat::format(icu::Formattable const&, icu::UnicodeString&, icu::FieldPosition&, UErrorCode&) const + 404 (libicucore.A.dylib + 1678616) [0x1a328ed18]
                                                                                      1    icu::DecimalFormat::format(icu::number::impl::DecimalQuantity const&, icu::UnicodeString&, icu::FieldPosition&, UErrorCode&) const + 196 (libicucore.A.dylib + 1213244) [0x1a321d33c]
                                                                                        1    icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::formatImpl(icu::number::impl::UFormattedNumberData*, UErrorCode&) const + 132 (libicucore.A.dylib + 1566248) [0x1a3273628]
                                                                                          1    ??? (libicucore.A.dylib + 1569444) [0x1a32742a4]
                                                                                            1    ??? (libicucore.A.dylib + 1572984) [0x1a3275078]
                                                                                              1    ??? (libicucore.A.dylib + 1674032) [0x1a328db30]
                                                                                                1    ures_openWithCountryFallback + 196 (libicucore.A.dylib + 781736) [0x1a31b3da8]
                                                                                                  1    uloc_getCountry + 320 (libicucore.A.dylib + 637568) [0x1a3190a80]
                                                                                                    1    ??? (libicucore.A.dylib + 635528) [0x1a3190288]
                                                                                                      1    DYLD-STUB$$strcmp + 12 (libicucore.A.dylib + 2422908) [0x1a334487c]
                                                                                                        1    <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
                                                                      1    ??? (Reason + 832352) [0x102f2f360]
                                                                        1    ??? (Reason + 787532) [0x102f2444c]
                                                                          1    ??? (Reason + 787740) [0x102f2451c]
                                                                            1    ??? (Reason + 23865584) [0x1045268f0]
                                                                              1    ??? (Reason + 23865344) [0x104526800]
                                                                                1    ??? (Reason + 28787156) [0x1049d81d4]
                                                                                  1    ??? (Reason + 31498672) [0x104c6e1b0]
                                                                                    1    <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
                                                          1    ??? (Reason + 24180544) [0x104573740]
                                                            1    ??? (Reason + 4164736) [0x10325cc80]
                                                              1    ??? (Reason + 22942120) [0x1044451a8]
                                                                1    <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
                                                          1    ??? (Reason + 24180416) [0x1045736c0]
                                                            1    ??? (Reason + 719936) [0x102f13c40]
                                                              1    ??? (Reason + 20150252) [0x10419b7ec]
                                                                1    ??? (Reason + 10476348) [0x103861b3c]
                                                                  1    CFNumberFormatterCreate + 1040 (CoreFoundation + 714384) [0x1a0686690]
                                                                    1    __cficu_unum_setAttribute + 40 (CoreFoundation + 717304) [0x1a06871f8]
                                                                      1    icu::DecimalFormat::setLenient(signed char) + 96 (libicucore.A.dylib + 1206200) [0x1a321b7b8]
                                                                        1    icu::DecimalFormat::touch(UErrorCode&) + 224 (libicucore.A.dylib + 1199496) [0x1a3219d88]
                                                                          1    ??? (libicucore.A.dylib + 1606812) [0x1a327d49c]
                                                                            1    ??? (libicucore.A.dylib + 1560216) [0x1a3271e98]
                                                                              1    icu::number::impl::SymbolsWrapper::SymbolsWrapper(icu::number::impl::SymbolsWrapper&&) + 16 (libicucore.A.dylib + 1669672) [0x1a328ca28]
                                                                                1    <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
                                                        1    ??? (Reason + 24180416) [0x1045736c0]
                                                          1    ??? (Reason + 22862864) [0x104431c10]
                                                            1    <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
                                            2    ??? (Reason + 27315464) [0x104870d08]
                                              2    ??? (Reason + 23886640) [0x10452bb30]
                                                2    ??? (Reason + 31165400) [0x104c1cbd8]
                                                  2    ??? (Reason + 31160484) [0x104c1b8a4]
                                                    2    ??? (Reason + 30571140) [0x104b8ba84]
                                                      2    ??? (Reason + 30596580) [0x104b91de4]
                                                        2    ??? (Reason + 30594440) [0x104b91588]
                                                          2    ??? (Reason + 30595772) [0x104b91abc]
                                                            2    ??? (Reason + 31343244) [0x104c4828c]
                                                              2    ??? (Reason + 31343748) [0x104c48484]
                                                                1    ??? (Reason + 31431864) [0x104c5dcb8]
                                                                  1    glDrawArrays_ACC_GL3Exec + 356 (GLEngine + 764648) [0x1eeb80ae8]
                                                                    1    gldRenderVertexArray(GLDContextRec*, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int, unsigned int, void const*, int, void const*) + 496 (AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer + 267868) [0x10c74165c]
                                                                      1    GLDContextRec::beginRenderPass() + 128 (AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer + 175752) [0x10c72ae88]
                                                                        1    ??? (AGXMetal13_3 + 2114908) [0x1eef3555c]
                                                                          1    ??? (AGXMetal13_3 + 6103360) [0x1ef303140]
                                                                            1    <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
                                                                1    ??? (Reason + 31431668) [0x104c5dbf4]
                                                                  1    ??? (Reason + 30657572) [0x104ba0c24]
                                                                    1    ??? (Reason + 31713976) [0x104ca2ab8]
                                                                      1    <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
                                            1    ??? (Reason + 27314856) [0x104870aa8]
                                              1    ??? (Reason + 15025828) [0x103cb86a4]
                                                1    ??? (Reason + 15023936) [0x103cb7f40]
                                                  1    -[NSOpenGLContext setView:] + 160 (AppKit + 3061764) [0x1a3b62804]
                                                    1    NSPerformVisuallyAtomicChange + 108 (AppKit + 509644) [0x1a38f36cc]
                                                      1    __27-[NSOpenGLContext setView:]_block_invoke + 360 (AppKit + 6314792) [0x1a3e7cb28]
                                                        1    NSOpenGLContextAttachOffScreenViewSurface + 80 (AppKit + 3062520) [0x1a3b62af8]
                                                          1    NSOpenGLContextUpdateOffScreenViewSurface + 532 (AppKit + 6317292) [0x1a3e7d4ec]
                                                            1    -[NSCGLSurface attachCGLContext:] + 84 (AppKit + 10204096) [0x1a42323c0]
                                                              1    CGLSetSurface + 344 (OpenGL + 35076) [0x1ee8c9904]
                                                                1    ??? (OpenGL + 34148) [0x1ee8c9564]
                                                                  1    ??? (OpenGL + 18464) [0x1ee8c5820]
                                                                    1    gliAttachDrawableWithOptions + 252 (GLEngine + 78572) [0x1eead92ec]
                                                                      1    gldAttachDrawable + 572 (AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer + 233840) [0x10c739170]
                                                                        1    GLRDrawable::attachDrawable(GLDContextRec*, unsigned int, GLDDrawableRec*, unsigned int, GLTDimensionsRec*, GLRDrawable const*) + 1924 (AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer + 225936) [0x10c737290]
                                                                          1    GLDTextureRec::load() + 5712 (AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer + 121724) [0x10c71db7c]
                                                                            1    ??? (AGXMetal13_3 + 3370060) [0x1ef067c4c]
                                                                              1    IOSurfaceClientCopyValue + 24 (IOSurface + 14488) [0x1a97ea898]
                                                                                1    IOSurfaceClientCopyAllValues + 380 (IOSurface + 14932) [0x1a97eaa54]
                                                                                  1    IOConnectCallMethod + 236 (IOKit + 13012) [0x1a373d2d4]
                                                                                    1    io_connect_method + 520 (IOKit + 13576) [0x1a373d508]
                                                                                      1    mach_msg2_trap + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 3568) [0x1a053adf0]
                                                                                        1    <Kernel mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
                                  1    CA::Transaction::commit() + 324 (QuartzCore + 11936) [0x1a7c9cea0]
                                    1    CA::Transaction::run_commit_handlers(CATransactionPhase) + 120 (QuartzCore + 16672) [0x1a7c9e120]
                                      1    NSDisplayCycleFlush + 644 (AppKit + 915728) [0x1a3956910]
                                        1    NSDisplayCycleObserverInvoke + 168 (AppKit + 916660) [0x1a3956cb4]
                                          1    __NSWindowGetDisplayCycleObserverForDisplay_block_invoke + 520 (AppKit + 921048) [0x1a3957dd8]
                                            1    -[NSWindow displayIfNeeded] + 204 (AppKit + 921392) [0x1a3957f30]
                                              1    NSWindowUpdateLayerTree + 228 (AppKit + 8452412) [0x1a408693c]
                                                1    NSViewPerformBlockWithDescendants + 76 (AppKit + 352704) [0x1a38cd1c0]
                                                  1    __NSWindowUpdateLayerTree_block_invoke + 68 (AppKit + 8537644) [0x1a409b62c]
                                                    1    objc_msgSend$boolValueForKey: + 0 (AppKit + 15283328) [0x1a470a480]
                                                      1    <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
                        3    __CFRunLoopRun + 1896 (CoreFoundation + 526176) [0x1a0658760]
                          3    __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 356 (CoreFoundation + 634232) [0x1a0672d78]
                            3    __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 940 (CoreFoundation + 635424) [0x1a0673220]
                              3    __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 32 (CoreFoundation + 636280) [0x1a0673578]
                                3    __NSFireTimer + 104 (Foundation + 611964) [0x1a159867c]
                                  3    ??? (Reason + 27398188) [0x10488502c]
                                    3    ??? (Reason + 27243580) [0x10485f43c]
                                      3    ??? (Reason + 584376) [0x102ef2ab8]
                                        3    ??? (Reason + 806652) [0x102f28efc]
                                          3    ??? (Reason + 804296) [0x102f285c8]
                                            3    ??? (Reason + 27001276) [0x1048241bc]
                                              3    ??? (Reason + 26782840) [0x1047eec78]
                                                3    ??? (Reason + 23565216) [0x1044dd3a0]
                                                  3    ??? (Reason + 23798172) [0x10451619c]
                                                    3    ??? (Reason + 17760948) [0x103f542b4]
                                                      2    ??? (Reason + 7102616) [0x10352a098]
                                                        2    ??? (Reason + 7190236) [0x10353f6dc]
                                                          2    ??? (Reason + 27714848) [0x1048d2520]
                                                            2    ??? (Reason + 27716412) [0x1048d2b3c]
                                                              2    ??? (Reason + 27717872) [0x1048d30f0]
                                                                2    ??? (Reason + 17381800) [0x103ef79a8]
                                                                  2    ??? (Reason + 17189172) [0x103ec8934]
                                                                    2    ??? (Reason + 14886196) [0x103c96534]
                                                                      2    ??? (Reason + 14920264) [0x103c9ea48]
                                                                        2    ??? (Reason + 27699884) [0x1048ceaac]
                                                                          2    ??? (Reason + 27698392) [0x1048ce4d8]
                                                                            2    ??? (Reason + 27698844) [0x1048ce69c]
                                                                              2    ??? (Reason + 27717872) [0x1048d30f0]
                                                                                1    ??? (Reason + 17379368) [0x103ef7028]
                                                                                  1    ??? (Reason + 26808900) [0x1047f5244]
                                                                                    1    ??? (Reason + 15802268) [0x103d75f9c]
                                                                                      1    ??? (Reason + 15787228) [0x103d724dc]
                                                                                        1    ??? (Reason + 15542836) [0x103d36a34]
                                                                                          1    ??? (Reason + 15548096) [0x103d37ec0]
                                                                                            1    ??? (Reason + 15577156) [0x103d3f044]
                                                                                              1    __dynamic_cast + 176 (libc++abi.dylib + 76752) [0x1a0534bd0]
                                                                                                1    std::type_info::operator==(std::type_info const&) const + 36 (libc++abi.dylib + 79976) [0x1a0535868]
                                                                                                  1    <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
                                                                                1    ??? (Reason + 17379344) [0x103ef7010]
                                                                                  1    ??? (Reason + 17362808) [0x103ef2f78]
                                                                                    1    ??? (Reason + 10476348) [0x103861b3c]
                                                                                      1    CFNumberFormatterCreate + 1040 (CoreFoundation + 714384) [0x1a0686690]
                                                                                        1    __cficu_unum_setAttribute + 40 (CoreFoundation + 717304) [0x1a06871f8]
                                                                                          1    icu::DecimalFormat::setLenient(signed char) + 96 (libicucore.A.dylib + 1206200) [0x1a321b7b8]
                                                                                            1    icu::DecimalFormat::touch(UErrorCode&) + 224 (libicucore.A.dylib + 1199496) [0x1a3219d88]
                                                                                              1    ??? (libicucore.A.dylib + 1606796) [0x1a327d48c]
                                                                                                1    ??? (libicucore.A.dylib + 1604644) [0x1a327cc24]
                                                                                                  1    icu::UnicodeString::~UnicodeString() + 120 (libicucore.A.dylib + 739404) [0x1a31a984c]
                                                                                                    1    <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
                                                      1    ??? (Reason + 7102436) [0x103529fe4]
                                                        1    <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
  1    start_wqthread + 8 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7712) [0x1a0574e20]
    1    _pthread_wqthread + 288 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12544) [0x1a0576100]
      1    _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 652 (libdispatch.dylib + 95052) [0x1a040634c]
        1    _dispatch_lane_invoke + 384 (libdispatch.dylib + 50952) [0x1a03fb708]
          1    _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 376 (libdispatch.dylib + 47764) [0x1a03faa94]
            1    _dispatch_source_invoke + 1588 (libdispatch.dylib + 110496) [0x1a0409fa0]
              1    _dispatch_continuation_pop + 504 (libdispatch.dylib + 31124) [0x1a03f6994]
                1    _dispatch_client_callout + 20 (libdispatch.dylib + 17668) [0x1a03f3504]
                  1    dispatch_mig_server + 288 (libdispatch.dylib + 141788) [0x1a04119dc]
                    1    mach_msg + 24 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 4460) [0x1a053b16c]
                      1    mach_msg_overwrite + 540 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 38456) [0x1a0543638]
                        1    mach_msg2_trap + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 3568) [0x1a053adf0]
                          1    <Kernel mode, Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default>
  1    start_wqthread + 0 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7704) [0x1a0574e18]
    1    <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>

  Binary Images:
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           0x10c700000 -        0x10c773fff 1.0 (1)             <04C45855-3ADE-3D14-941F-60C2E52B6D6F>  /System/Library/Extensions/AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer
           0x142384000 -        0x1423c7fff  Alligator-arm64.dylib (0)                              <3D3DA878-6D38-3400-A663-811379DC8A49>  /Library/Application Support/Propellerhead Software/*/Alligator-arm64.dylib
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           0x1a024a000 -        0x1a02d44af  dyld (1042.1)                                          <1F56AB4E-F398-3A9C-BFBA-FBBD17808963>  /usr/lib/dyld
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           0x1a0522000 -        0x1a0539ffb  libc++abi.dylib (1300.32)                              <BEC775BA-9513-3B66-8F2F-BE8D2A817269>  /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib
           0x1a053a000 -        0x1a0572ffb  libsystem_kernel.dylib (8792.41.9)                     <6D6644D3-3DB3-34C4-B1E3-C675EC5360F0>  /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
           0x1a0573000 -        0x1a057fffb  libsystem_pthread.dylib (514)                          <886CACA0-5762-3640-8DB2-3FA3B911C062>  /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
           0x1a05d8000 -        0x1a0aaffff 6.9 (1953.1)                  <F4FF83FC-E62C-30B4-B3A9-876C8A1FD595>  /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
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           0x1a30f5000 -        0x1a33abfff  libicucore.A.dylib (70127.1)                           <B5B53999-6C33-3283-950D-5FF6DCCF83D2>  /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
           0x1a373a000 -        0x1a3815fff 2.0.2 (2022.41.3)            <46949FF9-C598-3770-9A8C-8D63AA17F755>  /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
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           0x1ee8c1000 -        0x1ee8d1ff7 20.0.34 (20.0.34)                     <FC71D861-1A85-3963-9996-869DE6085151>  /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL
           0x1eeac6000 -        0x1eec33ff7  GLEngine (20.0.34)                                     <38E39114-7BB1-351C-9FFE-A57F17C10FE9>  /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine
           0x1eed31000 -        0x1ef304fff 227.2.40 (227.2.40)             <1A5BBA4B-A85A-3356-8FB7-DA5C3D8E0113>  /System/Library/Extensions/AGXMetal13_3.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AGXMetal13_3
           0x29db0c000 -        0x29eba3fff  ReSpire-arm64.dylib (0)                                <8C3AEEC4-D2BB-3629-B265-518309B1FD63>  /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Propellerhead Software/*/ReSpire-arm64.dylib

-------------------- Other error diag, this one was recorded with the External FW Motu, and disconnection was on. This diag came up together with the above diag, whilst with the internal Audio engine, this disk error diid not happen. So I think this could be more of an issue for the HDMI overflow and subsequent Monitor disconnection.

Event:            disk writes
Action taken:     none
Writes:           2147.50 MB of file backed memory dirtied over 6343 seconds (338.57 KB per second average), exceeding limit of 24.86 KB per second over 86400 seconds
Writes limit:     2147.48 MB
Limit duration:   86400s
Writes caused:    2147.50 MB
Writes duration:  6343s
Duration:         6342.85s
Duration Sampled: 26.96s
Steps:            15 (10.49 MB/step)

Hardware model:   Macmini9,1
Active cpus:      8
HW page size:     16384
VM page size:     16384

OS Cryptex File Extents: 1773

Heaviest stack for the target process:
  8  thread_start + 8 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7724) [0x18ccbce2c]
  8  _pthread_start + 148 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 28780) [0x18ccc206c]
  8  ??? (Reason + 26184124) [0x1063689bc]
  8  ??? (Reason + 22530584) [0x105feca18]
  8  ??? (Reason + 22542272) [0x105fef7c0]
  8  ??? (Reason + 22542988) [0x105fefa8c]
  8  ??? (Reason + 22549768) [0x105ff1508]
  8  ??? (Reason + 22551112) [0x105ff1a48]
  8  ??? (Reason + 11310064) [0x1055393f0]
  8  ??? (Reason + 12232304) [0x10561a670]
  8  ??? (Reason + 12204600) [0x105613a38]
  6  ??? (Reason + 12467060) [0x105653b74]
  6  ??? (Reason + 12392308) [0x105641774]
  6  ??? (Reason + 12190792) [0x105610448]
  6  ??? (Reason + 12189504) [0x10560ff40]
  6  ??? (Reason + 12330188) [0x1056324cc]
  6  pwrite + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 17672) [0x18cc86508]

Powerstats for:   Reason [2197]
UUID:             898D20CE-5918-32DA-8C70-A21E9493C05E
Path:             /Applications/Reason
Identifier:       se.propellerheads.reason
Version:          12.6d52 build 15025 (12.6d52)
Team ID:          F5JV2QEVE9
Is First Party:   No
Resource Coalition ID: 1118
Architecture:     arm64
Footprint:        95.23 MB -> 796.84 MB (+701.61 MB) (max 837.17 MB )
Pageins:          748 pages
Start time:       2023-05-05 01:51:47.845 +0200
End time:         2023-05-05 01:52:14.807 +0200
Num samples:      15 (100%)
Primary state:    7 samples Frontmost App, Non-Suppressed, Kernel mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive, Override Thread QoS Unspecified
User Activity:    0 samples Idle, 15 samples Active
Power Source:     0 samples on Battery, 15 samples on AC
  8   thread_start + 8 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7724) [0x18ccbce2c]
    8   _pthread_start + 148 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 28780) [0x18ccc206c]

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Posts: 1278
Joined: 15 Jan 2015
Location: Faroe Islands

05 May 2023

I also just got an Mac mini m2 and it did this screen flicker turning dark for a second then come back, I googled and it seamed to be a known and was recommended to change the color issue and setting the screen to 60Hz I only set it to 60 Hz and have no flicker dark screen since,

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Competition Winner
Posts: 1516
Joined: 14 Nov 2016

05 May 2023

gullum wrote:
05 May 2023
I also just got an Mac mini m2 and it did this screen flicker turning dark for a second then come back, I googled and it seamed to be a known and was recommended to change the color issue and setting the screen to 60Hz I only set it to 60 Hz and have no flicker dark screen since,
I also found some tips, about setting the display to its natural resolution and not scale it up.
I opened the same Rsn project and the flickering was gone after rebooting OS.
My display was already at 60Hz.
Thanks for chimin' in.
It's always useful to sum up info on new systems. Had you checked if your M2 fans were
giving some sort of warning when the flicker- (I mean a 1 to 3 sec black screen really) happened?
I had some, as if it system was up from some time and was OH a bit??? :cry:

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