For the Reason 8 naysayers.........

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Soft Enerji
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10 Jun 2015

.........just curious if the new stuff coming in 8.3 is tempting you to jump aboard?

JFTR, this is a genuine question not a snipe....



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10 Jun 2015

Soft Enerji wrote:.........just curious if the new stuff coming in 8.3 is tempting you to jump aboard?

JFTR, this is a genuine question not a snipe....


To Reason 9? Maybe........ ;)

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10 Jun 2015

nope.  good to see they're updating the native racks again but i can live without it.

reason 7 is still the one.

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10 Jun 2015

Man, you fellas are stubborn!! ;)

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10 Jun 2015

I think updating older devices so existing users benefit & people who have not yet jumped to 8 are potentially enticed into the fold is a smart move by Propellerhead. It's a win win for everyone. Existing users get some new stuff for free + they may win over some more Reason heads to version 8. They could have just made a new RE reverb with convolution & dropped this in the shop. But this way existing users, providing they are on 8 or above, are catered for. The new features in 8.3 will be great to have & won't cost a cent for Reason 8 users. "Upgrade to Reason 8 today to get them for free on release" ;)

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10 Jun 2015

ebop wrote:Man, you fellas are stubborn!! ;)
not really. The main feature of r8 was a browser update that initially didn't suit my way of working. I'm still happy with r7's browser and don't have to worry about focus and such like. The latest little improvements such as z zoom etc will be nice and I'll happily take the amps and rv7k update... But since my browsing is fine in 7 the main point of 8 leaves me unmoved. Oh, and discover... By .wav files, not some way of getting around the different RE set-ups, really. Nah, not for me.

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10 Jun 2015

After having tested R8 when it came out I decided to get reason 8 in the grace period for reason 9, so I get both licenses for half price :D you never know if a client wants to work with reason 8 and I don't have it. Waiting after the release of R9 will prevent my opportunity of getting a R8 license.

So yes, I wont be getting it now, no matter what. With added features in R9 I suppose the upgrade from 7 to 9 will be worthy of my credit card.

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10 Jun 2015

Faastwalker wrote:"Upgrade to Reason 8 today to get them for free on release" ;)
True, but then you'll have to pay again for the Reason 9 upgrade come Oct/Nov. ;)

Obviously I have no idea if that's the case, but I'm gonna hold out on upgrading for now.

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10 Jun 2015

Nope, no desire what so ever. I'll stick with 7.

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10 Jun 2015

Bonkhead wrote: After having tested R8 when it came out I decided to get reason 8 in the grace period for reason 9, so I get both licenses for half price :D you never know if a client wants to work with reason 8 and I don't have it. Waiting after the release of R9 will prevent my opportunity of getting a R8 license.

So yes, I wont be getting it now, no matter what. With added features in R9 I suppose the upgrade from 7 to 9 will be worthy of my credit card.
I guess that'll be my strategy as well. Right now R7 + REs + Refills is all I need.

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10 Jun 2015

It's a total head scratcher really.

R8 focuses on collaboration, but still does not seem to have any official way to "discover" and connect directly with other users.
R8 says proudly that "This instrument creates music," then undermines the entire profession in the Terms of Service:
3.1 You retain all of your ownership rights in the Content that you create or upload to the Sharing Services. However, by uploading Content you grant every user and Propellerhead a non-exclusive right to use your music (with the right to sublicense). The license includes a right to copy, reproduce, communicate to the public, distribute, prepare derivative works of, modify and adapt your Content – even for commercial purposes – in any and all media and distribution methods and to the extent permitted by the Terms of Service. The license applies worldwide and is royalty-free and irrevocable.
Anyone that values their work as an artist would refuse such a contract. Only someone that has some sort of cash problem and needs to startup some hustle right now would agree to that.

Also, collaboration is even more difficult because the entire premise of the RE shop is unrealistic. In order for RE modules to be a creative and collaborative array of musical tools, every user has to buy all of them. Anything less, and user A can't work with user B because one of them doesn't also have device C. You can export to stems, but even small adjustments to settings can make the difference between "what you have to work with" and "happy accidents that make the track".

So, no. I'm not sold on R8+ so far. I think the only way I would have my mind changed is if R9 came out and demolished Studio One 3. But that's unlikely.
They need to watch out because everyone else is figuring out how to do the modular thing better than they do. They risk becoming an anachronism.

One last thought I had recently might be oversimplifying, but I found it so strange I had to laugh.
Other DAWs have risked alienating established users by changing things from one major release to the next. They prioritize increasing the creative potential over preserving the same user experience. In some cases, like with me for instance, potential users see the features of the new version and say "wow, I can instantly see how I would need that, that, and that on a daily basis" and start reaching for their wallets. The changes entice new users. Reason, on the other hand, preserves the same user experience, such that when old users who haven't touched the software in years come back, they will be able to get going again easily because "their room is just the way they left it before they left home." One strategy drives a user base, the other strategy hopes that former users come back someday.

That's just my thoughts, but I found that so funny from an absurd perspective that I just stopped what I was doing, sat back, laughed, and pondered the comparison with wide eyes and an open smile for several minutes. The only feeling I can compare it to is when you find an easy solution to what seemed like a complex problem, or when you're hanging out with some of your high school friends a few years later and you get that gut feeling that you've moved on in your life and they just aren't your type of people anymore.

Until they can overcome that image, I'm waiting for a fall sale for Studio One 3.
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10 Jun 2015

I'm sold! The RV7000 MkII is incredible!
Just what I need! I will support them for this alone because I want to see more of this.
I am hopeful that Malström is next ;)

The main thing I didn't enjoy with the Reason 8 browser before was the ability to easily revert patches. That was fixed in a past update.

I think the Softube amps sound great, and will work wonderfully with the RV7000 loaded with cab and room IRs.

The ability to assign MIDI focus from the rack is something I have wanted forever.
Great feature.

And the quick zoom (and ability to zoom further) is extremely handy.
They are listening to us (as usual) and I am really thankful for that :)

I could wait indefinitely for Reason 9, but that RV7000 MkII makes a world of difference for my projects right now. If Reason 9 comes out earlier than expected, I wouldn't mind at all. This is valuable for me right here and now.

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10 Jun 2015

got my hands full with R7 but glad to hear they are improving on things while i wait for R9 ;)

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10 Jun 2015

ReasonUser wrote:pay again for the Reason 9 upgrade come Oct/Nov.
Exactly. Whenever 9 comes out. There still isn't enough about 8 to make it worth paying for when all the changes will be integrated into 9 most likely within the next 6-9 months.

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10 Jun 2015

It's nice that Propellerhead, unlike most DAW developers, allows it's users to upgrade from any version to the current version for the same, low price.

It's weird when it's users try to wave that in their face =\
I don't get it.

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10 Jun 2015

Still on 7.1 ans wainting for reason 9.


11 Jun 2015

No but maybe I'll upgrade when R9 comes out.

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11 Jun 2015

since i already waited (am currently on 7), ill keep waiting until 9 and then always upgrade on day1, dont like to be desynced & will be a bummer if i upgrade now and they release 9 in a couple of months

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11 Jun 2015

Beta'd R8, decided that it wasn't for me. They seem to have fixed most of the UI/interaction related niggles (mainly the fixed browser pane) and the new features are pretty damn compelling, better workflow etc. RV7000 MKII might be the main reason for hopping aboard as sound design and experimental mangling is something I like to do as a pastime. So definitely maybe, most likely yes sooner than later. ;)

Also, seeing that this is a public beta of a point release I sense something in the air... as in, R9 might be further away than major release versions in the past. We might see gradual updates in the form of point releases as the norm from hereon forward. I see no risk in pulling the trigger now (as in, having R9 pop up in a few months).

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11 Jun 2015

I already got Reason 8 when it came out (almost always the best time to upgrade software, if the price stays the same), but I wasn't too impressed with the amount of improvements 8.0 brought us.

At this point I think it's worth the asking price. :) I completely get people waiting for 9 to get back on the upgrade cycle, but assuming they develop 9 the same way they've done 8, I think I'll be happy to upgrade again and see what we get out of 9.X. They may not have delivered everything we wanted to see in 8.0, but in the end I feel like they have delivered. :)

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11 Jun 2015

dhruan wrote:We might see gradual updates in the form of point releases as the norm from hereon forward. I see no risk in pulling the trigger now (as in, having R9 pop up in a few months).
I'm okay with that. A Reason 9 announcement would of course get everyone excited. But a more regular trickle of new features in point updates would be cool if we get stuff like the updates RV-7000. Some of the other new features are extremely welcome as well. With the amount of talk about 8.3 it almost feels like a new version has been announced. Actually, it feels like we're getting almost as much in 8.3 as we did in 8.0!


11 Jun 2015

I'll stick with 7.1 too but it's good to see that they improve another classic device and i hope they continue this positive trend.

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11 Jun 2015

No way, there are plenty of things that I expect from Reason which I get from other DAWs. like upgraded the  EQ Studio one type, a dedicated multi band compressor from PH, Modern gain staging, I don't want to slice them like a bread my wave files. They create   clicks. mono correlation meter on master bus, K14 meter. The ability to enlarge the sequencer space. E.T.C

I've mixed without IR for years. Hell I just bought my first IR loader last year. I would be impressed if they could brought us VST loader Re. I only upgrade to 9 or 10 if they make it audio mixer friendly. 

Gulale aka Bereket

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11 Jun 2015

Yep. They got me! The functionality fixes in 8.2 plus the update to RV7000 did it! I'm ready to drink the kool aid!

Now, when can I get my mitts on it?


:reason: :re: :refill: :recycle: :PUF_figure: :PUF_take: :record: :rt:
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