Rob Papen: Predator 2.0 coming Soon/permanent price cut to Predator

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06 May 2016

But not for Reason :-(
Predator RE
Please note that at the current moment it will not be possible for us to have a Predator 2.0 as a Rack Extension due to current limitations within the Propellerhead SDK. We will of course consider Predator 2.0 RE at a later stage as and when the Reason environment allows us to do so.
But please keep an eye out for other future Rack Extensions developed by Rob Papen and team.
The full info :

From today the 6th of May Predator has a new reduced price of Euro 79-- | USD 79--!!
The upgrade price to Predator 2.0 will be Euro 49-- | USD 49--
So if you are interested in Predator and also interested in Predator 2.0(when its released) you can purchase Predator now and still save money, since Predator 2.0 will be priced at
Euro 149-- | USD 149--

Free upgrades to Predator 2.0
If you purchased Predator in March, April or up to (and including) the 5th of May 2016 the upgrade to Predator 2.0 will be free!
Users that purchased at will receive an automated upgrade by email.
If you purchased at a dealer, you will be able to send us an email with a copy of your invoice attached once Predator 2.0 is released.
This information will be placed on the homepage as well.

Predator 2.0
Predator 2.0 is going to be an awesome update with some breath-taking new features!.
The aim is to release sometime at end of June, but more realistic is that we will have it ready July/August once all the bugs have been squashed.
Predator 2.0 will have a price tag of Euro 149-- | USD 149--
Upgrade price will be Euro 49-- | USD 49--
Note that the original Predator will remain so that you can still use Predator for the older songs.

eXplorer IV
Once Predator 2.0 hits the market, we will also have an eXplorer IV bundle available!
The upgrade price will be Euro 79-- | USD 79--
The upgrade price is higher than upgrading Predator to Predator 2.0, but this will be because RP-VERB 2.0 will be added to the eXplorer bundle later this year.
And maybe even more at a later stage...

Predator RE
Please note that at the current moment it will not be possible for us to have a Predator 2.0 as a Rack Extension due to current limitations within the Propellerhead SDK. We will of course consider Predator 2.0 RE at a later stage as and when the Reason environment allows us to do so.
But please keep an eye out for other future Rack Extensions developed by Rob Papen and team.
My opinion is that Propellerhead REASON needs a complete rewrite!
P.S: people should stop saying "No it won't happen" when referring to a complete rewrite of REASON. I have 3 letters for ya....VST
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:53 pm

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At Vero Eos
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06 May 2016

Please note that at the current moment it will not be possible for us to have a Predator 2.0 as a Rack Extension due to current limitations within the Propellerhead SDK.

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06 May 2016

RE Has its limits. But i expect the kitchen sink is thrown in with predator 2

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06 May 2016

Also the coupon code that papen offers to cross-grade to the vst still works. So you can get the vst for 40$ now instead of 80

I had asked a long time ago but couldnt pull the trigger at 80$, however 40 was definitely worth it, glad I hung on to that code

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07 May 2016

Curse you SDK
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07 May 2016

I'm pretty sure that RPCX will come up wit something interesting for Reason again. They seem to very dedicated to the format and just like with QU4D, find ways to bring their ideas to Reason, so I guess it will be the same here. :)

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Juan Rosa
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07 May 2016

At Vero Eos wrote:
Please note that at the current moment it will not be possible for us to have a Predator 2.0 as a Rack Extension due to current limitations within the Propellerhead SDK.
That's obvious! We need a REAL Rack Extensions!! (Of course there are really good) not child toys like: Acoustic Clapper, Spacre, etc. etc.

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07 May 2016

Juan Rosa wrote:
At Vero Eos wrote:
Please note that at the current moment it will not be possible for us to have a Predator 2.0 as a Rack Extension due to current limitations within the Propellerhead SDK.
That's obvious! We need a REAL Rack Extensions!! (Of course there are really good) not child toys like: Acoustic Clapper, Spacre, etc. etc.
Now we're talking
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Breach The Sky
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07 May 2016

Well I think we have plenty of "real" rack extension... But I do agree that it's pretty frustrating to se this "sdk not compatible with current level of awesomeness" error message all the time. Then again, there seems to be exiting things happening at the horizon in RE land so I'm not terribly upset.

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07 May 2016

I get the point that people are trying to make here.

One beautiful thing about Rack Extensions is, that it gave birth to some wonderful, talented, new, indie developers that are dedicated to Reason and understand the concept behind it. Quadelectra, JP, Selig, Ochen K, Lectric Panda, just to name a few.

I'm not a big CV guy myself so I understand the frustration of many people that there are too many devices that are based around this concept, but then again, this is one of the many things that make Reason unique. I also understand the disappointment when people see "this is not possible with the current SDK".

I personally enjoy the tension and the journey of this somewhat new format. Things like Spectra and 2 teasers by Noel about the new Quadelectra device and another RE "made by some well known group of sound designers", make me believe that we're going to have tons of fun in the future very, very soon. In the meantime there is so much stuff to discover (and rediscover) in Reason, it's ridiculous. ;)

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07 May 2016

Last edited by Stranger. on 03 Jun 2016, edited 1 time in total.

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08 May 2016

Predators kill Aliens. Don't you know anything LOL

VST & RE are swings and roundabouts. VST can't do CV or integrate as fully/reliably as RE. RE can't do the weird and wacky GUIs - which sadly often re-invent the wheel so see the last point.

I think we should also be looking at:

"We will of course consider Predator 2.0 RE at a later stage as and when the Reason environment allows us to do so.
But please keep an eye out for other future Rack Extensions developed by Rob Papen and team."

Papen et al have put a greater commitment into the RE platform that most other Devs and esp the big names. Plus they are saying they intend to keep that up. I have been getting tempted by a Papen synth (Predator/Vecto) so a PII is of interest but all in good time.

Benedict Roff-Marsh
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08 May 2016

It's interesting the things we feel we are missing before anybody has them or knows what they are...
It just takes someone saying, "Something is possible somewhere other than here."

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08 May 2016

Don't get me wrong here. I love Reason and I'll never switch, but I'm growing tired of hearing "Because of the SDK limits". It's just depressing. It must be frustrating for Rob not to be able to provide it in the Re store for us. I have bought every synth he's got in the store, this would have been an insta-buy too. Come on props - Time to pull your finger out! :(

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08 May 2016

me also don't care about SDK or anything. reason is my very first and Main DAW. highly love to use reason stock devices. I have predator 1 and it's really quite enough.
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08 May 2016


Well not really because it looks like Rob is trying to make a Combinator in VST! Bet the kids at KVR will be jealous of us over this.

Benedict Roff-Marsh
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08 May 2016

Im still not sure why exactly he's making it. I mean I guess for integration with his specific vsts maybe. But all of what he shows can already be done in alot of daws like ableton, studio one, flstudio, etc. They all have combinator/patcher/etc type setups. Theres also other existing third party solutions like mux that do this and much more

So I just come back to the value-addedness of his bundle of effects/synths by including a combinator type setup for those who's daws may be lagging behind as well as providing presets that combine all his vsts. I think the latter is would probably be the key aspect for most, and for Rob to show off what all his creations can do together

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08 May 2016

If nothing else, seeing those yawning slots will make people lust for other synths to jam in them...

Benedict Roff-Marsh
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09 May 2016

joeyluck wrote:It's interesting the things we feel we are missing before anybody has them or knows what they are...
It just takes someone saying, "Something is possible somewhere other than here."
I think it's because the limitation of the sdk is a very touchy and sensitive topic. It's holding back the platform and it's frustrating on many levels for certain users. It's not about what you can't do as much as hitting road blocks constantly with the limitation of the sdk, it's 2016...just my 2 cents.

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09 May 2016

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09 May 2016

MarkTarlton wrote:
joeyluck wrote:It's interesting the things we feel we are missing before anybody has them or knows what they are...
It just takes someone saying, "Something is possible somewhere other than here."
I think it's because the limitation of the sdk is a very touchy and sensitive topic. It's holding back the platform and it's frustrating on many levels for certain users. It's not about what you can't do as much as hitting road blocks constantly with the limitation of the sdk, it's 2016...just my 2 cents.
Well that sort of goes along with the point I'm trying to make. People get caught up in the limitations before they know what's in store.
Predator is an industry standard synth used by many pros. We have it in Reason and it's just as capable as it's VST counterpart. People are happy to use it as it is, and wouldn't know otherwise of additional features until said additional features are teased or introduced.

Like us getting ice cream together. You get chocolate and I get vanilla. Mine comes with sprinkles and you say, "Hey I want sprinkles!" But the cashier says they only come with vanilla. Nevermind that you were plenty happy with your chocolate ice cream before you saw my sprinkles.

VST's etc will always be different with the way they behave with the OS. Rob Papen is well-versed and comfortable in the VST format having worked many more years with it. So it's understandable that when he has a light bulb of an idea go off, he's likely thinking in that format first...
I don't think it's that big a deal.

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12 May 2016

"VST envy" is a real thing for some, but no VST (or other DAW) can replicate Reason's back panel and cv ethos. If you haven't fully realized how profound this is, then you'll always be searching for that rainbow unicorn aka the plugin that will finally make your music sound "totes amazing". Sure call us fanboys, but many of us have fully embraced the good and the ugly that has been Reason since day one; producing full albums pre-Re and enjoying the support of "big names" in the industry. But, for those constantly seeking the next high, just wait until you lay your eyes on the new Reason....maybe, just maybe, then you'll get on with it and make music.
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12 May 2016

Noel G. wrote:...just wait until you lay your eyes on the new Reason....maybe, just maybe, then you'll get on with it and make music.

I mean ??

no really ???


Methinks Noel may know something.

Benedict Roff-Marsh
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12 May 2016

Noel G. wrote:"VST envy" is a real thing for some, but no VST (or other DAW) can replicate Reason's back panel and cv ethos. If you haven't fully realized how profound this is, then you'll always be searching for that rainbow unicorn aka the plugin that will finally make your music sound "tots amazing". Sure call us fanboys, but many of us have fully embraced the good and the ugly that has been Reason since day one; producing full albums pre-Re and enjoying the support of "big names" in the industry. But, for those constantly seeking the next high, just wait until you lay your eyes on the new Reason....maybe, just maybe, then you'll get on with it and make music.
Everyone wants Vst in Reason! YOU noel, want Vst in Reason, Joeyluck wants Vst in Reason... Even Propellerheads wants Vst in Reason, in a way Vst is already inside of Reason.

I think something got lost in translation here. I believe that MOST people who say they want Vst in REASON don't mean to say that they don't like having the extra controls that are found on the back of REs. What they are asking for is the Algorithm the code and the UI options the maturity of the VST plugin SDK that allows developers to create and push boundaries.

When you and I ask a none Reason developer if they would be interested in bringing there device to Reason, in my mind, I'm not asking them to creat a none CV devices that sites outside of Reason....I'm thinking of the code and what ever else comes with that device that makes it sound or perform well.

When the new and improved Reason DAW and RE Sdk comes out , it will have features that are already found in VSTs and in other DAWs... short of Propellerhead inviting a new piece of technology..... it will bring REASON more in line with what's already out....and that's normal. Sure there will be something's that may apply only to Reason, but overall it will be features found on other DAW...again there's nothing wrong with that.
My opinion is that Propellerhead REASON needs a complete rewrite!
P.S: people should stop saying "No it won't happen" when referring to a complete rewrite of REASON. I have 3 letters for ya....VST
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:53 pm

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