Extracting samples for use outside Reason

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08 Nov 2016

Possibly dumb question...if you have a refill with samples in .wav format, how would you open these for use in a VST or AU sampler? (On a mac.)
Cosmopolis, out now: : https://timeslaves.bandcamp.com/album/cosmopolis! Check out the first single, "City Lights:

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08 Nov 2016

You can not export the original wav files, but you can export the audio into new audio files.
Create an audio track, drag all samples onto it and they will line up in clips. Select all clips, right-click and bounce to new audio files.

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09 Nov 2016

You create a folder and then save the .wav format sounds you like into that folder and then open them up in a Sampler Vst
A VST that let's you drag and drop .wav files or access that folder of .wav in some way.

Fxpansion Geist 2 or Linplug CRX4 are a few examples their are a few options, but you're DAW might be capable of this, but yeah you'd have to try it out.
Seeing as you said VST though I assume a Sampler VST might be what you are after.

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14 Nov 2016

Thanks. Basically I've got some fabulous effected drum samples in a refill that I want to use in Logic so I'm not always rewiring. I'll try those techniques out.
Cosmopolis, out now: : https://timeslaves.bandcamp.com/album/cosmopolis! Check out the first single, "City Lights:

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