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(Trance / Classic Trance) Dance !

Posted: 03 May 2024
by o_imseng

although I do not post frequently I have been with this forum for over probably a decade now, don't even know when RT started anymore :lol: .

To celebrate the launch of the new digital content creator platform I have revisited one of my very early reason day tracks. I recall it was made in 2005 with version 2.5 and featured Malstroem very heavily.

There is a preview on the marketplace to listen to. This is a digital collectible and only 75 editions are available, each for 5 USD. So if anyone likes to take a listen to the preview or even decide to collect an edition, I'd be happy and very thankful.

Here is the direct link, preview player is located a bit further down the page: ... 32bdfb60a2

In the near future there will be more release there and maybe even some Reason patch sets.
In any case, let me know what you think, of the preview, the collectible or whatever tips you might have for me.

Thank you,