Selig Gain RE new version 1.2.3

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12 Oct 2015

submonsterz wrote: Nor have been the way you all swung my comment elsewhere ....
If you all don't like me my comments or my ways you got the ban button press it I'm done with most people in this community just like many others have done for the same reasons as me .. yes lots have gone because of the mentality here.
Well at least you agree that your comments were NOT very grown up..

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12 Oct 2015

normen wrote:
submonsterz wrote: Nor have been the way you all swung my comment elsewhere ....
If you all don't like me my comments or my ways you got the ban button press it I'm done with most people in this community just like many others have done for the same reasons as me .. yes lots have gone because of the mentality here.
Well at least you agree that your comments were NOT very grown up..
If people want to be immature ill follow the lead to stay on thier childish level.

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12 Oct 2015

submonsterz wrote:And I ain't got no problem with selig I have a problem now with the god like status everyone seems to put on him now from this.
Well at least you ARE aware of your own motives even if you are not quite owning up to it being your reason for seeming to feel sorry for Pitchblende's lack of attention all of a sudden. Despite your common insistence that we pretty much all run with the pack here and are almost incapable of discerning quality without your educational input there are many free thinking individuals here that a capable of coming to their own conclusions.

There are many reason Giles is popular here that have nothing to do with people being sycophantic or not being able to discern the wheat from the chaff. Godlike? I think you'll probably have to look inward for where that's coming from because he ain't I my list of deities and I'm pretty sure he'd think it odd if he was.

I also know that myself, Giles and JP fully acknowledge the great work that Pitchblende do I'm pretty sure many here do too. In fact meowsqueak was a well-respected member of the community long before you deigned to come along to point out the collective error of our ways at every opportunity.

If you see us here as mere lambs lining up to the slaughter then you are going to feel bad about this place, if you start looking at us as a collection of reasonably intelligent human beings that are capable of individual thought and that share a small common interest, a software package, then I'm sure your time here will become more bearable.

Of course I say all this with love, as very much like yourself I'm certianly an advocate of pointing out the truth as I see it.

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12 Oct 2015

"Any man who must say I am the king, is no true king." - Tywin Lannister

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12 Oct 2015

Ostermilk wrote:
submonsterz wrote:And I ain't got no problem with selig I have a problem now with the god like status everyone seems to put on him now from this.
Well at least you ARE aware of your own motives even if you are not quite owning up to it being your reason for seeming to feel sorry for Pitchblende's lack of attention all of a sudden. Despite your common insistence that we pretty much all run with the pack here and are almost incapable of discerning quality without your educational input there are many free thinking individuals here that a capable of coming to their own conclusions.

There are many reason Giles is popular here that have nothing to do with people being sycophantic or not being able to discern the wheat from the chaff. Godlike? I think you'll probably have to look inward for where that's coming from because he ain't I my list of deities and I'm pretty sure he'd think it odd if he was.

I also know that myself, Giles and JP fully acknowledge the great work that Pitchblende do I'm pretty sure many here do too. In fact meowsqueak was a well-respected member of the community long before you deigned to come along to point out the collective error of our ways at every opportunity.

If you see us here as mere lambs lining up to the slaughter then you are going to feel bad about this place, if you start looking at us as a collection of reasonably intelligent human beings that are capable of individual thought and that share a small common interest, a software package, then I'm sure your time here will become more bearable.

Of course I say all this with love, as very much like yourself I'm certianly an advocate of pointing out the truth as I see it.
You forgot to highlight the "now from this" part like a selective miss interpretation there.
The now from this puts the highlighted selection into a far different light to the just part selected highlight.
See where the selective can go now in another direction . I look at a whole as a whole not a part of the whole to break it into parts brings things that did not exist in the first place . I never started out with a problem it has been made a problem and an issue by others .
I think it's best I just stay away from this place.
I'll continue to help out people in private and join others I communicate with away from here and just take thier stance and advice to stay away and just observe without interaction.
And just for the record for those that think I'm miserable unhappy or just a bitter person.
The truth is I'm happy totally I'm a 47 year old who lives a happy life who's had a hard knock upbringing and changed it to all the success I needed in life and the music world to be retired from early twenties in age and able to give my time and attention to who ever needs it without need to expect a bean in return. So might put anyone's thoughts into perspective on what type of person I am in reality .

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12 Oct 2015

Gaja wrote:"Any man who must say I am the king, is no true king." - Tywin Lannister
Hence why I see myself as a person who is no different than any other no one is higher than me and certainly no one is lower than me . And anyone that thinks any differently about themselves is a problem to society and to humanity as a whole.

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12 Oct 2015

I dont give a hoot who started it, but are you all done? Back on topic.
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12 Oct 2015

submonsterz wrote:
normen wrote:
submonsterz wrote:you don't make sense in your post I was saying people giving credit soley to the name on the tin knowing full well the tin has another name on the back that actually made the tin and came back to fix the dent but never got a thank you .
does that make my post clear for ya now ?.
So I take it that in all your compositions you thank every coder of every synth you use? Or the people that made the metal casing of your hardware synth? I think people are very aware of the fact that the core DSP code is done by Pitchblende, its written on every RE Selig put out. That doesn't change the fact that how the device code behaves is 100% designed by Selig - and thats what people like about the devices. Or people dislike about Uwe Boll movies for that matter..
then when praising people should praise the team as a whole yes not just selig but maybe a thanks selig and team or thanks selig and pitchblend for the fix .
if I do a job with someone they take the same credit as me its a joint effort not a sole venture.
I thought this thread was about Selig Gain RE new version 1.2.3.
Nice gesture Selig ( who made the offer of free compensation )

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12 Oct 2015

submonsterz wrote:This may come across as a personal assult etc etc which it is not ok read all I write before making that assumption.
Now to what I want to get clear here is just this.
First of all I see people all ways praising certain people not just the one I am making this post about here there are and have been others...
Why is it people praise selig so much for "HIS" devices when as far as my info is selig is the concept man who pays to have his re`s developed for him by pitchblend "THE CODERS" of said re`s.
I find it quit insulting that pitchblend who have made most of the most talked about and used and praised res over the time get no recognition when it is them to make the fixes (quickly) and to code such nice devices for you all.
Now selig can you verify your actual part in the making of your re`s ? either you are the concept man and pitchblend the coders that work the actual magic that without their services your devices would never be seen or exist .
I will take the leap and say you cannot code yourself and if you can code at all in the said re format there would actually had been no need for pitchblend to code these for you
as other re devs do the code for themselves on there res and do not pay/or cut coders in for a profit from said plug in from sales to have them or other coders involved.
So to me peoples total blank on pitchblend even coming here and saying they have made their fix and people just ignoring the fact it is them that fixes and not actually selig is just plain ignorance.
Sorry I just hate peoples ways on here the give credit where due shite all the time etc etc and the shite about peoples hard work and the such and the recognition they should receive but blankly send it the wrong way to certain people .
My rant of the day over carry on people.
Thats called business. They have a business agreement & partnership. Anyone with common sense would know that.
If I owned a McDonalds would you have a problem because I didn't cook the fries, burgers and ran the cash register?
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