Suggestion for an easier to digest Reason release strategy as another alternative to subscription and perpetual

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12 Aug 2022

As I had suggested some time ago in this post the next major Release version of Reason could go into a more modular release scheme. I'll update this idea a little bit now in the hopes for it to get more visibility (esp. by RS).

The Idea is to lower the barrier of entry for non-subscribers thus it is an orthogonal approach to subscriptions that targets a different kind of customer and thus could help to increase the revenue. Imho the system could work like this:

RS would introduce various packages which could all be bought (or possibly bundled with hardware purchases) separately:

Free tier:
  • just the Reason Rack Plugin and no DAW functionality,
  • access to the shop,
  • and to highlight the modular nature of Reason add those modules:
    • Pulsar LGM-1,
    • CV and Audio spiders,
    • Line mixer 6:2
    • all the half rack devices
This free tier would tremendously help RE developers as now there is an easy solution to also service users of other DAWs without having to support a VST/AU port. This would also make the RE platform with all its benefits over VST much more attractive to new developers. Also the included goodies and the lot of free REs in the store will attract lots of new users and thus increase the potential customer base.

Then to get the free users to buy into the DAW you could add some reasonably priced feature bundles to the shop. Those would also successively unlock the DAW features (alá "Build your custom Reason Rack").

My suggestion for the bundles would be something like this:

Combinations bundle (49€):
  • Combinator
  • Matrix
  • RPG-8
  • Mixer 14:2
  • Comp edit mode
  • +8 sequencer tracks
Slices bundle (49€):
  • Dr Octorex
  • Kong
  • Slice edit mode
  • +8 sequencer tracks
Pitch bundle (49€):
  • Neptune
  • NN-19
  • pitch edit mode
  • +8 sequencer tracks
Timing bundle (49€):
  • The Echo
  • Alligator
  • Synchronous
  • Dual Arpeggio
  • time stretch edit mode
  • +8 sequencer tracks
Beat bundle (49€)
  • Redrum
  • Beatmap
  • blocks mode
  • +8 sequencer tracks
Reason Compact bundle (49€):
  • Rytmik
  • Monotone
  • Europa
  • ID8
  • +8 sequencer tracks
Player bundle (49€):
  • Dual arp
  • Note Echo
  • scales & chords
  • Midi Out Device
  • +8 sequencer tracks
Mastering FX Bundle (49€):
  • MClass FX
  • Master Bus Compressor
  • Channel Dynamics
  • Channel EQ
  • +8 sequencer tracks
FX Bundle (49€):
  • RV7000 MK2
  • Audiomatic
  • Scream4
  • Pulveriser
  • BV512 Vocoder
  • Softube Bass Amp
  • Softtube Guitar Amp
  • Sweeper
  • Quartet
  • +8 sequencer tracks
Classic Synths bundle (49€):
  • Thor
  • Subtractor
  • Malstöm
  • +8 sequencer tracks
Modern Synths bundle (99€):
  • Grain
  • Europa
  • +8 sequencer tracks
Acoustic Instruments bundle (99€):
  • NN-XT
  • Radical Piano
  • Klang
  • Humana
  • Pangea
  • +8 sequencer tracks
To keep getting the whole package at once stay an attractive upgrade option, 50-80% of the price paid for those bundles should be deducted from the upgrade cost to the full version of Reason.

The main idea is to having the core modules packaged into bite sized bundles so new users could slowly explore more and more of the Reason ecosystem without shelling out a massive amount of money upfront and without the nagging fear of loosing access when not paying up on a subscription.

I hope RS staff around here can get some inspiration from this and then have a nice discussion with P&D and the marketing department over this. I suppose implementing this should be quite possible as the recent refactoring of the code to support HiRes graphics most likely also lead to a more modularised code base or possibly porting over all the internal devices to the RE SDK anyhow.
Last edited by jam-s on 12 Aug 2022, edited 1 time in total.

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12 Aug 2022

Just wondering: you do realize that the rack plugin comes with its own copy of the Reason DAW to utilize? Using the rack plugin implies having 2 copies of Reason installed.

Honestly... I think they should focus on providing a full substitute for the removal of ReWire. I mean... I don't get it, really, why can "other DAWs" provide full support through VST inside DAW's while Reason only manages to give us an instrument and/or effects collection? I'm talking a "pattern based DAW" that give you the full deal: instruments, mixer and sequencer alike while another DAW is leading and in control of the transport.

And that is what I'm missing in your post...

You want to talk modular, why not focus on... the sequencer and the mixer? Make those available inside other DAW's?

It seems weird to me to split the rack from the DAW considering that the rack implies a full DAW in the first place.
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12 Aug 2022

I think you missed his point. He’s suggesting a different way of doing things so in his idea the rack doesn’t come with the daw.

I honestly could see a free version of the rack with bundles to add more devices, that makes sense to me. But chopping up the daw? Hmm as a user that would just come off as RS trying to monetise every bit of it and wouldn’t give a good impression of the software or brand. The rack though that makes total sense.

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12 Aug 2022

ShelLuser wrote:
12 Aug 2022
And that is what I'm missing in your post...

You want to talk modular, why not focus on... the sequencer and the mixer? Make those available inside other DAW's?
It seems weird to me to split the rack from the DAW considering that the rack implies a full DAW in the first place.
I think you totally missed the point of my post. I'm talking about having an additional option for customers to gradually get into the Reason DAW while also offering a quick and free way to enter the Reason ecosystem which would help the RE platform.

Adding DAW functionality to the RRP like you suggest is NOT the scope of this post. (And I would also argue against it). So please stay on topic or create your own suggestion thread. Thanks.

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12 Aug 2022

Steedus wrote:
12 Aug 2022
I think you missed his point. He’s suggesting a different way of doing things so in his idea the rack doesn’t come with the daw.

I honestly could see a free version of the rack with bundles to add more devices, that makes sense to me. But chopping up the daw? Hmm as a user that would just come off as RS trying to monetise every bit of it and wouldn’t give a good impression of the software or brand. The rack though that makes total sense.
I also don't advocate for closing the DAW. The bundles would include the standalone (rather empty) DAW with imposed restrictions on track count.

Regarding "Chopping up the DAW", I think a gradual route might be a good option for people who don't want to go "all-in" at once or who would rather customise their Reason experience using REs. Teens might also prefer to get Reason in sizeable 50€ increments over several months rather than paying 400€ at once. So in general this would be more in line with Voltage Modular or the Magix MusicMaker line, where you can buy additional functionality inside the plugin/DAW (or you could just directly buy the big "includes everything" bundle as before).

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12 Aug 2022

jam-s wrote:
12 Aug 2022
Adding DAW functionality to the RRP like you suggest is NOT the scope of this post. (And I would also argue against it). So please stay on topic or create your own suggestion thread. Thanks.
Errr, this is posted in Reason General, and the very description for this forum mentions discussions about Reason. Which is exactly what I'm doing.

Are you sure you didn't confuse this with Reason feature requests?

I can respect that you don't like my comment, but IMO you're way off telling me not to discuss this in a forum dedicated to... discussions out of all things. For the record: I understood fully what you were saying in the OP.

Don't worry, I have no intention to press this on any further.
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12 Aug 2022

ShelLuser wrote:
12 Aug 2022
Are you sure you didn't confuse this with Reason feature requests?

I can respect that you don't like my comment, but IMO you're way off telling me not to discuss this in a forum dedicated to... discussions out of all things. For the record: I understood fully what you were saying in the OP.

Don't worry, I have no intention to press this on any further.
No, I deliberately chose this forum, as it is not a feature of Reason I'm suggesting here, but rather having another (additional) business strategy. Your answer on the other hand sounded more fit for the feature suggestion forum imho. (And I liked your post, just not the proposal. But we could discuss this in a feature suggestion thread for this - if you'd like to. ;) )

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12 Aug 2022

"Modular" in the title might be giving some people the wrong impression given Reason's rack environment?

Maybe "piecemeal" or another way to describe it?

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12 Aug 2022

joeyluck wrote:
12 Aug 2022
"Modular" in the title might be giving some people the wrong impression given Reason's rack environment?

Maybe "piecemeal" or another way to describe it?
Right, this word has multiple meanings here. I changed the title to be more descriptive. Thanks for the suggestion.

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12 Aug 2022

IMO this sounds like a less cost effective version of Reason Intro/Lite, which was frequently given away for free and included RE support, the rack plugin, and the DAW. Of course, that was discontinued.

And for this to make financial sense, you'd need to ask how many potential users are abstaining from both Reason+ and Reason standalone yet would be interested in what you're describing--which is essentially a DAW filled with in-app purchases? I feel like it's a niche group.
jam-s wrote:
12 Aug 2022
This free tier would tremendously help RE developers as now there is an easy solution to also service users of other DAWs without having to support a VST/AU port. This would also make the RE platform with all its benefits over VST much more attractive to new developers.
Users generally dislike plugins that require a "wrapper." Just look at the complaints whenever a sample library requires Kontakt or an instrument requires Reaktor. If you're not already bought into Reason as a modular rack environment, it will just feel like pointless bloat. You'd have to really want that RE for the benefits to outweigh the drawbacks.

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12 Aug 2022

Pepin wrote:
12 Aug 2022
Users generally dislike plugins that require a "wrapper." Just look at the complaints whenever a sample library requires Kontakt or an instrument requires Reaktor. If you're not already bought into Reason as a modular rack environment, it will just feel like pointless bloat. You'd have to really want that RE for the benefits to outweigh the drawbacks.
On the other hand people buy modular plugins like VCV Rack, Voltage Modular, SnapHeap or Reaktor and are full of praise for them. So I suppose the Rack Plugin (esp. in combination with free REs from the shop) could also fit this bill.

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13 Aug 2022

Those options don't feel even remotely "easy to digest" to me. It seems like a plan to turn Reason into the money pit that modular synths are. I don't think this would save anyone money in the long run and it sounds like a management nightmare for Reason Studios.

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13 Aug 2022

I think a few of us have mentioned the empty rack or rack with a few devices idea. The bundles though I’m not so sure. But that’s to me as a long time user, i don’t think a lot of the stock devices are worth being purchased separately. That said, R+ Companion does reflect every device separately so you may not be far off on what they could potentially do.

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13 Aug 2022

Yeah I definitely like the free, empty rack idea.

I think they could maybe create an interesting upgrade path from an empty rack, such as saying that if a user has bought any RE from the shop (including those from third parties and even the $9 REs) that they can get something like $50 off of the full version of Reason. It would be an offer/incentive where the upgrade value can be greater than the prerequisite paid cost. Many people can't resist that.

That would encourage people to not only try the free rack, but then browse the shop to buy something. Kind of like Plugin Boutique where you want the freebie more than anything, so then you search and search for the best thing to buy for the best bang for your buck. Sometimes you end up spending more than the minimum.

And then after they have bought Reason, you have a customer who is already familiar with the shop and likely has more on their wishlist already from their initial browsing and purchase.

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13 Aug 2022

As a No-VST and All-RE kind of user, I'm up for anything that keeps the RE format alive and thriving.

The OP proposal seems pretty well thought out, although perhaps a bit complicated. At the very least, a free empty VST rack is a must, if nothing else so non Reason users can buy and use things like Algoritm and Friktion.

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15 Aug 2022

jam-s wrote:
12 Aug 2022
As I had suggested some time ago in this post the next major Release version of Reason could go into a more modular release scheme. I'll update this idea a little bit now in the hopes for it to get more visibility (esp. by RS).

The Idea is to lower the barrier of entry for non-subscribers thus it is an orthogonal approach to subscriptions that targets a different kind of customer and thus could help to increase the revenue. Imho the system could work like this:

RS would introduce various packages which could all be bought (or possibly bundled with hardware purchases) separately:

Free tier:
  • just the Reason Rack Plugin and no DAW functionality,
  • access to the shop,
  • and to highlight the modular nature of Reason add those modules:
    • Pulsar LGM-1,
    • CV and Audio spiders,
    • Line mixer 6:2
    • all the half rack devices
This free tier would tremendously help RE developers as now there is an easy solution to also service users of other DAWs without having to support a VST/AU port. This would also make the RE platform with all its benefits over VST much more attractive to new developers. Also the included goodies and the lot of free REs in the store will attract lots of new users and thus increase the potential customer base.

Then to get the free users to buy into the DAW you could add some reasonably priced feature bundles to the shop. Those would also successively unlock the DAW features (alá "Build your custom Reason Rack").


I hope RS staff around here can get some inspiration from this
Interesting ideas there, with the caveat helping RE devs at this point may be too late. It's hard to quantify without knowing the take-up of RRP as the exclusive usage model to new users, and how many of them make purchases from the shop to extend the basic device list. I can't imagine many people either buying R12 or subbing to R+ to only use RRP. :-?

Whether it's actually above expectation or really poor, it still needed a properly integrated policy from the off with pointers to third party RE content when R11 launched, not the short-term self-interest to their own bottom line when RRP was developed, that at times even studiously seemed to avoid a notion of the shop even existing. (I don't know if that's changed since I last took an interest). FWIW, though, playing devil's adovcnut, I'm not sure I can see a path to how even a free version of RRP would really be viable without, at the very least, all the R1-4 era synths, utilities and sample-players. It would need to do something standalone in another DAW: they all arguably come with better effects than really any of the half-racks (soft spot here for PH-1 and RV-1, mind). I mean, when was the last time anyone here intentionally went Create > Foldback Distortion? (Probably around 2002. And you were really confused and disappointed then :lol: ) .

For most users, I'd guess that's true for many if not all the R1/R2.0 FX. Only time most ever see them is in Combis or in re-opened old songfiles, and likely most of those are pre-RE era. Just having a free RRP with only the half-racks in the hope it may drive people to buy shit to make something useful of it via the shop may be a worse advert for Reason than leaving it as-is. I do think RRP should have been made available as at least a standalone paid product. Offering RRP with Reason 6 Rack selection (pre-RE, but including Alligator/Pulsar/Echo) seems like a no-brainer. That stuff is all long amortized. But I kinda get one also can be reluctant to give away too much for free. it's a fine balance, and perhaps does have the risk of taking away from full-price/full-subs revenue. However, that feels a little like traditional anti-piracy arguments: people not interested in Reason as a DAW ain't ever making that purchase anyway, but might be tempted to add Viking 2 or the Harmonic Synth or Expanse via a free or cheap RRP standalone plugin.

But what they'll actually do is introduce an NFT Combi Shop, keeping a 50% revenue cut to themselves ("Buy your Exclusive Revi Natlev Combis on the Blockchain!") and introduce an new unfoldable, unkillable Always-Online Advert Rack Device to the R+ Rack for your £20 a month. ("Take your Reason next level NOW with the Ad-free version for Only £40 per Month!"). :puf_wink:

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15 Aug 2022

I must admit when I spoke about the free rrp idea I was thinking just as something that came free with rack extensions to enable non reason users to be able to consider products without a sub or £400 outlay. Hence why in my idea it would be empty apart from what is required to work in another daw (midi out etc).

I do not think sales of rack extension would be massive but it does open to doors to many potential customers and could possibly bring revenue from a source currently unutilised. I hope this may benefit rack extension devs too even in some small way.

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15 Aug 2022

This is a good idea. I suggested the same thing to the Reason people a while back. To take it a step further, Reason+ Subscription should be rent to own the Reason DAW, with the added benefit of access to all the Reason plugins and sound packs while you're subscribing. If they did it this way, I don't see why anyone would be against subscribing to Reason+. People would even stay subscribed even once they've paid enough to own it if they could walk away as full owners of the latest version of the DAW when they did eventually stop subscribing.

3DCoat does something like this and so did Allegorithmic before they got bought by Adobe. Not to mention Unity which has a free version of the game dev tool, but makes so much money off their plugin store.

It makes so much sense, I don't know what they heck they've been thinking.

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