It was 20 years ago today…

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04 Jul 2023

In Reason boat from R 1.0, because I was been a fan of ReBirth, and regularly visit propellerhead site with rebirth mods, songs. This was been interesting place. Just cant skip Reason from early info stages, that was been published on their site. ... index.php3

Good that we have today chances back to the "Project_X" time, when Reason was been in work.
Remember as read .plans blogs of propellerheads crew. Just open them now and read how Marcus and other write about upcoming works under Project X. This is interesting (look .plans section):: ... x-home.htm

SpyCam section was been really fun, with jokes and inside photos: ... py9910.htm

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04 Jul 2023

I was blown away by Scream 4 when I first saw it in a mates home studio back in 2000ish. I was a grungy guitarist using mostly borrowed gear and a single stomp box for gain so being able to sound design distortion was totally awesome. But the fact you couldn’t record audio made it totally useless to me. I was much more interested in the digital 8 track portastudios that were coming out at the time. Fast forward to 2017 and I wanted to learn how synths work . In my mind electronic music has always meant Reason and MPCs because that’s what the electronic producers I knew had always used. So I got on board with Reason 10. I use it more like a modular synth than a DAW, it’s a sound design paradise.

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04 Jul 2023

I had been going to my friends studio a lot as we used to have football comps on Nintendo 64. I was just djing at the time and he showed me how to patch hardware synths and what a adsr envelope was etc.
He used to have a main studio and also a small studio room upstairs that had a copy of Reason installed so I would mess about with it whilst waiting for him to finish work so we could play football. Not sure what version it was but recall it had subtractor and malstrom. His main daw was logic so I also tried that.

A few years later when I decided I wanted to create music I could not afford a mac so logic was a non starter, tried cubase at a friend's and did not get on with it. Reason however was familiar and the cables reminded me of patching hardware. In my postage stamp of knowledge back then it was the obvious choice and I knew I had fun using it before even if I was just turning knobs. My first version was r9 so a lot later to the party to a lot of forum members.

Took me ages to understand sound design and how to make the sounds I liked and don't think I made a track for the first 3 years as was just absorbing info from Ryan's super beat cheat sheet and reason expert vids.

Still glad of the choice I made even if I do now use it as a RRP in live.

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04 Jul 2023

I was a kid who wanted to emulate demoscene tracks like those produced by radix. At the time I was using FastTracker2 with chilling results, then a friend passed me a pirated copy of Fruityloops 3.? and it was an instant upgrade for me. I got Rebirth on one of those pirate CDs that were floating around at the time with cracked installs of games, software and demoscene creations on them, but the sequencer was faithful to the Roland originals and therefore too difficult for me. Then when a friend of mine, who was a guitarist in a death metal band (!) quite well known in my area at the time, gave me a pirated copy of Reason 1.0. Boom! Never looked anywhere else since. Even with all its limitations, especially those related to audio, I used to invent embarrassing workarounds like using redrum as a launcher for the audio samples I recorded with the basic windows XP audio editor, ahaha good times. For me Reason is home, in any other DAW I feel like I'm standing in line at the tax office.

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04 Jul 2023

20 years ago I ran Cubase 5 VST, with a Creamware XTC card for synths and FX's. It was difficult to keep it up and running, and eventually swapped it for a digital Roland mixer to provide 8 more input channels for my Roland VS-2480CD 24 track workstation/recorder. I used the VS2480CD with a Yamaha RM1x Sequencer for MIDI. I had two more synths back then: A Korg N1, which I still have and a Korg Prophecy, which I sold sold and now regret......

After that I bought a new music PC with Cubase 5 pro. They also installed and licensed Reason 4 on that machine. I found it funny to play with it for fun, but could not oversee the potential of it. Fast forward to Reason 11 when it came out: i bought the suite of it. Now on twelve perpetual and super happy. I do not use Cubase anymore, nor do I need it in any way. Since 2017 I have Ableton Live, starting at 9 suite, now 10 suite and Push2. The latter is mostly used with Reason with the magic software PusheR2.

Around 97 I started making music with a PC, with Cakewalk 7 before switching to Cubase 3.71 VST. During and shortly after my SAE days in Amsterdam I used a G3 iMac Blueberry with a 400 MHz processor and 256MB ram LOL. After that I went back to the Windows platform. I once had an AMD shortly, for the rest I stuck to Intel Pentiums and Celerons. I had a Pentium 100, a 200 overdrive, a Celeron 333, a Pentium2 400, then the AMD (dunno which one it was), a duo core Pentium, and later on a i7-920 quadcore and now an i7-7700 quadcore. as interface I rely on Focusrite for the last 8 years, first a FW Saffire Pro 40, and now a Scarlet 18i20.
Greetings from Miyaru.
Prodaw i7-7700, 16Gb Ram, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd gen, ESI M4U eX, Reason12, Live Suit 10, Push2, Presonus Eris E8 and Monitor Station V2, Lexicon MPX1,
Korg N1, Yamaha RM1x :thumbup:

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05 Jul 2023

Started on Dr Ts/Cubase.. I think I finished* more music then with a hardware setup than now with a list of REs/VSTs! Anyone remember how much an Atari ST 4mg upgrade kit cost!? lol..

:reason: :re: :ignition: Atari 1040ST | R11 Suite 🡭 R12 | i7 | RME

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05 Jul 2023

Neo wrote:
05 Jul 2023
Started on Dr Ts/Cubase.. I think I finished* more music then with a hardware setup than now with a list of REs/VSTs! Anyone remember how much an Atari ST 4mg upgrade kit cost!? lol..

Nice video’s, I enjoyed them on this rainy and windy day overhere in the Netherlands!

It was good fun to re-remember how things where done back then. And how happy we must be with all the thing we have right now in Reason……

Time to go back to work again, but again a big thank you for sharing these vids!!!!
Greetings from Miyaru.
Prodaw i7-7700, 16Gb Ram, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd gen, ESI M4U eX, Reason12, Live Suit 10, Push2, Presonus Eris E8 and Monitor Station V2, Lexicon MPX1,
Korg N1, Yamaha RM1x :thumbup:

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05 Jul 2023

Was doing it quite in style, ahead of the other DAWs by a country mile. Wait
Who’s using the royal plural now baby? 🧂

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05 Jul 2023

My first experience with Propellerheads was when they reached out to me to test what was to become Rebirth. I was pretty young at the time, but had gained some notoriety from starting a “TB-303 Re-release Petition” in the mid-90’s. I was living at home at the time, using my parents horribly underpowered machine (effectively only able to do email with it), so the specs were FAR below what was needed to run Rebirth, so… I politely declined. What a missed opportunity!

I finally got a decently powered machine of my own in 2001, and bought a second hand CD copy of Rebirth. It wasn’t long after that, when I started with a crack of Cubase and Reason. I have zero recollection of which version of Reason I first used, but I did eventually go legit and bought Record + Reason 5 (and have upgraded to most versions since, only skipping R7 and R11).

I’m still digging thru projects made back in the cracked Reason days, expanding upon what I could do at the time.

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05 Jul 2023

miyaru wrote:
05 Jul 2023
Neo wrote:
05 Jul 2023
Started on Dr Ts/Cubase.. I think I finished* more music then with a hardware setup than now with a list of REs/VSTs! Anyone remember how much an Atari ST 4mg upgrade kit cost!? lol..
Nice video’s, I enjoyed them on this rainy and windy day overhere in the Netherlands!

It was good fun to re-remember how things where done back then. And how happy we must be with all the thing we have right now in Reason……

Time to go back to work again, but again a big thank you for sharing these vids!!!!
Indeed cheers miyaru.. en goede morgen from Melbourne.
:reason: :re: :ignition: Atari 1040ST | R11 Suite 🡭 R12 | i7 | RME

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06 Jul 2023

A buddy brought me a disc with R1 too (then I already had Rebirth, I often disappeared in it at night, sometimes falling asleep in headphones). Then I often changed platforms and was looking for something that was most convenient for me. The rack and switching hooked me right away, because before that I worked with hardware, but there were a lot of issues with audio recording. A few versions later, Recycle appeared on a similar disc, and I even recorded an album in which most of the audio tracks were presented in the form of rex loops. Later Record came out with audio tracks (what I always needed), by that time I could already use eBay and six months later I bought Reason Record Duo.
I really wanted to get off this train sometimes, I tried to switch to Studio 1, Reaper and Ableton, but I always had to return, I don’t know why.
Now my main problem is that I can't get used to Win10 installed on the second disk and use R12, which also did not overcome the blurry font problem.

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06 Jul 2023

It was 20 years ago today…

Propellerheads taught the band to play
They've been going in and out of style
But they're guaranteed to raise a smile
So may I introduce to you
The DAW you've known for all these years? Reason Studios DAW Reason version 12

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06 Jul 2023

Neo wrote:
05 Jul 2023
Started on Dr Ts/Cubase.. I think I finished* more music then with a hardware setup than now with a list of REs/VSTs! Anyone remember how much an Atari ST 4mg upgrade kit cost!? lol..

All this stuff was out of my reach when I was a kid. They still had Ataris set up at the music tech college I went to in 1998. I now use Cubase and Reason because they were what I had seen being used in studios in my aspirational youth.

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Marco Raaphorst
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06 Jul 2023

I saw people try out Reason in Rock Palace, a local music shop here in The Hague, The Netherlands. I'd read about it in Sound On Sound magazine. It looks nice and simple to use. Back home I decided to download the demo version. It did lock out every 10 minutes or some, I believe. I was impressed by the stability since Cubase at the time crashed a lot on my PC. I also loved the sounds which were not super clean like all the Roland stuff I had been using since the early 90s. Reason came with the more organic sounds you heard on modern records at the time. In that same week I went back to the shop and bought it.

Since the late 80s and early 90s I had been using Cubase on the Atari. Synced with SMPTE to tape. That was hell. After working with it for years I gave up on computers in 1994 and only did live playing (guitar). Around 1998 I started using Cubase on the PC again but hated the crashes and the way Cubase worked. Thanks to Reason this all changed and I started making music on the computer again in 2001.

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07 Jul 2023

Neo wrote:
05 Jul 2023
miyaru wrote:
05 Jul 2023

Nice video’s, I enjoyed them on this rainy and windy day overhere in the Netherlands!

It was good fun to re-remember how things where done back then. And how happy we must be with all the thing we have right now in Reason……

Time to go back to work again, but again a big thank you for sharing these vids!!!!
Indeed cheers miyaru.. en goede morgen from Melbourne.
Goede morgen for everyone, goede morgen means good morning!!!!
Greetings from Miyaru.
Prodaw i7-7700, 16Gb Ram, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd gen, ESI M4U eX, Reason12, Live Suit 10, Push2, Presonus Eris E8 and Monitor Station V2, Lexicon MPX1,
Korg N1, Yamaha RM1x :thumbup:

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07 Jul 2023

I was in a Guitar Center in my early 20's and decided it was time for me to dive in the Pro audio world by grabbing an MBOX 2 that came with Protools 7 LE. That package came with several pieces of software including "Reason Adapted 2.5". I fell in love with the workflow of using Reason rewired into Protools so I could lay down virtual instruments. I liked it so much I decided to go out and spring for the full Reason 3.0 when it was released.

In those days music software was not nearly as stable so Reason stood out for being rock solid, quick, and super fun to use. I specifically remember thinking "Man I wish Propellerhead would just add audio recording so I could get away from Protools in use only Reason. When Reason 6 came out they integrated Record and also released the Balance Interface. That was when I jumped from using Protools and Studio one 2 at the time to going all in on Reason.

I've upgraded every version since 6 and still to this day don't think another DAW can compete with how fast I can make music in Reason. I also own Cubase, Bitwig, and Reaper but Reason is what I call home.
| REASON 12 | BITWIG 5 | CUBASE 13 | SSL2+ | AUDIENT ID4 | ERIS E5 MONITORS | ESP LTD TE-212 | MXL MICS | LES PAUL TRADITIONAL PRO II | NEKTAR T4 |[/color] :reason: :re: :PUF_balance: :refill:

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07 Jul 2023

I was a DJ at a college radio station and met a rapper. I told him I could make beats, but had no equipment and he gave me a cracked version of Reason 2.5. I made some dope beats on it for him and have been hooked on Reason ever since.

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08 Jul 2023

selig wrote:
17 Mar 2023
It was 20 years ago today…
..."Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play" :puf_smile:

Propellerhad Lonely Hearts-1200.jpg
Propellerhad Lonely Hearts-1200.jpg (554.86 KiB) Viewed 2706 times
:puf_smile: -- :reason: user since 2002

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08 Jul 2023

That I bought Reason 1.0 at the local Rock Palace music store.

Back then 'Replace your hardware' was the slogan and the idea of being able to play a sampler and a synthesizer on a computer was completely new to me.

And... we also got access to the Props forum where a lot of information was exchanged.
The knowledge learned through the forums made it possible to become a Rack Extension developer in 2017.

Thanks to Reason and its users.

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08 Jul 2023

wendylou wrote:
08 Jul 2023
selig wrote:
17 Mar 2023
It was 20 years ago today…
..."Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play" :puf_smile:

Propellerhad Lonely Hearts-1200.jpg
Yep, and that’s the way it is, although that record was, I believe, recorded on a four track recorder…… and not with Reason, or?
Greetings from Miyaru.
Prodaw i7-7700, 16Gb Ram, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd gen, ESI M4U eX, Reason12, Live Suit 10, Push2, Presonus Eris E8 and Monitor Station V2, Lexicon MPX1,
Korg N1, Yamaha RM1x :thumbup:

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08 Jul 2023

miyaru wrote:
08 Jul 2023
wendylou wrote:
08 Jul 2023

..."Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play" :puf_smile:

Propellerhad Lonely Hearts-1200.jpg
Yep, and that’s the way it is, although that record was, I believe, recorded on a four track recorder…… and not with Reason, or?
Four track RECORDERS (more than one) for bouncing purposes. But no, they reportedly felt Reason was more of a toy and not a proper studio tool IIRC… ;)
Selig Audio, LLC

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08 Jul 2023

selig wrote:
08 Jul 2023
miyaru wrote:
08 Jul 2023

Yep, and that’s the way it is, although that record was, I believe, recorded on a four track recorder…… and not with Reason, or?
Four track RECORDERS (more than one) for bouncing purposes. But no, they reportedly felt Reason was more of a toy and not a proper studio tool IIRC… ;)
It was the lack of VST MIDI in Reason that put them off. :twisted:

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08 Jul 2023

selig wrote:
17 Mar 2023
It was 20 years ago today…
...Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play

propellerheads.jpg (450.01 KiB) Viewed 2625 times

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09 Jul 2023

I still remember the day I bought 1.0 very well. In 2001 I had bought my first computer, a P4 1.6 and was looking into software. Somewhere on the early internet I read Reason was good but really had no idea what it was or what other software was out there. Drove the 4 hours to Victoria to a music shop and I had a choice between Ableton live or Reason. The guy at the store was going on about how Live just came in stock and was so great. Basically looked at both boxes and as soon as I saw the back of 1.0 with the instruments and patch cables I knew which one I wanted. Also snagged an Oxygen8. Drove the longest 5 hours back to my place...Ugh still remember the Highway out was so gridlocked and at a standstill. Finally got home and was so exited to install it and spent a few more hours just trying out patches and loops and such. Probably another month or two before I felt like I was getting somewhere.

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10 Jul 2023

Around the turn of the century, I was working at MIDIMAN, which eventually because M-AUDIO. I wrote drivers and other assorted software.

So I had legit access to literally every kind of software you could imagine which did audio and/or MIDI. Needed it for testing.

I was a software guy, not a music guy. So I didn't know what an embarrassment of riches I had. At first.

I started to get to know all the apps a little bit because testers would send me bug reports and I'd have to learn how to reproduce them.

After a while, Reason stood out as the app which actually worked -- from both user interface design and stability perspectives.

I had no music theory education. (I still don't!) So all I could really appreciate was the software quality.

Eventually, I decided to explore Reason on my own. How hard could making music be compared to making software? (Yes, that was a joke.)

I credit Reason for enabling me to make terrible, terrible music.

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